
Simplification Quotes

There are 2268 quotes

"When you cut that shit out of your life, it leaves you with this very specific palette with which to paint."
"The best way to speed up is to play uncomplicated moves that just improve something."
"They basically just ground up the entire Internet into a slurry."
"Some of the most amazing entrepreneurs in the world... simplify very complex concepts."
"If it's subtracting, maybe subtract it from your life so that you can have more joy."
"Simplify everything and make everything easier and more manageable."
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. But sometimes, it's a penis."
"The moment we start talking about how human beings really flourish, we can cut through a lot of this."
"It gives me this very consistent linear progress where I'm able to just simplify things."
"I agree. I think people misunderstanding, they oversimplify structural racism."
"If you teach something, it forces you to break down the information and it forces you to understand it well enough to break it down simply for someone else."
"You reduce everything to a count...and then you represent that count in base two."
"Follow your natural instincts. You are making the current issue more complicated than it needs to be."
"You want to factor everything before you simplify."
"Let's start with... let's say if we have light denominators."
"What's the best way to get strong? That question is easily answered."
"It's not brain surgery, but it is rocket science."
"It's easier than saying victim of undue influence."
"The holy grail of physics is to find this theory of everything, an equation that you can stick on a t-shirt."
"Drawing is like legal cheating. We have all the information that we need in our subject; all we have to do is look at it."
"This is one of the greatest pieces of conceptual development in human history, taking something complicated and turning it into something simple and usable."
"One way to save our brainpower is just to ignore stuff and simplify things...but a better way to do it is to become more intelligent."
"Space doesn't actually have to be hard. In fact, we've made it really easy."
"My name is Kyle and my job is to simplify the web for you so you can start building your dream project sooner."
"By asking that question, you start to identify what the benefits of simplifying are."
"Facebook’s product is to get on and get information that is targeted to you so you can simplify your life."
"It's the simplifying the complex... I do a lot of English to English translation. Like, I talk to lawyers, and then I tell the clients what they say... I think I do the same thing with concepts that I've learned."
"The naive faith of the proletarian requires necessary illusion and emotionally potent oversimplifications."
"People love to categorize other people. We understand that we are complex, but other people? Other people are simple."
"Simplification is just reducing your image or the components of your composition down to what is absolutely necessary."
"Simplification is something we have available to all of us, but none of us use it."
"Once energy flattens out or starts to decline, we're going to experience the reverse. This will not be a normal event, but it will be a great simplification. It will be one of the biggest events in the history of our species."
"Welcome back to Web Dev Simplified, my name is Kyle, and my job is to simplify the web for you."
"For better or worse, shared belief systems simplify everyone in their own eyes and in the eyes of others."
"When you move into town, you have fewer kids because they're no longer free labor, they're more of a luxury good."
"Redux Toolkit simplifies the developer experience by providing a standard way to set up stores, reducers, and actions."
"It's technically a biased compression algorithm... it takes the complexity of the world and compresses it to a few simple axioms."
"If you can make the things that you should be doing easier than the things that you shouldn't be doing, that's where you can get the easy shortcut to success."
"The Feynman Technique is a method of memorization where you learn a more complex concept and then you break it down into simple terminology and then you teach it to someone who knows nothing about the subject."
"We've reduced our conversation to the dumbest possible point."
"A real expert can take a complex subject and break it down into simple terms for a novice."
"Anything can be done if you break it down small enough."
"What's the meaning of life? Let me give you the seven-word answer you were looking for."
"I've come to the conclusion that you can pretty much explain anything to anybody, as long as you go about it the right way."
"There's nothing quite like someone taking an extremely complicated topic and condensing it down and showing you only the most important things that you actually need to know."
"TensorFlow takes all the details of a distributed system and just hides them from you."
"India isn't simple and shouldn't be simplified."
"Demystifying means helping people understand something that's complicated to them and breaking it down so it's very simple to understand."
"The CS50 library exists largely for the first few weeks of the class to make our lives easier."
"A goal's a goal, you know. Just like I said with my assist, an assist is an assist, well goals are goals too."
"Now what I want to do in this video is a very different and more simplified take..."
"Focus, simplify, focus... let's get focused on the main way that we can serve people."
"Abstraction is the idea of suppressing details."
"I feel like I have to aim at every single enemy, if they could take out even one or two it's a lot easier for me."
"It's a process of back and forth, you know, we start with mass out and mass out is the simplest and cleanest a map will ever be."
"All problems are like this, once you've broken them down into smaller parts."
"Make the requirements less dumb." - Elon Musk
"A bill is basically a proposal, right? So you bring this... you bring something, think about like a white paper. Like you have an idea for something."
"Make your life easy, make your life simple, get a Ridge Wallet, get out the door."
"AGP is not the explanation for all trans women."
"Emojis stifle and dumb down human expression."
"Fascism is about reducing complex systems to clear, understandable enemies."
"Don't overwhelm your business with a bunch of software, ODU can unify your processes."
"Economics is not a science without a conviction that the average man, woman, even older child can grasp the basics of economics."
"All revolutions and all wars, when you dig through everything, it all boils down to money."
