
Personal Joy Quotes

There are 2135 quotes

"I truly love nothing more than spending time with my wife and kids, like truly there is nothing I enjoy more."
"I love this time of year because it's the holiday season."
"Passion is something you feel, which is such good news because it means you can bring it into your life today."
"I just can't tell you how blessed I feel today."
"I naturally and easily create magic for myself and for my family and friends."
"Every time I take my guitar out of the case, it's just like a daily Christmas present."
"I'm back, that's how it feels, man. It's a blessing back home to my family, back home to my kids."
"I've gotten to go to the Caribbean. I've gotten to travel all across the nation. I just got some brand new boobs. Life's great."
"Thank you, everyone. This is my best birthday ever."
"I do love that the pit of sad is, in fact, sad. It makes me happy."
"In my heaven, I will be making breakfast for my daughters and their friends. That's my favorite thing I've ever done in my entire fucking life."
"I know what I found. It's perfectly around my neck. The fact that this is $5, I couldn't be happier."
"I really like me. I really like being me, and I really like being a woman."
"It feels so amazing to be adopted. I was in that place for a long time, you guys. Y'all don't understand, nobody wanted to adopt me because they think that I was freaking bad."
"If any content makes you more uncomfortable... leave it. Follow things that bring you joy."
"Trying to find things that give you like a genuine source of joy, that give you like a deep sense of meaning that feel really good. For me, it was music."
"It's been probably the best experience of my entire life."
"I wait all year for Thanksgiving food. I am not even kidding; it is home-cooked meals like this that are some of my favorite things in the entire world."
"Day 27 was a good day; I managed to find companionship in two dogs."
"It was really nice to be able to get out of [] West [] North Carolina and go to Florida, which is my absolute happy place. I [__] love Florida."
"It was one of my best nights that we shared together in my life."
"This is just... Oh my gosh, literally the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"You deserve to be happy. You owe it to yourself to really explore the things in life that bring you joy."
"Being kind to people makes them happy, and that makes me happy."
"For me personally, it was the absolute highlight of the year."
"Being a dad is... it's crazy for me. It's the best experience ever."
"I love my wife to death. My wife is amazing. I am incredibly lucky."
"It's more exciting for me to see someone catch a fish for the first time than it is for me to do it now."
"I love when animals love me; it makes me feel like I'm special and different. Like, it makes me feel loved."
"This has been a cleansing week where I have not been looking at reviews. I've not been looking at the disastrous releases. I'm just looking at something fun and interesting. Isn't that great? Have joy in your life."
"It's amazing, it's felt like a dream... This is what life's about."
"You should have seen the smile on his face when the reaction happened. He was just kind."
"Create a life filled with people who enjoy your company."
"I think it's enlightened to find joy and blow off the parts that aren't as fun."
"Joy is being reinstated into your life right now. Joy is hope. Joy is the light. It is a part of us where when we lose our joy, we lose some of our spirit."
"I felt like I had just discovered gold in the form of these little paper cards."
"All you gotta is look at the smile on my face right now."
"What makes my heart sing is like sharing stuff and making videos about it."
"These small joys are what keep her going through her daily struggles."
"It's just great to see someone geek out about their favorite things!"
"There is not a day that goes by where I am not so grateful to be married to this man."
"I love how this turned out, I really like interchangeable items that I can change for the seasons."
"December has been one of the best months I've had all year."
"I never thought I would be here, and I enjoyed every moment."
"Ever since I had him, literally the day that I had him, I felt like I'm on cloud nine."
"This is my absolute favorite place on Earth, retweet."
"I think I'm in love with this. Look how, like, look at the style of the, I'm going to sit in it, hold on."
"If your thing is cats, cat it up, right? Want cats everywhere, if that's what makes you happy because progress is happiness."
"Celebrate their happiness, don't be jealous of it. This is your turn for some good stuff to come through."
"Thank you so much guys for 800,000 subscribers. You put a big smile on my face."
"The part of me that is excited and curious for the future is deeply thankful of the part of me that loves Babylon 5."
"I'm so in tune with that I like and love and that truly gives me joy like that amusement park like I've been thinking about it all day."
"Allah brings peace, harmony, and joy in all of your lives."
"For Nadia, life is about rescuing animals in trouble and seeing his new friend fly strong and free made him the happiest rescuer on the beach."
"One of the best things about my life is my family."
"The best thing about the holidays is the reflection."
"Dolls is one of the few things that makes me feel alive."
"I cannot be more happy to be marrying my best friend."
"I'm thankful for my friends and family for supporting me. I'm super thankful for my life." - Omar Hashem
"For a lot of people, staying home with your pets all day is the best part about it."
"The more you contribute, the more you help people make their lives easier, more convenient, or maybe just happier."
