
UFOs Quotes

There are 917 quotes

"If indeed UFOs are real, and if they are from somewhere else, and if they are somehow getting here from distances that baffle us, then there is just a technological answer to that."
"The McMinville UFO photographs remain a perplexing piece in the UFO puzzle."
"The government's acknowledgment of these videos as real unidentified objects is a big deal."
"Area 51 has been the subject of UFO and alien theories for decades."
"But I think you can take it as a matter of public record that UFOs have been tracked on radar on numerous occasions."
"Many people have wondered about the true origin of these sightings. Could UFOs be a sign of external forces?"
"Belief in UFOs and earth-visiting aliens really ramped up in mid-1947 when something crashed in Roswell, New Mexico."
"Planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft, in other words, some UFOs are alien spacecraft."
"The issue of UFOs and extraterrestrials...is something that is central to how we're going to be able to go forward as a civilization."
"These UFOs are some type of spacecraft from another star system and that there are these intelligent beings from other galaxies and perhaps even other dimensions that are here trying to communicate with us."
"The Rendlesham Forest incident, often referred to as Britain's Roswell, stands as one of the most interesting and well-documented UFO encounters in modern history."
"He claims he’s spoken to over forty witnesses, all involved with classified research projects that involve everything from captured alien spacecraft to recovered alien bodies."
"The secrecy around UFOs is not only illegal and unconstitutional but provably so."
"If you give the topic of UFOs the time of day and don't smugly dismiss it, you come out thinking there's something here."
"It makes me think we should do an open letter from UFO skeptics and believers just urging greater transparency."
"Certainly, there is a coverup, and all UFO researchers recognize that."
"The aliens put on a demonstration to the extent that the media could not ignore it, and the government couldn't cover it up."
"And Bill Clinton, he had a meeting, a discussion with Paul Davis, the producer of Roswell, and he told Paul Davis right to his face, I'm fascinated with this stuff."
"This is reminiscent of some of those older cases that we're seeing like the Foo Fighters of World War II."
"Strange crafts in the sky with an unnatural formation, it definitely has to be aliens."
"The modern field of UFOs has recently gained a degree of credibility with validation of unidentified craft by the Pentagon."
"The existence of hidden UFO bases and evidence of extraterrestrial encounters in Antarctica suggests that our planet has been and continues to be of great interest to otherworldly civilizations."
"Based on interviewing over 40 witnesses over four years... I believe that our government is in possession of UAPs."
"Since the Roswell incident in 1947, many Americans have wondered about the dangers of unknown objects crisscrossing our skies."
"These sightings are not routine military aircrew and commercial pilots. Trained observers whose lives depend on accurate identification are frequently witnessing these phenomena."
"If UFOs are real, then space exploration will be the next frontier."
"For over 70 years the question of whether there was something to the UFO phenomenon has seethed in the popular culture."
"Dr. McDonald after the research concluded that it wasn’t a phenomenon of nature and that the alien hypothesis was the least worst explanation."
"Once you dig deep enough into the subject, there is a kernel of weirdness hidden amongst the fluff that characterizes the UFO phenomenon."
"I think we've seen plenty of flying saucers. There's no question that we've seen exceptional numbers of craft here in the United States."
"All government data regarding unidentified aerospace objects should be made available to the public to be openly investigated by the broader scientific community."
"I abandoned the Extraterrestrial hypothesis in 1967 when my own field investigations disclosed an astonishing overlap between psychic phenomena and UFOs. The objects and apparitions do not necessarily originate on another planet."
"The government is capable of keeping very big secrets... But it's clear that the government is covering up its full understanding and knowledge about UFOs and UAPs."
"We have nothing to fear from UFOs. We need to learn more, and once we learn more, it may go ahead and make us understandable how close we are and how much we have in common."
"It's crazy, so look, you not UFOs, the sky trumpets, man, what on Earth is this all about? It is the freakiest thing that I've heard."
