
Personal Perspective Quotes

There are 969 quotes

"Your perception of the event is what counts and that's actually not the event at all."
"We see the world the way we are, not the way it is."
"The single most significant event to happen to that chunk of land, possibly...I'm not a historian, but it feels like maybe."
"How do we define success? And that's another reason why we must not look at people and assume and make comparisons because it's like, you just don't know what's going on behind all of that stuff."
"Something that failed for me could mean everything to you, and that's kind of beautiful."
"I want to be a person more interested in reality than my idea of reality."
"Oh, would you look at that, boys, the sun is coming up just for me."
"The story of One Punch Man, in my personal opinion, and this is really the reason why it hits so hard for me, is despite all the metaphorical narrative depressing bullshizzle, One Punch Man is an optimistic, positive series."
"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man."
"You have an advantage over me, over Ash, over anybody. It's an incredible opportunity to rewrite the rules based around how you see the world."
"How was your Fourth of July? Well, I am Canadian, so I quite honestly couldn't care less about the Fourth of July, if I'm being honest."
"Nothing is wrong with you. There's obviously something wrong with them."
"I see myself as somebody important. It's not about who else is in first class, it's me. It's the way I feel."
"Every moment is a joy. Every day is a joy. So everything to me feels great all the time."
"The past is not relevant. Why? Because for one, I beat my case."
"Selfish doesn't need to be so negatively geared. Selfish is about honoring your happiness, what will make you happy."
"I don't think fame is something that he necessarily enjoys or was going after."
"I'm a regular dude like everybody else. The cars just got faster."
"Deep down in our core, I don't think any of us are unhappy with the way that we are, I think, like, we're just unhappy with the way that we're treated sometimes."
"Life is the perfect game. It's hard as hell and that's the way we would want it."
"Last breaths are sacred. When I imagine my final days, I see bubbles, see the ocean, I see music. Even now, as I seek help to end my life, there is still so much beauty. You just have to be brave enough to see it."
"I fear the country I love is becoming like the country I left."
"If you're going to look at all of that and say it doesn't matter because that does not correspond to my own personal... my own personal experiences, then you're silly."
"I'm not like a celebrity. I just have someone that people start they keep following me on Twitter because I do this work, but I still use Twitter the same way I've always used it."
"It is true that you are the center yourself. To be phenomenally aware means to possess an inward perspective."
"I'm always working, but I enjoy it. It's good."
"If somebody comes up to you and tells you that what you said to them was offensive, who are you to tell them that it wasn't?"
"Our experience of life is through our mind. We only know what we see from our perspective."
"Fear can be one of two things. It could either be your friend or your enemy."
"Marriage is a beautiful thing, but it's not an achievement."
"My list isn't the right list; it's just my list."
"As many launches as I've seen, seeing it in person is a whole different experience."
"People's questions were in a different way from me."
"It is the best 6 out of 10 I have ever played."
"Your class is the lens through which you view the world it's how you interact with the world is how you engage with all of your enemies in your allies."
"As we look around us, a lot of us may feel that we are living through some pretty incredible times."
"If I was a German, I think a German would say my country is just as good as the US."
"Would you in all your days have 70 of your portfolio be a call or put option? I'll tell you, I wouldn't. I wouldn't personally."
"It's not a money problem, that's a relationship problem."
"His career didn't die, it just achieved its purpose: wealth. And like, that's not a bad thing."
"That's not a beige flag for me, that's why we read."
"Friendship is meaningless to you, but to us, it's everything."
"I like not knowing what's gonna happen tomorrow with the stock market."
"I would never want another human to stab me."
"Of course, this video will never do it justice."
"It's not any different. And honestly, I'm somebody who, I don't think we should stigmatize mental illness."
"I thought it was gonna be like a six-week thing... distracted about what's going on."
"You can't have an honest conversation with a person who's trying to misrepresent what's happening in order to make their own point of view sound more serious or be more relevant."
"I think it changes a lot, I like the emotional dependency, I think that's okay."
"Your experience or your perspective is not to be an end all, and there's just a variety of variables with anything in life."
