
Joyfulness Quotes

There are 908 quotes

"They laugh so much. You never think monks are, they just fucking laugh all the time."
"Honor my flow above everything else, because it is when I'm in flow that I'm the most light-hearted, the most fun."
"Be like Peter Pan, believe you can fly and enjoy life."
"If you were completely detached, it's like being detached from your thoughts. It doesn't matter what thought happens; if it's a bad thought or a good thought, you're connected with the source, so you feel joyful all the time."
"A fully blossomed human being is a joy to see, no matter what the hell they're doing or what they're not doing."
"Life becomes fun, life becomes joyful... the freedom within the rules is what makes things worth doing."
"We are the most comfortable generation ever before on this planet, but we cannot say we are the most joyful."
"We gotta lighten up; we gotta have a good time."
"Halflings are known as the 'good folk' among other races, for they are joyful by nature and very friendly."
"You can tell by looking at him and watching him, he is just a ball of sunshine."
"If you were the only person on this planet, if you were joyful, would you know you're joyful? Yes. That's important."
"The world is a carousel of color, wonderful, wonderful color."
"My favorite thing about her is how happy she is or how she loves the little things."
"Everco: Living with Angelman syndrome, spreading joy."
"Happy times are coming; happiness is here in this present moment."
"The misunderstanding evident in these response videos are so serious...the Christian life is a joy and a thrill."
"Noah was the happiest baby that you would have ever seen."
"There's always a joy when I see you, what a joy."
"Enjoy every fabulous moment, emphasis on joy."
"The childish joyfulness remains within the hearts of every single character."
"After the near-death experience, I was like a child... bubbly and joyful and grateful for every step that I took on this planet."
"The events on the right are fun, happy, vibrant, colorful."
"Honestly, I don't think there is [a better feeling than laughing]."
"There is a possibility to renew your confidence... feeling like life is more joyful, easy-flowing, feeling a bit like a child as well."
"What is that saying about the nature of our life in terms of why can't life be joyous as equally joyous?"
"Maybe a happy little caramel drizzle will live right here."
"I literally don't know what's going on, I have just been living, laughing, and absolutely loving through this entire book."
"You have eternity. Is there a more joyful message than that?"
"This is the day, this moment the Lord has made, we will be glad and rejoice in it."
"When you're open to receiving those signs you're also open to letting more joy and light into your life."
"Every day, find something to appreciate, something to enjoy, something to love."
"Both are good, both of these projects, both of these things you're trying to manifest are fine, they're going to bring a lot of joy into your life."
"Your highest self enjoys to have fun, to be joyful, through pleasure, through passion, through excitement, through creativity, everything the empress stands for pretty much."
"This is about expansion, beauty, getting to spend more time with your family, getting to know people better, being joyful and kind to each other."
"Lacey was sunshine and happiness wrapped up in this petite frame."
"The simple sensation of pressing Lego bricks together is a joy that simply never diminishes."
"Keep it so positive, you can go dance, have fun, and enjoy your life."
"I just feel so happy these days, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, people were going by on bicycles with their little bells bing bing bing..."
"We want to be the Audrey who eats cheap gelato and crams into a tiny car with a few new friends."
"It's one more person to share the world with, another little voice in the back seat of the car."
"Baptize and baby-make babies and baptize them, it's awesome, great photos, cute little children."
"You make them feel safe and joyful, like a little kid."
"It's just so joyful, it constantly leaves you with your mouth open. It doesn't let up."
"Every relationship, you're just gonna feel really good, you're gonna feel really great."
"Joy is a vibration, it's a very high frequency."
"Sometimes you just gotta sing your heart away."
"If someone gets you a present, someone thought of you. Jump for joy!"
"Be courageous, be confident, play, have fun, don't hold yourself back anymore."
"Cultivate laughter and dance, let go of having to be cool and always in control."
"You need to celebrate... this beautiful golden ball of light."
"You delight in the love of life and bring a spirit of fun to all that you do."
"One hour of pure joy, unbridled, is like fifty dog years."
"Gratitude is one of the keys to living a joyful life."
"Life is precious man and kids are still cute and sex still feels good and food tastes great and the sun still rises and the rain feels wonderful on your face."
"We can't go wrong with rom-coms; this genre instantly delivers happiness to our lives."
"Faith's family describes her as being very joyful, very kind, full of life."
"The Holy Spirit wants you to be happy, joyful, and peaceful."
"Sometimes you just need to dance naked in the rain."
"This song is [ __ ] amazing. I love the beat here, the horns are fun, the whole thing is just, it brings a smile to my face."
"The game's world is full of color, life, and quiet joy."
"Guarantees an atmosphere of vivacity where laughter flows freely."
"The Jack Russell Terrier is a joyful, active dog who enjoys working."
"The instrumental to the song is really cool. It's so joyful."
"Laughter is the best medicine, and I feel like you're going to feel so much laughter and fun and excitement in November."