"Secrets, cover-ups, and strange phenomena. UFOs and ideas that challenge reality itself. All these mysteries, all this time, are we ever going to get to the bottom of these?"
"The U.S. government knows something unexplained is out there."
"Governments have been taking them seriously all along."
"Despite all the military's preparations, an entire fleet of flying saucers seemed to be descending upon the United States."
"In order to determine with any degree of certainty whether or not unidentified flying objects are indeed alien, it is vital that this field of study receive a minimum of physical and logistic support."
"Beyond the rhetoric of UFO groups, it is clear that if scientific institutions were to undertake a serious study of UFOs, they would not make long philosophical speeches on the wonders of science; they would proceed methodically."
"The power and propulsion of these vehicles, the UFO phenomenon, is important."
"It's an exciting time for the UFO topic, big things are underway."
"Later this month, the United States Department of Defense is set to release a trove of documents pertaining to what might be the most obsessively discussed and imagined topic they've ever investigated: unexplained aerial phenomena, or as we usually say, UFOs."
"The big breakthrough, in my view, is that they now know, more or less convincingly, that these things exist physically. They don't know what they are, where they come from, who's behind the wheel; they know anything about them, but the big breakthrough is that they now know more or less convincingly that they exist."
"This is something that's a little bit exciting, and I think even the biggest skeptics kind of want to believe. There's an element of excitement; there's an element of, well, all of this bad news, but we have this interesting, potential interesting UFO news coming out of the government. Maybe this will give us something exciting to focus on, something really fun that's new."
"What we really need to do is take it seriously and as a society accept that these observations are real, and the only way we're going to get answers is if we take it seriously and study it."
"We cannot equate UFOs and aliens. The government has been very clear on this... No one in the government is talking about aliens... It's very important to keep that separate. Let's keep our eye on the ball; let's try to figure out what these things are, gather all the data, let science take a good look, and then take it from there, one step at a time."
"The Robertson Panel is one of the most important turning points in the history of the American study of UFOs."
"We are slowly finding more and more information that proves or it's weighing towards the idea that aliens and UFOs are legit and real."
"Ronald Reagan was fascinated with the UFO subject."
"Reports of unidentified flying objects are the result of one: misinterpretation of various conventional objects, two: a mild form of mass hysteria and war nerves, three: individuals who fabricate such reports to perpetrate a hoax or to seek publicity, and four: psychopathological persons."
"Yes, the incident of Jimmy Carter crying after being briefed about classified information regarding UFOs is largely believed to be true by the serious researchers on the subject."
"The potential existence of unidentified flying objects has the potential to shake up long-held belief systems and societal norms."
"The presence of unidentified flying objects and encounters with extraterrestrial beings have the potential to disrupt established power dynamics and challenge authority structures."
"We've been chasing UFOs, and what we really need to do is explore the idea that maybe there is something ancient down there that they are trying to keep secret."
"The calvine photograph stands as one of the biggest mysteries in UFO history; Finally Revealed after 32 years, it shows that answers only bring new questions."
"They advocate for the declassification of government files related to UFO sightings."
"Some of which appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities."
"The truth comes out little by little, but it's clear that there were people who were definitely investigating UFOs while the message to the public was, there is nothing to see here, go away."
"It eliminates the idea that this was a hoax."
"It's something that had a deep impact on the witnesses."
"UFOs: blinking lights in the sky, a mystery that still lingers."
"Everything we know about UFOs is changing thanks to a team led by former Pentagon UFO investigator, Luis Elizondo-- That is real whatever that is."
"The UFO subject behaves in a way that does not behave in a logical sensible way."
"What is the real deal when it comes to unidentified flying objects?"
"Eyewitness accounts of super-fast accelerations, lightning turns, and sudden stops seem to violate known laws of physics."
"But when a UFO sighting has no known explanation, could it be an extraterrestrial craft?"
"Hard evidence that there was visitation by non-humans."
"Secrecy surrounding UFOs is a threat to the National Security."
