
Reactivity Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"I'm such a reactive person and being able to create a bit of distance from your reactions is crucial."
"The key to being non-reactive is not to try and be non-reactive. No, no, no, no. The key to be non-reactive is to first observe your reactions."
"Most of your reactions to the world are not coming from conscious awareness; it's a reactive state."
"To really just focus on human connection and empathy overreaction."
"When things are uncomfortable or tense... can you breathe through it instead of being reactive?"
"Proactive people are automatically reactive, but reactive people are not automatically proactive."
"We have to be prepared to react not based on what we believe but what the Fed actually does."
"Regulators will never actually prevent a problem; they will only ever react to casualties of past problems."
"We need to move from reactivity to proactivity."
"We need to switch from reactivity to proactivity."
"Reactivity can be looked at as something that we want to avoid, but when we go meta to reactivity and change our perspective around it, we see reactivity as an opportunity."
"What we really want to do is understand this reactivity so we can reconcile our views on certain aspects of reality, the divergent views, and create inner peace."
"People will see the event for what it is and become reactive... you'll be able to take a step back and say no, there's a larger purpose."
"The combat is so much more engaging because you're always reacting to things."
"Yes, I think that's that's kind of my process is reactivity."
"Patience is very frustrating, right? But usually it leads to a better outcome than being reactive."
"It's being reactive, not actually solving problems."
"Carbon is a lot more reactive... it does a lot more interesting things."
"Learn to unreact, just be. You do not have to bring the full-on response to everything."
"And if you don't react to one of these raids, two minutes later you could be down 20 villagers."
"When we make reactivity the default problem, we are opening the door super wide especially for emotional abuse."
"You cannot control the variables out here in the world, but you can control your reaction to them and you can control how you show up in this space."
"Characters are created in a way where they can react to anything."
"All of these characters are created in a way and their artificial intelligence is programmed in a way where they can react to anything."
"Are you kidding me? Look if you shake it, it just goes mad."
"We want to be able to react quickly to balance."
"Just because you're calm if something else bothers the horse and sets them off it doesn't matter how calm you are."
"The do something reflex is something we see in politics all of the time."
"Don't try and predict what the market is gonna do, observe what the market is doing and react to the trends."
"As a leader you shouldn't be reacting, you should be responding."
"Being reactionary is often much better than prediction. Prediction gets us into a lot of trouble."
"I think this is a very big deal one of the big things that priest has often had issue with is being reactive and having situational stuff."
"I just think the world's got enough, enough reactivity out there."
"Reactivity means that you can write most asynchronous code as if it were synchronous."
"Make sure you're being proactive, not reactive."
"The second something isn't the way you want it to be, you get mad."
"The properties of an intelligent agent are it's autonomous, it's reactive to the environment, it's proactive, goal-directed, and it interacts with other agents via the environment."
"Reactivity destroys the safety within relationships."
"99% of people go through life unconsciously reacting versus consciously engaging."
"Reactivity characterizes us as organisms."
"And also less reactivity and more proactivity in different areas of our life or in different levels."
"Reactive people become emotional."
"But you may be wondering hey, I just showed you this really cool way using reactivity transform what happens if I use that inside a composable."
"Life becomes simple when we don't add unnecessary reactivity to situations."
"Even when using the lowest reactivity settings, [the DS2] is very fast."
"100 percent proactive, zero reactive."
"Deal with everyday experiences from a place of peace, not reactivity."
"So, because it turns out that when you've got a reaction involving a benzene, at certain positions on the benzene might be activated or deactivated, and we usually identify with the ortho, meta, and para relationships instead of like the two, three, or four relationships."
"Reactivity comes from the ego, in presence you respond to situations, but you don't react."
"Our R2DBC embraces reactive types and patterns."
"We want this to be reactive so there's a function that we want to bring in called ref and anything you want to be reactive you want to wrap in that function."
"The transactions are back so now we're not storing the transactions in this one component it's in our main app component so we can use these wherever we can pass them to any components we want and they're going to be reactive."
