
Christian Values Quotes

There are 577 quotes

"The only time I will be a proud Christian when Christ is the crown of my glory."
"Kindness is a very, very Christ-like characteristic, and you don't hear much about kindness."
"Kindness is a very, very Christ-like characteristic."
"Real justice as a Christian is equal treatment of all people; it's not equal outcomes."
"I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
"What a privilege it is to be christ-like, what a privilege it is to be a Christian."
"Wouldn't you say that when you're talking about a christianized society, you're talking about an idealized society that could be achieved through the provisions of these social institutions that help people?"
"Most American Christians reject the politics of conquest and division."
"Stop being jerks... Be Christ-like in how you choose to interact with someone."
"Listen to people empathize and then come together as brothers and sisters in Christ to fight this with the gospel."
"The traditional Christian vision for married sex is radical, daunting, and extremely compelling, and what I still want to uphold, even if I fumble along the way."
"Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious."
"As devout Christians, the Satterfield family is guided by their belief that in order for them to be forgiven by their Heavenly Father, they in turn must forgive others who have sinned against them."
"Universal health care is the most Christ-like thing I can imagine. Compassion is saying, 'Yeah, maybe you have to take this out of my pocket, but it's for the poor who can't afford it.' I'm like, that's Jesus to me."
"Every saint is a new manifestation of the mercy and grace of Christ in a sinful world."
"In accordance with Christian precepts, he provided charity to the poor and sick, and made efforts to travel to the more isolated areas in his realm, listening to the petitions of those who otherwise would never have gotten to meet him."
"A selfish heart loves for what it can get; a Christ-like heart loves for what it can give."
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
"Christian means to die to yourself and serve and in that, you find life and joy."
"In preparation of the sermon, I was to find out what it really means to be a Christian and what it really means to be somebody who searches for the truth."
"We ought to be constantly people who want to see other Christians prevail and promoted and blessed and used and recognized, and that we use what's been given to us for the benefit of them."
"I salute you, Saint Anthony, lily of purity, ornament and glory of Christianity."
"Jesus had no place in His heart for the cancel culture. He was wonderful at demonstrating God's love and grace to everyone."
"Walk in love, walk in humility, listen to one another. Everybody's got something good to share who calls on the name of Jesus."
"To be perfect, I'm a Christian, you know. We know that perfection, the only one person was perfect, right? It's not me. But we do want to say to men, listen, you can still and should strive to be good, strive to be better, strive to be a role model for your kids, strive to leave a legacy."
"Nowhere in the Bible does it say to be a soft Christian."
"I do not want anything that cannot be found within the framework of the revelation the Christian revelation."
"We have to remember that the characteristic of Christians that Jesus and John and the apostles say is our love towards one another and sometimes I don't think that we're very good at that."
"Jesus did so much for me. I really need to think about what I'm doing, where I'm going, am I glorifying Him?"
"The more one looks upon the world, the more one is convinced that Christian joy is after all, Christian strength."
"God's heart is for lost souls, the oppressed, the widows, and the orphans."
"Jesus loved us with everything, pouring out His very life for us."
"Teach us to be like Christ, to love our neighbor as ourselves."
"This is the sort of Christ-like love that I want to feel and I want people to know and understand from the Christian community."
"I think that that's problematic and there's one thing I hope all of us particularly people who call themselves Christian can turn from and repent of and turn towards God towards Christ and worship Him in spirit and the truth."
"The idea of human equality, the idea of human dignity and human rights is a deeply, deeply Christian idea."
"Trump showed that Christians can win elections in America."
"The misunderstanding evident in these response videos are so serious...the Christian life is a joy and a thrill."
"It's a joy and a thrill to live the Christian life...there's great um um reward in doing so."
"I said when you were hungry you fed me, when I was thirsty you gave me something to drink, when I was naked you clothed me, when I was in prison, you came and visited me."
"To see how many... desire to... be the hands and feet of Christ..."
"Radical Christians are those who bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit."
"Strive to live for the glory of God, honor Him with your words and with your actions."
"This absolutely is a question of Christian ethics, of Christian morals."