"The UFO phenomenon was more paranormal and demonic than it was your traditional...Superior beings from other planets or ETS."
"The reason why the government is talking about these UFOs now [is] getting ready for the next level of war."
"Consider that our entire society has been told that UFOs do not represent anything truly anomalous, that ETS or aliens are definitely not here on earth interacting with us."
"To this day, no satisfactory explanation is being given that is not UFO related."
"One of the most intriguing ones I investigated occurred in early 1964."
"Governments and Military authorities around the world know that flying saucers exist and that they are from another planet."
"Roswell made the front page of many newspapers across the country."
"For every possible UFO sighting there’s always a debate if it was an alien or a weather balloon, but nobody ever seems to wonder if it was an alien weather balloon."
"What has not been recognized in the fullness of the global development and impact of UFOs is that the phenomenon does not behave as a system; it is a meta-system."
"Many of those conspiracies happen to do with... You guessed it. Aliens or UFO’s."
"The anomalies captured in the USS Nimitz tapes are one of the most convincing paranormal occurrences in history."
"A string of UFO sightings took place that would mark the beginning of a tremendous wave of encounters that shocked the world."
"What if UFOs are in fact alien military, they may view us as enemies to destroy."
"The team wants to dig deeper into the data. According to the classified government files, the US intelligence actually took an active interest in UFO sightings over Alaska from 1947 to 1950."
"Could this cluster of sightings be the focal point of the vortex, a portal where aliens travel into and out of our world and take those of us they wish?"
"The Black Knight satellite: a favorite topic among UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists."
"I thought it was really interesting and then finally George we released the jellyfish UAP the weirdest UFO or UAP video that we had ever seen."
"I can't rule out the idea of extraterrestrial visitation."
"He initiated this program because the military was getting gravely concerned about the intrusion of UFOs."
"This event, this whole card has been put together at pretty breakneck speed."
"UFOs are real, just a question of what are they."
"This is such an amazing case... it was one of the most compelling modern-day UFO encounters."
"At long last, the government was admitting a modern-day program to investigate UFOs."
"The veil of secrecy surrounding UFOs is not unique to the United States. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an exclusive realm of the US government."
"I am certain that there have been several recoveries of alien craft and bodies in the United States."
"The government isn't admitting that we've retrieved these crafting bodies... they're denying it vociferously."
"It's not just another UFO story, this is beyond that."
"The videos taken by their fighter pilots of unidentified objects are real."
"UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in... surveillance." - James McDonald
"The UFO problem, far from being the nonsense problem that it often has been labeled... constitutes a problem of extraordinary scientific interest." - James McDonald
"The Canadians along with the other five eyes Alliance have UFOs or uaps from other worlds off-world vehicles."
"The government really has caught itself in a web here by basically playing down... the idea that some UFOs are truly unknown."
"Just the whole fact that the government now acknowledges that UFOs are real... I mean, I think that's something we all have to really consider and prepare for."
"It is fitting that Hynek makes an appearance in the movie as it is he who supplied the classification of UFO sightings, which gave the film its title."
"Nobody wants to actually turn around to their general public and say, hey, you know, we don't know what they are, B, we don't know where they're coming from and C, we haven't got control over the phenomena."
"It's not terrestrial in origin, it doesn't come from here."
"I'm a reporter who happens to be interested in UFOs. There's a difference, and I think it's a legitimate news story."
"A story that Bob Lazar told 25 years ago has gone around the world many times over."
"The guy just told us they were flying saucers. It turns out they were accurate, we've got it on video."
"UFOs are real, no matter what they may be, they clearly are real."
"The UFO subject is gonna reveal some things."
"UFOs are real, and I meant that in the physical sense."
"Tonight we've seen this huge saucer that Apollo 11 captured on film as well as three other potential craft and an extraordinary ornate looking capsule that was possibly abandoned by aliens after crash landing."
"Is this a big psychological operation, this big bombshell UFO whistleblower Pentagon story?"
