
Disclosure Quotes

There are 1435 quotes

"It was a battle; people that have come forward who are parts of these programs to reverse engineer these craft, Pilots coming forward...every inch of this has been fought for through public will."
"I don't make things up about God. I can only disclose what God says about himself."
"I can no longer be a prisoner inside with this information. I need to let it out. And if I can help one man heal from what they've been through, then it's worth it."
"After decades of denial and ridicule, government officials and the mainstream media are admitting that extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting Earth."
"I'm absolutely convinced that there has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence."
"Yes, there have been ET visitation, there have been crashed craft, and there is some group of people somewhere that have this knowledge" - Edgar Mitchell, Sixth man on the Moon.
"Our data sets are full of disclosure...over these next five years we get all kinds of fantastic technologies brought out to us."
"I think there's a need for disclosing when Photoshop is used in pictures."
"This is like breaking open the seal on something that you've been keeping under wraps, my friend."
"The world needs to know that this is not a joke."
"Disclosure is going to be traumatic, but all evolution occurs during stress."
"I think it's awesome, but full disclosure, I just drank ayahuasca."
"Aliens are real and they're waiting for us to kind of calm down before revealing themselves."
"When an officer comes forward with a story of an encounter, he or she risks everything: their career, their personal life, maybe their marriage, their family. They're putting it all on the line."
"It can take years, even decades, for people to come to terms with their abuse and speak openly about it."
"The weighty public ramifications of the conduct described warrant disclosure."
"The United States government has in its possessions extraterrestrial beings, yes non-human Pilots."
"Why didn't they get all of the emails from that day? Why didn't they speak to any of the witnesses?"
"Hard evidence that there was visitation by non-humans."
"This is a case study in how the intelligence community will try to sideline actual disclosure and have a clear field for the fake disclosure that's coming."
"For any president to dare disclose such a horror story to the American people would be political suicide."
"Consider that our entire society has been told that UFOs do not represent anything truly anomalous, that ETS or aliens are definitely not here on earth interacting with us."
"The moment of disclosure will trigger an intellectual revolution worldwide relating to the true structure of power on planet Earth."
"If the official spokespersons are making misleading or false statements, it's going to be a bit easier post disclosure for independent researchers to point this out."
"The effort at disclosure would be hijacked by elements who had then spin it in the direction of a threat or an eschatological crisis."
"Not every product that someone mentions or links is a sponsorship, and that's why it's so important for influencers to actually disclose when they are sponsored."
"It all makes sense to me and I want to commend you for putting together these uh just this disclosure series and doing this because it needs to get out there and it's like we're just dropping the information."
"Using hashtag ad is seen as proper disclosure. The only problem is it should be at the very beginning of the post."
"Disclosure has the potential to provide women with vital tools that facilitate healing and possibly prevent re-victimization."
"To have him go on CCTV to disclose this, to be the first person in China to say that this is what was going on, was jaw-dropping."
"Disclosure is on the horizon. Very big stuff is coming our way."
"This event, this whole card has been put together at pretty breakneck speed."
"It's time for our government to declassify and disclose what they know."
"It is time for the public to know the truth about the alien presence on our planet."
"Just Somebody Come Out, Look in the Camera and Say, 'Okay, I'm Not Going to Give You All the Details Because There's National Security Involved... But Yes, There is a Non-Human Intelligence Interacting with Humanity That Much We Can Tell You.'"
"If there's nothing to conceal, let Congress go to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, the Dugway Proving Ground, or even Groom Lake in Nevada. We should have disclosure today, we should have disclosure tomorrow, the time has come."
"What you have heard here today is evidence of a phenomenon."
"Because the point is to get the facts out, that's the whole point of this is to be honest, to tell everybody's part, everybody's chapter in which you know, they played in his life."
"I didn't manipulate the prompts, I just asked two questions. It's all laid out, what OpenAI admits about our world."
"This has been considered the realm of conspiracy theory stuff and yet this was an on the record statement from the U.S State Department."
"Eventually, you do decide to tell the full story."
"Are we ever going to have a congressional hearing where credible people come up and say 'I am a pilot, this is what I saw'?"
"The guy just told us they were flying saucers. It turns out they were accurate, we've got it on video."
"This is what you call investigative journalism."
"What a wonderful disclosure that was to really put their hands up and say, 'We don't know what this is.'"
