
Core Values Quotes

There are 631 quotes

"True North are those things that you're going to fight for because they're so important to your core values."
"Empathy is everything...it's the core of why kids bully, all the problems we have with kids. It has to be about empathy."
"Choosing goals that align with your core values."
"A society cannot organize itself in a productive and sustainable and peaceful manner without the idea of the soul as the core idea."
"Self-discipline is the center of all material success."
"Truth, love, and attention are all allied together."
"The heart of the heart of it all is choosing love."
"It really gets to the core values and desires of how a person wants to be treated during those final days when they might not be able to advocate for themselves."
"Core values are like a compass... always going to direct you in the direction to allow you to live an incredible life."
"What is the core of yourself and your sense of identity? Once you find that, once you root yourself in through the eyes of spirit and see yourself at your core, at the deepest truth of who you are, there's nothing that will ever shake you off your center."
"The liberty and dignity of each individual is your fundamental value."
"Bioshock has proven that you can change almost every facet of your franchise's gameplay, as long as you keep the core."
"It feels good to make progress in a way that feels like it's not just slapping Band-Aids and drugs onto stuff but it's really going to the core of stuff."
"This could have really big impacts on just the way basic core tenants of our democracy."
"Faith, family, and freedom is what it's all ultimately about."
"To be excellent, it has to come from your core."
"The true number that's providing the lifeblood of the company is... under the operating activities."
"We are all flawed. We all have things that are dislikable. What you're looking for are the core ingredients."
"You are not meant to be an island; you are meant to find like-minded dudes who share your core values."
"It's core to people. Your sexuality is not a trivial part of who you are."
"Almost none of those core basic ideological foundations have changed in my mind at all."
"Trends may be fleeting but values are timeless."
"At the core of everything, that's pretty [__] true."
"None of that matters. None of it matters at all. At its core, what you need is a great idea and the drive to want to make things better."
"What really matters is family, friendship, loving your neighbor, and just doing what you can to help others."
"I've learned that honesty should be at the core of everything you do."
"It was all about the fun and finding the fun."
"I was taught to always hold true to your core values and principles and to act with integrity."
"It's just about love yeah that's all that's it nothing outrageous just love."
"A person's true nature is what really matters."
"Learning to have respect for yourself... that's the most important thing for me."
"Protecting our First Amendment rights are vital to who we are."
"We value kindness, respect, empathy, and dignity."
"Friendship is really at the key and the core of it, and friendship is about joy for me."
"Honesty, transparency, and communication are absolutely essential."
"The fun is still there... it's actually one of our core pillars for Diablo II Resurrected."
"The foundational stuff doesn't really change."
"We are all different, I believe at our core we share three very human needs."
"America will always speak out for those core principles around the world."
"All that matters is the love they feel for each other and that will never go away."
"Our values are Humanity, mercy, and compassion."
"The core foundation, the heart, the soul of the game, in my opinion, is good."
"Freedom it's at the core of who we are the freedom to live without fear."
"Democracy is at the heart of this whole issue."
"There's something more important than politics: honesty, integrity, uplifting people rather than destroying them."
"Justice has got to be at the heart of this climate justice."
"When it comes to family, love is all it takes."
"Make sure you value truth and integrity above everything else."
"The most important thing is always going to be taking care of your family."
"The values that matter to us: human rights, democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, privacy."
"Only the creator gives a man an interest in who you are at your core."
"Creativity, discipline, and persistence are rooted in the core of my being."
"I don't cheapen it too much but there's a lot of philosophy going on in here...personally I kind of wanted to go to the core."
"Our goal is really to make financial literacy a core value in the black community."
"If we don't have freedom, we don't have anything."
"Truth freedom justice love and rights in creation are the things that are really important in our lives."
"We just want honesty, liberty, pursuit of happiness."
"If you ask me to sum up DocuSign in one word, it's trust."
"It's a very powerful business when you put the people that build the product right at the heart of it."
"At the end of the day, core values mean more than looks. Long term, it's not gonna last if you don't share core values."
"Before you quote unquote get to the business of the matter, you have to get to the heart of the matter."
"Positivity and kindness were like central to the core of the story. So, like it was important that the comedy in the game came from a place of positivity rather than like punch down comedy."
"These are real core values that we should have and great ways that when we can actually see them speak them know them and be them we can actually know when they're not there."
"Revisit your core values every year: 'You can't have a healthy romantic relationship without revisiting your core values.'"