"Life can't just be about solving problems. They have to be things that inspire you, that move your heart, that make you glad to be alive."
"Your content brings so much joy especially in the hard times... that's why I decided to start doing some of these live chats."
"You are here to be joyful and dance and bring something to the world that raises other people's vibration."
"It brought about a lot of joy, man, I'm not gonna lie."
"This is the happiest thing ever, this is exactly what I wanted to do at the lake, woo!"
"Life is the soul's great joy, allow it to leap, have fun, and fly."
"Your person is very free-spirited, and they just want to play, have fun, and take that leap of faith."
"Life is a joy, and if yours is not then you need to talk to me."
"They feel you have a playful and joyful spirit, letting your inner child shine."
"They feel immense joy when they're around you, like you radiate warmth and happiness."
"They like that you're more positive than not, that you bring a lot of positivity, joy, and light into their life."
"There's a lot of joy and a lot of passion here."
"No one knows how to find joy in the little things the way Grimer can."
"I think he would have just kept getting better and better, and at the end of the day, every single time he stepped onto the floor, he made me smile."
"Life should not only be lived, it should be celebrated."
"The first official Boop of 2023, baby! No regrets!"
"It really is the most wonderful time of the year."
"The little guy was cute whenever he played like that."
"Lockjaw, adorable and joyful character, 100% on board."
"I wanted to feel a lot freer and just more joyful and like honest."
"He's happy a lot, most of the time. He's very joyful and he smiles, and always keeps the rest of us happy."
"Act with fortitude and cooperation. Be joyful and trusting."
"The child in you has to be in there because that's why we played music in the first place."
"The will of God is to rejoice, pray, and be grateful for what you got."
"Let go of the seriousness... approach it with joy and playfulness."
"Santa is a jolly guy all he wants to do is spread Christmas spirit."
"Buddy Holly, it's just a fun ride. It makes you feel like you're on top of the world when you listen to it."
"It’s hard not to smile and sing along with them."
"Let go, dance, play, run, jump, get creative. Rediscover the joy and laughter within."
"It's okay to laugh, the joy of the Lord is your strength."
"It's okay to laugh and be free. I am just... yeah, I've been cooped up."
"God laughs at the wicked and he likes that his children laugh. He likes to see them joyful."
"Barney singing a song about imagination while being happy whimsical shoving those who deny him."
"He's obviously a very dedicated... but he also seems to have a joy about him."
"It's okay to laugh, it's okay to play, it actually will help you manifest faster."
"If you're not smiling right now watching this, I don't know what kind of person you are, bro. Like, real talk."
"When you laugh you stay in the love vibration that's it man that's it."
"Choosing to be playful and add little bits of joy into your dynamic as a couple can keep things just lighter in general."
"Follow this joyful feeling in terms of manifesting the next new opportunity."
"Money loves speed, yes. Money also loves joy."
"You're going toward a more joyful career; it's expanding you to be happy and joyful."
"Community, music, and laughter – the heartbeats of a long and joyful existence."
"Life is about being light-hearted, childlike innocence."
"You're here? I'm feeling all kinds of glad to see you right now."
"Each day you should feel the exhilaration of being alive."
"Fall in love with you fast and they get a sense of Peace around you like none other peace calm true Joy."
"It's Wednesday, it's a beautiful day to be alive."
"It was almost impossible not to share her inherent joy and love of life."
"A child to me now is always a reason to celebrate life."
"Any argument instantly goes away when we start singing with each other."
"He just looks uh so wonderful he looks happy."
"Joy is infectious... it's practical, dear ones."
"Prayer: not just a duty, but a joy that delights God."
"It just brings me so much joy, it's like my face hurts from smiling."
"Supernatural joy, enough for you and enough to give away."
"It's got fuel, it's got laughter, you've got to put a smile on your face at the end of it."
"No reason but you can't stop smiling and you just want to scream."
"You still have that joy, you still have it." - Maintaining joy despite challenges.
"Don't take things too seriously, make time to play."
"Like when you find your person and you always talk about like starting a life together and getting married and then it's like when it's finally here it's just it feels so good."
"I just bring joy to people's lives. I didn't know that was a problem."
"He's just so happy to be here. He's so happy to adventure. He doesn't even care that he was, God, he's just such a happy little guy."
"Child-like wonder is something I'm never gonna apologize for."
"If you do find out by any chance who you really are... you start laughing and laughing leads to dancing and dancing needs music."
"Being warm, welcoming, and inviting is a wonderful, safe, and joyful place to rest."
"Your consistency and joy in contributing to people."
"Life is meant to be light, filled with play and happiness, no matter the situation."
"It brought me joy to see how happy people were to see you."
"Let your light shine and don't forget to live with joy."
"Laughter is healing and reminds us to take life less seriously and find the joy in the littlest things."
"Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, not just kind of glad, exceedingly glad."
"There's a strong attraction and joy between you."