"Roswell has been an epicenter for so-called UFOs, a community that has grown since the 1947 Roswell incident sparked conspiracy theories."
"UFOs exist. The US government found quite a number of them, and they are indeed of non-human origin."
"I mean sightings of UFOs and aliens has been around for hundreds of years that we know about."
"It's no longer a question of 'Are UFOs real?' The US government has unequivocally said that UFOs are real."
"The existence of UFOs is real, and the US government secrets surrounding this have finally been exposed."
"So no there's no such thing as white pride in part because there is no white culture."
"One fascinating element of sightings involving triangular-shaped unidentified flying objects is their remarkable tendency to appear in close proximity to military installations and engage with military activities."
"The truth about flying saucers has been covered up."
"The UFO cover-up is the granddaddy of all conspiracy theories, what is bigger than that?"
"Widespread publicity was generated by the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case of 1961."
"The evidence is simply overwhelming that planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft."
"The subject of flying saucers represents a kind of cosmic Watergate."
"A cosmic Watergate that continues to this day."
"The Air Force has a long history of massive misrepresentation about flying saucer dating right back to this incident but many times afterward."
"Do you think UFOs will become a modern religion?"
"As camera technology has improved recently, UFOs tend to get further and further away."
"While there is no conclusive proof that people have been abducted by extraterrestrials, some of the accounts have been compelling."
"Well, because the fans are gonna expect a scene where we watch Loki die only to find out he's not really dead. That's a good point."
"I believe that some of them will prove to be of interplanetary origin during a three-year investigation I found that many Pilots have described objects of substance and high speed."
"The lack of transparency regarding UAPs is shocking."
"The objects are performing maneuvers unexplainable to our technology."
"UFOs are real. This is not a matter of opinion, this is not a matter of belief, it is a reality."
"The UFO presence on planet Earth is a reality. It's been a reality for a long time."
"What's presented here is genuine UFO/UAP footage."
"UFOs are there to watch the fireworks show, but they sometimes put on a show even better than the actual fireworks."
"The most common day of the year where UFOs are seen: July 4th, Independence Day."
"95% of what people are reporting as extraterrestrial UFOs... are our own deep black programs."
"Is our government in possession of a crash retrieval that was made not on planet Earth? We have a pretty good idea where those things were taken. It's not the secret anymore that those things have been retrieved."
"In my opinion, we're looking at some kind of extraterrestrial craft that passed over the city."
"Isn't it funny how now they're like being honest about UFOs when we were kids oh it's fake there's no such thing as little green man there's no such thing as UFOs."
"Yo, I'm the alien guy, so I'm just gonna say it, uh, yeah, that's a craft. Like, of course it is. NASA didn't follow up like, what are they gonna say? Uh, yeah, that's swamp gas. Birds. Balloons. Uh, cut the feed, cut the feed. Like, this is nuts."
"Mitchell publicly expressed his opinions and that he was sure that there were thousands of UFOs recorded since the early 1940s belonging to other planets."
"I haven't any doubt that there is a deliberate cover-up."
"Sightings of UFOs continue and the government continues to deny carrying out investigations into them."
"Last year the Pentagon made an extraordinary statement. They said that UFOs are real and it has videos to prove it."
"The evidence of UAP is overwhelming and has been affirmed by presidents, former heads of the CIA, the current NASA administrator, intelligence visuals, and trained military observers."
"There are rumors that already the United States has developed the craft that looks so much like the visitors that you can't tell them apart."
"UFOs and aliens: the birthplace of many Bully myths, including the infamous werewolf and alien theories."
"People who've encountered UFOs shouldn't be afraid to speak up and speak out."
"The entire USSR was one big UFO listening post, the largest investigation ever done in the history of the world."
"Russia was studying UFOs for decades, and the world didn't know about it officially in any way."
"We did learn more from the Russian government about what the U.S government knows on UFOs than we have learned from our government ourselves."