"Your foundation is just, it's your base, it's everything."
"Family is one of our core, core, core values. Family means a lot to us."
"Empathy, non-discrimination, egalitarianism, and honesty were mainly the core values that progressives were very, very fond of."
"Nothing was stronger than true love, the real strength in all of us was love."
"The real things that are important and matter."
"The goal is not to do business with anybody, but with everybody who believes what you believe."
"It's those who start with 'why' that have the ability to inspire those around them."
"If you work for a company that does not live by their core values, then you're certainly in a toxic work environment."
"Too much of our politics has been looking for ways to divide people and separate them from the deeper values which make us Americans."
"Life cannot break these core hopes out of us, they are integral to you and may be tied into your beliefs and even your core wounds and core fears."
"Respecting the dignity of the individual, I think, is a core value that we should all have as Americans."
"At the end of the day, all that matters is things like love and family."
"100-year anniversary of Disney, I think they'll get back to some of those core principles that made them special and magical."
"How do you redefine an icon? Push harder. I mean really dig deeper. Get away. Get rid of all the hype. What is it you capture? It's very essence."
"Community is at the core of any successful disaster preparedness."
"Living and breathing the core values changes the culture."
"These are fundamental attitudes. These are not your view on the next tax bill. These are your views on civilization itself."
"If you got those three things, you got a chance... having that, it's awesome."
"We need to stick to the core values of personal liberty, freedom, and personal responsibility for all the individuals involved here."
"If you don't have honesty, Integrity, loyalty and pride... you have nothing."
"When adapting, it has to be a careful decision that doesn't upset the core of why it resonated with people."
"Cherishing who we are, knowing what we stand for, is all we need to face this challenge."
"The core mission is about remembering who you are."
"I would that we could get back to the gospel."
"It's about the constitution and freedom. That's really what matters."
"Real values never change we love never change real integrity never change reliability never change will honesty never change will truth never change these things are fundamental these things are foundational principles."
"Truth, freedom, and health are very powerful but simple concepts."
"Instead of chasing money, focus on embodying your core vibration."
"Apple's core value is that people need passion. Your self-worth depends on your actions, not others' opinions."
"Being a good person is the most important thing."
"Giving back to society and making a positive impact on the world is a core belief."
"Privacy is a fundamental human right and at the core of everything we do."
"Metroid Prime: The essence and history of the franchise without losing its essence."
"Having like your core four team members that you can trust with anything and everything."
"Love and joy are the only things that really matter."
"What actually makes a difference in people's lives and honestly you can boil it down to one thing."
"That's movement building, that's leadership, that's something to somebody's core."
"At the core of what we do, the real truth of it is, you just have to be completely honest."
"The greatest expression of biblical maturity is Love, it really is."
"Respect and dignity is at the core of who we are."
"Asylum is at the heart of who we are as a people."
"Great games will continue to be at the core of everything we do."
"They are forever Tethered to that core Humanity of theirs."
"Humility, empathy, it's not just talk, it's who we are, it's who we always have been, and no one can take that from us."
"Freedom of press is the core value when we think about our democracy."
"The center is where you find the deepest meaning. That's the foundation of everything else in your life."
"There's the surface, the lifestyle, and the core. What is the core? The core is what's left when all of the lifestyle level goes away."
"In everything you do, in every relationship, honesty should be your main characteristic."
"You gotta stay true to your core audience. Branch out to be bigger but always stay true to your core."
"It's about eliminating superficial distractions and getting to our core."
"It destroys the core ideas of the Federation."
"Our intent is more in line with our original Vision since the launch of the witch Queen." - Staying true to the game's core vision while adapting to player feedback.
"Leadership is at the core of whether a nation grows, moves forward, or backward." - Christian Wachovia
"Safety has long been one of our fundamental values."
"The heart of Christianity is indeed the life and teaching of Jesus Christ."
"Storytelling is at the heart and soul of everything we do."
"I genuinely think that Quakerism helped me to grow up being very strong in my core personality."
"The most important, the most concrete, and currently the most controversial [issue]... it's this core tenet that's causing such massive problems."
"They just have like that innovation in their core."
"There's a level of physical attraction couples need to have, but it's not just about looks. It's about personality traits, values, and confidence."
"How can we claim to represent the name of Gusto if we don't uphold his most cherished belief?"
"Life is pretty simple. Like people play on legacy, on family, on money. Like there's just a couple of pillars."