"...a vol mix that heightened his reactions to perceived threats."
"Svelte.js: Truly reactive, state management built-in."
"...being proactive is always better than being reactive."
"...elements in the same group have similar properties...Group one elements react with water with increasing vigor as you go down the group..."
"Highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) are crucial in chemical reactions."
"Understanding symmetric and anti-symmetric orbitals is important for pericyclic reactions."
"Formaldehyde will have the greatest equilibrium constant for hydrate formation, forming the most hydrate because it's the most reactive."
"Reactivity is not solved in isolation. You gotta fix the relationship, you gotta do the obedience, you gotta do the play too, in addition to the reactivity. All those things are important."
"When one of its dependencies change, for example if the brand were to change from 'view mastery' to 'node mastery', our computed property would receive that new dependency."
"This exercise is really great for learning how to just observe what's happening instead of getting so pulled into it and being so reactive in our everyday lives with whatever it is that's happening around us."
"When we react, and the mind is reactive, we're jumping into the experience with our judgments, with our likes, with our dislikes."
"Reactive everywhere really means everywhere that it's appropriate."
"Alkenes are more reactive than alkanes, and this is because of the double bond that is their functional group."
"What's nice about app state is that it's reactive."
"Halide ions lose electrons because they've got that extra one, and this makes them really good reducing agents."
"The double bonds have high electron density, making them reactive and prone to addition reactions."
"Reducing power increases as we work our way down group seven, with larger halide ions being better reducing agents."
"Isotopes with the same number of electrons react chemically in the same way."
"A tertiary alkyl halide is bad for an sn2 reaction."
"Do you consider yourself a reactor or a proactor when it comes to life are you reactive or are you proactive?"
"Yeah, so it's pretty simple. It's because the meditators, um, are responding instead of reacting."
"When you learn how to control your emotions, then that means that you're no longer reactive to situations and circumstances."
"The practice of bringing a mindful presence versus playing out the patterns of reactivity."
"It is absolutely a goal to support fine-grained reactivity and real incremental computation."
"Our main job is to react instead of predict."
"We should all focus on being more responsive rather than reactive."
"The characteristic of the alpha rhythm which makes it augment or become higher voltage with eye closure and attenuate or become lower voltage with eye opening is known as reactivity."
"So far we've seen how data flows in one direction, but the dollar sign page store makes your data available everywhere."
"Svelte three turned JavaScript into a reactive language."
"Troubleshooting is just waiting until you already have problems and then you've got to try and fix them."
"Most noble gases do not react with other elements mainly because they have a full octet of valence electrons."
"Reactivity can be one of the most challenging issues that dog guardians face, but with the right mix of knowledge, compassion, and trainer support, you can strengthen and energize the relationship between you and your reactive dog."
"The mood is reactive, what does it mean? Say you are sad but if I crack a joke or if I give a good news that you got a you won a lottery, you will smile, you will cheer up."
"It's a reactive state management system. It models data in a reactive way."
"You practice keeping responsive instead of reactive."
"Most people when they go into reactive mode, they start looking at the surface of things and they lose sight of what's important to them."
"We live in a hot-tempered, hot-headed, quick-tempered, knee-jerk reactive, speak or act before you think culture."
"Functions are triggered in a number of different ways. They can be triggered by an HTTP request, which is primarily what will show in microservices architecture in a bit."
"A better life... is somebody who's not reactive because we have the executive suite of our brain, the prefrontal cortex, in charge."
"Increase in stability is always going to correspond to a lowering of reactivity."
"That is how you create a very simple app with a very useful app and really a very dynamic, reactive, interactive app."
"What's nice though is that whereas an amine here itself can act as a nucleophile, an imide cannot."
"Reactive theology is never sound theology; scripture says that we are saints."
"Chlorine trifluoride is so reactive that it is the most flammable substance known."
"The bond strength and the bond enthalpy actually determine the reactivity."
"The carbon-iodine bond has the lowest bond enthalpy, hence it is hydrolyzed the fastest."
