
Afterlife Quotes

There are 6194 quotes

"When you go to heaven and you meet Jesus face to face, who cares about a president?"
"After we leave this world, it's just a beautiful journey higher and higher."
"A person is not a body. Death is a transformation into something new."
"We could be creating the kind of afterlife we experience right now, every interaction you have and the impact you have on the people around you, you will feel it."
"The ultimate decision-making should not be for this life... everything that we do here is in order to get to Jannah."
"Rey and his first wife Maggie both died on May 26th, exactly 12 years apart. Bob Stevens thinks that's more than just a coincidence. 'A message from God. I think it was a sign from God that they're back together.'"
"You also have the Eternal Bliss outlined, the paradise... and also the details of the Hellfire, how to avoid it. All the answers to life's question, it's there in the Quran."
"The Freddy Jackson photo continues to intrigue those fascinated with life after death."
"May Allah accept all of them in Jannah and give their families, as a result of that sabr, peace."
"For you will not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will you allow your Holy One to see corruption."
"I think it's foolish to simply think that this is the end-all-be-all of the universe of conscious experience."
"Perhaps when we die, we join the great beyond, the great significant energy of others."
"It's sad to just think that it's lights out, blackness for eternity after you die, but this gave a lot of people hope."
"Allah says, 'I will forgive their sins, and I will protect them from the hellfire, and I will grant them Jannah.'"
"One day we will see each other and play again in the place where there is no lies, sadness, pain, and sorrow. Please enjoy your life to the best and don't hurt yourself or others."
"I have completed my time and my job here on Earth, now it is time for me to go where there is no worries and pain."
"Cardinals... could be a passed away loved one reaching out to you."
"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. Which do you choose?"
"May the pain that you have faced be nothing but paradise in the hereafter for you."
"Spoiler warning for later books, but one of them is about fixing the afterlife. These stories are wild."
"The presupposition is that if there are ghosts, there's an afterlife. We don't just die; we go on."
"Why can't you just accept that we have no fucking idea what happens after we die?"
"You can potentially waste the one and only life that you know you're getting in anticipation of what might happen in an afterlife."
"What really matters in this life is not the things we acquire; things mean nothing. Handbags, cars, houses, clothes all will be left behind, but your place in either heaven or hell is eternal."
"It is sobering to know that my days on this Earth are limited, and my life and my decisions on this Earth will affect my eternity."
"For people that are involved in philanthropy, you're likely to live a longer life and you're likely to have a special place in heaven reserved for you when your time does come."
"Did you, by any chance, break your neck? Is that how you died?"
"I feel so lost. When I used to have anxiety attacks, I'd focus on my breathing, listen to my heart beating. Now, I can't breathe. I don't even have blood."
"I'm still not used to this whole being dead thing."
"Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences is a New York Times bestseller."
"We don’t know what is in store for us after this life, but we do know that death of the body is not the end for our consciousness, maybe not even by a long shot."
"The physicality of Egyptian resurrection or Egyptian afterlife beliefs is as much of a trap as it is a salvation."
"Egypt has this idea of materializing infinity, materializing resurrection, materializing the afterlife."
"Most people seem to crave for evidence of life after that, and I think this is quite natural."
"You are not alone, and your passed-on loved one really wants to let you know that."
"Your past loved one is... trying to really help you heal and move past their transition. They really want you to know you're better; they can serve you better and help you better from the other side."
"Our Father has gone to a mansion of rest, to the glorious land by the Deity blessed."
"Gentle as a summer breeze, let us, left us, shall soon follow, and in heaven with joy may we greet thee."
"I like to think that there is something after death. I wouldn't want to reside as a spirit. I think that'd be kind of depressing."
"Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar His face is to us."
"After I die, I'll donate my body to science; they can do whatever they want."
"We're monkeys on a spinning fucking rock! Soon we're gonna be dead! We don't even know for sure if there's an afterlife!"
"We should prepare for Barzakh; we should prepare for the Qabr, as our Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, himself said: 'I have not seen anything except that the Qabr is more terrifying for me than anything I've seen.'"
"Do not think the ones who have died in the way of Allah are dead. No, they are alive with Allah."
"Purgatory is for sinners who committed an action on earth and are now trying to receive forgiveness for it in the afterlife."
"Paul is offering an interpretation of what will happen to those that had already died and ends the passage with 'Therefore encourage one another with these words.'"
"I am not going to be troubled because I know he's at a better place."
"The Akhira (hereafter) is better and everlasting."
"If a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life, they will have an advantage in the world to come."