"The UFO subject is gonna reveal some things."
"An official intelligence representative at a high level from the US government is saying publicly we are not alone."
"Maybe they'll release a high-resolution video that seals the deal or a bunch of material and evidence that seals the deal, and then we can finally grow up as a species and have that conversation."
"Alien disclosure: this is smack dab in the middle of the whole shooting match."
"We need to tell the world's people the truth. That's disclosure now."
"Disclosure particularly where you do have large numbers of retail investors... is going to have to be rethought."
"The truth is, for many years, I have not been well."
"This document will come out and we will see exactly what these allegations are but she so she told me in broad brush strokes that the pattern of the torture that she was hearing about."
"No one would have bat an eye if that person came out and said 'I'm Mormon'."
"Physically you can't really tell anything on me, but the question is, did I consume alcohol? The answer is yes."
"We're having this conversation as if this is just a normal thing to disclose. This is perfectly fine. Like hello, no it's [__] not."
"They're contemplating coming forward, but they feel like it would be a waste of time. And you're more than likely feeling the same way."
"When there's a disclosure, do not expect it to be a fully honest disclosure, expect there to be spin, expect there to be lies."
"The day I share anything about my relationships is only because I was able to tell my dad about my relationship."
"I have evidence and I have revealed much of it... maybe not all."
"Honestly you couldn't have said it better uh that's my concern too when I first heard that you know we were doing this 180 days to some sort of disclosure in some respect."
"We know the mainstream media has so as we go into breaking and kind of go into the next half hour here I'm curious are we on a path for confirmation or on a path for disclosure because that's the big drawing line."
"Lee Chang's son reveals that they're going to the president's office."
"It is now perfectly clear that we were lied to."
"The truth is no longer out there, it's finally here."
"Last year the Pentagon made an extraordinary statement. They said that UFOs are real and it has videos to prove it."
"We believe in enhanced transparency through robust and appropriate disclosure requirements."
"Disclosure is not the end of anything, it is really truly the beginning of the real fight for truth."
"We are now moving toward potentially a disclosure moment, maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't."
"Craft of non-human origin. This is the very first time that has been stated." - Richard Dolan
"He should have disclosed it right away. That is why he says he's resigned effective immediately."
"Discovery will give you nightmares because if this report is to be believed it has been Unearthed that the Soviet Union and Russia may have hidden aliens from the rest of mankind back in 1940."
"Complete Vatican disclosure... completely exposed."
"A bombshell revelation from a Pentagon Insider, a whistleblower who's come forward to admit that the United States has alien craft off-world vehicles that we've been reverse engineering for many, many years."
"We should have disclosure today, we should have disclosure tomorrow. The time has come."
"Remember, this world is not what it seems, we are so close to extraterrestrial disclosure."
"The U.S. government is admitting that UFOs are not only real physical objects but also pose a national security risk."
"Can disclosure happen in a totalitarian society? Certainly looks like it to me."
"When it starts with the people, there is no stopping it. This is a very ground level organic disclosure and if you want critical mass to occur, you let this flourish."
"We are an inch from disclosure. I don't think they can hold it back."
"Disclosure is well underway and we are the ones giving disclosure."
"It's a managed agenda. This is disclosure, it is disclosure."
"I think the American people and the world deserve to know the truth."
"Disclosure is only going to happen because of you and your audience."
"I've seen some experts come forward saying that was a mistake to reveal the type of weapon used."
"No one's ever ready... but disclosure is exactly the same."
"The UFOs are real, they're releasing info about out of this world machinery."
"Disclosure is probably the biggest story of human history, frankly."
"The Vatican secret archives are only made public when they have been on file for at least 75 years."
"We're creeping up to the point where you can't keep it secret anymore."
"This year, the Pentagon released three videos of UFOs recorded by the navy."
"I think whatever people saw was intelligently controlled and it was not manufactured by the United States or any other nation."
"He wanted to release all of this to the public."
"I felt it was alright at that point to disclose it."
"The end of UFO secrecy would implicitly mean the end of our petroleum-based era."
"Disclosure can come out with genuine control over the narrative by an elite group."
"The aftermath of the Pentagon's disclosure was met with a tidal wave of reactions not just from the public and the scientific community but from the very echelons of governmental power."
"All of this sanitizing of the history can be in this very sanitized form of disclosure."