"Money is neutral. You can give any meaning to money that you want."
"Minnesota I'll be honest I'm one of the few Americans who actually approves of President Biden's job."
"I wouldn't want to be that married to him if I was Leah."
"My sort of [ __ ] hits the fan prepping view is, yeah, I know if it gets that bad I'm gonna [ __ ] die anyway, man."
"The hills are ablaze and I'm sitting there with my mask on looking at the fires burning the hills of Los Angeles and watching the eagles lose to the W's thinking to myself what the [ __ ] is happening in this godforsaken world."
"every list is unique and different and it just kind of reflects the way you as an individual receive those movies"
"People are like, 'oh, I don't see anything wrong with wearing a mask.' Put yourself in the shoes of someone who maybe they live in a rural area, maybe they get claustrophobic in a mask, maybe they have other reasons they don't wanna wear it."
"I understand their argument that because I'm white, I don't really think about my skin color."
"Freddie's normality is different... but it doesn't mean that it's any... a different type of normal."
"To this day, bro, I don't watch it, y'all think it's me?"
"You have to have a point of view and you have to have a voice."
"Beauty is like just this undefinable thing that comes from the inside out."
"Horace Grant says 90% of the documentary is BS... anytime you do a documentary and it's from one person's perspective or one side of it the people who aren't gonna be painting in a good light or not gonna be happy."
"Writing through a lens means that I'm going to write about the concept of how I feel through the lens of an object."
"Try to not get stuck in the concept of 'oh she's talking about relationships' because I'm not. To me, personally at least, everything is or should be about love."
"Life is really precious and you don't really care about what people think about you anymore."
"I can't really speak to anyone else's state of mind, I don't think that's fair. But I'm allowed to say how I felt in those because that matters."
"There is no one judging you... You judge yourself."
"When you really want something, you will find a way. When you don't really want something, you'll find an excuse."
"Art is where you create something that shows the world as you see it."
"I still think of it as a basic staple of life, along with beer and ice and grapefruits."
"My baby is my child, so I'm going to have a different opinion than someone who doesn't know my child."
"But yeah, this is Zuni. So glad you were able to come out here and get a little bit of input from us."
"I was a huge skeptic of the marijuana industry in general."
"Relevance is relative, and it's also subjective."
"Everyone is their own protagonist and antagonist. You as an individual are not the good guy or the bad guy."
"If I just went into the treasury, that would just be a very different role."
"He can't do anything. Anything he does is still cute to me."
"People live differently. We are very much victims of our own subjective experience."
"I know you guys are just waiting for something bad to happen, and I don't get any of these guys. I'm gonna get some of that."
"The amount of self-love that I have in this moment does not allow me to see."
"Fulfillment sexually is extreme, that to me plays one of the biggest roles."
"Everything's falling apart, but it's making way for a new beginning."
"It's pretty much impossible to have some kind of bias-free stance. Like, you can be pretty neutral, but everyone's got a slight lean, no matter which way you are."
"The truth is that like if a game came out 15 years ago and you're playing it right now it's a new game to you."
"Most of the time it's not worth it... the console war stuff doesn't actually matter to anyone On My Level."
"Our reality is totally molded by our perceptions. Perception molds reality."
"When I love an animal, I don't see them as a renewable resource."
"If you want a happy ending, that depends on where you stop the story."
"I kind of see it as like a draw in an odd way."
"He's just speaking plainly from his perspective what he feels right."
"These are the games that you grew up with, these are the games I ignored as a young adult... I'm probably not reviewing it the same way you will if you grew up on these types of games."
"They really did have their own valid motivations for their concerns."
"My purpose in doing this is to share my perspective so that anyone who is in a situation like I was a couple of years ago, who is questioning and wondering can have another perspective to lean on."
"Disappointment lies not in what you get, but what you expect to get."
"How can we be human and be inspired by other people rather than viewing what they have, their lifestyle, from a place of blame or unworthiness?"
"Beauty is in fact subjective, if you ever want to test that intuition just go and stare at the London Eye for long enough."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and since this is my channel and I'm the beholder Wendy's gorgeous right."