"Vitamins and supplements can be confusing. Persona takes the guesswork out of it."
"Simplify everything and then just start to address from there."
"We are able to contextualize the news and one of the things that we always felt about working in broadcast news is that it was so dumbed down."
"The job of the teacher is to simplify and expose what students need to know at the right time."
"Happiness is just a bunch of chemicals flowing throughout your body."
"What if we took that inventory, that passive storytelling device, and we cut it down to just one slot?"
"What is the alternative? I mean, I guess Apple Pay does a decent job, but all it's doing is just autofilling the things you've already put in."
"Without stories, we're just eating machines with shoes."
"Cut through all the crap when you're doing self inquiry and get right to the root."
"Bethesda managed to cull so many mechanics and depth, simplifying everything to the point where you no longer need to really think about your choices."
"It's one cause and one treatment that's the key."
"So the easier way to pronounce 'fifth' is 'fifth', just skipping that second 'f'."
"The holy trinity: faster, less distance, less maneuvers."
"Do not say, 'Oh, I'll just make the compiler happy and take the const off.'"
"Stereotyping reduces people to a few simple characteristics."
"Therapy is not complicated. It taught me to simplify, simplify therapy, simplify the cure."
"Stick to simple cuts, remove the mistakes, tighten up stuff if it needs it."
"There is no definitive answer for who is to blame; to pretend so is to falsify history itself."
"You are actually able to have sex without there being all of these magical rituals. It's possible to just have sex, you can just do it."
"Detail and nuance are alighted, and all that remains is a hollow shell."
"We're going to be able to eliminate one side of the course."
"Eliminated everything that's not working... That's truly what makes me happy."
"Forget about capitalism versus communism. That is absolute nonsense."
"Junk politics does not demand justice or the reparation of rights; it miniaturizes large complex problems at home while maximizing threats from abroad."
"Challenges are going to be a lot more streamlined hopefully it's not going to involve anything like crouching or mounting or doing any stupid stuff like that."
"True wisdom is turning something complex into something simple that people can understand."
"Just let all of the Afton stuff just kind of be done like that stuff just put it away, don't even bring it back as Easter eggs. Just let it be."
"It's just you and I, or just you and the camera, don't think about that."
"Streamline everything you can possibly streamline."
"If you have a problem, what can you remove from the situation to fix the problem?"
"We actually need to depensify the republican party."
"Let the nerds worry about it and own the broader indexes."
"Competition is good for the consumer, I think it's... it takes complicated things and allows for simpler stories."
"Parody should be prioritized, it will make things way easier to understand going into the future."
"Streamlined for the benefit of the audience's entertainment."
"Tax filing should be as easy as looking at the info the IRS already has."
"Offensive holding should be five yards, just five."
"Just remove any excuses anything that doesn't even help you just don't even think about it."
"We took that unnecessary evil out of the equation."
"War bad. And like, what if we were anti-war?"
"I am incredibly good at breaking down complicated topics in ways that everybody can understand it is literally my number one strength."
"Sometimes I'll go with the easy way on this one... helps you justify the pick, right?"
"That's part of why there's so many fewer of moving parts in a TV."
"I mean, I think you guys got the gist of the story here."
"Resident Evil 7 stripped away everything that had overcomplicated the series and presented us with a simple story about surviving in a scary house full of monsters… sort of what made everyone fall in love with Resident Evil in the first place."
"Thank God for Jesus that takes 613 to2 and says all you got to do is love me with all of your heart with all of your soul with all of your mind and love your neighbor as yourself."
"Eff it, and you're going for it, what's your ten of Pentacles? This is your everything card."
"Geopolitics isn't so simple that it can fit inside your meme text boxes."
"Design for what you think you need and then look for ways to de-engineer."
"We have simplified this process literally to unhandcuff entrepreneurs and salespeople."
"It almost simplifies things in a way. It's like you have these two variables, training, nutrition, and you've just got to optimize those."
"I think the biggest shortcoming of discussion and research about gold and bitcoin is oversimplifying."
"You just got an airplane wing, so that's what blockchain is."
"I think reducing it down to Fauci and the Surgeon General lied is... pretty reductive in my opinion."
"When you don't understand something you can always break it down to something simpler that you do understand."
"The best way that every amazing artist does it is by simplifying it, seeing it as a simplified thing, the simplified problem."
"So how do you get rid of herpes you have to kill the parasite and you have to get rid of the proteins that's that's super simple."
"The big three is the ultimate productivity hack to simplify a complex life."
"Can we just say listen here's a guy who killed people we punish him because he killed people that's about it."
"Poly synthesis: simplifying languages, altering cultures."
"We can actually reduce this down to a workable data set."
"Simplify to just one or two wildly important things."
"Decentralization period if you want the simple answer that's what it is to everything."
"Let's eliminate the stuff that's already against the law... let's try to cut down on threats because those are already against the law."
"He knows when to play the unspeakable simplifying moves."
"Your game is going to have to be simplified like how you played before you got comfortable with the ball, just one two dribbles pull up shot."
"You really don't need to have this cable plugged in anymore so I've just kind of set it down in the case here away from everything."
