
Continuous Improvement Quotes

There are 1179 quotes

"Self-actualization is a lifelong process, not something that you do for a month or for a year to fix one problem in your life."
"That means the only way out of this hole is the long, boring, awful process that does not conclude a video about it well of just being better, in every way, on every day, from its leadership down to the factory floor."
"It's not ever the case that you've arrived at a full, permanent growth mindset. It's something that you have to look at all the time."
"It's a never-ending journey, and that's what I love most about it — you can always improve."
"We are continually finding the best rules and the best methods. This exactly mirrors the moral system I'm talking about."
"Even I make mistakes, so does everybody. What matters is that we should always review our code, test it with different inputs, and think of various edge cases."
"Feedback is an integral part of the language acquisition process. Encourage friends and language partners to correct your speaking any time, all the time."
"It's an endless process, you always need to learn."
"You can never rest on your laurels, that's the bottom line. So open yourself up to the confusion."
"Healing is something we should be working on consistently."
"This field that we are in, whether you're a software engineer, a web developer, or a network engineer, is a lifetime signup for studying, learning new stuff because technology keeps changing."
"If you learn how to think you can then leapfrog that onto everything and you can constantly keep doing that."
"The philosophy of Kaizen is small improvements made every day leading to huge results over time."
"The aggregation of marginal gains is the one percent improvement in nearly everything that you do."
"World class is a process, not an event. Working on yourself and being noble and an amazing entrepreneur and creative and a light in the world is a great way to spend the rest of your life."
"Kaizen translates to continuous improvement or change for the better."
"We endeavor to be the best technology e-commerce company in the globe, improving every day."
"If you get 1% better today, and then you get 1% better tomorrow, and you do that for 365 days in a row, how much better do you think you are at the end of the year? You're 37 times better."
"One percent better every day equals a 37 times better you at the end of the year."
"In spiritual growth, the job is never done. We never arrive."
"Working hard at something that you love and always getting better at it little by little, I think is just this very calming and reassuring force."
"The most fundamental and the most far-reaching activity in life is that which you build into your mentality every waking hour."
"You should be career cushioning at like every day of your life, regardless if there's a recession or the economy is doing great."
"Our current success is the best reason to change. We have to be permanently dissatisfied in order to get better and better and keep ahead of the competition."
"You don't just want and done your mindset. It's a process; it's a skill that you work on for the rest of your life."
"We need to not rest on our laurels and we need to try to stay ahead of the curve because the challenges are not going to go away."
"The best part is... the story's not over. There's almost always more to learn about how to run any given game, always someone trying to beat the record."
"You think you've decluttered all that you possibly can, and then you declutter deeper and more."
"Continuous improvement is what we see with most manufacturers. They stop and make improvements in one big batch then limp along... This car, and the Model 3, show us that that's not the strategy that Tesla has. They have true continuous improvements."
"Kaizen, the philosophy of continuous improvement, amplifies that we should constantly strive for betterment, not just in our skills but also in cultivating disciplined focus and resilience."
"The true essence of martial arts is really about continuous self-improvement, mentally, physically, emotionally."
"A Formula 1 car is never done. A team is constantly learning and changing and rebuilding between every single race over and over and over again."
"Justice is a journey, not a destination. It's about continuous learning, adapting, and striving to balance the scales."
"New skills, quests, characters, and places to visit are being added to RuneScape all the time, so a player is guaranteed a unique experience each time they play."
"Constant and never-ending improvement. Kaizen, that's what the word means."
"The very nature of success is that you must fail and not fail once or twice but you must fail over and over and over."
"Improvements can still be made. That's life."
"Everyone is very open-minded about improving and continuously looking to get better."
"Excellence is not by accident. It is a process where an individual continuously strives to better oneself."
"This is what I like to call the law of increasing awesomeness."
"Every single moment in Jannah is an upgrade. It gets better and better and better."
"I think I'm seeing a lot of room for improvement."
"We can acknowledge a win the instant we get it while still pushing for more."
"It's always about small improvements, not looking for the Silver Bullet where everything will be perfect."
"Every day we should be looking for minutes, even are there things we can do that will make our performance even better, even stronger."
"Congratulations on the success of the game ongoing."
"Social media is just incredible, and as a company, it's just invaluable... whether it's positive or more importantly, negative because you need to understand how to improve constantly."
"There's always more learning, more healing that needs to be done... even when you've reached that stage of self-love."
"This sound, bro. I used to just hear this engine scream."
"They all have an attitude of constant and never-ending improvement."
"It might have gone off a little bit, maybe it goes down some roads that aren't necessarily correct, but it always is moving in the correct direction."
"It's genuinely incredible and something that gets better and better."
"Once you've made that change, make another. And when you've done that, make another, and then another, and another until you become the change that you wish to see in the world."
"You're a student of the game and you're picking [ __ ] up all the time."
"Blizzard is still a terrible company that hasn't changed."
"I think him and his team are analytical and consciously growing constantly growing per fight per camp."
"I worked super hard, I would always look to improve, and I wanted to learn."