"Death isn't the end of consciousness but the transformation of consciousness."
"It's going to be a prepared place...a personal place...a painless place...a pure place...a prosperous place."
"You're gonna wake up in heaven, you're gonna wake up with the whole next level."
"Science says when our brains stop working, there's nothing happening; we're just dead. But recent studies... prove there is something happening; science just doesn't know what."
"I'd love scientific proof of an afterlife, but what I find very strange is, I don't really need it. I have a sense, deep down, that there's something more."
"Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
"We need to make sure we're not wasting this life away trying to work towards our own planet or a heaven in some other notion."
"If your grave doesn't say 'rest in peace' on it, you are automatically drafted into the skeleton war."
"There doesn't seem to be any evidence at all of an afterlife in which all wrongs are righted and all sins are punished, but there is a thing called law, and there is a thing called human solidarity, with which we attempt to make life more fair and more just."
"It is better to live a life obeying Allah and feel peace in this world and the next, than to chase worldly desires and face eternal regret."
"The Prophet Muhammad said whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet them."
"We have purchased the souls of the believers and their wealth, and against it is paradise. That's the transaction: you give your soul to God, and God gives you the garden."
"Our memories of them continue to guide us when their life on earth has ended."
"When a Viking warrior died, it was possible for him to go to Valhalla, which means 'The Hall of the Fallen.'"
"What happens when we die? Now, I'm embarking on an epic adventure to discover what we believe lies beyond death and why."
"The evidence we have at least is that when a person dies...the psyche, the soul, the mind, the consciousness, whatever you want to call it, doesn't become annihilated; it continues."
"Swedenborg wrote that newcomers are shown 'scenes of paradise that surpass anything they ever could have imagined.'"
"Everyone in the afterlife that you have loved and missed will come from wherever they’ve been living in the spiritual world to greet you."
"A life review, seeing and re-experiencing major and trivial events of one's life, sometimes from the perspective of the other people involved."
"The ancient Egyptians viewed the afterlife as a continuation of existence."
"What happens when we die? You most certainly have my opinion... I think there is an afterlife for all of us, and I think that afterlife is wonderful."
"If people could just know what we know, that we don't really die, that there is an afterlife, it's for all of us, it's wonderful, and that we don't have to fear death."
"Where do we go? Is it nothing? Do we just wink out, and never even remember that we ever existed?"
"We learned that this is all on a ship that is passing through the sands. The Duat in the Sands represent the permanent afterlife."
"The book of the dead... helped them prepare for the afterlife where Osiris, the god of the underworld, would judge them."
"The god Chang Wang will determine whether someone's spirit is good enough to go to paradise or if they will go to hell and then reincarnate to try again at life."
"I think I'm in the in-between, the place that exists between heaven and hell. I'm in their world now."
"A place with no more sorrow, no more death, no more goodbyes, no more struggling, no more pain, no more sin—that sounds like a home to me."
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on... that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them."
"The book of Revelation doesn't end in chapter 20; it ends in chapters 21 and 22. And God is taking us to a new heaven and new earth where there's no more pain, no more suffering, no more sickness."
"If we're all good humans, no matter where we go after our life, if we love one another, if we support one another, and if we lift each other up, we're going to end up in the same place."
"There is in this world a Jannah (paradise); the only way to obtain the Jannah of the Hereafter is by entering the Jannah of this world."
"In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?"
"Let's clarify them... A lost loved one watches over you."
"One can envision future tombstones sporting a fully interactive artificially intelligent representation of you for anyone visiting to talk to."
"Those who believe my message and believe in God who sent me will have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins because they have already passed from death to life."
"It's been suggested that maybe they're seen to walk to the afterlife."
"May Allah grant us the companionship of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the highest levels of Paradise."
"Grant me goodness in this world and in the hereafter."
"This is when Allah sees honesty, sincerity within a person, and a genuine craving for the home of the hereafter."
"The true love will be manifested in Jannah with nothing in our hearts of irritation or wrinkles."
"If you want Allah and the messenger and the Hereafter, then Allah has prepared for those of you who are good doers a great reward."
"Ah, so the last stage is death. I mean, the afterlife."
"We're going to receive crowns of Life... you'll be able to look at a person's crown... and tell what they did and how well they did it."
"I don't see any evidence for this afterlife, and what I think is much more important is saying, 'Look, what's the best we can do in this life?'"
"Ritual ceremony so they wouldn't be lonely in the next life kind of adds new meaning to the idea 'till death do us part.'"
"Life after death experiences and angelic communications are on the increase."
