
Warrior Spirit Quotes

There are 263 quotes

"In the face of overwhelming odds, the true measure of a warrior is not victory, but the courage to stand firm."
"I am fearless and unstoppable. I am a warrior."
"The flesh of the warriors is mortal and vulnerable, with weaknesses, but the mind and spirit inside the champion is a savage force of undeniable will that's fierce and violent to anything that threatens its ambition."
"I ain't running from hell, I'm bringing heaven to it."
"You girls are true warriors. The sooner you realize it, the sooner you'll reach your highest potential."
"Nobody's born a warrior. You choose to be one when you refuse to stay seated, you choose to be one when you refuse to back down, you choose to be one when you stand up after getting the crap kicked out of you."
"Having a warrior spirit, having an unbreakable will, is to be everything that you can be in life."
"I chose this world to be a warrior, and I would choose it again if I came back to this world."
"Kujo Sara is a fearless warrior and a formidable leader."
"It is not the armor or weapons that make the warrior, it is the spirit."
"It is in our nature as warriors to grow to evolve and to become more than what we ever could have imagined to be."
"Set a fire in your heart, Spartan. Fight hard, die well."
"Jack's character was a friend, a warrior, and a genuinely good person."
"When you think about him, he was a warrior throughout his career."
"Carry your head always high in battle where swords seek to shatter the skulls of doomed warriors."
"You have the heart of a warrior, ready to confront any obstacle or adversity."
"We are legends, Spartans, legions holding their fort, [ __ ] warriors, we are kings, we are queens, we are [ __ ] gods."
"I became the warrior coach, really being a warrior means that you push through, it means that you don't give up."
"A warrior doesn't mean that you beat it, it means that you push through. It means that you keep trying no matter what."
"We are the bravest and most powerful warriors on our land."
"The way of the warrior, champion arise, get back up, my spirit rises."
"Amidst the carnage, resilience shines through - the mark of true warriors."
"Tradition courage honor they are what make us we are the warriors of Tsushima we are samurai."
"She's like a warrior, she'll just leave everything out."
"That's the definition of a warrior, that's the definition of a fighter, that's the definition of a modern-day samurai."
"Maybe that's just you, like you have the [ __ ] spirit of a warrior."
"A warrior who would push every boundary and dig into every reserve to prevail."
"Diego Sanchez is a warrior and he forever will be."
"Monday you're like a warrior, you, in a good way, because nothing is going to drag you down, nothing's going to pull you down or take the wind out of your sails, it's straight ahead, the energy is strong and you're going to do really, really well."
"Tyrion: the fiery warrior with a soul as fierce as his blade, Sun Fang."
"You're full of contradictions. You're a warrior but you're also a philosopher."
"When it comes to what you want in life, do not stop. Keep pushing, keep fighting, you are a warrior, okay?"
"Remember, each and every one of us are warriors."
"This is where warriors are made of. I will never give up."
"You're growing and you're moving like a warrior."
"She's going to be a pretty useful and experienced warrior on a multiversal battlefield."
"You're not losing this battle, you're a warrior."
"I know you'll discover that deep down you've got the heart of a true warrior."
"We make it official... two true warriors going toe-to-toe."
"You are honorable, a warrior, fiercely protecting what you love."
"You may not win every battle, but a warrior continues to fight."
"You're solid, you're loyal, you're a warrior."
"Courage Above All Things is the first quality of a warrior." - Quoting Carl Von Clausewitz
"There's some real [ __ ] you're the last warrior."
"Survival was not easy, and adversity turned the helpless and illiterate child into a warrior."
"Real men are warriors and we're willing to engage in war and triumph in war in any arena."
"Batman, I'd always imagined this Batman to be an ageless soul inhabiting the greatest warrior of each generation."
"The whole thing being kind of like the warrior’s journey I think does a really good job of illustrating how Mars can play out."
"Embrace new beginnings with a peaceful warrior's spirit."
"A true warrior fights hard and loves hard as well. I should stop talking."
"You are known for your strength, you are known for your resilience."
"You must be disciplined to achieve the spirit of the warrior."
"They want to be known and seen as a warrior, as a person who's out here kicking [__] ass."
"I walk the path of a true warrior."
"The true warrior okay it's not that one win all the time but they won't fight all the time."
"Every Christian is born a warrior."
"Warriors have a quality called endurance. It's long time."
"Gohan using you know his fight or flight reflexes, his instincts, this state is a reflection of the ideas of survival itself. He's got that Warrior spirit inside of him you know."
"I'm sorry I treated you like a girl when I should have treated you like a warrior."
"Every Space Marine Legion was composed of tough, hardened warriors trained to fight against any foe on almost any battlefield."
"I really loved the true Warrior theme."
"Hail Odin, wise warrior, one-eyed wanderer!"