"True Christian will never practice sin to get better at sinning."
"Chick-fil-A is so well run and everybody there so enthusiastic and happy that it can almost have cultish vibes."
"I'm talking about very minimal Christian things and we have people that say they are Christian but they don't possess the fruits of the spirit or the attributes of Love they don't have that and that's what I'm looking for."
"If you want to be a better leader, try to become more like Jesus in his 'not my will but thine be done' mode of living his life every single moment."
"How radically your life can change if you see the grace of God as the basis of your self-image, identity, and the very foundation of your heart."
"It is not this way among you... whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant."
"I don't believe in god but I consider myself a Christian because I like what Jesus said and find value in that."
"Be willing to lay our lives down for the kingdom of Christ."
"We're not going to learn everything in this world, we're going to learn it through Jesus: wisdom, humility, and love."
"If a person is a racist, they're not acting like a Christian."
"There are going to be fences around it there are going to be a lot of no's to protect the beauty of the Christian worldview but it is the most objectively beautiful thing."
"If Christ went through suffering, how could we think that he would require anything less of us?"
"It's not about lifting up conservatism or the republican party. This has everything to do with lifting up the cross of Christ."
"Apathy is not the response of the Christian in any situation."
"As history repeats itself, we are called to break the cycle of sin and despair by embodying The Hope, love, and transformation found in Jesus Christ."
"Christians don't decide how Christian they are going to be when they disagree with another person."
"Forgiveness is a distinguishing feature of Christianity."
"I think the Christ-like thing to do there would be to do what Christ did: to sit down with the people that you perceive to be sinners."
"We need to repent, Christian leaders need to do a better job."
"I'm brave enough, I'm strong enough to pick up that crown and place it on the head of our savior."
"The advantage of singleness is an undivided mind and heart for the Lord."
"Teach people about reparations, you teach them about justice, you teach them about Christianity."
"Christians find joy in the Lord, not in worldly circumstances."
"Chivalry is Christian. It means you understand that's God's daughter and she needs to be treated as such."
"We are to love others because Jesus Christ first loved us. We are to forgive because we are forgiven people of God."
"All men will know you're my disciples by your love for one another."
"Black lives do mat along with every other life that matters."
"God loves humility all the way through the Scriptures."
"Love your neighbor as yourself and love God, two commandments of Jesus Christ, the master Christian."
"Set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." - 1 Timothy 4:12
"As Christians we should support efforts at peace even if we don't believe it's going to last forever, peace is a good thing."
"Jesus taught us to love one another but to care about each other enough to say please get vaccinated because I love you."
"Christianity at its best offers a way of loving well."
"We should love our neighbor and our enemy, welcome The Stranger, fight for the least of us."
"All of this can be your heritage, your gift to your children when you exert to them a consistent godly influence."
"Its professions are mild and apparently Christian."
"Let us not love with just words on a screen, but with action with truth, with all that we are, let us pour out our love on Jesus."
"Let your actions reflect the grace, mercy, and Love Of Christ even when it seems challenging; this is the true essence of Honor."
"When you visualize your success, you'll start to accelerate."
"Christians should be known for their love and how they care about people, not for what they're against."
"We should be the most excited, most on fire, most loving, most compassionate, most forgiving people in the world."
"Godly Christian women will raise the next generation."
"Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you."
"Believers, do what you can to make a difference not just for your family but for your neighbor and your friends."
"As Christians, we are called to live lives of humility and service."
"The two posts are truth and love that surround our communication as Christians—truth refers to the content, love refers to the motivation and methodology."
"Christians are commanded to love and respect you based on our shared nature and the love of God."
"The hero, the Christian hero, has power which he gives to those that don't have power."
"Healthy Unity is worked out through debate, discussion, disagreement with the same goal in mind of following and glorifying Christ."
"I'd rather have a church of two real Christians than a church of 10,000 fake ones."
"I'm a Christian, so I would regard the purpose of marriage as not just procreation but also faithful marriage as morally valuable."
"If Jesus can forgive, we have to forgive. So forgiveness helps me live in the present."
