
Child-rearing Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"Having a kid is really helpful for humility definitely because kids don't care."
"Our type of parenting works well for Flynn, and we will probably parent the twins differently depending on what they need and how they work."
"The primary Earthly authority over a child is the parent, not the government."
"The famous proverb that it takes a village to raise a child is something that rings incredibly true here."
"Parents have that right and responsibility to determine how their children are raised and what ideas they're exposed to."
"A woman can make or break an entire nation by how she raises a single child."
"Don't hit your kids. Don't hit your kids. This is what it all comes down to."
"It takes a village to raise a child because it really does."
"If we were organized, those children would have never been outside... It takes a village to raise a child."
"It really does take a village to raise and educate children."
"To raise a child, you need a parental coalition of a man and a woman."
"It takes a village to raise a child, it takes everybody pitching in to make Indian country better."
"You know what's right for your kid. You really do. Follow that lead."
"We often raise children who end up being more intelligent than us. We don’t just ignore them for 20 years and hope something good comes out of it." - Max Tegmark
"The real goal ought to be correction. If our children do something that's wrong, it's not that we want to punish them because we get some delight in watching them suffer. Our delight comes when their behavior is corrected."
"We're doing what's called operant conditioning, we're rewarding the behavior we want to keep around, we're correcting the behavior we are not accepting just like kids inside voices outside voices."
"The best thing you can do for the world is raising your children correctly. It's the number one contribution anyone on this planet makes."
"Understand that there are two levels of the relationship you have with your children."
"No village is responsible for your child. You and I are going to be held eternally responsible for what happens to our children."
"Good luck having a nanny raise your kids. I mean, ideally, if we both agree on child stuff, it'd be like, hey, after the kids are going to school, if you want to pursue your passions too or something."
"Parenting is frustration and love, in equal doses."
"Parents have a right to some say over how their kids are raised."
"You don't protect your children, you expose them to the world and make them strong."
"She just didn't like it because she just doesn't feel right with her child with a belt."
"He was our first child and we've had other children since and I'm proud." - "He made by whole life."
"Never raise children with the standard to meet your expectations."
"The solution to dealing with kids is consistency. Facts."
"A child is not an accessory, it's not something that you want because it looks cool and it looks cute, this is your legacy."
"Nancy loved being a mom and she took Juliana everywhere with her on her travels all over the world."
"You have to encourage them to take risks because they have to grow up and take their place in the world. You can't protect them too much because if you do you destroy them."
"What kind of [__] to train up a child is that?"
"Parents are always trying to push it on us... it's hard, thankless, but worth it when you see them sleeping in their butt all cute."
"The role of a parent is not to prioritize obedience."
"Helicopter parents hover over their children like helicopters."
"Kids may not wanna eat their veggies most of the time, but it's astounding what they can consume when no one's around."
"It's amazing to me that no matter what a kid does, my kisses solve all their life problems."
"Adults do not seek validation from children. They seek to guide and civilize children."
"Enjoy every single phase...parenting can be hard...find joy in your children."
"We are parents. We have fundamental rights to raise our children."
"I expect you to care enough about your child to ask a few extra questions."
"Never have a kid if you don't want to have a kid."
"So, prepare your children for that. So don't give them preparations for slavery, give them preparations for freedom."
"Parents decide what's best for their kids and not the government."
"Parents would like to be in charge of their children's education."
"If you are to raise children who are respectful, then they have to have respect for themselves first."
"Parents shouldn't scold their children for not doing things that they don't even do."
"It's easier to raise strong kids than to repair broken men."
"Parents alone should have the authority within reason to decide how their child is brought up in these matters."
"I don't want to have to raise some asshole that I don't fucking like."
"Encourage, talk to, or not talk at, or scream at children... because a wound, it stays with you."
"We should be spending a lot of time training and raising disciplining, loving our children."
"Your kid is not like getting a tattoo. You don't have to name it something that's personally significant to you."
"It takes a village to raise a child, but it is the parent's responsibility to set the parameters."
"Children raised predominantly by dads are less likely to have ADHD."
"The best thing you can do for society is get married and raise good people."
"Every kid and baby is different, it is just all about the consistency that you and your baby feel comfortable with."
"There's nothing more worthwhile for people to do than have children."
"The cost of raising a child to 18 is surprisingly affordable."
"If you've got a culture that refuses criminality and actively raises children to be decent and honest, then you get much lower criminality."
"I'm so impressed with how much you've been raising him like you've done an amazing job."
"It's about having a child, this is a human being, and you have to raise them to be a functioning adult."
"Parents gotta really just raise your kids properly."
"It's easier to raise strong children than to repair broken adults."
"She was determined to raise those children properly and she did."
"Truly like winning/doing parenting at its best."
"I am raising my own children now in the best way possible."
"Children are blank slates... raise a boy to believe it's okay for boys to wear dresses, then he's going to be comfortable wearing a dress at home."
"Neglecting the fundamental rights parents have to raise their children is wrong."
"What better way to raise a new generation of thoughtful, eco-friendly city-dwelling humans?"