"If you want to say I'm a bad communicator once again, that's your prerogative, but I would disagree. I think I'm very good at communicating. That's the reason I'm even [ __ ] here."
"It sure did seem like there's got to be more than this okay he's an big deal a lot of people are I've worked for them they're not like um."
"If I'm not feeling it myself, it doesn't mean that they're not a great guest for somebody's show."
"The deck seems like an absolute resource to vera."
"Everything that's important when I'm 20 probably isn't going to matter when I'm 26."
"Life happens for you, it doesn't happen to you."
"I think I live my life like Grand Theft Auto."
"Keane felt it was unfair that he didn't have a case."
"Just speak from your heart... your perspective is incredibly important."
"Johannesburg is a very terrible city... but it's also a gorgeous city."
"He wants people to know his side of the story."
"To all of you out there who think Fame is the greatest thing to achieve in your life, believe me, it isn't always what it's cracked up to be."
"That's how I am, but everybody like my pops tell me man when you stop expecting people to see the world the way you do you'll be less frustrated."
"I will be judging all of these movies according to the standards of a 27 year old adult man, and that's how it's gotta be."
"Right or wrong don't exist in reality. We have no idea if you think a movie is good and they think the movie's bad. Who's right? Nobody."
"Life is indeed very beautiful because I am the one that chooses to see things this way."
"I mean, honestly, I don't think that he's completely wrong about that."
"Focusing on some idea of others is actually quite self-centered."
"To me, my reading of where we are going is that it's about the person."
"I simply just gave them that power, it's just an opinion."
"It's been really interesting to have sort of this close-up, closer up view of this sort of shenanigans."
"So the shit's important, man. Anything you do, you need to be able to have that perspective in that outcome, so yeah, obviously we're all ready for you."
"I remember feeling that way about 'Sucker Punch'—'to each your own paradise, just let go.'"
"So well, I'll probably make a video on this and I'll give my take because I feel like there's a lot of things that are being lost within the conversation."
"Your perception is different, right there's millions of different factors."
"Called white people Philip ran a not used to that a particular part of this country for the first time ever in their whole lives feel just as oppressed as my ass is."
"As someone that's not familiar with the James Bond series and never had much interest in it, I was thoroughly entertained."
"The side part of that is if you're somebody that can appreciate this, which I appreciate it, I get what they're trying to do here and it doesn't feel like every other car."
"I thought about it and I was like, 'That's mine now.'"
"I think my perspective is just a little different."
"You're better off than you think and you're better off than you feel."
"You may think that his Ambitions are crazy by your calculus, but that's because you don't understand his ambitions."
"At this point, it's like anything that happens, I just have that mentality like, 'Okay, this is good, this is gonna be good for something.'"
"The thing with stretch marks is that for a lot of people they may be inevitable."
"I'm still gonna highlight the negative things... critically analyze things that I love..."
"Everybody's coming from a different perspective and everybody's bringing something a little different to the table."
"As long as a lot of people are still alive, that's like a title win to me."
"Tooth and Tail actually, in my eyes, is already an incredible success."
"I was pretty pumped to get that thing back. I'm sorry that it cost you some money to fix your gear shift but totally worth it from my perspective."
"Hell isn't just like this cave underground with full of lava and you know, the devil or whatever. It's like your own personal hell, right? Everybody gets a personal hell."
"I'm gonna give you the rundown from my perspective because what I've seen happening is a lot of people but I've seen some people who literally don't know dick about what's going on decide to go out and create some drama on the interwebs."
"Everybody can walk away with a different interpretation."
"It's actually a really good spot to be in, in my opinion."
"It's amazing how quickly things can turn for your favor or against."
"Life hasn't come back to normal, and I doubt it ever will."
"It's different, man. It's definitely different."
"When it comes to Wikipedia for instance you know I love bringing it up they say like all of Tim Poole's videos support right-wing narratives therefore he's right wing and it's like have you ever considered that you're just wrong."
"Remember, successful people celebrate their wins and act like their losses never happened."