"Just having like a je ne sais quoi, like you have like a funny side, you're just somebody who enjoys having like little moments and sharing good laughs."
"Paul McCartney has an innate ability to make joyful music that just makes you smile."
"Peace and harmony, protection, playfulness, and joy."
"True peace pulls us through life by all four of those: body, heart, mind, and soul, and into joy."
"Give yourself the permission to be creative and try things out. What's fun for you? What's joyful for you?"
"I'm constantly having fun, I'm always laughing, and I'm incredibly happy."
"Everyone made it so special for me... it was just the most fun thing ever."
"No crying or weeping; sorrow and mourning will be gone, replaced with joy and gladness." - Isaiah 65:19
"I love being a flower girl. I like to make everyone happy."
"I love to have fun and I love to make people laugh and I love bringing joy."
"I felt like I was the happiest I'd been my whole life."
"Be joyful. Joy is sacred. You start seeing things in humor and all, it's kind of like clears the rocks in the road so you can see clearly and make better decisions. Something that simple is a good start in my opinion."
"Celebrate those little victories and just be like super stoked and just feel like how uplifting that is to go ahead and lighten your load."
"It is Christmas and it is the only time we get to let it sparkle and let it shine."
"It seems quite obvious to me that laughter and joy are definitely the panacea in One Piece."
"Somebody is becoming ugly or beautiful not because they are ugly or beautiful but because they are joyful or not joyful."
"Show up in the joy of the moment and then everything is transformed."
"I live for the rainbows. I live, hi, I'm living."
"Have fun! Let your inner child come out and play."
"Step into this childlike joy, not childish but childlike."
"His smile, his laughter, his humor, often crude but yet funny and personal."
"Follow your heart, that childlike, playful, fun-loving energy."
"No half tank, not on fumes, not on empty. I want your joy full." - John 15:11
"We need to create joyful and conscious human beings."
"The sun is shining, the best card in the deck."
"Make time to play, experiment, and do what you love."
"Look at my birds, look at us! Oh, we're vibing!"
"Allow yourself to be surprised and embrace playfulness and happiness."
"Once we discovered that it is life-giving to read all of God's word, it becomes doable, easy, and delightful."
"The people on the bus are so happy, all through the town."
"Childhood dreams are unlike any others—a pure sense of whimsy and fun."
"Michael was wonderful. He was happy, full of life."
"We're called to be children and that even goes to we're called to be playful."
"Finding joy and gratitude in the ability to be oneself, dance in the streets, and enjoy life to the fullest."
"Love your positive approach to life, stay strong, stay positive, stay vibrant, my man, keep spreading that joy."
"Divine feminine is out here smelling the roses full of energy."
"A feeling of excitement, a feeling of joy, these are communications direct from your soul."
"I want you dancing in the sun. Good. Go all the way."
"Growing up in such a big family with so many people, it's so much more fun." - Unknown speaker
"You bring a lot of joy into many lives and there is a lot of joy that is meant to be had and experienced by you."
"It's a complete state of well-being, joy, boundless infinite love, and appreciation."
"They feel so much light love joy and magnetism."
"Release what you've been carrying and lighten up; new joy is on the way."
"You can make your life shine a little bit more, you can make it sparkle a little bit more by being a little bit more lighthearted about it."
"It's like the return of Joy, innocence, and a childhood-like Wonder to your life that Jupiter wants to create."
"There's a buoyancy and a joyful joyfulness to this reimagining that wasn't present in the first."
"A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance."
"Be playful, have more mirth and joy in your life. Invite more pleasure and delight into your life."
"It's such a joy to drive, I don't know what else to say about it."
"Being joyful and being a joyful woman with just brightness and love radiating, that's what everyone finds attractive."
"People view you as naturally joyful, always optimistic even through life's challenges."
"The Sun represents joyfulness and happiness between you two."
"It almost felt like a parade of joy."
"Islam is world affirming. There's an element of truth in that, that there is a ludic and joyful aspect to traditional Muslim life."
"Life should be lived joyfully. Without that, survival would be hardly meaningful."
"It was truly the first time that I realized that it was very possible that young people had never been exposed to joy like that in their culture before."
"There is joy in acting like a very safe and responsible child."
"All joy and peace is within. When the sun is shining, why keep the flashlight on? It's inconsequential."
"We're moving away from the idea of connection being just happiness, infatuation, excitement, pleasure, sensuality, to a state of presence, to a state of loving kindness, compassion, equanimity, and appreciative joy."
"You must choose to be grateful in order to be joyful."
"There's nothing more alive than holidays with family."
"I'm talking not about that inward joy even if outwardly you are a reserved quiet type of person, an inward joy that never goes."
"Thank you, dear God, for this wonderful day."
"Being what I call in joy, instead of being on the exterior part of it and looking at the people who always joyous and then saying I want to be that way, you can be, you are, you just have to start feeling it which is putting the right things into it."