"The only reason we know any of this is because of a whistleblower."
"I never asked about Joe Biden, I was told about Joe Biden."
"I can tell you it wasn't fun to find a bug with such a broad impact... I thought it best to disclose this immediately."
"Casey knows, but is she ever going to tell us? Probably not."
"UFOs are real... the most important story ever."
"We're on the cusp of a transition into a post-disclosure world."
"Disclosure will be the biggest transition humanity has ever taken."
"Disclosure is when the evidence for technological craft not of human origin that are flying in our atmosphere becomes so substantial that the scientific and academic community as well as mainstream media have no choice but to fully accept it."
"There's one someone's telling on you oh definitely they're going to tell on you sooner or later."
"It's called being the first on the bus and they're gonna tell on you."
"Was the commission that investigated the 9/11 attacks told that lead hijacker Muhammad Atta had been identified as an Al-Qaeda operative more than a year before terror struck?"
"I'm risking my life giving you all this information, but somebody's gotta say it."
"I'm glad that we are finally having people come forward and talking about this."
"The Twitter files reveal an incredibly elaborate formalized system."
"I immediately disclosed everything I know about this situation as I should."
"Last month a 21-year-old National Guardsman named Jack Douglas Tierra posted around 100 classified documents to a Discord server where he was known only by the moniker OG."
"If you have something like this, it's the hottest potato in the universe, get it disclosed."
"They're talking about military space programs; people are seeing these craft. You have the USS Nimitz incident and now they're saying they're going to declassify this stuff, this is real."
"We as intelligent citizens are working together to have disclosure. We want the truth."
"When survivors come forward to disclose, there's a long-standing history of people not believing them."
"Do keep in mind while I am a licensed financial advisor..."
"The US government, once openly dismissive of UFO sightings, is poised to issue an expansive account of what it calls unidentified aerial phenomena."
"There's so much info to cover, so much stuff that has never before been known to the public."
"The biggest disclosure that we have learned that moves the question on intent."
"As long as you enjoy the outcomes and it doesn't matter too much beyond that because you'll be ultimately you're the one who decides what the value of life is what the value of every individual decision in the white is."
"We're not alone in this universe... it's now official."
"We're slowly getting disclosure because you can't hide Planet X forever."
"It's time for the truth to come out about UFOs."
"A disclosure effort that would be a hopeful event."
"New global solutions being discovered, disclosed at the first time."
"No more mysteries, no more man behind the curtain, all will be revealed."
"Consider this: on June 1st, the Pentagon will produce its most complete report to date on UFOs and UAPs."
"The stigma attached to reporting UAP is still too strong."
"Our intention is to do this in a peaceful transition, let's call it, you know, a soft landing out of this criminal secrecy to a soft landing where the subject gets disclosed, the truth comes out in a positive way."
"People are not going to go back into the closet on this particular issue. The cat is out of the bag now."
"This is an absolute watershed moment, actually in the disclosure, the official disclosure dynamic in history."
"Cheers to breaking open the truth about our not being alone in the universe!"
"Congressman Burchett is fighting the good fight for UFO disclosure."
"Everything's coming to the surface, communication, it's all going to be disclosed."
"Bringing the UFO phenomena into the light of day."
"Every decade year decade where there have been government countering there's no UFOs there's no ETS it's nonsense finally we're at what feels like a time where some people in Congress are honestly trying to open up the truth."
"This is the most disclosure we've had to date."
"Maybe there is a safe and peaceful way that we could be introduced finally to the truth."
"Because this was an era of light, an era in which the Jedi Knights, would truly be, defenders of peace and justice in the galaxy."
"I hope the pilots of the world that are listening will not be afraid to tell what they see."
"When Louis Elizondo was on my show... that was like the pinnacle of disclosure... he actually said in the interview... we haven't heard a peep out of that since then."
"9/11 disclosure is a non-negotiable condition for ridding America of the Zionist pest."
"There's nothing that's been hidden that isn't going to be made."
"I think that opportunity has passed. It's going to have to be some kind of catastrophic disclosure."
"Disclosure is a paradox, it's impossible and it's inevitable."
"Enough time has passed, and I think it's time to talk about this now. Um, the truth of the lights out tour is..."
"We don't know what he was asked and what he revealed about the whistleblower."
