
Illusions Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"If you start to bust those illusions, see things for what they really are, your happiness equation is going to be solved correctly."
"Illusions are not the errors of perception where the brain gets it wrong... Illusions are not only inherent to all of our perception; they are the rule."
"Walt Disney World in Florida uses secret underground tunnels... to maintain the magic."
"Bring your illusions to the truth. Do not attempt to bring the light into the darkness."
"Most fear is based on illusions, on truths we deny to avoid change."
"This is probably one of the coolest illusions you can do in the Minecraft Dimension."
"The Ebbinghaus illusion proves that our concept of size is in many ways more reliant on context than reality."
"Liberating ourselves from the illusion is the only way to really break free of the shackles that bind us to our lower state of being."
"We're here to put them in our heart, and that liberates us from the illusions that disempower us and the confusions of trying to change others into us or us into others."
"The bubble of communication dominance that the left has created creates these illusions."
"Be courageous, take charge, break out of illusions, and liberate yourself."
"No makeup makeup is really the ultimate magic trick, concealing its very own existence."
"Illusions are being shattered, and that is because of Mercury retrograde Scorpio energy."
"Illusions: something isn't as it first appears to be."
"Don't ever believe a magician. No magicians are um, yeah, it's just a trick. It's not real."
"The illusions are coming to an abrupt end for everybody who's been living in that illusion."
"Will we ever get rid of Illusions and false beliefs? Of course not."
"Everything I think and say and do either extends the truth or multiplies illusions."
"And discovering, that not only was that a paper tiger, but that the whole thing was founded on sand."
"Near-death experiences: Illusions or reality?"
"In this world, all these people have are their dreams, their illusions. Sam has his dreams of being a mythical figure and his mother has dreams of being beautiful again."
"Release anything that is an illusion or causing fear."
"Be careful how you go about it; you're disturbing their dream, robbing them of their illusions."
"They used detailed and elaborate illusions to confuse, mislead, and deceive the enemy."
"Never merely accept appearances, realize that a basic fundamental principle of life is that life works through deception and through illusion."
"The 12th house is going to tell us about these two pictures are in relation to one another what about the material wealth or abundance of our environment has been rooted in delusions or Illusions or unconscious material."
"Live spiritually in the material world, avoid being lost in illusions and fantasies."
"As Eugene O'Neill said once, 'A life with illusions is unpardonable, and a life without illusions is unbearable.'"
"Why is opening the third eye important? It's a tool for Discerning the truth in a sea of Illusions."
"you have to bring Illusions to the truth you cannot bring the truth into the illusion"
"Life's too short to bow down to a monster that doesn't even really exist."
"You can only live on that sort of thing for so long before the bubble bursts."
"I look forward to the day when our relationships are not based on illusions, but on a deep recognition of each other's authenticity."
"Illusions are revealed and released."
"Be selective because you could be dealing with some illusions."
"Nevertheless, these dream-induced illusions now seem to be abating, perhaps driven off by my writing about them..."
"All great illusions start with disbelief."
"Illusions yusuke realizes what he is seeing and pulls out his pocket knife."
"Heavenly Illusions? [ __ ] amazing!"
"...optical illusions happen all the time in typography."
"It's all illusions. Whatever you put your mind to, you can make it real."
"The reason the truth is coming out is so the illusions are broken, you know so you could see the truth behind somebody."
"If you know they're miscreations then you'll know they're called illusions, and if they're illusions you don't have to be afraid of them."
"Love never occurs to us peacefully in a nice, kind of pleasant way, love shatters our illusions."
"Once you see that, you can start to see how all your illusions and all your toxic fables are all tangled up there together."
"A meaningful effort to live up to that responsibility requires a willingness to face, to look at ourselves without comforting illusions."
"There's no magic, there are only illusions."
"Things are about to get pretty trippy, Museum of Illusions, okay, sick."
"You got to look past the illusions that some of these girls be feeding you."
"For on this day many grand illusions are shattered and impossible dreams begin."
"You know I thought real scares were a symphony of brilliant illusions and creative imagery, but now I can see it can just be a guy in a costume."
"The Moon is a card of illusions, a card of disappointment, but also a card of dreams."
"Traveling destroys many illusions and, strange as it may seem, it also creates new illusions."
"Welcome to the Museum of Illusions."
"Picture perfect on the surface, these illusions that we worship, I see the walls coming down."
"She lives in illusions, in shadows; maybe on some level, we all do."
"The illusions and lighting effects that bring the character to life are impressive."
"We're at World of Illusions, and this place is so awesome!"
"With a creative mind, you can create the most powerful effects and illusions."
"Illusions are so trippy, they just blow your mind away."
"I particularly like illusions that seem to reveal the inner workings of your brain."
"April is all about mastering the art of illusion."
"Our world is a world of illusions designed to inspire the pursuit of shadows while ignoring the substance."
"Every illusion does have an explanation."
"All the enemies were illusions, they were ghosts in my mind."
"He died as the Spanish phrase has it, full of illusions."
"Phases and cycles; there is a beginning with every ending. Illusions are revealed and released."
"Stop chasing illusions and face reality."
"Life is not so much about making ourselves better as it is about relinquishing all the illusions and the blocks to our greatness."
"The mind grows sick with lies and illusions and delusions, and patients need truth."
"An era is finished when its illusions have been exhausted."
"You're breaking through illusions and what you once thought was truth."
"Illusions and deceptions revealed."
"Only by doing this can we make Her Highness break free from her own illusions."
"The illusions of relationships, the illusions of partnerships, will be destroyed during this time."
"You're seeing through the illusions."
"You use the power of love to move through illusions and shift into awareness."
"They're going through an immense awakening, the veil of illusions being lifted."
"It shows us the illusions about ourselves that we've been laboring under."
"I feel like you're starting to recognize where there were some illusions in your life."
"The veil has completely been lifted; all the illusions that have been cast on people, races, situations, all of that, it's all lifted."
"It's like seeing beyond so many illusions."
"Positive things are coming to you guys through these illusions being shattered."
"You guys are seeing through all of the illusions."
"You're letting things go that no longer serve you, really looking at the illusions that you and this person may have built when you first met."
"We're thinking, according to these illusions, a lot of the time and if we become aware of them, we might be able to make better decisions."
"There's a lot of distortion, illusions; they're not seeing something for what it really is."
"This can also be a time of illusions being exposed."
"Stay away from the illusions right now."
"This is about gaining clarity, really shedding any illusions that may have held you back."
"The Moon has been coming out a lot, and I think that that just has a lot to do with illusions, dreams, secrets."
"You have the light; you can cut through the fog, cut right through the illusions."