"Primary halogenoalkanes react the slowest, and the tertiary ones react the quickest."
"The primary cause for dog reactivity is always fear."
"How often do internet crimes against children task force members conduct reactive investigations? How reactive would be daily, constantly due to the influx of leads that come from the national center and from their local jurisdictions."
"Atoms are highly reactive; they end up combining; they live only for a short time, most of them."
"RxJS is a reactive extensions library for JavaScript... it's essentially a library for reactive programming using observables."
"This is the beauty of reactive frameworks, that it's going to display automatically."
"The greater the difference in the reactivity between the two metals, the higher the voltage produced by the cell."
"An atom with an unfilled valence shell is more likely to react with other atoms to try to obtain a full outer shell."
"Group 1 metals are known as the alkali metals. This means that when they are added to water, they produce an alkaline solution."
"The Aries Moon is very reactive, and the baby and the boy psychology that I always talk about associated and attributed to Aries, always."
"An understanding of this electron density within a pi bond will become very useful when predicting reactivity of alkenes."
"Working through your dog's reactivity can create a truly special bond with them."
"Therapy has taught me to be less reactionary."
"We have a notebook system that is reactive, your notebook is stored as a .jl file, and everything is interactive."
"Whenever the state of a component changes, React is going to execute this entire function once again."
"Chemical properties describe the ability of matter to react or combine with another matter to form a new substance."
"Structure determines reactivity, that's the key."
"Making nitriles is an important step in organic synthesis because they're highly reactive."
"Transition metals are often really reactive and very cool."
"EMDR processing eliminates the negative reactivity and allows the skills to actually be able to be used."
"Granulated activated carbon is widely used in water treatment; it's highly reactive for adsorbing dissolved chemicals."
"Reactive programming is essentially a pattern where we basically have an object that listens to some sort of event and when it receives a change or some sort of value it basically reacts to it."
"Benzotriazoles do a lot of cool chemistry, they're a little bit sketchy looking and they can be allergen sensitizers, but overall they're still kind of cool."
"Functional groups are the components of organic molecules that are most commonly involved in chemical reactions."
"And, of course, make them reactive and dynamic."
"You're learning not to become emotionally reactive to things."
"Sometimes a bright lure is enough to get a dormant fish reactive in cold conditions."
"I like living an intuitive life where I'm not acting and reacting and responding to stimuli of the world."
"Public policy tends to be reactive or in response to a problem rather than an anticipation of it."
"Benzene has special stability we call aromaticity; cyclobutadiene has a lack of stability, special reactivity we call anti-aromaticity."
"Stores are great for lazy initialization, managing application data in a centralized location, and supporting reactivity to avoid stale data on the UI."
"One of the great things about distress paint is that it is water reactive and it creates some cool marbling effects."
"The shapes of the HOMO and LUMO are critical in identifying the atoms that will engage in reactivity."
"A state is just a variable that when its value changes, it will automatically trigger a re-render of the page."
"It utilizes conversational training and is based on the concepts of desensitization and counter conditioning, which is why it's great for reactive or fearful dogs."
"There's a lot of cross reactivity that means there's a lot of binding to parts of Spike protein that are conserved between species."
"The conditioning of your mind determines how you react to things that are happening around you."
"The experience of distortion is reactivity, or it's upheld by reactivity; without reactivity, there's no basis for comparison between the reflections and reality."
"Alkanes are sometimes called paraffins because they are chemically unreactive."
"The action of heat on the carbonate of a metal depends on the position of the metal in the reactivity series."
"We want to learn how to live a skillful life by developing the skill so you're not a reactive mind."
"If you keep doing that, you walk out in your life, I guarantee you'll be less responsive and reactionary to everyone and everything."
"Fixing problems after people die is not a really good highway approach."
"The crystal acts based on emotions; it might be because of anger, fear, or even passion and curiosity."
"Everyone has relational traumas, everyone has triggers, everyone has relational reactivity."
"Functional groups are groups of chemicals which have unique reactivity features."