"The earliest known belief in life after death can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, who believed that some form of self would be transferred to the kingdom of death if properly preserved."
"How perfect is the one in whose hands alone is the kingdom and ownership of everything and to him alone you will all be returned."
"Death Parade: Whenever someone dies, they get sent to a mysterious bar which is the midpoint between a new life and death."
"You will have the ears of kings and queens, and gods will open their gates to the realms and beckon you forth when you die."
"No afterlife is required for a life to be precious."
"May Allah forgive us and write us down amongst those who are freed from the fire and amongst those who dwell in paradise for all of eternity."
"A soul with cardinal sin must be sent to the bad place regardless."
"All Millennials must be sent to the bad place."
"Religion delivers practical benefits. It gives us the hope of life after death."
"Everyone wants to reach heaven one day, but it's our life decisions which decide whether we go to heaven or something else."
"Whoever believes in Allah and does righteousness will go to paradise."
"This has been both a beautiful experience where we're learning so much about the afterlife but also kind of a scary one."
"Live your life because you will be accountable; you will all stand before Him in judgment."
"Life is a test and this life is like nothing compared to what will come after."
"A ghost is a human soul without a body that has died but now may be allowed to appear to us on earth."
"The ultimate sadness will be when a person is cast into hell fire, and the ultimate happiness will be when a person receives his book on the day of judgement in his right hand and he is told, 'For you is paradise.'"
"This is the staircase to hell; instead of going down, you have to walk up to get to hell."
"I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen."
"The only currency of the Akhirah is deeds... nothing beyond this point except amal, the good deeds that you have done."
"What if there's an everlasting life that you should have been worrying about?"
"In ancient Egypt, mummification was an essential process in preparing the deceased for the afterlife. It was a complex and time-consuming procedure carried out by skilled embalmers."
"Being demonically possessed at death does not close off heaven for you; possession is always only in a physical sense."
"Hope sees a crown and reserved mansions and readiness, and Jesus himself preparing a place for us."
"Let's hope wherever he is, he's surrounded by light and love."
"Someday, we will spend eternity in heaven, where there is no suffering, no pain, no sorrow, no shame, and no sadness."
"What if death is not the lonely, painful fading out it seems to be? What if the experience is full of love, care, safety, and the beginning of something more wonderful than we can imagine?"
"Hell is not a place for anyone to spend eternity."
"Hell is very cognitive; it's very orderly. There's a flow to it and it makes perfect sense."
"Cerberus is not considered an evil creature that hurts people intentionally but a creature that assures the arrival of the dead to the underworld and prevents the living from entering Hades."
"He said if you stay where you are, you don't run, and you die, you die as a shaheed, meaning you go straight to heaven."
"He's going to wipe away every tear from our eyes, and there will be no more death, no more pain, no more mourning. That is the ultimate restoration."
"Those who faithfully recite my Rosary shall find during their life and at the hour of their death the light of God, the fullness of His graces, and shall share in the merits of the blessed."
"Have you ever lost someone close to you? Have you ever attempted to speak with the dead? Would you attend a ritual? Are you willing to explore what scares you?"
"A person will be brought to his grave and two angels will come to him, and it will be said or a voice will be heard, 'You have no way to get to this man, he would recite Surat al-Mulk.'"
"God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."
"Jannah is that which no eyes have ever seen, no ears have ever heard, and nobody has ever thought about."
"In Jannah, you will have whatever you desire."
"The rivers of Jannah will be of milk, honey, wine, and water, but unlike anything known in this world."
"The houses of Jannah are made of bricks of gold and silver, but not the gold and silver you and I know."
"The faces of those in Jannah will be shining brighter than the full moon."
"The lowest level of Jannah is such that a person will have whatever the whole world had in it, and much more."
"Our souls innately desire an answer to what is perhaps life's greatest mystery, that which awaits us when we walk through the door into the world beyond."
"May Allah make us all from the people of Jannah. May Allah keep us away from the Hellfire."
"In Jannah, all hatred is taken out from your heart."
"You enjoy the whole of Jannah. Imagine, you will sit on necks of birds and point to that place, and that bird will fly... Can you imagine the joy in Jannah?"
"God will wipe away all tears from their eyes; there will be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither will there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away."
"And when you have completed your life span and travel down to the dead, there too, you will find me, shining among the shades of Acheron."
"Can we really communicate with loved ones who have passed, or is it just mind over matter?"
"After your death, whenever someone prays in that mosque, gives shahada, or learns something in the mosque, that will be something you'll have on your scale."
