
Techniques Quotes

There are 1105 quotes

"One of the biggest problems that newbies face when they get into personal development or self-actualization is that you read and hear about various techniques and then you get so engrossed in those techniques that you don't have a big picture understanding of really what you're doing."
"He's definitely become really fast and agile and even has various special moves and techniques."
"Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet the project requirements and achieve the desired outcome."
"This truly is Coveter. We can see all the same tradecraft techniques and real syntax here."
"I had to get into the technique of loving myself."
"This is a great way to finish a neckline, an armhole, a sleeve, even a hem."
"Boyka's arm locks and throws are adopted from judo, a Japanese martial art that emphasizes grappling."
"I hope that you've learned something about taking short exposures and showing that you can bring out a number of nebulae in even wide field exposures with the right techniques."
"The goal of this talk is to share some techniques for reducing complexity in an ever-growing codebase."
"All other breathing techniques are based off of sun breathing."
"What I'm going to give you is not very much theory; I'm going to give you a lot of applicable, usable techniques."
"If people can just try this once, they're gonna be on an adventure with you and your techniques that could literally save lives."
"It's incredible techniques and the fact that it can also boost your immune system I mean it's just a win-win-win."
"Even though mastering a specific breathing technique in the real world will not allow us to use supernatural powers, I still find it fascinating how these various breath techniques form the crux of demon slayers epic battle system."
"Here are some of the best ways to practice astral projection: Munroe technique, Rope technique, Hammock technique, Stretch out technique."
"That's how you separate something from the background."
"Look at these stunners, that fold method is what is key."
"Opacity and flow... affect how your brush strokes behave."
"Soft light is great for capturing the even lighting on your pieces."
"Look at that shoulder block, back elbow there by Kylene King."
"That's what made us different, you know, there was a whole lot of amateur wrestling and or incorporated amateur wrestling that, you know, I tried in a lot of my suplexes."
"Mindset is key, be focusing on all the techniques in the world."
"The technique that I was taught was that when you take a photo of makeup it always looks less than what you're actually wearing."
"People often ask me how I get the really pale porcelain looking skin."
"Sid reveals it was his secret technique where he stops his heart for 10 minutes."
"Reprogram your subconscious through prayer or meditation."
"We have the understanding and the techniques to help us all become better communicators than we ever thought possible."
"With all these techniques in place, I'd collected three hundred and fifty pounds in less than an hour."
"It's nice when you're doing contour and stuff like that to know your face."
"Reverses and switch hand layups... are amazing."
"Some of my favorite things in filmmaking are the unique shots."
"Always use adjustment layers to apply adjustments, it allows you to make changes later without affecting the original image."
"Art Academy: actual art lessons that teach real-world techniques."
"The best techniques are passed on by the survivors." - Gaiden Shinji
"None of these techniques will ever be successfully employed by a normal person."
"Some techniques, like the ones used in this video, are really straightforward and anyone can use them."
"Fourth way...use blend if in a really creative way is to use a vignette."
"Every single breathing style was similarly powerful... all breathing techniques are equally as powerful as each other."
"The goal when contouring a square-shaped face is to soften the hard angles to create a more oval appearance."
"The final finishing moves and everything like that, I like seeing the clash between the Imperial Dragon versus Zoro's Conqueror's Hockey attacks."
"Don't mix your highlights until you're ready to put them on the floor."
"This once impossible trick is now just another one of the many strats performed by speedrunners every day."
"I try to show techniques that are easily accessible for everyone."
"You gotta admit, that's an effective technique."
"If you're wanting to create something that is more painterly and looks like the random effects of a brush, then using the randomized shape properties would be really quite useful."
"To achieve fuller bushier growth in philodendrons often pruning back or propagating the top section of the plant is a good way to do this."
"Let's go over some moves that will get you open really quick, like the Trey Young into the speed boost."
"Hope you found that useful and hopefully interesting as well and hopefully can apply those techniques to your own projects in the real world."
"What a riser does is it rises and rises makes that sound effective like until it sees its high point..."
"I think one of my favorite parts of this speedrun is that little turnaround right there, just to go like slightly faster."
"For speed painting, it's so fast to go through it and you can just actually build up much more intense opacity to the right color."
"Always take advantage of perspective to make repeating motifs smaller as they go into the distance."
"You can get shots like this, cool depth of field shots like that, wide-angle shots like that."
"My secret sauce when I feel a little bit limited on set...you can re-light an entire scene."
"Learning to animation cancel with your satchel is huge."
"Everybody who grasped on it the way that I did, with techniques and a down spar and take it for real, for real, it changes your life."
"Mind maps can be used in a lot of different ways... it's a great way to brainstorm ideas."
"What's your technique on getting rid of hiccups?" - Armored
"There's no perfect way to cook anything but there are some good techniques that will help you execute really good tasting food."
"The difference between Dash cancelling your plunges and not Dash cancelling them is pretty huge."
"Fundamentals of drawing: shape, contour, form, shading."
"Understanding light and shadow enhances realism."
"You can jump over that ramp without touching the ramp whatsoever without touching any off-road terrain."
"Slide jumping through here, basically. What that is, we can hit a sloped surface and jump off of it, get a nice little boost."
"Once I learned this technique, I now avoid doing highly detailed stuff in zbrush."
"Five of the most common gun positions for soldiers, hunters, and anyone looking to improve their shot are prone position, the Weaver stance, the PowerPoint stance, the Harry's technique, and a stance from the Soviet Manual of arms."
"No matter what techniques you use, you always go through four stages."
"To be a world-class Chef, you must be proficient in a number of techniques."
"It's open source, all the techniques are available."
"Techniques that are easy to replicate and will get you a fantastic result."
"This allows me to handle him whilst painting him."
"It's just going to give that black more depth."
"The clutch alignment mystery: why eyeballing works better."
"As many of you guys know I'm a big fan of photo stories and that means that you take the wides the tights the mediums and the details."
"It's always best, no matter what kind of drawing you're doing, to draw from visual reference."
"I want to fade in. Well, what I could do is if I want to fade in on the video, select the video."
"He's going to use the secret technique, the secret technique flying low!"
"Tweak photo details like highlights and shadows for perfect edits."
"It's not just about talent but also about some methods and techniques that you can use too."
"It doesn't have to anymore, there are good methods."
"Super helpful, you're going to use it all the time when you're going through your clips and editing and cutting and removing and that kind of stuff."
"So, we went over the types of brushes you needed to know about, the techniques you need to know, the brush loads that you need to know, the things that you can paint, and then finally, I'm gonna give you some recommendations."
"Being able to do multiple rocket nozzle boosts like that is actually wild."
"If you want to achieve different results, you have to change the technique."
"There's a whole bunch of ways that you can progress in an exercise without having to up the weight."
"No, the form you see here is no transformation, it's a technique."
"Just remember you've got a couple of different techniques."
"We have a base with a sandy floor in the center and then used some cool techniques to build up the walls around the edge."
"The meaning of the Otsutsuki techniques are at their base, hope."
"I definitely love the techniques that Ariel gave us."
"A spell stack is a technique for compressing incantations."
"Variety of techniques are used to collect information to assess problems."
"Booleans allow you to take very basic shapes and use addition, subtraction, or union methods to create more complex shapes."
"This right here is proof that this method of rooting sweet potatoes and growing slips is vastly superior to the rooting method that people do inside a glass of water."
"In Maya, there are lots of different ways to do everything."
"Shinjutsu are Divine arts or Divine techniques... equivalent to Divine miracles."
"Let's go ahead and give it a render pass, let's go ambient occlusion."
"First thing that you want to do is kind of create your bone structure."
"Color grading is all a bit subjective; as long as you're kind of looking at your scopes and you're not pushing things into a crazy direction, then you've got some room to move."
"Just to be able to catch the shell, usually they put like a trap, a chicken meat."
"The blending method is one of the easiest methods you can use to make cupcakes."
"Coraline alone had over 6,300 face replacements."
"If you want the most creative images possible, mid journey and Leonardo or stable diffusion are probably the way to go."
"Using hot swapping... being able to preview and listen to sound in situ whilst the other sounds are playing is absolutely essential."
"You can do all the techniques that you want with your paints mixed like this."
"Everyone benefits from a variety of sources, so mix and match the techniques you like best as you prepare for the exam."
"I fell into a burning ring of fire all around me and I could do a bunch of techniques with that so flame emperor and fire pillar are like two of those."
"This person might help you develop techniques to kind of bring peace to all elements of your life."
"We're not actually using dropout, but it would still work over here."
"After I apply that, I'm just going to go back into the brush we're using with that matte green just to buff it into the outer edge of the shimmer shade so it all kind of moves seamlessly together."
"This is really how I get ultra volume with those special techniques, I hope you try this, I hope you enjoy just having that extra volume."
"It is possible, using a technique, to get zip ties off."
"Kit Fisto created techniques specifically for underwater combat, showcasing extraordinary abilities."
"Composing with a longer focal length...is substantially more relaxing than wide angle."
"Prot Traders use these techniques all the time and now you've got the knowledge to do this yourself."
"Zoro's hockey level does not change whether he's using one sword or three swords, but his best techniques require all three blades."
"Interpolation techniques vary from linear to nonlinear, exact to approximate, and stochastic to deterministic."
"Integrative therapy, where therapists blend various theories and techniques, reflects the diversity and richness of approaches in psychotherapy."
"If we don't know whether this is anxiety or ADHD I would start with an anxiety regulation technique."
"Creating fire can be done using a number of techniques ranging from hitting rocks together, rubbing sticks together, or even creating a magnifying lens from frozen water."
"There are some things that beginners do wrong many many times and I am going to show you some simple hacks so that you can get a realistic face every single time."
"The Texas Rig is probably one of the most used bass techniques of all time."
"Different ways to mount corn for fishing."
"Modeling is pretty much an effect which gives you tonal variation in your paint and also accentuates the panel lines."
"... when you Pan the camera that's what really makes everything look more convincing is when you have sort of layers and layers of mountains..."
"Remember you can turn the eyeball off on effects on, just click and hold it down, okay, and decide whether you're into it or not. I love a good vignette."
"The ancient drilling rigs, like 'Heaven carts,' rose over 180 ft above the ground, pioneering techniques still used today."
"Facial imagery is one of many reality capture techniques."
"So, that was pretty cool, and now you can see by changing that one variable, the point of interest altitude, I was able to capture a variety of looks to that shot."
"There you have it, displacement map."
"Blending modes are a game changer."
"There are a million ways to improve your painting."
"...we can use what are called regularization techniques across the XG boost..."
"I think the K guard is a good one because leg entanglements do make the top game much more difficult and they are one of the most reliable ways to sweep or at least stop the guy working effectively on top."
"Two things are happening: you're gonna have the oil between the copper and that's gonna help you seal up this joint along with the proper torque."
"Cornstarch needs a bit of time to work its magic, so don't kill the heat immediately."
"Sage mode techniques are an enhancement of Naruto's."
"Instead of doing a traditional hem, I decide to use peel and stick fusing tape so you can't see any stitching."
"The rule of sevens... it's a way that you can learn some of the pro tips and tricks for the Equinox 800 to get you out there in the field so you can find incredible things like these."
"Techniques that almost seem like miracles."
"Masks you can use for a lot of things. You don't necessarily have to use it for color correction."
"Now we're going to go to select and operate, so it's going to move and fan out the pitches for all those notes but it's going to keep the length of everything the same. So now I've made a new hi-hat pattern."
"What happens is when you do it here and you turn it up, you're actually applying gain to all your tracks."
"Your manifestations are coming in guys, if you are into law of attraction, law of assumption, you should maybe look up a few videos and try to manifest with those techniques."
"If your shot is a portrait, as mentioned before, you can use the editing tools to change the portrait lighting and the depth of field, that is, the F-stop."
"If you've got a large embroidery design, frame that up first and then put your design on. If you've got a small one, you can get away with putting it on the fabric first and then framing it up."
"So, in this video, what you're going to learn is three powerful techniques that I use to control my emotions during drawdowns."
"I'm going to share with you a new technique that I used combining alcohol and pastel in a way that I haven't before and I absolutely love it."
"Rather than honing in on the kick drum, I hone in on the drum bus. I treat the drums as a whole, then I hone in on the bass bus, if there's more than one bass track, then I hone in on the guitar bus, the keyboards bus, the background vocals bus."
"I knew breathing techniques could help you focus."
"I film on the back camera and I always film in a reflection like in a mirror so I can see that I'm in frame and that it's recording, you know what I'm saying?"
"So why royal icing transfers anyway? Well, for all the reasons I've already stated."
"So it’s a really helpful starting point for learning about timing and how the planets move, so that you can study them in terms of the timing technique of ‘transits’, as well as other timing techniques, like ‘secondary progressions’."
"Techniques are there to help you land in the feeling states."
"All right, I got my carbide tip on my dremel like everything more than one ways to do this."
"Every makeup artist has fun little different unique techniques."
"They put the car in motion, very easy to do, you just parent the camera to the car and then you animate the car going very quickly and there you go, you've got some motion."
"As the battle reaches a stalemate, several captains release their powerful techniques, but have them immediately stolen by their opponents."
"Ultimately, I still think the best technique for amending and improving my clay soil is a mixture of amendments and techniques and time and patience."
"It's a proven technique consistently used by top traders."
"Welding techniques that ensure proper penetration, fusion, and deposition of welding metal should be employed."
"Once you're in a panic mode, that means that you lose the ability for self-help, you forget about the techniques you've learned, you forget about the knowledge you acquired."
"The techniques I tried that were so successful and that permitted me to make a connection with the Divine were the techniques that Jesus of Nazareth proposes in the gospel."
"This is kind of an evolution of the lip contouring techniques."
"So that pretty much concludes this guide. I hope this video gave you all some inspiration in making your first knife and also provided you with some different techniques that you can use to employ on your first knife build."
"...use the rule of thirds and spirals and all the other tools that are commonly used to aid your composition."
"Helping kids learn self-soothing techniques like deep belly breathing can be incredibly helpful in managing anxiety."
"It's a really, really good technique to get a ton of ideas very, very quickly."
"We teach you and your teams how to transform the way you sell by learning specific skilled questions and techniques that actually work with human behavior rather than work against it."
"Goku's best bud curse is that Kai Kai thing was just one of many gimmick techniques."
"By using local adjustments in very specific areas, I think is a fantastic way to improve your photography."
"I hope you learned something from all the different techniques I was trying to show you here and little tricks and tips for interesting sound design."
"Utilized every kind of technique in cinematography and editing."
"They have so many tools in their toolbox... You only have so many moves." - Dave Tate
"We need to give you through use a lot of what we call experiential techniques."
"It's like a joke in barbering, but it's not a joke because it works."
"Deconstruction is actually one of the best techniques you can use."
"Techniques for influencing the subconscious mind encompass a diverse array of powerful methods."
"Freaking come up to some brush piles and working down a dang drop off and throwing Glides, throwing line throughs, throw the freaking worm, and then you fire a mini Cricket out there and they're just, it's weird."
"There's always different techniques or different patterns that you might do that might work better for you."
"Active recall and spaced repetition."
"The reason I use integration by parts right here again is because this is what I call the first stop."
"Every therapist these days is incorporating some experiential techniques into their work because we're more aware than ever about the importance of therapists working on themselves too."
"Don't forget to work on your left hand's ability to really go crazy with hammer-ons and pull-offs."
"Those are my Eddie Van Halen techniques for you."
"But all of these techniques can be applied to any concrete structure."
"I'm a firm believer in learning Concepts over learning individual techniques."
"This is the fifth video focused on query translation in our rag from scratch series, and we're going to be talking about a technique called HIDE."
"My preferred method of scoring is lying about my height or dating app, but today we'll be scoring one amazing goal with every football technique."
"So, if you wanted something super shiny on a model, maybe glossy eyes or something like that, you get a nice sealer that you can put right on there."
"...just to show you some of the different techniques..."
"The most memorable ones do things like move the plot forward, establish character, foreshadow, and especially build the dynamic between two opposing viewpoints."
"Stuff like this is really valuable because it gives us an option for kind of cheating our way and getting some fancy techniques."
"...a very simple way of adding a hard edge on a smooth object is by using the bevel tool..."
"...so as you can see the bevel tool is a very quick way of adding proximity loops..."
"...it is smoothing the mesh out and then it is beveling the edges defined on the angle again on the smooth out mesh..."
"Top three ways to catch fish ever."
"Texas switch... it's like a stuntman does something, goes behind something, and then the actor comes out."
"We touched briefly on clipping and masking earlier in the course, but there are actually a few more cool things we can do with them."
"The easiest way to deal with an uphill start is applying the parking brake."