"There's a need-to-know basis. That doesn't mean that the UFO phenomenon is like ultra top secret, you know, stratospheric level or something."
"If you were able to get the people to demand greater UFO transparency and do it intelligently, it would happen."
"They're really basing their points of view on the phenomenon on data."
"The UFO phenomenon forces us to look at the UFO cover-up and it forces us to ask uncomfortable questions about government lies and cover-ups."
"Craft of non-human origin. This is the very first time that has been stated." - Richard Dolan
"An experienced aviator would know the difference between a weather balloon and a flying saucer."
"It's difficult to imagine a more pressing requirement, from my standpoint, than to find out who is operating these vehicles, why they're here, what their intentions are. The stakes are so high, they're existential."
"UFOs exist. We're missing the boat if we don't do everything we can to find out what they are."
"The US Navy confirmation of the fast and quick aerial phenomena was just enough to validate UFO doubts in millions across the globe."
"Nick Pope who used to work for the British Ministry of Defense and was tasked by the government to study and further gather information and research relative to unidentified flying objects."
"Could this Chariot have been a UFO—an unknown glowing flying object that must have boggled the minds of us Muggles on the ground?"
"Aliens are bound to exist... focus more on water worlds." - Alan Stern
"NASA said they believed in Aliens... investigating unidentified flying objects."
"There was no denial that the authorities believed that this was a genuine UFO incident."
"UFOs would appear more and more in popular culture, and sightings would never cease."
"1973 heralded a new awareness of the phenomenon and would mark a new increase in UFO popularity."
"The objects described as cylindrical, cigar-shaped, triangular, and round like a saucer."
"A domed disc-shaped object with portholes and landing gear lands in the woods."
"The object was described as egg-shaped or oblong, about the size of an average car."
"Experts like Azasha believe that UFO events like this crash, as well as the 1948 Russian Roswell crash, caused a Pandora's Box to open over Kapustin Yar."
"What's going on up there could be the most important event in history."
"The government admitted that the UFO phenomenon is real."
"The UFO phenomena has been present in human history for millennium... accounts of unidentified aerial phenomena reach as far back in antiquity as our first discovered human writings."
"Something like extraterrestrial life, UFOs, and aliens on Earth is largely beyond the bounds of our knowledge."
"One of the most convincing UFO footage in recent history."
"Manitoba UFOs: hot spot for unidentified flying objects."
"The events were also validated by the international UFO museum."
"This is definitely one of the most interesting UFO incidents."
"This has been recognized as one of the most reliable encounters with an unidentified flying object due to the number of witnesses who were able to observe what happened."
"What NASA captured footage of on Mars is as close to spotting a UFO on the Red Planet as we'll likely get."
"The golden state is otherworldly in other categories as well UFO sightings."
"Anybody who says government agencies aren't withholding UFO information isn't telling you the truth."
"A UFO: these unidentified flying objects have puzzled people for a long time."
"Whether through yoga, whether through science, whether through spirituality, whether through Ayurveda, they all come to the same point of mantras and the power of mantras on the body."
"Wisconsin has an incredible amount of UFO sightings going back to the 1950s."
"The U.S. government is admitting that UFOs are not only real physical objects but also pose a national security risk."
"This pilot who flew Barack Obama says UFOs are real and he's seen one firsthand."
"There is a connection between the paranormal, UFOs, and the myths of ancient history."
"The Roswell incident has since ignited a decades-long debate, conspiracy theories, and a search for answers about the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet."
"I was already attuned to the idea that this shape of UFO moving and seemingly doing some sort of surveillance or reconnaissance of military bases is something that has happened recently and in many places."
"When you look at these ancient beings that are described in the ancient text and you look at the modern-day UFO accounts, you're probably really looking at the same beings."
"UFOs are real not something fictional or imaginary... There is an extraterrestrial presence that's an absolute fact."
"There's an extraterrestrial presence that's an absolute fact... just because the government says no it's not well that doesn't change that."