"That euphoria you get from providing for someone and just having someone by your side, that is like so important to me."
"You have access to so much joy if only you reach out and seek it... Commit happiness. Make it your priority."
"Happy birthday dear Daisy, happy birthday to you."
"That was amazing and I am so happy, she's the best."
"It's really amazing, you know, coming back. It just felt good."
"I'm gonna try to do things that bring me joy."
"He always encouraged you to embrace it and to ignore everything else and to actually have some joy in what you love."
"Playing classical music throughout your day... it brings so much joy to me."
"Some of these moments have been the best time of my life."
"Joy is found in the journey, so when I was selling that one t-shirt, them two t-shirts, like, I was still happy."
"So cool to get the win... doesn't get much better than that."
"The kick wheel is so engaging, it's so physical."
"Life is so amazing. When you get over these issues, it's just so exciting."
"It was absolutely one of the most fun times I've had."
"You only live once, yolo. If it brings you joy, it brings you joy. It is sparking such joy."
"They've got every color imaginable, I love it."
"This person will change everything and you will love it."
"That was probably one of the most amazing memories we had."
"I relax by working on my videos... for me, this is what brings me happiness."
"I am genuinely happy and satisfied that Frank won..."
"These are the moments that life's memories are made of."
"Honestly, I don't think there is [a better feeling than laughing]."
"These are the products that brought me the most amount of joy."
"She has been one of the most wonderful blessings I've ever had in my life."
"I'm always happy to see you all over the world. I always wanted to have an audience all over the world."
"It's like if I hold onto this or if I can continue to do this thing or this activity or whatever it is, then I can always have some sense of joy in the present no matter what."
"Sometimes it's as simple as playing games that you love during your childhood."
"President Nelson said, 'The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.'"
"I had two reactions when I found out about the role...I cried at first because I was so happy! And then, a few hours later, I woke up in the middle of the night, ran to my parents in the bedroom to ask if I had a dream."
"It's a special moment. Moments like that are moments to cherish for a lifetime."
"It was uplifting to read through the sheer joy that she feels post transition."
"It's just like there's something that your heart just lights up."
"I love being a father, I love being a role model."
"Nothing makes me feel better than to see you out here shining shining shining."
"Nothing's gonna make you happier than to make something for yourself."
"I personally love giving gifts to all my friends and family."
"Walking into Disneyland town square, there's nothing like it."
"We found my dad's dream car... it was a tie for number one for me... such a special moment."
"Creating joy for yourself... fulfillment... passion."
"Every time I make a video to do with any kind of celebration I'm just expressing my sheer joy with you guys."
"Super Mario Sunshine is an exceptionally weird game, but it’s one that I will continue to both punish myself and relax with for a long time, because it brings me joy…even in the weirdest of ways."
"It's awesome, so cool. I feel the same way about music."
"This is awesome, this is so cool, I've been having so much fun with this all."
"I'm so happy because God gave me the opportunity to feel."
"Truly it like healed something in me, it makes me so happy."
"This is the best Christmas present I've gotten this year."
"I just love the way that makeup should make you feel."
"This is great, I absolutely love it, I feel beautiful in it."
"For the first time in my life, I can hear almost everything. It's amazing, it's the best day of my life."
"I had never been so happy in my entire life."
"Fatherhood is amazing, man, just to see him all the time and know that's me in another form."
"Happy birthday! May you love, may you live, make all your dreams come true. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!"
"What more do you want than to be celebrated and to have that in front of your family."
"We're just so happy and excited to be doing it, and with the way everything played out this year, I know this year has been crazy for a lot of folks, but for us it's been incredibly, it's just been incredible."
"That smile on my face... my Christmas present early."
"I really do love my new house, so I am very excited about it."
"Stand up for things that bring joy into your life."
"I really like Taylor Swift, she always makes me smile."
"Celebration coming in for you, Elizabeth. A passionate new beginning."
"It made me so happy to see Alice stop being used in such a way like it's supposed to."
"Congratulations, Phillip! Kids are one of the most amazing things in the world."
"This is about you doing things that put a smile on your face."
"I just feel like I was made for the islands."
"I was most excited about my book-buying ban finally being over and for me to be able to start buying new books."
"Fresh flowers on the counter just they lighten my soul do you feel me?"
"If I invest in more years into option one, a job that pays the bills, I don't like, eventually... it won't bring me any more joy."
"Nobody can ruin your dreams, spoil your good fortune, or take away these joyful moments from you."
"This move towards service is the creator of the greatest joy that you can have."
"It happened again and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
"Absolutely love this sneaker and uh really really stoked to have it so that's the entire sneaker collection."
"I'm loving having football back. I love this time of year, late November, cold dark nights, football on, love it."