"I don't feel like telling the truth should make you a good or bad person."
"The moment we can start seeing singleness as a gift and not a curse, that is when it really flips the page for us."
"Dating other people also does just open up your scope, your vision a little bit."
"You're not defined by the successes that you have in your mind in your life."
"Every day of my life is kind of out of the ordinary that people I think would be interested to see."
"Start putting yourself first. It's never too late."
"This is history we are living through history."
"No, no, she didn't see that. I've hit like 800 things, you see your wheelchair doing burnouts?"
"I'm not huge on, you know, subscriber count and all that stuff but it is dope."
"The problem is not your vocabulary, the problem is your attitude, your idea of what good vocabulary looks like."
"That's kind of a nice view isn't it? I'm thinking thumbnail cats for the next one. Thanks for watching, peace out."
"It doesn't matter what other people see but how you see yourself that's what matters."
"Success looks different to everyone, but success comes out of nowhere when you're least expecting it."
"If your woman's butt ugly, she looked like Gary Coleman and Danny Glover, that's all good man. It doesn't matter what she looks like to me, matters what she looks like to you. Doesn't matter if I find her appealing, matters if she's serving you."
"Your sense of right, wrong, fair, and unfair will always be tragically skewed."
"I mean, when your point of view, like, you hold your point of view, whether you realize it or not, in part because you're taking pleasure in the suffering of the person you disagree with."
"Zero expectation of others. It's a data point."
"Words are the most important and most powerful thing that we have, and of course I have an interest in saying that if I sold Chryslers I'd be like cars are the most important thing."
"Nothing is ever enough, trust me on this one."
"I feel like it's not like that though, but it's fine. Beautiful, okay."
"I've been playing Minecraft for many years, and that is one of the biggest changes I know."
"Things are looking beautiful so that's fun, my house isn't but that's alright."
"It doesn't have to be like that, that's not a fact of life."
"Honestly, I've only described it like this before, but you seen a minute black scene."
"From my perspective, not necessarily a bushcrafting perspective."
"The level of cruelty is the most I've seen in my lifetime and it's not close."
"Maybe these are individuals with more experience than me so they've been doing this for a while but I found the effects of the celebrity culture and the big red carpet conference speaking experience to be a real turn off for me."
"Reviews should be a personal perspective from another human."
"It's almost like it's just this battle of kind of good and evil."
"It's more just a sense of being able to tell the truth about everything that's happening or everything you observe."
"Every time I look at them... I'm like okay not doing that bad."
"Through art, you're invited inside of someone else's head and into their world."
"Understand everyone else's point of views and their beliefs but take a moment to step back for yourself and really just kind of like self-evaluation."
"You wouldn't even really be that sad over that guy."
"At the end of the day, it's for fun, right? Who cares if you don't believe it?"
"They need to be proving themselves to you bro cuz they're the expense in your life not the other way around"
"Subjective experience matters more than anything."
"No one can teach you how to be an entrepreneur because you have your own perspective."
"Nothing about this sounds awesome. That's not a world that I'd like to live in."
"Life is interesting, is all I can say about that. It really is."
"Therefore there’s little in the way of 'Stakes' in this story, it’s just a rollercoaster ride through a truly unique mind."
"Life is a lot simpler than what people make it out to be."
"It's easier on some level to walk through the world as a man than it is to walk through the world as a woman."
"Every girl feels that. You're kind of crazy."
"Yeah, the judges got it wrong. That's a wild thing for me to think of..."
"Understanding your own perspective and using the opinions around you to form a consensus is crucial."
"Almost everything I look at is it gets way better."
"There's a selfish aspect that comes from it too, and I'll say this because I love like my people and the people around me."
"All in all, The Last of Us Part Two is one of my most unique gaming experiences ever."
"The only thing of value in this world is whatever part of it you look upon with love."
"You're not impressed by any of it because again you're the star of your own Universe."
"Think of abundance as something you already have."
"What is happiness anyway? Isn't it up to each person to define?"
"So given I think all those impressive reviews were right on the money."