"Having Fame doing big works cannot be compared with having a deep fellowship with Jesus Christ."
"The fear of the Lord leads one to repent and pursue a holy life... It will lead you to hate what is evil and hold on to what is good."
"Christians should be the most prepared and fearless people on the planet because I know who I am."
"Every single person, all of us, we have to become bold, fearless Christians, unapologetic shares of the gospel."
"Instead of quoting Jesus, do something Christ-like."
"So I didn't care what I was gonna lose because I knew I had already found life in Jesus Christ."
"It's our duty as Christians to engage in spiritual warfare in order to restore the Christian nation."
"When we choose to repent, we choose to change. We allow the Savior to transform us into the best version of ourselves." - President Russell M. Nelson
"I don't think Christians should ever be optimistic. Hopefulness is Christian."
"We need to be the sort of people who can bear witness to the grace of Jesus Christ."
"Try to seek peace, joy, and hope. True hope comes in Christ."
"How sad that we as Christians who are to be the salt of the earth, we who are supposed to be able to love everyone, are afraid so badly of an AIDS patient that we will not go up and put our arm around them and tell them that we care."
"Uncle Tom himself... was a very strong Christian man."
"Don't forget to be thankful for what God has done for us."
"The key to moving in power is walking in humility, walking with a pure heart before the Lord."
"If you say you love him you will love his standards and uphold his standards if you don't want his standards don't call yourself by his name."
"The more one holds to the tenets of Christianity, the less likely they are to resort to violence."
"Salt spread out is good. Christians are like manure spread out, they can do a lot of good. But piled up makes a big stink."
"Donald Trump is somehow the bad guy yet he's pro-life and pro all the things that Christians are for."
"Jesus Christ contradicts cancel culture. Jesus Christ says you're all sinners and now you better learn to love each other, you better learn to forgive each other, you better learn to accept each other."
"Hands only kindness matters, that's actually a profoundly Christian sentiment."
"Contentment is found in appreciating what we have and knowing our value comes from our identity in Christ."
"More than ever, we need to be like Jesus, expressing His love and compassion for everyone."
"Put on Christian virtues as fitting for the elect of God, holy and beloved."
"Wouldn't it be great if the state acknowledged the lordship of Jesus."
"It's only one life that we're on in this planet and it'll soon be passed and only what's done for Christ will last."
"A kingdom disciple is a person who reflects the values of heaven in the decisions that have to be made on earth."
"This is not the era of Mr. and Mrs. Nice Christian. This is the era of aggressive takeover."
"It's okay to be a man, a heterosexual one, a Christian man, a religious man, a masculine man."
"If you are really a follower of Jesus, prayer is a major part of your life."
"A true follower of Jesus makes a difference."
"Do you have any stick-to-itiveness? Christians should be the last ones to fold."
"I'm a Christian broadcaster, so you're gonna get Christ when you get me."
"It's incredibly important that Christians understand that wisdom is the key."
"Since I met Jesus, my only desire was to please Jesus."
"What Jesus likes is the most important part."
"Husbands love your wife like Christ loves the church."
"The Christian response should be more unity and that none of us is without sin and that for everyone we cannot rely on our own goodness but must turn to Christ."
"It's the Gospel that makes it so that I don't want to do that, not the law."
"That relationship with Christ is so essential because within that, identity, meaning, and purpose, love and justice are fully contained within that."
"Love is the measurement of maturity as a believer, not just spiritual gifts."
"I would that we could get back to the gospel."
"As a follower of Jesus Christ, giving up is not who we are."
"How these Christians love one another... that's what got them."
"It's about showing others the way not through Force or judgment but through love compassion and a life that reflects the Light of Christ."
"Christians are called to make a stand against that absolutely."
"Singleness is actually better for the sake of the kingdom of God."
"The true mark of a Christian is not prosperity, it's generosity."
"Enemies are a part of life, but we are called to love and forgive like Jesus did. Repay no one with evil, but overcome evil with good."
"Caring about the weak and not wanting them to die of COVID is profoundly Christian."
"For wives, true love isn't about getting all your needs met, rather it's about selflessly loving your man for the glory and honor of Christ."
