
Black Excellence Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"I don't have to be your favorite cast member on my show for me to still support black excellence."
"Black excellence means being elevated in every capacity beyond any limitation and everything that you do."
"Tonight is all about Black excellence, then you can feel the energy in the air."
"I think black excellence is worried about the status quo of where we stand as a society of black people and in his black creatives that actually keep shit moving in general."
"Black excellence seems special, but I want to normalize the things that are special. I don't want it to be special; I want it to be normal."
"The series also celebrates Black history and Black excellence by showing Black characters working together and combating serious issues as well as celebrating traditions and cultural experiences through diverse characters."
"Howard, like, just the best decisions because we need more black excellence."
"It's black excellence, it's family, it's generational wealth."
"Joe Biden knows that when white supremacy and black excellence are in the same room, the black excellence is a disinfectant that kills the germ of white supremacy."
"We need black excellence to mean that we are really, really committed to obtaining the knowledge and skill to be the very best out here on the job."
"Imagine three generations of black children seeing the smartest people. They talk about Neil DeGrasse Tyson today, but imagine having three generations of kids who grew up around that all the time."
"When we invest in ourselves, our glow, our vision of we all shine together. We are Black beyond measure." - Unspecified speaker
"Black Excellence going on from the black national anthem to Cheryl Lee Ralph to Rihanna at halftime."
"Black excellence is us at a level of something that is number one competitive... It's everything from what's going on in the humanitarian space."
"It's a privilege to be black, to activate that black magnificence."
"Black is beautiful, black is excellence. Let's get it back to that."
"Black is beautiful, black is awesome, black is amazing, black is powerful, black is fantastic."
"Black Excellence has always been the allure because it's like, 'oh, I have a way out.'"
"Black Excellence is also in tandem a class issue."
"Black Excellence is most positive is looking for the lights in our own community."
"Black Americans y'all know this but around the world black people look up to you... they say wow they can do anything."
"Hey Ernest, did you know that the Black community has 2.7 trillion dollars of spending power? Are you ready to see what you can do when you combine and recirculate our resources to expand the pool of Black excellence?"
"Virgil was highlighting black fashion and nuances beautifully."
"Sarah Bond, let's go. Look at this black excellence."
"Black girl magic at this Olympics, we already do kill it at the Olympics but we got a little extra something this year."
"Institutionalize black excellence so it becomes the norm."
"Black excellence and black talent has always scared many people in America."
"Black Excellence is seen at the highest level."
"Most of my pan-african forefathers they were pastors but they believed in Black excellence and black struggle today these pastors sell our people Pie in the Sky you ain't got to do nothing but pray and give me a couple dollars and all will be well and we believe it."
"Black Excellence is achieving in the face of adversity, it's the highest level of Excellence."
"It was a lot of black girl magic going on. It was a lot of black boy joy. It was a black excellence trip. It really was."
"Singing and dancing weren't the only ways for black men to achieve greatness."
"I want to bring what I want to see. I want to see black excellence and black love and all those things."
"This is black Excellence, this is black Excellence."
"She became the first black woman to grace Forbes' exclusive list of billionaires."
"We see a black man shining, and it tears us down, but I can tell you we will continue to keep on shining."
"It's not just enough to be here and be black, it's about being here and being blacknificent."
"It's success and it's black excellence."
"We advocate for you and we stand ten toes deep behind black excellence."
"Atlanta's still on that kind of black Hollywood like it's crazy, pull up and see like we have baby with condos, you'll see 25-year-old millionaires man, but they not drug dealers, they investors, stock investors."
"Let's keep on normalizing black luxury. Us black women, we work so so hard, we are more than deserving of nice things."
"She is the definition of black girl magic."
"They love to make you feel like you are so special, you're such a hard find, you're a needle in a haystack... meanwhile in real life I know nothing but dynamic black people in every field."
"The Soul Train Awards are historic, it has been a platform for so many amazing black talents."
"You can be black and powerful and in this spot and be celebrated and be good."
"Queen Latifah made it cool to be like Nubian goddess, queen, proud black woman."
"She's so classy, oh black excellence indeed."
"Every day is a day to celebrate black excellence."