"Transparency is everything. It's worth everything."
"Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of our success, guaranteeing our strength, competitive edge, and economic success."
"Kindness, honesty, those are like the main two."
"You can always tell at their core who they are."
"It's about family, it's always about family."
"The heart and soul of business is and always will be people, just like all of you."
"This is the heart. This is just humanity. This is what it's about."
"You need to be clear about your vision for your organization, your mission, and your core values."
"The fundamental rights and value of nature lie at the heart of the Terra Carta."
"Core values will always make you stand apart."
"Sometimes those disagreements are fundamental to your identity."
"I know that if I celebrate God, family, country, constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, work ethic... that would probably be enough."
"Real connection loves you at the core, all right."
"Real values drawn from somewhere deeper than these superficial systems."
"It's these values that become the foundation of everything that we do."
"I'm married with a monkey, don't look at me."
"The most important part of church is not the choir, testimony service, or money. It's the message."
"Love wins, and that's really what at the essence of all of this, beyond all the fluffiness of it. That is the separation."
"At the core of our message, that's what we definitely aligned on."
"Freedom of speech is at the very core of our democracy."
"The true essence of leadership is servitude."
"Now abide hope, faith, and love, the greatest of all three is love. That's the definition of Christmas."
"Tony's take on peace is the key to his character."
"If Christian hip-hop started trying to gain the attention of the industry, it would lose its core."
"PlayStation is reaffirming its core pillars."
"I declare my independence: life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."
"The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart."
"Love, honesty, freedom, transparency – these things have to kind of come through."
"In a world where Unity can sometimes seem elusive, it's crucial to remember the essence of true Christianity: love, compassion, and inclusivity."
"The core of all teachings was the same: unconditional pure love."
"The fears they're exploiting are the core of who we are."
"And most importantly, it comes from a place of love."
"Spiritual transformation is the bottom line."
"I'm all business, I say, peeling off my skin strip by strip, showing you what uselessness our business is to my core." - Proverb
"God designed the heart and the character and the things that truly matter to be the things of the earth."
"Just having that relationship so strong and at the core of your life is like so important in my opinion."
"Awareness has to do with knowing who you are at your core."
"You could do whatever you want if you have that core value that keeps people invested."
"Never ever forget what really matters in this world: family, friendship, love."
"What do you think should be at the core of medicine? What do you think should be at the core of healthcare?"
"Happiness and love are two of the most prized possessions that you could ever have in your life."
"Faith, integrity, sacrifice, leadership, and legacy."
"It's important to build your teams with shared values. If your group does not share values, they're not going to work together very well."
"We have a lot of fun here on YouTube, but these are the values we stand for: accountability, transparency, and justice."
"I think the foundational piece, the core values, they're the same."
"You shouldn't be trying to control their response to you. You should show up and tell the truth."
"Freedom, peace, truth, beauty, reason, evidence, and love."
"We're really taking a look at some of our really shared values."
"Foundation is what the castle of your soul is built upon."
"Enthusiasm is one of the official values of the Effortless English family."
"At the core of it, that's really all it is: if people, you know, we can't."
"Liberty, honor, equality: those are the principles that I still hold to today."
"I am not my race, I am not all of these other things, who I am at my core is eternal."
"I think kindness should be the principle of your job."
"I think I've killed Kyle... Oh, it turns so green."
"It's hard to do that without undermining the core Mario Kart."
"I believed that there was something at the core of every human being that was not shaped by economics or the environment."
"There is nothing more important than family."
"Superman's motto has evolved over the years, but his core values remain the same."
"Getting back is at the core of what Bare Bottom does."
"Civil rights and justice and equality for all is core to our mission."
"Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential to survival."
"The deepest belief that many of us carry around was that no one gets left behind."
"Our fundamental belief... is always framed on the foundation of long-term undeniable truths."
"Your core values should be unwavering, unchanging, the bedrock of who you are."
"I'm going to try and return to the central core of the character that I fell in love with."
"When you're passionate about what they do, you're fundamentally aligned with the core values."
"It's something that's viscerally connected to the core of who we are."
"You have to find what those core things are, and then you can compromise with the rest."
"Being a human means at its very core other humans."
"I would argue that the core of every soccer team is not the ball."
"The duality, the balance, the equilibrium between the feminine and the masculine are at the core."
"Freedom is at the core of who we are."
"It's all about that core inner philosophy."