"I believe that every effort must be put into making games the best they can be until the very end."
"Thank you, Monarch, but you're out. A new system of democratic rule, you're in. And you're going to be paired with scientific evidence in this protocol, this continuous feedback loop."
"You need to always be working on yourself every single day, baby stepping it up and up and up and up."
"A good thing is never good enough, constant upgrades, that's what I always say." - Toy Man
"New learning has to be part of everything you do."
"Dominion is still amazing; expansions just keep making it better."
"We accept our strengths and weaknesses, but we actively work on those every single day to make ourselves better."
"We're gonna move upward not downward forward not backward and always twirling twirling."
"We're really looking forward to continuing to make subnautica below zero an experience that you all love and can continue to love and can continue playing and sharing with your friends family anyone."
"There is no end point to changing behavior in relationships."
"Your pursuit of a better life does not stop."
"We're always looking to improve, but hardship is our identity." - Miyazaki
"Running out of superlatives really for the team. Every week they seem to step it up."
"It's good that they're being thoughtful about it because a game that's become so popular so fast could very easily rest on their laurels."
"Our focus on continuous and product improvement through original design and manufacturing processes has further optimized our ability to produce the best product at industry leading costs."
"The approach is the destination, and we are never finished."
"Do not rest on your laurels" - Jeff Bezos's constant push for innovation.
"I feel like Minecraft is doing a great job and doing a better and better job of every single update than they did with the last."
"Winsor McCay was constantly self-improving and he always looked to push the medium forward."
"To making one landmark accomplishment after another."
"The only way you're going to succeed in this great online game is through testing, persistence and iteration."
"I believe we've let the world down, but that doesn't mean we can't continue to strive to be better."
"What I'm saying is that these problems need to be considered every day and fixed. Not just one special day. They need visibility as the first step to a solution."
"Constantly balanced, constantly adjusted... won't look like the next version."
"Dominance not only continues but continues to increase."
"An artist is never done, it's constant iteration."
"Software updates: the best feature of a Tesla, constantly improving over time."
"The definition of success is the ability to grow."
"There's no delineation between Hal and Green Lantern. Ryan's a perfect Hal Jordan. He is Hal Jordan."
"I think we should be constantly pushing ourselves to get better and better and better."
"There's no such thing as perfection, I just like for us to work on the little things."
"Transformation never stops; maintenance is key."
"It's a journey of evolution. Every day is just constant improvement."
"Little things over a long period of time are going to help that whole person wellness."
"Success is not a destination, it's a journey. You have to consistently always be successful."
"There really is no excuse to not continue working on your game and pushing it forwards during this time."
"There's always something to learn, and always room for improvement." - Ninja
"I always want you guys to always improve whatever you're doing in life including your diet your health."
"These changes aren't the end of our journey to make Overwatch 2 a more rewarding game to play, they're just the beginning."
"Make sure to hit like if you enjoyed this video."
"Being humble is the way to go, that's how you're gonna really make it."
"You want to be something more than what you are right now, isn't it? Yes, now the question is if you become something more today, tomorrow are you fully settled? No, you want to be something more and something more and something more."
"I just really love Football Manager...it's never perfect but I feel like it's always a step in the right direction."
"Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn, never stop."
"We're always working towards something better."
"You cannot ever get up. You have to continue on and learn to care about yourself."
"We want to keep the community happy and keep it going."
"Never stop improving. Even if you're great, don't let it stop you from being better. Aim for perfection because there's always room for improvement."
"We've put a big effort on keeping this game fresh."
"As with any system, I think it's really important to keep tabs on how it's going and be willing to modify that system as you learn what's working and what isn't."
"It's about making something that people want to play."
"Make sure you're making this a habit and constantly looking for new ways to study."
"It's a constant quest for introspection and self-improvement."
"A constant desire to be better has always set this company apart."
"We want to make the game better constantly. We want to find new ways so that this version of Rocket League is better than the version of Rocket League you played a few months ago. It's an incredible amount of work but I think we're there."
"Success is an ongoing process of failure that you've made adjustments on."
"I'm always aiming to improve at everything I do."
"Success is simply just to keep improving, keep experimenting, and keep writing."
"At Tesla, we've always been committed to continuous improvement so as friends of mine ask me like when should I buy a car I'm like now because we just keep improving the cars."
"If you can never get comfortable and you can always continue to have ideas and aspirations and ambitions, then you'll always be disruptive."
"One of the major strengths of Final Fantasy 14 is it always tries to give players something new."
"If a person really gives 100% to their training, to their craft, to whatever their endeavor in life is, if you give 100%, that means you should be more capable tomorrow."
"Outwork, out improve, out strategize, outlast. The market's going to be changing and I think it's your job to improve, get better, learn new skill sets and utilize technology to help you improve."
"A record is never something to stand on, it's something to build on."
"You have to remain flexible and in a perpetual state of motion."
"We will continue to listen, adapt, and change based on our customers' needs."
"There's always going to be room for improvement."
"I just think it's wonderful we just have to keep on inventing it even though though it works pretty well."