"Focusing less on totally revamping your life and more on making each individual choice the best version it can be is a great way to sort of backdoor yourself into a better overall routine."
"Draft is just always the easiest thing to point to."
"Super duper handy if you have big relationships that you don't want to sell up and create sim because honestly I've done it in the past it's a big big hassle like humongous hassle to completely create them."
"We think it actually does make trading much simpler"
"Mapping simplifies coding and reduces the need for extensive code."
"Just multiply that by about six and maybe you'd have it."
"We live in the world of complex systems, no longer simplifying complex problems to simple solutions."
"He's the goat of all goats and you can just move on from there."
"Dynamic Programming is a powerful way of solving complex optimization problems."
"The general principle is to reduce the problem to a simpler problem because then you can hopefully solve- it is easier to solve, and then you can maybe keep on doing that until you get something that's trivial."
"It's such a reductive, juvenile way of thinking to make it all about one race good, one race bad."
"Simplifying our lives, especially when we come from a consumerist background, isn't easy but it's definitely worth it."
"Ideas like cosmological natural selection and eternal inflation are helpful because they reduce the amount of work required by that initial creationary event - it only needs to produce a spacetime capable of exponential growth."
"The basis of the technique is that you try to explain a complicated topic simply."
"Simplify your life, focus on producing 80% of the result with just 20% of your action."
"Lighten your load, decluttering could also be helpful."
"In fact, instead of telling you all about the technology behind it, the AI and all that stuff, let's just show you."
"What is the one thing that I could do that by doing would make everything else easier or unnecessary?"
"Simplify complex systems; be skeptical of unnecessary complexity."
"Reason from first principles rather than by analogy... boil things down to the most fundamental truths."
"Let's just make it simple and round that down to 80. 80 divided by 3 is like 26 point something."
"Understanding computer science topics greatly simplifies coding projects."
"What goes on in the world can be explained through so many simple things."
"I don't claim any expertise on anything, if there's anything I'm good at, it's taking complex topics and making them easy to understand."
"Let's forget about all that; let's just put labels."
"The main takeaway: condensing characters, streamlining things, taking things out."
"Everything you can do in one less step, you want to do with one less step."
"One of the best deals I've ever heard: free resources."
"No oppressor Mark 2 no helicopters we're going back to the basics."
"Find simple rules and patterns to identify what to discard."
"By removing both the paralyzing infinity of endless options and the uncomfortable choice of artistic compromise we're instead free to constrain our focus on the things that actually matter and are achievable."
"Simplify CSS styling with Emmet's shorthand notations."
"It removes that nuance and it really degenerates the game."
"Cloudways simplifies the process of managing the hosting for you."
"That's why he did it, so he didn't have to worry about the download anymore."
"Simplifying life, getting down to what's really important in life."
"Is there a complicated topic that you've really been wanting to understand? Well, you can tell GPT3 to explain it to you like you're a six-year-old."
"Prepare for winter... declutter your life, finances, relationships."
"Teachers are gifted by God to take complex spiritual truths and make them simple, understandable, and applicable."
"Composition perspective color theory etc. ways to learn to face a complicated subject and make it seem much more doable and much more fun."
"Step one: take out the bad stuff. Step two: put in the good stuff. Problem solved."
"Titles and thumbnails need to be simplified."
"I'm a numbers guy not this visual new artistic Flair, it's only for your benefit because most of you need it conceptually shown to you on a chart."
"Either way, football is football. Just get it back."
"Hopefully, I broke it down in simple enough terms to get you started."
"Maybe the simplest explanation for all the secrecy..."
"I've always been really good at as a vice to do not profit on racing was converting like really academic boring stuff into understandable and like sellable ideas to the public."
"So what I decided to do is just remove the judicious part of Raghu."
"It's sometimes it's that we have to have our clients do less."
"There's not a whole lot to explain here right I mean there's nothing that we can't explain in the span of like five to ten minutes so we're gonna kind of beef this up a little bit."
"It's really not that hard once you get the basic understanding of it."
"The very fact that you're existing and breathing is enough and all that matters."
"Simplify both your back-end and front-end code by using callable functions."
"They've taken really complex gaming genres and made them much more simple to understand."
"Most people don't look at nuance... the true problem with humans in general."
"Removing distracting backgrounds can simplify your photos and draw more attention to the subject."
"Converting your photos to black and white can create a more artistic photo by removing the distraction of color."
"Reduce that complex data into something very easy to understand."
"We need to cut through the noise of all these different numbers."
"Basketball with no rules is just throwing a ball at a hoop."
"Simplify everything, things that are complicated cannot be controlled."
"Remove something to solve the problem, not add something."
"Throw out everything else, it's the economy, you silly goose!"
"Simplify your life until that drawer is tidy so you can come home, put things in it, close the door, and then later, open it up and find out exactly what you need from that drawer and get it out easily."
"Our vision is simplifying, yeah, in the end."
"Success should be simplified: identify the goal, eliminate the rest, and pursue."
"Simplify your web development workflow with ZAMP."
"ZAMP: Making web development easier one step at a time."