"To unveil the truth about the existence of extraterrestrial life would change human consciousness."
"I don't know, I don't know. Um, I mean she did disclose to friends that there was TV, right? So if that's... I mean not saying that automatically makes him guilty but definitely that shows the nature of their relationship."
"That dump of data and information is the disclosure. It is everything."
"UFOs are real, extraterrestrials are real, and now it's gonna be the next question."
"Why shouldn't every human on the surface of this planet know about what we are going to in a military way that's two miles under ice in Antarctica?"
"I thought for one video I wouldn't have to get it out but I'm gonna have to get Amblynn."
"What harm possibly could be done by having transparency around non-human biological creatures?"
"There's literally no downside to any sort of disclosure or transparency or investigation."
"There's a war going on for disclosure, okay? There's people that want to disclose little things to you with twisted context to hide their deeper crimes. We don't want that. We want the full truth each and every time."
"It would be vitally important for me to tell everyone that I could what I know about these Sasquatch."
"It's all gonna be declassified, it's all gonna come out." - Speaker
"We want this information to come out to other humans, it is time for more people to know about us."
"A genuine UFO disclosure is a truly revolutionary Act because it really opens up Pandora's box of questions about the E.T presence here if that is what they are as well as other acts of secrecy that have occurred over the many many many years."
"Private companies don't have to basically reveal any of that."
"I don't think they'll be able to keep it covered up for much longer."
"Now it pays to note here that there are reported public materials associated with UAP/UFOs that have been recovered in recent years."
"Mainstream media is never going to show you this but I will."
"We need to know the reality, let's get this story out."
"How likely do you think it is that China, Russia could beat the US to disclosure?"
"I remember him saying that she had disclosed abuse in their treatment."
"So everybody who's uh kind of questioning this to research it and uh become part of a vehicle for disclosure and helping liberate our planet."
"UFOs are slowly very slowly being disclosed to us."
"Nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light."
"Hopefully we'll get more disclosure as time goes on."
"Disclosure is happening now, the UFO report has the largest archive of the best UFO videos from around the world."
"Women want nothing less than full disclosure, but they think they want full disclosure. Women say they want the truth, but they never want full disclosure because full disclosure kills the game."
"Former NASA astronaut Dr. Brian Oir has stated that there exists a substantial body of evidence suggesting that we have been in contact with advanced civilizations for an extended period of time."
"We've got something new happening right now... bit by bit this whole thing is being disclosed."
"The most important thing for us is that the truth come out on this subject."
"True disclosure occurs from within, worldwide disclosure as an official announcement cannot be given until critical mass has been reached."
"Disclosure is the most profound event in human history."
"I was part of a U.S Air Force cover-up for 17 years." - Robert Jacobs
"If I get disclosure the world gets disclosure."
"We've reached a turning point... The possibility that they are vehicles from other planetary civilizations has to be put on the table." - Misha Kaku
"There's more to the UFO subject than asking is the government going to give us disclosure."
"Why doesn't the government just release this information we can handle the truth? Well, what is the truth?"
"A kind of unexpected disclosure of UFOs... could be our best hope for a real transparency revolution."
"UFOs are real, they're technological hardware, and they're not manufactured by China or Russia."
"It's time for the truth to hold truth and nothing but."
"What is going on is a process within certain constraints and protocols to end the Embargo."
"The disclosure event is the formal acknowledgement of this extraterrestrial presence by the governments of the world."
"They're showing y'all this [__] in the public domain because they have to, just like pretty soon, maybe in the next couple of months or in the next couple of years, they're gonna have to come out and tell y'all that other life forms do exist."
"If the Sasquatch beings were publicly acknowledged by all the people in power around the planet, I have a funny feeling that a lot of religious control would crumble."
"Boyd Bushman also revealed photos of real UFO spacecrafts that he saw while working at Area 51."
"We are literally on the cutting edge, this dimension, the disclosure event."
"Armstrong said, 'Well, you know, there are huge ships out there... and we're not alone.'"
"2024 will be and is already the biggest year of disclosure we've ever known confirming and proving first contact with our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters and our inner earth families too."
"It's only a matter of time, you can only hide so long because someone's going to talk."
"We are living in the time and in the year of full disclosure. It's happening now."
"So now it's aliens. Now there's a couple of things going on. One is the true existence of aliens and UFOs and their visitations, and we will break all of that down."