"Continue to evolve, continue to raise the bar."
"Learning is constantly updating itself. It's constantly getting better and better over time, refining the approach, right, and doing this all in real time."
"Our commitment is to grow and evolve this game."
"We've achieved a lot of great success but we've also got a lot of things that we can do to fix and improve."
"Roller coasters are a big part of the game, hence Roller Coaster Tycoon!"
"One of our philosophies in life is a mindset of continuous Improvement."
"We're focused on getting better every single day"
"We heard your feedback... we are gonna make continuous improvements."
"This is what I want life to be, I actually don't look at life as work and life like I don't have that disconnect."
"I'm always saying how can we improve in everything we do because guess what there are a lot of things we need to be a lot better at."
"My freedom is tied absolutely to your freedom to be virus-free and to walk down the street safely."
"Perfection is imperfection, an evolutionary process that never stops."
"The best artists are the ones that never think they're great because that's what pushes them to keep improving."
"The continuous development looks to be there."
"You've got an official interview with Eric Ten Hag and we always want more. That's what we should always want more."
"Human civilization is an interminable fight... to better refine the systems by which we make our lives better."
"It's always a work in progress figuring what systems work best for you."
"People with system mindsets continually think of improving, it's not just a one-time thing."
"Quality is an ongoing process; there is no end to Quality."
"Let them adapt and adjust, stay strong in what you're doing."
"That's the Elon Musk way: constantly tweaking, making improvements."
"Successful investors always seek to sharpen their tools."
"The NBA is back and it just keeps getting better."
"Success is a process of eliminating what does not work, learning what does work, and improving what is already working to work even better."
"Success makes you stupid. You've got to stay hungry."
"Literally every single turn they make, they're going to be getting better and better."
"God's never finished... God will always bring revival."
"Everything we produce today must be better than what came yesterday because surely we couldn't possibly be making stuff that's worse."
"This game just keeps getting better and better!"
"If you choose the blue pill, nurture yourself and continue nurturing the situation."
"I'm trying to build and build and build right now."
"We've got a beautiful little feedback loop going."
"There's enough good people to maintain a good justice system and to continue to improve our justice system."
"Always be going back to look at, re-look at, and examine your strategy."
"Good enough isn't good enough if it can be better."
"Human beings are going to continue to grab as much intelligence as we can grab."
"It's not all god's gift but the constant choice of improvement and challenging oneself."
"Just because we've had these discussions doesn't mean we're all okay now. We should still be holding Bungie accountable."
"If you expect to constantly get better and that's ingrained in your brain, then you'll constantly get better."
"It's always about improving, that's what winners do."
"There's plenty more work that needs to be done... it's a really good start."
"I want to be able to keep being challenged to be my best."
"There’s always room for improvement, and figuring out what that is can be hard, but at the end of the day, all it takes, is to think different."
"You can enjoy the moment but you have to understand that you have to keep things going and you can't be a one-trick pony."
"Persistence and constant improvement are key to success."
"I'm thinking about the past years, I'm thinking about how I can improve, how I might change things up, what I'll keep the same, what don't fix what isn't broken."
"We should be talking about frame times...the struggle never ends."
"Agile is a continuous work of improvement... It's focus on improvement, continually trying to rethink ourselves on how we can improve."
"It seems like Monolith Soft really wants to keep updating this game..."
"Bungie continuously supports and improves their game as the years have progressed."
"You're going to always, always, always going to be finding new things to add into your spiritual practice."
"Embrace efficiency and continuous improvement."
"Revival is not an event. Revival is a lifestyle."
"Cardano is one of those projects that they're just constantly improving it like it's like they are they are admit they're people on a mission they're on a gold they want they they they're very eager to accomplish what they're trying to accomplish."
"The struggle for perfection is an endless one."
"They're continuously trying to get it right."
"We just need to keep on make sure that the conversation continues and that's the only way that real change can happen."
"Success is transitory, continue investing in what you do."
"Continuous monitoring and improvement are necessary forever with AGI systems."
"Innovation doesn't stop there for companies like Singapore Airlines."
"A core component of agile are these small loops...building on the previous one."
"Iteration and optimization are at the core of any logistics game."
"The key is that the work is never done, and there are always new things to optimize."
"The mindset of constant and never-ending improvement."
"America has always been a work in progress, a perpetual journey, a freedom ride with no final destination."
"Reflect on what is working, what isn't, and continually try to improve."
"Liverpool keeps improving, evolving over the past three years."
"There's definitely going to be flaws every year there's flaws... I think that's just the evolution of the sport."
"You have to think about it, analyze, and constantly want to improve. It eats at you, and that's Josh Allen."
"We're still trying to find new ways to do things every day. We think of something new we can do."
"We are making shift happen, and it's getting better all the time."
"Chat GPT's evolution: Learning, adapting, and improving with each interaction."
"Growth mindset: always thinking of ways you can improve."
"All I want to focus on is continuing to improve and get better."
"It's about going back to these columns. And you continually make it better, gradual improvement."