"If you name the name of Jesus Christ... depart from evil."
"All this warring and fighting is because you're not acting like Christ, you're not practicing Christianity."
"If we as Christians were to see ourselves as a Christian voting bloc, I think we could be very effective at the state and local levels."
"My administration will stand side by side with the American Catholics to promote the values we all share as Christians and Americans. God bless you, God bless the United States of America. We will make America great again."
"The important thing is godliness, Christlikeness, it's our character."
"You can't be a follower of Jesus and not help the most disadvantaged people."
"A faithful servant of Christ cannot love this present age."
"They're literally promoting Christianity from the perspective of humility, and Matt is so mad."
"We as Christians want to avoid those things but we want to live in a way that's consistent with the preaching of our Lord Jesus Christ which helps us to grow in a relationship with him."
"Selflessness, dying to self, denying self, here, Paul makes it very clear that he would much rather keep Onesimus with him."
"For the Christian, being single means not just being unmarried, but being sexually abstinent. It's designed to be a way of serving and blessing other people."
"Living such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God."
"Throughout his mortal ministry, the Savior of the world turned outward when the natural man or woman in any of us would have been self-centered and focused inward."
"Marriage is fun. Marriage is fun and the fact that we Christians and we're believers doesn't take away that fun."
"You're going to operate from a Christian perspective and paint a picture that honors God."
"We need to find our identity in Christ and in Christ alone."
"Jesus wants us to be out there representing him."
"What are the words of the New Testament? Faith, hope, love, kindness, gentleness, bless your enemies."
"Deliverance is a byproduct of being a genuine Christian."
"The kingdom of God is not about meat and drink but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."
"The Christian spirit refuses to subscribe to the doctrine of the closed door."
"Seek Jesus Christ before you seek the things of this earth."
"You can't be a Christian and vote for a group that says kill babies. Square that, figure that one out."
"How do we have less abortions happen if we had more Christian men and women?"
"A country filled with selfless, loving people following Christ is more likely to get things done."
"Constantly choose Jesus over self, constantly choose His word over your will."
"As Christians, we should be very informed by our faith when we vote."
"When some choose to make Christmas about Santa we should choose to make Christmas about Christ."
"This is the time to really step up, to be known as Christians, to be joyful when no one else is."
"The church should be living as they've always lived... opening their doors to both saints and sinners."
"We only have right now to be like Christ... to live in the joy and the peace and the hospitality and the generosity that comes with being a Christian."
"May our priorities always be within the works of God."
"There is a dire need in the world today for husbands to lead their families in a Christ-like manner."
"If you become a godly man, a truly godly Christ-like man, your wife will be blessed."
"My prayer almost every night is, 'Lord, give my wife a better husband.' That means make me more like Christ."
"I think sometimes Christians are too forgiving. Treating bad guys like good guys."
"I'm simply desiring to interpret rightly the Word of God as I assume all of us are as Christians."
"We need to find a way for all Christians, Christian Americans, to stand together."
"Every secret deed of kindness in Christ's name is collected."
"Humility is a very powerful characteristic, it emulates the Christ."
"When it's really dark, one Christian lit in love with God illuminates the whole place."
"We can put our hope in him, we can trust him, he's the perfect father."
"Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful."
"Walking like Jesus means more than being nice. It means being strategic and living life with a plan."
"Jesus is enough. I think we can love better than we can hate."
"Repentance is one of the foundation stones of Christianity."
"Love is patient, love is kind, etc. That's how we really understand that."
"A rumor is just a lie with legs don't participate in that we're Christians we deal in truth whatever things are true do your homework don't send it to your pastor and go read this first of all site source it tell me where you got it."
"Repentance isn't just changing your mind, it's an about-face with godly intention."
"The Bible does not contrast helping people with giving the gospel rather the Bible assumes that if you're a Christian you will gladly do both."
"We're a Christian organization, driven by love, but we're going to stand for truth."
"Our Father in heaven treats us. Think about the stories of Jesus and how he came and he loved people."
"We fight all battles for the honor of Christ and in his church."