"Libs invert everything, calling good evil and evil good, even in how we raise children."
"Don't ever comment on how someone else raises their kids until your kid grows up."
"Every subsequent child, it's like a new experience. It's like, 'Oh, I forgot about this part.'"
"The line between good and bad was often a matter of perspective."
"The left suggests that raising your child in a traditional manner is a form of child abuse."
"The fundamental moral obligation of a parent is to encourage your children to be great Partners in play."
"Encourage them to be the sort of people that other people really want to have around."
"The way we raise children is perhaps one of the most important things that we leave as a legacy in the world."
"Just continue to do what you're doing and love that child regardless."
"We think that you as a parent need to be reinforced."
"If you suffer the pain of childbirth for hours and spend long nights in raising your children, it is the greatest sacrifice."
"Parenting is one of the biggest responsibilities on the planet because what you're doing is you're raising an individual."
"Love and support is more important than anything when it comes to parenting children."
"Unconditional love, those are the moments of being real parents."
"The idea of insulating your children from any kind of ugliness is just totally alien to me."
"Is she worthy of being able to raise your child?"
"A child is kind of like a very high maintenance pet."
"Love and logic gives you a lot of tools and tips to bring back fun to parenting."
"Train up a child in his way, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
"Children should be viewed as a precious investment and for Christians, a soldier in training for the kingdom of God."
"I think that's the beauty you don't have to raise a child you just be a part of the mechanics and you just make make a tall baby."
"Positive reinforcement works wonders with children."
"Parenting is the most important job in the world, and it's probably the job we'll have for the longest number of years."
"Build a community of help, because raising a child takes a village."
"Enjoy with English exactly, enjoy it playful, it's hard to do, it's not just English, it's in so many things."
"Now it's like the crazy administrators are like those crazy people that you normally don't associate with actually dictating the lives of your children."
"God blesses the unbeliever with children. God blesses and rewards even those that don't serve Him and love Him and care about Him with children."
"Kids need boundaries. They need rules. They need regulations. They need to be told."
"Just treating children with love, warmth, and kindness but clear boundaries and rules leads to the most healthy, productive, and engaged children."
"Can you raise a good child to adulthood in very difficult circumstances? Absolutely."
"Caregiving routines like diapering, feeding, bathing a child, all of these are to be viewed as opportunities for connection times to be together and to enjoy it, not as a chore."
"Parenting with fear isn't parenting at all. It's tolerating a child's presence until they're old enough to mind themselves."
"When you have a child, you sort of get this love for your child, nobody can explain."
"Care, confession, adoration, rosary, eucharist." - Summarizing the key elements of nurturing children's souls: confession, adoration, rosary, and participation in the Eucharist.
"There's a better way... if I had a choice to spank or discipline in a way that didn't inflict pain as a loving parent I would choose the one that didn't cause pain on my child."
"There's no such thing as a bad child or a bad student or a difficult child, there are just children and some of them need extra love or extra attention and that's okay."
"A baby isn't a roadblock, a baby isn't like a hassle, it's a blessing, it's a gift."
"You cannot discipline children who do not trust you."
"Be patient with him, eventually he'll be potty trained. God is trying to teach you patience."
"It takes a village to raise a child, and truer words have never been spoken."
"Teaching your child that it is okay to like what they like."
"I think raising children is the most difficult job in the world."
"That's not an example of good discipline, that's just fear and isolation."
"If a child can't handle it, maybe they don't get a sticker."
"Despite the difficulties, Angie and Gino have made it work because they are dedicated to raising happy, healthy, and thriving children."
"Fathers are the men who have the courage to raise children." - John Hagee
"Love is crucial with kids, of course you must love them, but that's not the only thing they need."
"It's the job of a community, of the culture, to make sure that children's attachments happen the way they're meant to happen."
"The third big area for argument in marriages is how to raise the children."
"It takes a village to raise a kid."
"Keep hearing 'it takes a village to raise a child,' whatever, so to me it seems like there's multiple people that are gonna try and push you guys together."
"It seems to me to be intuitively entirely reasonable that telling children such that they really believe that people who sin are going to go to hell and roast forever is a worse form of child abuse."
"Noah's bits because whenever I post a picture of Noah in one of his little, so cute little cool, cool dude outfits lots of you guys ask where his clothes are from."
"If you trust a child, they will repay your trust."
"Marriage is by far the optimal context for child rearing."
"The goal is not to hurt the kids, the goal is to teach them."
"If you can't parent without spanking your kids, you were never a good parent."
"A child is not raised by a father and a mother. A child is raised by a community."
"Don't push your child to meet your needs."
"Your wife is the one that's going to spend the most time with your child. She's going to be the mother, so she's going to be the school for that child as he's growing up."
"The main thing you need as a parent is sleep."
"I want you younger women to raise children well, to marry, raise children, and manage a household."
"Enjoy it. The best thing you can do for your kids is to enjoy it."
"He gave the children discipline, and they loved him for it. It was discipline mixed with love and care."