"I look taller at this angle, and I'm so happy that for the first time on the internet, I look tall."
"I still love going to the movies, man. I love going to the movies."
"When I meet you guys, it's like a genuine happy."
"Stay curious, seek out your joy moments, and I'll see you next time. Bye bye."
"Only when you're joyful by your own nature, the fear of suffering is not there."
"I've had a good day today, oh boy, I'm having a rare day."
"I'm going to see the show Wicked tonight so I'm super super excited!"
"Singleness is awesome! Life with Jesus is one big great adventure. It's full of spontaneity, ups, and downs. Singleness has beautiful things about it."
"Endless Joy comes to those who listen and have God's word in their hearts."
"The biggest joy for me as a dad is watching them become who they are."
"I'm so excited to see what this turned out like... but yeah this is what I love doing."
"Her prayers have been answered. It's a dream come true."
"Being the beginner in a lot of things again has actually brought me more happiness than any money ever could."
"I love giving money away. It gives me pleasure and to me it's a privilege."
"I honestly can't put into words how happy I am that I'm happy about this."
"Fighting games have brought me more joy than anything else I've put my gaming hours into."
"It's always a win-win when you collect what you enjoy."
"Even sitting here at this moment in time saying that I have a baby makes me smile because it still seems unrealistic. I'm still a kid myself. Little Hendrix, yeah, little Hendrix. So yeah, we're very happy, he's awesome."
"I am back in a full-on glitter love affair and it is just never going to slow down."
"Feelings are the key to joy, happiness, and feeling fulfilled in this lifetime."
"Trust yourself to create only that which is for your highest good and greatest joy."
"It's not anti-car guy. If it makes you happy and gives you joy, carry on."
"I love this. Like, of course I want to share this with an audience. Like, this is great."
"It just sparked Joy doing this theme... I love it even though it wasn't a green theme."
"It's never wrong to take profits, even if it's 1%... Trust your plan, not your emotions."
"2020 has been a pretty awful year... but there's one thing that has made it very special, at least in my heart, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is Lily's garden."
"Despite the sadness I have found many things that bring me joy in life."
"To enjoy the smallest things in your life, that's what happens when you have that joy, that devotion, that deeper happiness in your life."
"Be at home. Give yourself permission to do what brings you joy."
"I loved my wife, loved my children, I loved my work, I had just heard that a book of mine had been optioned for a movie."
"Half the joy of astrology is it feels like an instrument you're playing and I just love it."
"Immediately my mind is on cloud nine, my endorphins are racing, I am pogging out of my mind."
"I felt like a boy who had earned his first guinea, or like a diver who had been down to the depths of the sea, and brought up a great pearl."
"Arceus has rekindled my love all over again!"
"It's been one of your best Christmases ever, yeah."
"This is the best time of the year and I'm spending it doing what I love."
"I'm just gonna fall back I know you're excited I'm so happy like you don't understand like I'm never a groupie for anyone."
"I feel so fulfilled by this, oh my god, I love my life, I've never thought I would feel like this but I do."
"I feel happy now that I have all my crystals around me."
"If you get joy simply from working, then that's great."
"This is an early Christmas present for me." - Christian Harloff
"Life works in strange ways; you start to appreciate the little things."
"Nothing makes me happier than going to tournaments and competing."
"I do sometimes eat that cookie, but every day I'm like, I have to throw that out."
"Great news, it is 4 P.M and my book was just delivered."
"It brings me immense joy to return to these roots."
"I'm just psyched up, so yeah, that made me so damn happy."
"YouTube has changed my life for the better. I still have a huge amount of fun making these videos."
"I'm so happy right now, it's like winning the trophy, I'm so happy right."
"Next to me giving birth to my own kids, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"It is thrilling to discover life growing inside you."
"This is nuts dude I can't I like I'm so happy I just said hype and happy and the same thing."
"Bodhi was my sunshine, my spring, my joy, my laughter."
"For the first time in my life, I felt like a princess."
"I got my first Loungefly bag, and it simply made me very happy."
"For me it was such a joy... you have no idea how special this is for me."
"I love dancing... it's been my therapy since a kid."
"You can't fail if you do what makes you happy."
"True happiness: I'm happy just because I'm [__] happy for no reason."
"I still give this a 5 out of 5 star... it makes me feel so warm and cozy and everything about it makes me happy."
"It gives me a lot of serotonin and enjoyment to play it."
"Putting on these looks is filling me with so much happiness right now. This is what it's all about!"
"I love it so much and it just makes me so very happy."
"I love simplicity and at the end of the day I'm super happy and I love it."
"This is the best thing that could ever happen."
"These are so cute, I can't get enough of it."
"There is so much happiness, so much abundance, love, goodness that wants to come into your world."