"The whole part about being born again...is the idea that you're eventually going to see the people you love that are no longer here with you."
"We have been created in this world not so that we can achieve whatever we want and desire in this world, but so that we follow the plan of Allah in a way that when we arrive in paradise, we will then be able to achieve whatever we desire."
"Happy is the soul that during its lifetime immersed itself in the fountain of mercy, because justice will have no hold over it."
"Remember, your paradise isn't in this world; it's in the next."
"Justice is going to come, and if it's not in this life, justice will be served, and that is a great peace of mind for us."
"Life's too crazy, brilliant, beautiful, and bizarre for there to be nothing after we die."
"Knowing that God awaits us at the end of our earthly lives gives us incredible peace and comfort."
"To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."
"I ask Allah Azzawajal that he allows us to live as Muslims and to die as Mu'mins and to be resurrected with the Prophets and the Companions, and what a noble companionship they are."
"We were seeking to actually get viable proof that we live on after we die."
"Spiritualism is the acceptance of empirically elicited evidence that the human consciousness survives physical death and that those who survive can communicate with those who are physically on earth in a number of ways."
"When we die, the light at the end of the tunnel is the light to another hospital room."
"Consciousness continues after death; near-death experiences documented."
"Every day I think about James Houston... it just leaves me thinking about the afterlife and what comes next."
"The idea that you die and your soul goes to heaven or hell is not taught anywhere in the Old Testament and is not what Jesus believed."
"Even in the afterlife, Irukaptah will be comfortable."
"Every image of what it's like is foolish... this world was a surprise so why shouldn't the next world be a surprise."
"Consciousness after death: common theme in culture and religion, but scientifically unproven."
"Our Lady explained to them, 'You have seen Hell where the souls of poor sinners go.'"
"The purpose of this life is to save ourselves from the punishment of the hereafter and to enter into paradise."
"The soul is just nonsense. When you die, there won't be anything left of you for God to torture. So the threat is completely empty."
"Hell is full of forgiven people; heaven is full of people God loves whom Jesus died for."
"Are we going to heaven alone, or will we take many with us, snatched from the fires of Hell through our witness and testimony?"
"At the end of that road, you will see one of two faces: either you will see the beautiful face of Jesus Christ or you will see the horrific face of Satan."
"Truth is nice to know here but it seems like it's even much more important on the other side."
"Sally's spirit clung to the house after death."
"If I'm wrong and there is, I will be sorely disappointed."
"I'm here to live as normal a life I can, die, and then we can go from there."
"The Outer Planes for all intents and purposes are the heavens, hells, and purgatories one might go to when they die."
"All roads lead to God because everyone has to stand before God in the end. But you want to be on the road that leads to heaven."
"If you die fighting for what you believe to be right then you're basically guaranteed an entrance into heaven."
"I want to know my sins are forgiven, I want to know if I died I'd go to heaven."
"In the kingdom of God, there will be nothing to be afraid of, not even death."
"If you gonna go back to the false religion and a false Church you came out of, do you know you still go to hell even with the right baptism?"
"Both men's bodies were buried on the earth, but they recognized one another, they saw one another, they talked to one another."
"You just really want to be with your buddies on the other side."
"Is this finally the end? Is this what heaven looks like? Am I actually dead?"
"Jesus seems to show us what the universe after the recreation is like."
"Whenever we get to heaven... the presence of evil in and of itself is going to be eradicated."
"The concept of the afterlife really functions as a substitute for wisdom."
"Something continues after death: soul, spirit, or mind."
"He showed me that the suffering in this world is nothing compared to the joy on the other side."
"If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by."
"Do you think Catholics go to heaven? I'm not the judge of the heart."
"It's the one story in the New Testament where Jesus is said to embrace the idea that after death people's souls will be punished, they'll be tormented for people who actively died."
"Heaven and hell, they are very real literal places and each one of us, we're going to spend an eternity in one of those destinations."
"Going from an afterlife to just a black void."
"A companion is a sahib, someone who drags you to paradise or hellfire."
"There is a soul, and it goes to heaven or hell."
"The suffering of the dead is highlighted... suggesting that the dead souls live an insalubrious existence, and certainly one without luxury."
"But perhaps more logically, it was to prevent the living from learning too much about what happens after death."
"The living had to keep his or her obligation to bring offerings to the spirit and through this, the deceased lived on."
"Fortunately, the Christian hope is that beyond the grave, you know, John is safe in the arms of God."
"Strive to be amongst those that Allah mentions favorably because that's the only thing that will matter when you pass away."