
Personal Vision Quotes

There are 302 quotes

"And he would show them this leather bound journal he had, which he filled with beautiful pictures, quotes and ideas on the kind of life he wanted to build."
"Vision...having a vision for how you want your life to unfold."
"It really depends on what does your heart want, what is the ultimate vision that you have for yourself, and then you need to follow that path."
"My definition of greatness is that your life matches your vision for it."
"I knew exactly what I wanted to do; I had everything in my head."
"This is the future that I have been waiting for."
"The thoughts and plans that I have come inherently from within. Our vision for solving the problems that California has not some manuscript somewhere."
"Becoming an icon wasn't just about talent, but it's also about vision and consistency."
"I just have a need to show the world how I see the world through human beings."
"Either change the way you're living to match your vision or lower your vision to manage expectation with the way you're living."
"We want everyone to have the opportunity to fulfill their own vision of the good life."
"I feel like I have a really clear vision and I'm really excited about it."
"What's your vision for the new year? Whatever your vision is, it should be crystal clear."
"Expand your vision of yourself and your life, you can manifest anything."
"Hold tight, Aquarius... something that you have held a vision for is getting ready to manifest during this time frame."
"Don't give up on that vision for yourself about what you want."
"You're taking strategic steps to actualize your vision."
"We're truly realizing that we have the power to change our own destiny, to create our own visions for ourselves and in our lives."
"Visualization and goal setting: They have a clear vision of what they want to achieve."
"Don't be afraid to communicate your vision, to be you."
"If no one else gets your vision at times, it's because your vision was only given to you."
"Create the world that you want to see through yourself."
"Success is individualistic; it's like your own personal vision."
"It's a life journey, so I do have vision and purpose for my life but I'm also recognizing that I'm in a season of, you know, before this next season."
"As a guy with a wife what's your advice for men looking for a genuine woman there you go I have a vision for what you really want and when you know what you want the wrong girls are gonna lose your attention pretty fast."
"A man's life is often in three phases... do you remember the vision I gave you?" - Rod Parsley
"You've got a mouth, you've got a vision, you've got power, you've got authority."
"Having wealth allows you to execute your vision more effectively."
"It really is a very personal vision from the company of what we wanted to do."
"There's always greater value to be had when you paddle your own boat and follow a vision, even if that road is longer and harsher."
"If it's something that is totally out of what you were envisioning for this piece and not even what you were originally going for then you don't have to listen to it."
"The most important thing is you have to learn to believe in yourself, believe in your vision, trust that inner knowing and that inner wisdom, because it truly is a gift."
"Follow your heart, follow your gut, and if you have a vision for something, you just do it."
"Your vision is your dream and your goals are your reality."
"Long-term vision makes today count for a better tomorrow."
"Eclipses speak to what a higher, more loving vision for your life might be."
"Whatever decisions I make is anchored to those ideas and those visions."
"The key thing again is have the clear vision, have the specific core of what you want to accomplish."
"Adapt and be flexible... take action now, not wait and see."
"We didn't go to work in IBM, we went to work on IBM to replicate the picture I had in my mind."
"I wanted to live the life that I envisioned."
"Surrendering is the way to bring forth your vision from a place of peace."
"You are not playing in the realm of luck and odds, you are aligning with the vision of yourself that is already an outcome for you."
"You have a gift. You have the fever to take images to frame the world only the way you envision it."
"One of the main reasons why people will begin to hate on you when you are trying to become successful is simply because they do not have a vision for themselves."
"The vision is gonna come to pass. It's your time. You bout to blow up."
"Being led by a mission that inspires you to pursue your vision."
"I have a vision of how I want my life to be, and I'm going to maintain it."
"Be proud of who you are, and if anyone ever lacked the vision to see your potential, they need to come to you."
"Trust in your vision; you're remaining true to yourself."
"We really see you at the highest version of yourself."
"We want to inspire people that through hard work if you have a vision if you know what you want in life and you grind like Bob I did you can achieve whatever you want just like Baba did and just like you know we are good."
"Bring whatever vision forth so the right situations and people will come along for you."
"Your intuition is going to lead towards your own turning point, your own prosperity, your beautiful vision about your future."
"Wow, that's amazing! Yeah, just like I pictured it."
"Casey Veggies, reflecting on departing from Odd Future, stated, 'It's hard to explain really but I just had more of a different vision for my own rap career. I wanted to do my own thing.'"
"You don't just build the future, you commission it. Made in your image, not for your image."
"I have a very particular vision when it comes to creating my content."
"What does your vision do? Does it give you energy?"
"2022 is a year of dreaming big. Dream big like you have never dreamed before."
"At the core of everything I do is that I've allowed myself to see myself there. I always have a five-year plan."
"You gotta believe in yourself first, every dream or vision you may have for your life."