"The more people that love your children, the better they will be for it."
"These are the kinds of kids you want to raise."
"When we say it's our baby number five, it's the fifth baby that we are currently caring for, and I think that that's just clearer than saying, 'This is our seventh baby'."
"I hope at some point as a society we don't necessarily have to normalize step parenting but we need to speak about the reality of what does it mean to raise someone else's child to the best of your abilities."
"The more you can get people who actually have had children of their own and have brought up children, they're going to appreciate what is abuse and what isn't strong."
"It's a great irony if anyone should be holding up the Great standard of loving and revering children and conception and childbirth it's Orthodox Christians."
"Family is of vital importance to the Elk Father; he places a high value on marriage and children, considering care for a spouse and family to be one of the most important tasks in life."
"Parenting techniques have changed a lot over the years."
"The entire village would raise these kids so it wouldn't be one single person."
"We are genetically programmed to be responsive parents."
"Once you have decided to have the child and you're having the child and you have the child, you have adopted parental responsibility."
"I will raise these children carefully so they can live freely and happily."
"Parents were very careful and took many steps to raise a healthy baby ensuring proper feeding, cleaning, and sleeping."
"What's more valuable than the relationship that you're at home right now raising children, setting a culture, having values?"
"80% of women have no child younger than 6 years."
"Baby Wise really fit our parenting style the best."
"It has been one of my favorite parts so far of having a baby and having a toddler is getting to think through the intentionality of all of that."
"I believe that people should do what they think is right for their children."
"At the end of the day, you're the one that's in charge of the outcome of that child."
"We have to raise children with integrity and honesty."
"It's kind of like a village, so we have everybody else who lives here kind of gets together, everybody makes the Emu together, and we all kind of raise our kids all together here."
"If we have their heart, then there's so many things that take care of themselves."
"It takes a village to raise a child, and you are that village."
"One of the most important factors to raising children well is having your family nearby."
"I trust my instincts and what I feel is best for my child over anything else that the government or society has to say about it."
"Discipline is nothing to do with corporal punishment. There's nothing to do with smacking the little baby child."
"Priyanka and Doug complimented each other well, and had clear agreements when it came to how Connie was raised."
"It's the most complex and beautiful thing there is, the whole the joy and the pain of raising a child and then letting them go."
"Only a mother knows what's best for a child."
"If you raise a thankful child, you've done something special."
"If you're being a good parent, there are going to be periods of time in raising your children when they won't like you, and that's good."
"We all lie to our kids, we do. Most of the time it's for the greater good."
"It doesn't take a village to raise a child anymore. Everybody has one or two things they want to do, and people are realizing that you know what, I have to start living for myself."
"It really does take a village to raise the healthiest and happiest children."
"If you want your child in your life, you should have your child in your life."
"It takes a healthy parent to raise a healthy child, independent of gender."
"You don't need to stay in a marriage or in a relationship to raise good children."
"We must not act like the children when we know better; we must raise them."
"It takes a community and it takes a family and it takes a community to raise children."
"I'm not one of these people who believes that it takes a man to raise a man; it takes a healthy parent to raise a healthy child, independent of gender."
"It's those tiny incremental moments throughout the day, it is crucial that it is you and not just anybody."
"All kids are so different and it's all about your mom intuition and finding the way and the things that work for your child."
"By the end of the 18th century, people began to become much more attached to children."
"Children need patience, they need love, they need prayer."
"Proverbs 22:6, train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are older, they will not depart from it."
"The U.S. government has just came out with a study that says last year the cost of raising a child from the womb to age 18 for a medium income couple was $245,000."
"It all depends on how you raise them."
"Trust your gut on how to parent and love and raise your child."
"A stable marriage with a mom and a dad is considered a public good precisely because it's the best environment for raising children."
"Support your children and speak to them kindly."
"Every decision that you make in raising your child can adversely affect them."
"You cannot have kids and let them be raised by YouTube; you have to raise your kids."
"We need to be role models. We cannot expect very good children if we ourselves don't have those very good values and ethics and morals that we want them to have."
"That is the beauty of being a mom, deciding what you want to do and how you want to raise your kids."
"I hope for a well-adjusted human being."
"You go easy with the guilt, and you bring them back, you know, and you try as hard as you can to not mess up any more children."
"Don't raise your children the way that your parents raised you because their time and their birth is a different era than your time and your birth."
"Fathers, don't frustrate your children; bring them up in the Lord."
"When I'm disciplining my child, it's purely about their safety and their well-being, and making sure that they develop and grow into a caring, ethical, kind person that people will want to hang around with who isn't a jerk."
"It is a lot of work to raise a kid, or so I've been told. Your gram is to be commended for everything that she's done."
"We need to have a good relationship for our child."
"They always say to have a good neighborhood when raising a kid."
"Your child will become a cherished treasure to you."
"It is recognized as one of the best places globally to raise your children."
"Many couples in rich countries prioritize financial stability because of the rising expenses of raising children."
"What truly makes a man a father is the ability to raise a child and invest in that child."
"Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing."