
Overview Quotes

There are 381 quotes

"One of the biggest problems that newbies face when they get into personal development or self-actualization is that you read and hear about various techniques and then you get so engrossed in those techniques that you don't have a big picture understanding of really what you're doing."
"The Productivity Project is a wonderful overview of really the entire field of productivity."
"I'm still working on filling in the...well, let me just take you through it kind of like a mini-tour first."
"I really like being able to see my month at a view, like the important, like big picture things."
"All of this is only a high-level view: just a peek at some of the core ideas that emerge in calculus."
"That's the general idea of what we're going to be covering today."
"You need to rise above the problem to get a better view of the situation."
"It's almost like you're seeing the entire map or you're on the hundredth floor of the building and you're seeing the entire city fold underneath unfold underneath you."
"All right, I'm going to start the quirks and features of the new RX with a little overview of exactly what this vehicle is."
"So yeah guys, that's pretty much everything in this mod."
"Here is a final overview of my jewelry collection."
"Security Plus mainly because it's a great intro to security, really great, gets a good brief overview of a bunch of things."
"At the top of the mountain, get that bird's eye perspective."
"I wanted to make sure there was a couple of songs from every record so you could kind of get an overview of the whole career."
"It's important that we understand the big picture and the strategic and what's really going on."
"Hope you've enjoyed the video, a quick wander through each faction in Warhammer 40K and roughly how well they seem to be doing in-game at the moment."
"I also feel like this is good because we can step back and see the whole picture."
"This gives you just the overview of the points you can get for whatever the event has there."
"We're gonna go over a lot of the highlights, a lot of the things to look at, and kind of the way that I go through these approaches in an efficient manner."
"If you want to learn about all of the features briefly I've got one big video that covers them all in brief."
"We've got to sort of see the whole game and how it's being played."
"I hope that now you have a general idea about ES ES."
"He's campaigning on a few key issues which I'll go over now."
"And that, my friends, is the full grand tour."
"Now step away, detach, look at the bigger picture."
"So my overall view is kind of to provide a broad set of what's going on."
"I know I'm throwing a lot of you all at once here, let's take a step back and talk big picture, okay?"
"That's what happens when you use the helicopter view."
"Imagine all of this on a massive scale and you have a good high level picture of Congo."
"That's an overview of the main features that you have available here."
"Starting with an overview, the new Rover Sport, the third generation model, was redesigned for the 23 model year."
"We need to take a step back and look at the big picture."
"The more you can think about the whole class in like a one to two page outline, the more you can kind of see it all at once."
"Take a step back, we'll take in the entire front end of the 2023 Pathfinder."
"So let's talk about the general platform that this tiny house is built on."
"Overall, this should give you a good introduction to SQL."
"This cash flow Hub is basically a window you can go to and you can see all of the money that's coming in and you can see what's going out and it's just a quick snapshot of where you stand."
"that's an overview of how estimates work in QuickBooks"
"It's the best view for really getting a comprehensive overview as to what your final document is going to look like."
"It allows us to provide an overview of our document by adding a table of contents."
"The whole idea behind, you know, TweetDeck, it serves up an interesting overview, so to speak, of not only your account but, you know, a specific topic or what's trending."
"What I'm trying to do with this particular buyer's guide is just to give you a broad overview, just to let you know what's out there, to give you an idea of the variation in terms of price points, in terms of speaker design, in terms of speaker size."
"The overview in general in the vehicle is actually quite good when I look into the rear and also to the sides."
"I can't really keep any secrets around Kris Jenner."
"We have widgets just a quick overview you see some of the applications in my home lab."
"It's not a talk about any real world stack based programming language in particular. I want to talk about them as a family."
"I like how he gives us the highlights, you know?"
"So, to start, let's go over what we've got here, what we're missing, and then we'll get into the details."
"Let's just talk about an overview for 2024 in general for drag race."
"Keep in mind that it's a general reading, so I'm just trying to get over everything."
"Let's do a video where we kind of give you a quick overview of all four Lincoln."
"Azure Boards is the place where you basically get the transparent overview of what we're developing and what status each feature or each bug fix or each part of the development of the application is in."
"It gives you as good of an overview as you’re going to get for starting out your studies of a complete overview of what Western astrology is, and its history, philosophy, and techniques."
"The reason why I like charts so much is that they often give you an overview of a topic or book in a way that allows you to grasp the main ideas in a relatively short amount of time."
"I hope you enjoyed that, just quick overview of my box as it is today, no regrets on the box or the tools that I've bought."
"A simple plot to the entire movie."
"There's a lot to cover so let's jump right in."
"I just want to give you an overview, some guidance, and hopefully you can find some useful tips from here."
"Here are the 18 amazing topics we're going to cover in this video."
"You're going to want to stay tuned because in this video I'm going to do one of the most extensive overviews you've seen of the top five neighborhoods here in Oceanside."
"We're not here to make a final judgment. Instead, we're going to take you on a lightning round crash course through 31 of the SCP 001 proposals."
"And so just shoring up a few more of my shapes, I'm kind of looking at the overall image and making sure that everything works together."
"...the only thing that's going to change is we'll get to talk about more, give you a big picture of what's going on in the sport."
"It's 9:00 and I'm going to give you guys like a little overview of everything that we've done today."
"Zooming out is really, really beneficial thing."
"Now here's my overview of my MPCX."
"I'm going to take you through the different categories now."
"Hope you guys have enjoyed my full overview on this 2024 Audi RS5 with the competition package."
"...hope you guys have enjoyed my full overview on the 2024 Subaru Outback in this touring XT trim."
"You can stand in one spot and see the whole place."
"So, again just to recap like it always comes back to the hacked history of like all the old cart questions all the ros questions for your body systems."
"That was a look at the 2024 Ford Mustang GT."
"Digital marketing is the promotion of a product or a brand through one or more forms of electronic media such as Internet mobile phones Google search engine marketing Etc."
"Hope you guys have enjoyed my full overview on this 2023 Lexus NX 450h plus with the F Sport handling package."
"Hopefully by the end of this video you'll have an overview of what I think of the printer."
"The history of feminism can best be recapped in this graphic."
"They wanted to give the jury an overview of how involved it all is."
"Developmental editing is what I primarily do. I'm mostly a developmental editor, and that means that I focus on the big picture."
"I could say so many things about this project right now but I'll be honest there's kind of a lot to cover in the video."
"What Mamo truly is, is the entire story arc of the anime TV series put it all into one movie. This makes it an excellent primer of what the Lupin the Third series is about."
"There's a lot on here so I'm not going to be able to cover everything."
"This just gives you a really good overview of what the potential capabilities of this application actually is."
"This includes a detailed overview of every project task."
"...the last thing I want to do here is quickly go over a few of the hottest business tax credits available right now."
"So we're gonna start off with a really high level overview, and then walk through how some of the categories and subcategories shifted around."
"The conversation of broadcast camera technology is virtually endless, though I hope that this video has offered a detailed overview of the many factors that aid broadcasters in creating the best quality material for the public."
"Google merchandise store overview"
"Our goal here is to give some sort of explanation, definition, overview of what Hinduism actually is."
"The circle of fifths gives us this kind of bird's eye view of all keys in music and every chord within them."
"It's a really, really good general idea of how things are going to work."
"Management is able to spot issues in terms of taking a more holistic picture of the organization."
"There's much more to cover, but that's good for the broad strokes anyway."
"A fantastic way to see the bigger picture across multiple boards."
"We've got a lot happening in here, y'all, here's what we've got going on."
"I hope you guys have enjoyed my full overview on this 2020 Kia Soul."
"This table gives us a pretty good snapshot of what you might study in graduate school for statistics or biostatistics."
"Let's give you guys a quick summary."
"They've got the view of the whole barn."
"It's easy to get lost in the details, so take a step back and look at the full picture."
"If there's any issues then this overview section will let you know."
"It's a nice quick way to be able to flip through a reading journal and see at a glance what books I read in each month."
"So you know we're gonna... do a little overview of these Concepts."
"What I see a lot of times in researchers is where they lose the forest for the trees."
"It's just going to be an overall good primer that does a little bit of everything."
"I hope I gave you a good overview about the comparison between even streaming platforms and Kafka compared to traditional middleware."
"That, my friends, is just a really quick rundown. I'm sure there's some stuff I missed, but I think I hit most of the features that people are concerned about or want to see up close and personal."
"Back up and look at things from a bird's eye view."
"Hope you guys have enjoyed my very detailed and long comprehensive overview on the brand new 2024 Rivian R1T."
"Get the big picture, don't get lost in the details."
"This awesome setup for pretty much the entire story."
"So I'll just do a quick overview if you don't want to watch the video."
"First, a little overview. Now, you probably already know the regular McLaren P1, million-dollar crazy hypercar with about 900 horsepower meant to rival the Porsche 918 Spider and the LaFerrari."
"That's big picture racing right there."
"This is a complete unbiased overview of the platform from my experiences."
"I hope you enjoyed today's video and you got a overview of what Route 53 is."
"Let's first talk about the big picture."
"There's obviously so much more nuance in regards to the history and length of plus size fashion that I could not possibly fit in this video."
"I've pretty much skimmed through the entirety."
"Each tier contains a bunch of different topics, the most well-known information is at the top of the image or the tip of the iceberg."
"As usual, we're gonna give you an overview and we will focus on all the details. We like to do this video in order to have you go through the boat just like if you would be here with us or at the bow show."
"Well, with all that said, I hope you guys have enjoyed my full overview on the brand new 2022 Ford F-150 Raptor."
"That's pretty much it, maybe I'll just do a quiet little walk around so you can see it one more time."
"The physics of Wall Street; fantastic overview of the evolution of quantification."
"My goal is to get through it as fast as possible the way that a reader would read it so that I can get that bird's eye view of the story as a whole."
"Hang on, let me look at the bigger picture."
"The policy brief is a concise overview of a very specific issue. It examines the context surrounding this issue for decision makers and policy advocates."
"So let's get this video started, there's a lot to go over."
"Welcome to section seven of the Parasites. This is our overview figure showing the parasites you need to know for Step One."
"Let's look at the bigger picture here."
"Welcome to a law overview video for the realm of Rohan."
"So I think um in terms of the the first grouping, um I think even within that grouping there are clearly different challenges, um, but overarching it I would say."
"What I wanted to do is basically just give you an overview of my grounding a bonding course and everything that we're going to talk about and again I was only probably about halfway through those slides."
"And you can see we have a view which is called 'All.' I mean all of our habits are going to be shown here."
"So there you go, 65 different box sets and things that we went through there from my collection, hopefully enjoyed that overview of coming from my more than 200 box set collection."
"I just wanted to kind of give a really brief overview of that."
"Wish" is just a great record that gives a relatively concise overview of what The Cure is all about, highly recommended.
"A really simplified version of this area."
"...a very nice indication of all of the features and functionality of your application just at a glance."
"It's a very quick overview of a very simple reduction."
"I just wanted to give a broad overview of some of the things the Akka framework can do."
"I'm actually going to be brief on lattice gauge Theory because we're hearing a lot about it in other lectures."
"So my goal is to fairly quickly try and touch on all of these aspects just to kind of bring them together a little bit."
"Hey everybody just got here I want to give you guys a little overview of the spread."
"Let's just perhaps even zoom out a little bit."
"But hopefully, this gave you a good insight into what the CT5 is all about."
"Here's my garage door that we're looking at here."
"A live feed of all of your cameras at one time."
"Essentially, this is the synopsis overview."
"Zoom out, step back, and look at the big picture."
"So, that's kind of a big high-level overview. Hopefully, we've covered why to use things or why not to, and that's the bigger one here."
"In today's video we will take a closer look at the Seljuks and the massive Empire they built up in the Middle East."
"Overview: On February 14th, 2017, Joseph Merlino III waits for his ex to arrive home from work and attacks her out of nowhere with a needle injecting her with a lethal dose of cyanide."
"We're just going to look at the big picture here."
"It is just a broad overview obviously because it's of the whole classical world, but still very, very good introduction if you are wanting to familiarize yourself with classics and ancient Greece and Rome."
"I thought I'd give you a brief overview in the beginning."
"So as I mentioned, this is going to be a very extensive overview of the top eight neighborhoods in Irving."
"Hope that was a pretty neat overview of the whole equilibria topic."
"When I do projects like this, I usually like to start with a bird's eye view of the project."
"A brief overview of how a claim is processed: from a person visiting a healthcare provider to the submission of a claim to the insurance provider."
"Assess everything before you take a step, look at the big picture of your career."
"Let's just go through all the contestants and see who we have."
"One would have to stand back from all these particular problems and see the whole."
"Here's where we can see all of your business metrics all in one place."
"Before you even begin to examine the notes and rhythms, you want to scan [the piece] top to bottom and get a broad lay of the land."
"Don't tunnel vision too deep, so look at the whole thing as the whole picture."
"The daily chart is kind of like your closet, right? You're looking in your closet and you're getting a big overview of everything that's in there."
"What I'm going to focus on today is kind of a broad overview of the topics that fall into that category and give you some tools for dealing with them."
"I want you to understand the broad brush strokes approach to the larynx."
"Brief overview about this castle: it's got 11 bedrooms, 15,000 square feet, 14 acres, and also has a dungeon, which is really cool."
"Mission Control gives you an overview of all your desktops."
"I'm so thankful you all are here, and I'm very delighted to be given the opportunity to give just a general overview talk about the field of radiation oncology."
"What you have is kind of a summary; it's a bird's eye view that gives you some concepts, some understanding, some framework to understand everything that is going to follow."
"I want you to have the big picture, the view from 36,000 feet, looking down on human history."
"I'm not gonna go in super, super deep detail; this is just an overview for people that might just be starting."
"We've got a really good overview of what stocks we're holding, what cap size are the companies, and what sectors we're allocated to."
"So this is a very high-level overview of dependency injection."
"There is a component of evaluation of the whole picture of what's going on."
"And finally, a full calendar view of absolutely everything so that you can manage it."
"I like to have this at a glance weekly view."
"We've tried to filter the experience that we've gained over the years to ensure that we can give you a high level overview of this particular subject."
"You've got to take a look at the big picture business environment."
"I hope you've enjoyed watching this overview, it's my first shot at doing one of these videos."
"When you're learning tarot, it's very easy to look at a spread and home in on each card individually, but what's important is that you feel fully comfortable with standing back and giving an overview of the energy or the feeling of the entire spread."
"We're going to start by giving you an overview of expressions, discussing what they are, how to use them for crime analysis, and where to use them in your ArcGIS environment."
"Take a step back and look at the big picture."
"The end of Roman Britain is quite a large topic, and I have a little amount of time, so I'm going to try and give you an overview of some of the key issues we need to think about in studying this issue."
"Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville is a really good overview of everything there is to know in deep learning."
"It's a great way to get a good overview of the park."
"You can get the gestalt of your productivity state very quickly."
"It gives me that overarching view of how the plot of this story is going to go."
"Let me briefly go over what we're going to cover."
"Let's start off with an overview of things we'll cover."
"This is definitely a very useful view for teams and projects."
"I absolutely love it, I hope this overview has been helpful for you."
"Let's take a look at the whole thing now... lovely."
"It's very helpful because it's a way to give a first overview already."
"I want you to see the big picture of virology."
"Take a step back and see the broad picture."
"Beautiful overview of the interior."
"It's a great way to get an overview of all the layers and to find what you're looking for."