"Felena, despite her delicate beauty, is a fearsome Warrior often appearing in the form of a fair-skinned woman with brown hair and blue eyes, dressed in silk robes and a silver breastplate."
"They're all about like we will go to war and reach Valhalla."
"Boom, boom, baby. Have patience like a warrior. Yes."
"War is horrible, but war is also where warriors want to go."
"He will Forge his own path as a warrior."
"The Navy learned how to fight, discovered its warrior spirit, and when Guadalcanal was taken, the Japanese were beaten in spirit and broken in will."
"You're looking at a warrior right here."
"You ask me what it means to be the Avatar, it means being a warrior, a mighty, merciless warrior."
"Don't back down from a challenge, run towards it like a warrior."
"You are a warrior, and a warrior you have been."
"The warrior enables us to go when the body says let's quit."
"I'm not blessed because it all runs right, I'm a warrior, I'm blessed because I got fight."
"We have grown up in a land full of savage miasma and in an abyss of resentment; we are born soldiers."
"The greater Maori fighting spirit dates way back to our ancestors."
"Let a boldness rise, a bold knowing in your warriors."
"I am a Warrior for having survived this experience."
"What a great, great warrior Manny Pacquiao is."
"The capacity to be a warrior turns on whether or not you can care enough for something that is totally unrelated to your personal egoistic interest."
"We are tough, hardship-facing warriors."
"The warrior spirit rises above his weakness; he is light, he rises higher and higher."
"The spirit of a warrior always rises above her weakness, always higher."
"A warrior doesn't need a weapon; a warrior is the weapon."
"You have the heart of a warrior, you want to do what's right."
"If you know in your heart that you're an honourable person, then you have what it takes to be a warrior."
"You come out of it like just more of a badass warrior."
"They fought and they died, but they did it not just for spoils, booty, or even just carnage. They did it because they enjoyed the challenge."
"You'll need to walk like a warrior; you will reach your goal no matter what difficulties you face."
"My goals were to become the best warrior and the best version of myself, and I'm still on this path."
"May it please you to embolden our spirits with the grit to prevail over every enemy and the grace to stand before you as humble warriors."
"We are grateful for you as people and as powerful warriors."
"Your father was one of the greatest warriors I've ever met."
"With the courage of a true warrior, fight on."
"Piangrit demonstrated the spirit of a true warrior."
"She's a warrior; she's a natural warrior."
"We are the sons of Caliban. Let fury guide your weapons and our enemies shall fall."
"Jerry Catterick's got the heart of a warrior."
"He's a warrior, that's the warrior he is."
"The path of the warrior is also something which interested him, and this is very much the individual warrior, not the soldier in an army."
"He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior."
"You are warriors, not worriers; you are fire carriers, not smoldering embers."
"Have you forgotten your pride, Kakarot? We are Saiyans, the mightiest warriors in the universe."
"A true warrior artist with the masterful skill of a renaissance icon."
"Warriors care not how long they live, but how they die."
"Without some challenge, without some damn war to fight, then the warrior may as well be dead, Stallion!"
"Warriors are problem solvers. That's what we do."
"You've been a warrior, see that within yourself."
"How do you raise somebody right to be a warrior? It's set the example."
"He's the warrior in the sense not that he goes looking for fights but that he's about defending Dharma, he's about upholding what is true."
"He was no God but was a warrior, and he would fight for his beliefs."
"My job as your instructor here is to basically teach you what it means to be a warrior."
"He's a great warrior, and I know that he will fight, but for how long is another thing."
"In the truest sense, these are warriors."
"You need to have that warrior in you."
"We are soldiers, we are warriors, we are the epitome of human perseverance."
"So forever in the future, shall I battle as of yore, dying to be born a fighter, but to die again, once more."
"Lass, you've got to accept who you are," he protested, "you can be a woman and still be a warrior."
"All father, if I fall, let your shield maidens choose me for Valhalla."
"At their peak, they were singularly focused, obsessively focused, to a degree that nowadays would be considered psychotic, to being the best warriors on Earth."
"Death in battle is the best way to die, as they are warriors."
"Pressure is an integral aspect of a warrior's life."
"The true warrior is always armed with the three things: the radiant sword of pacification, the mirror of Bravery wisdom and friendship, and the precious Jewel of Enlightenment."
"Only the greatest of warriors able to claim the mantle of Mandalore and unite the clans."
"I want to raise the warrior up in you."
"Though we were machines of war, there was humanity in us, goodness."
"This is the forgiveness of the gentle warrior."
"What makes you a warrior? What do you do that makes you a warrior, rather than just saying 'I am a warrior'?"
"Our strength through adversity and the resilience I'm talking about is part of what makes us a warrior."
"He's kind, quiet, and gentle, yet he still has that warrior spirit that he's known for."