"James Gunn gets to do it, and it's... fulfilling his vision."
"Vision helps you to focus on the possibilities that await you in your future."
"Hold on to your vision. Whatever it is that you have for you, your vision in your heart of like the lifestyle that you want, the life that you want to live, what it is that you want to do, hold on to this."
"Trust in Your Vision, be confident in the actions that you're taking and I feel success is guaranteed for you."
"That's how we always should operate. You should also have creative integrity and respect your own vision."
"Creating a vision for yourself and your life is so important, but you have to believe it first."
"My future is an ideal projection of what I envision now."
"The most important thing in life is to have vision, to know exactly where you're going."
"The highest version of every single one of you, and the vision that you hold in your mind for that highest version of yourself, is open-minded."
"You've made something extraordinary out of it, something special that's your own vision."
"That is how you get the kitchen of your dreams."
"Envision yourself living the life you want. Get really clear on what your ideal is."
"Your personal vision will become clearer and clearer to you as you move forward."
"There is just so much content, that's the thing that I loved the most about this."
"You set your intentions for who you want to be, and make sure everything you do going forward is consistent with that vision."
"Your visions and plans are personal before they are public."
"You're creating a new vision for what your destiny is."
"I envision myself with this person till the day I die."
"What's on your vision board? What are your goals for 2021?"
"You see a different vision for yourself than you did before or that you have for quite some time."
"Do I see myself being the CEO of a small game company? Absolutely, a hundred percent."
"Don't make decisions out of fear, make decisions based on what you want and the clarity of your vision."
"You have to become that person. Everyone has that vision. You have to be that. It has to make sense."
"It's all about what you can deliver, what's in your head, what's in your ears."
"How will I warp my world according to my will? As I imagine, so it becomes."
"You're looking at the bigger picture of what you desire, what you're aiming for through this change."
"I'm not here for your view today; I'm here for something meaningful for the long term."
"For me to have the world where I can thrive, we need just full-scale war."
"I wanted to create and design something for myself, the way I envision it from start to finish."
"You have to have a long-term vision of why you're doing this."
"Prepping allows you to steer your future closer to what you can envision."
"Set your intentions. Engage your imagination. What life do you want to create for yourself?"
"Be brave enough, be bold enough, and be insane enough to see things more completely and more vividly."
"We're looking for peace. We want peace all over the world. That's my number one goal: peace all over the world."
"One vision and one decision can change your whole Destiny."
"Never limit your future vision for you and your family based on your past or your current circumstances."
"You have to keep your eye on the prize which is the long-term goals for whatever they are for you."
"You will only get close to your vision once you divorce the American dream."
"Have faith in your dreams. Have faith in the image or the idea that you have."
"Acknowledge your reality but focus and give more validation to where you're going."
"Your big blessing has to do with obviously a victory coming your way, and as long as you have that firm strong vision it will manifest."
"You're being given an opportunity to do something that aligns yourself with the vision that you had or have of your destiny."
"Know your worth, hold your vision, stand your ground."
"Your destiny, your personal vision for your life, all three cards were exactly the same to me."
"Your intolerance for lower vibrations is a testament to your commitment to this vision."
"Dream lofty dreams and as you dream so shall you become."
"Release anything that no longer serves you. Hold your vision."
"Time speeds up so fast... I see myself healthier, mentally fit, physically fit, spiritually fit."
"Allow the magic to occur to reflect your vision."
"Your vision is about to become your reality. Stay focused."
"Your dreams, the visions of your life, is God's way of giving you a preview as to what's possible."
"This is pretty much exactly what I see in my head when I think of that song."
"You have to be driven by what you actually want to see." - Seth Rogen
"It's nice that there are still people who are like, 'I'm gonna just keep following my own vision.'"
"Your personal vision for your life is like the Wheel of Fortune, your destiny."
"Being at University might get you closer to that dream, that vision, that goal."
"Submission is all about submitting to the vision and the purpose of a man, not submitting to the control of the man."
"This is literally my idea of a perfect palette is everything in it that I mean and more."
"Whatever reality you want to have in your life, dare to envision it."
"You become the true architect of your own grand design."
"Decide now what is it you want. Plant your goal in your mind."
"Don't lose sight of what you want in the long term."
"This is the future I've always imagined for myself."
"It's not about what you've been through, it's about where you're going. Focus on your vision, keep your focus on your vision."
"It's a great reminder to have patience. It's a great reminder to, you know, have faith in your vision and in your goal."
"Recognizing and seeing things for how they truly are, which is in harmony, in contribution, in alignment, and one with my vision."
"Walk by faith and not by sight, stick to your inner vision."
"Spiritual Scorpio Aquarius activism: What do we want our vision to be? Do we want more freedom in our lives?"
"Greatness is whatever the hell you dreamed of in your own mind. You've got to first see it, you've got to first create this vision in your mind."