"All group two elements react with water to form bases."
"The compound that is most easily able to bear that negative charge is going to have the strongest conjugate acid."
"Your code is reactive; your code responds to things that happen."
"Reactivity means that the framework can automatically update the user interface when the information behind it changes."
"Reactivity is a core concept that allows you to create a dynamic and responsive application without manually manipulating the DOM."
"Her abilities activate in response to life-threatening situations, providing her with the necessary skills to save lives."
"Whenever the data in the model changes, the UI will notice and update itself accordingly."
"A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal from its compound."
"The more reactive the metal is, then the more corrosive it is."
"The lime water is used to test for carbon dioxide gas."
"It's a meditation practice and you start gaining benefits from that, down regulates your nervous system, right? Has become less reactive and there's more space to maneuver."
"With a catalyst that is both reactive and very sensitive to the physical organic properties of CH bonds, you can achieve catalyst-controlled site selectivity that is tunable."
"Observables are a mutable container of some object of some type and this can be of any type."
"Sites should be reactive to users' input, have predictable user experiences, and not set up things that are going to trip up users."
"The halogens are highly reactive because they only want to gain one electron."
"My goals for improving reactivity in Angular are this: I want to make it so that developers can use observable values easily in their template."
"Changes to state are what causes change detection to run, not asynchronous operations."
"Enols are more reactive than alkenes."
"If I were an electron in a higher energy orbital, I would be more nucleophilic."
"The more P character, the more reactive."
"The difference between these two is just as great, a hundred thousand times in reactivity."
"That's what makes Flutter, and Flutter Flow by extension, very much in demand; they're reactive."
"Molecular nitrogen N2 is the world's greatest leaving group."
"Meditating every day will train your brain to be less reactive, allowing you to stay cool under pressure."
"Now whenever this property gets changed, we will see the change instantly on the view."
"This computed property will only ever be fired when message is changed, which is a lot more efficient."
"It's not a very good idea to use refs wherever there's reactive data involved."
"Our views can react, so anytime the data comes out with a new list of users, our views react to that."
"You have to work on not being super reactive when things don't go your way."
"The more reactive element displaces a less reactive element."
"The view is automatically capable to observe these changes."
"The intrinsic reactivity and the solubility in water because its too soluble right and the ability to pass the blood brain barrier and so on right."
"Reactivity isn't everything, it's the only thing."
"If the photocatalyst absorbs visible light, it goes to its excited electronic state and can act both as an electron donor or as an electron acceptor."
"The reaction conditions are generally very mild and provide a very viable tool to give new kind of reactivity without using much amount of stoichiometric reagents."
"Sometimes you just got to be reactive; that's what real trading is all about."
"Nucleophiles and electrophiles react faster with conjugated systems."
"The more easy to receive an electron, the more reactive."
"We want to have a good understanding of reactivity."
"Acid chloride is the least stable, most reactive."
"Lithium aluminum hydride reacts violently with water."
"Amphoteric oxides are able to react with both acids and bases."
"The widget layer solves this problem by providing a reactive API."
"We want it to be reactive... just magically have it update anything that we have, it's updated."
"It's a more reactive material. That's important for assimilation of nutrients."
"That's exactly why aryl amines are so reactive in electrophilic aromatic substitution."
"The name React is simply saying 'Hey, based on whatever the state or data of the app is, I'm just going to react to it.'"
"The primary coordination sphere... is what controls its electronics and in general its reactivity."
"You got to be able to react to the news and the way the stock's reacting to the news."
"I react like ten times before they will react like one."
"What a sequence of decisions, and just was so reactive in that transition."
"Super acids are capable of protonating nearly anything, including things like hydrocarbons."
"Solvation effects have a massive impact on reactivity and can totally switch all the orders that we've talked about."
"We're going to have a quick review of arrow pushing and then I'm going to show you examples of applying this language of reactivity in chemistry."
"The chart itself gives us an idea of how reactive these elements can be."
"Football is a reactive sport, it's not a thinking sport. Everything after the snap is reacting."