
Servanthood Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The father needs to be the servant of that household; he cannot be the dictator of that household. He needs to lead by example."
"The greatest among you shall be a servant. I'm like, 'I can do that. I can wash feet. You know, I don't have a problem with that. Whatever you need me to do, I can do that.'"
"Jesus clearly says the greatest among you will be a servant but there seems to be two types of leaders today those who lead for their own glory and those who lead for the glory of god."
"Our job is to follow in His footsteps and that includes... having a servanthood mentality."
"In Christianity, Jesus makes servanthood the highest calling."
"For any pastor who watches this, any leader who watches this, that you will be in prayer and you'll be broken over it until you have a Christ-like mentality towards the service you bring to others."
"It is not this way among you... whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant."
"Serving others is not a means to an end... it's not about me, it's about blessing others."
"How many church leaders started by serving the Lord... and slowly it turned into a concern for status?"
"Jesus emptied himself by taking the form of a servant."
"The greatest in the kingdom of God is the servant of all."
"If you're going to be great, you gotta go past servanthood."
"Jesus did not seek equality with God, but He chose the role of a servant instead."
"True significance in Christ cannot be tarnished through servanthood, it's actually revealed through servanthood."
"Jesus came as a servant to model servanthood for us."
"On Thursday amid the noisy chatter of men clamoring for status... Jesus picked up a towel."
"She serves him. She does not crush him."
"We are here as servants of God aligned with God in the name of God for the glory of God."
"I want you to do as I have done. This is an example of servanthood. Be a servant to people."
"Become a person of the towel. If you know these things, happy are you if you do them."
"Position yourself to be a servant."
"He empties himself by taking the form of a servant."
"Humble yourself, we are called to be servants, we are called to take the low place."
"The second step of humility: as a man, he became a slave."
"You can serve your way to the realm of dominion, not only on the earth but even in heaven, where your name is mentioned."
"The spirit of servanthood makes people of no reputation and keeps them small in their own eyes."
"The emperor who gives up his power to Christ, even in his own victory, is a servant still."
"The way of the lamb is the way of servanthood."
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve."
"And to give his life as a ransom for many."
"For even your savior, even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."
"That's why servanthood, that's why I help being that hard and being that person is what matters more than your position of power."
"Jesus became a servant and lived to do the will of His father."
"Whosoever would be first among you shall be your servant, even as the Son of Man came to minister."
"If I then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet."
"Christianity says the king comes and puts himself in the place of the servant."
"People who think the idea of a husband leading his family sounds sexist will be surprised today as Dr. Evans helps us discover the link between leadership and servanthood."
"Christ did not count equality with God something to be grasped but emptied Himself and took on the form of a servant."
"The purpose is for the companions to experience servanthood and to work with and for the disabled campers."
"Servant-hood is divine, Godly and it's eternal."
"Being a servant is one of the most Godly things that you can ever be."
"I want to be Your servant. Not just in time, not just on earth, but in heaven, in eternity, forever."
"The ultimate level of servanthood is when we can serve without notoriety, positions, or titles."
"For truly the Son of Man did not come to have servants, but to be a servant, and to give His life for the salvation of men."
"Let 2024 be the year that our heart is turned completely over to servanthood."
"God's model of authority and wealth and power is servanthood."
"Let us not aim at leadership, let us aim at servanthood."
"Ministry as servanthood, to be a servant and to do the work and work hard, and serve the Lord."
"God's not interested in you being a servant; He's interested in you being a son."
"This is the station of the completeness of servanthood to Allah (AJ) through the completeness of following the teachings of his beloved Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ."
"Servanthood was God's plan to produce great blessings to the world and to the church."
"Jesus modeled servanthood for the purpose of us doing it."
"If you want to succeed and thrive in relationships, be a servant."
"Jesus was a servant. He has plenty of examples of servanthood, selflessness; he literally died the most gruesome painful death on the cross for us."
"God is not interested in building superheroes; God is building His kingdom, and everyone in His kingdom... is first a servant."
"Be a servant till the end of your life."
"We are being created for servanthood, to be a servant."
"All creation praises Allah; all creation worships Allah, and that is this bond in our common servanthood."