"Your idea of success has become whatever your vision is for your life."
"The key is understanding that if you have a vision and boundaries, you can stay firm in who you are."
"This is about turning those wonderful visions of yours into reality."
"Re-read your vision. If it doesn't make you get up and do something, it's the wrong vision."
"Surround yourself with people there's Justice is just as hungry and eager to learn eager to succeed As You Are and don't let nobody talk you out of your vision because they can't see it."
"Dream big dreams and project forward. Develop a vision of your perfect future."
"My mandate was to just make the Deadpool book that I always wanted." - Daniel Way
"If you can drown out the voices of the world and understand what your inner voice wants you to do and be led by the purest part of yourself, the highest, purest part of yourself, and create the grandest vision for your life."
"I have so many goals and visions set for the future."
"I have a dream I want to share with you guys."
"Taking your time with love and really every clarifying your vision."
"Getting closer to your life purpose or vision you've always had for yourself."
"All is possible when your heartfelt vision is in alignment with your values."
"Thoughts become things; this is a prime time for your visions to become a reality."
"All you need to do to create your future is to be present in this moment, have a vision on who you want to become, and take the steps to get there."
"Akian Kramarik... visions from God... speaking them through paintings."
"Body is an expression of Mind, a representation of mind from the premise of my ideal state of mind and my vision realized."
"Manifestation is showing up for you. Trust that your vision is true."
"What do you want your future to look like? 30 years down the road, 20 years down the road, 10 years down the road?"
"Thoughts become things but you are turning your visions into reality."
"Trust in your vision, whatever it is you're manifesting, it can take many forms, and I feel like it's about to really show up in a big way in your world."
"Recognize where you want to go, what it is you want."
"If you're around friends that don't get your vision, understand that that's not your friend."
"A man with vision and purpose... when women come along that never changes, you always have your vision."
"Create a vision of the person that you want to be and see that vision each and every day. And you've got to create your reality around that person that you desire to be."
"Our attention is valuable. Priceless actually, and we want it in the direction of what is in harmony with our vision."
"I love a guy that's got a vision for himself."
"Sit down with yourself and broadcast what you want your life to look like."
"Creating a vision for yourself and being excited to work towards that every day."
"Commit to a vision, follow your intuition, and be guided from within to the realization of that vision."
"Pusha has such a clear vision of who he is as an artist."
"You want to be treated based on the vision and the picture you have of yourself."
"You have a clear vision of your wealth self."
"God's vision for our family is much better than mine."
"I see the vision, I get it. Like you're meant to be a solo artist."
"It's beyond how I've imagined that it would be."
"Imagine what you want, no one can tell you what you want you have to decide what you want what you value what you care about."
"Ready to become that girl, whoever you envision her to be in your mind."
"Your plans for your future your vision for the kind of life that you want to lead is like an energy that's constantly emanating from you."
"Imagine the best version of you and move towards the vision."
"I love it, this is exactly what I envisioned."
"We also have to do our best; we have to have a vision in life."
"Focus on the version of you that has what they want."
"This is your vision of life, this is what you recognize as your best life."
"Without a picture of your highest self, you can't live into that self."
"Have a vision, think big, ignore the naysayers, work your ass off, and give back and change the world."
"I feel like sitting down and constructing a vision for myself of how I want to interact with my clothes really goes a long way."
"What I envisioned our dream wedding to be was very romantic, sexy gothy."
"Your vision is playing out in front of you."
"Recreating yourself into the woman that I can see myself being."
"It is essential for you to take this leap of faith when it comes to some sort of vision that you want for your life."
"Dream the grandest highest version you can think of for yourself and don't hold back any limitations."
"My vision like this, this is my dream here. Crush it."
"Through her tears, she sees a vision of her first ancestor–the fish that crawled out of the sea."
"I think now is a good time to say did you set a vision for what you wanted to achieve for yourself did you set a road map of all the things that you need to do to hit that Vision are you on track like are you getting your [ __ ] done."
"What does life look like for you? What do you want this thing to look like when it's all said and done for you?"
"Create your vision board in small parts, focusing on different categories over time."
"Who do you see yourself as in every aspect of life?"
"Most people don't have a vision of self."
"What do I want my life to look like?"
"This is her wedding, this is her vision for the wedding, this is her magical day."
"What kind of life do you envision for yourself? Do you want to do good things with your life?"
"We will create ultimately what we want to see."
"You are the master of your destiny, your ideas, your life."
"What do you actually want your life to look like, and then back out success from there."
"The vision is entirely up to you."
"Trust your intuition with where you're being guided, what your vision is, what your plan is."
"I close my eyes and I can see the world that's waiting up for me that I call my own."
"Once you lose your vision, you live in somebody else's dream. I ain't with that."