"George Kambosos is a real warrior; he shocked the boxing world."
"He was the Sitting Bull, the great warrior and spiritual leader of the Lakota."
"He sees his own true form, an ancient viking-esque warrior."
"The rage of a beast and the soul of a samurai."
"Man has the heart of a warrior, 100%."
"He will become once again a strong and loyal warrior like he once was in the beginning, in the dream time."
"That's the secret to winning it for a warrior: to just not fall, or when you fall, just keep getting back up and keep going."
"I stand here today not as a victim of my circumstances but as a warrior who will continue to fight the odds and grow from them."
"The many challenges I face through life made me a true warrior, strong and determined to the end. Let's do it."
"I will require a sword and armor; it seems I must be a warrior."
"After so much time as a rebel, an outcast, and a truly unstoppable warrior, Sun Wukong had at last found his home."
"The finest warriors are never developed on their own; the best usually seek the wisdom of a master teacher."
"You were always free, powerful, and a strong warrior spirit."
"He's a warrior, he's a competitor."
"He was a warrior from when he was born."
"The way you show up to your battles is directly linked to the warrior you believe you are."
"It's like Warrior status, you know, prices to gain that much life experience."
"Two technical boxers of great skill with warrior hearts."
"I'm a warrior because I learned to face my demons."
"You have grown into a warrior worthy of your namesake."
"Training is never over. We are constantly honing our craft and sharpening our axe. That is the warrior mindset."
"It's the training that he does to try and slice the boulder that's going to turn him into a warrior."
"He thanked Chaw for fighting him with all he had and letting him die as a warrior."
"The evidence that he was a warrior was right there."
"It's kind of that warrior Boudicca vibe."
"Eye of the Tiger, heart of the warrior."
"All men are afraid; it is for those of us of the warrior blood to subdue fear."
"She impressed him as a great warrior."
"Hanzo was a pretty insane dude, commanding a 200 man unit of eagle warriors and is remembered as a master tactician and expert sword fighter."
"Well played, you are a true warrior."
"It means everything to be a warrior."
"Victory and defeat are part of a warrior's life."
"You've always had this natural energy within you, the energy of a true warrior."
"That's a swordsman who knows the shape of his soul."
"May the warrior give him courage and strength to his sword and shield."
"I am healthy, free, prudent, and wise; I possess the skill and loyalty of a true warrior, a conqueror."
"The idea to improve yourself with the elements, with the tools, the warrior tools, to become a better, sharper warrior."
"He wasn't someone to be pitied; he was a proud Saiyan warrior."
"My job now is to wake up that warrior spirit inside of us to help us become who we were destined to become."
"We have a unique place and sometimes we're the nurturer, and sometimes we're the warrior. And sometimes we're both."
"The red stain upon my point roused to its full the old blood lust of the fighting man that has ever been so strong within my breast."
"Rats are real warriors, very cunning, takes initiative."
"Swords from that period are plain and strong, like the warriors of that time, who praised valour above all."
"How long does that credibility still give you 'I'm a warrior today,' not 'I was a warrior,' but 'I am a warrior'."
"Out of every 100 men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we're lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back."
"For me, long hair makes me feel like a warrior, it makes me feel like a badass."
"A warrior does not drop his weapon."
"You're a warrior. Warriors don't give up and they don't back down."
"To be a warrior, it takes more than eyesight."
"Do not speak bad about yourself. The warrior within hears your words and is lessened by them."
"A true warrior is the one that is wanting to live long enough to fight a hundred battles."
"So Ecgtheow's son proved himself, did as a famous soldier must do if glory is what he seeks."
"Do not give up, you are a warrior, stand your ground and fight for what you want."
"Warriors learn never to take themselves seriously; they learn to laugh at themselves."
"You guys are true warriors, now that's what I'm talking about."
"They recognized that I was a warrior."
"A warrior is driven by fear, the fear of meeting an unbeatable foe. But I am the thing you should fear."
"She's very resilient, very brave, a warrior."
"That's what warriors do, man. You go train; you don't just sit there and moan and point fingers."
"You're like a warrior, you're fierce, you're powerful, you're resilient."
"Her presence instantly igniting cheers from the Majin San people who held a deep respect for true warriors."
"You grew up being a warrior since you were like five or six years old."
"Viking Warrior, I am the Beast Rising, ready for battle."
"You are a warrior, not a worrier."
"You are healed, you are a warrior."
"I am not the same person you faced before; I've shattered my limits several times in becoming the warrior I am today."
"Despite being one of the youngest warriors, Raven Spot is very confident and feels no pressure to prove himself beyond what is expected of him."
"You're gonna win that way, you're a warrior, okay? You've been through a lot, you'll get through more."
"I'm a warrior, that's part and parcel of my genetic makeup."
"I love and respect you as a warrior, as a brother."