
AI Potential Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"When AI is smart enough, climate change would reverse... because basically climate the climate challenge we have is a problem of intelligence."
"AI could help colonize the galaxy, creating billions of wonderful lives."
"The biggest thing that people have underestimated about AI is not the fact that it can actually aggregate human corpus of knowledge. It's that it's gonna come up with brand new insights that did not exist in the human corpus of knowledge."
"If you can teach a computer about primitives and give it the ability to guess outside of the system that you've taught it, you would have a system that would be potent enough to explore not only the theory that you feed it but the theories that it can build from that theory."
"AI has been shown to have huge potential for many very challenging problems, including ones in health care."
"We will use AI to probably cure most forms of cancer or figure out the secret code to life longevity."
"Raw processing power is mostly irrelevant unless it turns out that such things inevitably become sentient and sapient above a certain threshold."
"Maybe it'll figure it out before we do, but hey, it wouldn't be science if it didn't bring up just as many questions as it answers."
"AI is set up for an absolutely monstrous 2023."
"The potential as well as the possible peril of AI has captured the world's attention."
"AI art has the potential to unlock the potential for us to grow in a very exciting way."
"A superhumanly smart mind, or minds, might treat humans like pets or slow friends."
"AI provides the foundation for insights to emerge, like a gardener cultivating seeds."
"Solving intelligence can help us master complex systems."
"AI could be the greatest thing for Humanity in the sense of if we build it right will solve all these big issues"
"I'm very confident if we apply enough brainpower on to it with enough time we'll solve those problems right"
"The intersection of art and technology: Exploring AI's creative potential."
"It's very clear to me AI is a huge opportunity."
"AI will massively enhance human ability... like a massive amplifier."
"AI can help us in many ways to overcome the ecological crisis or it can make it far far worse actually."
"With the right data and the right model, artificial intelligence can solve many problems."
"It's scary for sure, but exploring ChatGPT3 and seeing what its possibilities are, it also gives me a lot of excitement. It's almost like seeing magic."
"AI is going to be insanely faster than that, and then once AI can generate things by itself that have the adopt level of something like Angry Birds, we're gonna have world-changing things."
"What if machines could feel empathy for us, care for us, or even fall in love with us?"
"The best case is like so unbelievably good when we make more progress of discovering new knowledge with these systems than humanity has done so far, but in a year instead of 70,000."
"Regulations start with perceived danger. AI has the potential for civilizational destruction."
"AI is not the beginning of the end for humans. It has the potential to disrupt various industries and change the way we live and work."
"People won't directly support longevity research, but AI can solve longevity. So that's why we need AI."
"There's an infinite supply of computational creativity."
"Medicine needs more AI enthusiasts to jump in, especially now." - Dr. Andrew Ng
"Healthcare AI has the potential for huge impact on society and the economy." - Dr. Andrew Ng
"AI is going to start suggesting cures for major diseases including cancer."
"We are essentially on the verge of creating gods with near unlimited intelligence."
"AI is not just a trend, it's a much larger opportunity than crypto and NFTs."
"That is just scratching the surface with what is possible with chat GPT."
"The excitement factor for what artificial intelligence can do for the world through Tesla is incredible, it's fascinating, it's going to be World altering."
"To see machines that actually get better and better the longer they exist in the world."
"AI could end hunger and poverty and transform healthcare, or if we continue to ignore the warnings, we could lose it all at the last minute."
"We're only scratching the surface of AI's potential."
"The potential for AI technology is vast, from healthcare to entertainment."
"AI truly is a transformational technology that can really positively impact people and societies all across the world."
"I think of AI as this ultimate general-purpose tool to help us as scientists understand the universe better and perhaps our place in it."
"It has great promise, great capability, but also with that comes great danger."
"AI has the potential to revolutionize our world, the way we do things and how we live, and you can say that it's already starting to do that."
"What AI will do in the next decade is significant."
"AI is a tremendous force multiplier. Have you thought that through? [Explicit language] what a [explicit language]!"
"With just a simple prompt, anyone can tap into the absolute astounding power of artificial intelligence."
"We can't figure out what makes us happy, but why couldn't an AI figure that out?" - "It's not about figuring out happiness, it's about interpreting human intent."
"That really encompasses what you want with AI. I think a lot of times what you want with human level Ohio AI is something that can actually do something a human couldn't think of because we don't have a shortage of humans."
"With AI, you can do more, be more, infinitely a hundred times more capable than you are today. It's massive, unbelievable."
"The promise of generative AI is that it will give creators more opportunities to monetize their work."
"The possibilities with AI in home care are vast and promising."
"AI is going to be this really amazing co-pilot for individuals."
"AI could be good or evil depending on who is using it. In the hands of decent, honorable, God-fearing people, it could be a tool for useful things."
"I think AI is going to open a new chapter of the society of the world."
"AI can be a fantastic tool and at some point it might be trained on data ethically sourced."
"In the world of AI, that might be entirely possible."
"Hopefully, we'll learn how to do well without needing so much data and leverage unsupervised learning techniques that haven't yet fully reached their potential."
"I think AI has the potential to do a lot of good."
"AI right now is in its infancy stages and it can do so much."
"AI has been a very hype technology for a long time for good reason it is um the Holy Grail of unlocking human productivity."
"Ocean is a data play. AI is only as good as the data sets it's trained on."
"AI is going to be much more than just music videos and art."
"AI is currently underhyped for how gamechanging it actually is going to be."
"With AI, eight billion people will have access to the instrument of knowledge that was previously limited to only a few million programmers."
"If AI has the potential to dramatically change things as much as the internet has, which it could, it very well could."
"In the future, will AI achieve human traits like emotion, consciousness, or even free will?"
"The potential for artificial intelligence to profoundly improve society is enormous if we do it the right way."
"We're going to seize the extraordinary potential of AI to improve people's lives."
"AI is a rare example of an extremely hyped thing that almost everyone still underestimates the impact of in even the medium term."
"What I would like to be able to do is instead of spending 10 cents in 30 seconds, I would love to be able to put my question into chat GPT and spend $1,000 and wait for half an hour and get something that's truly amazing out."
"AI has the potential not only to be an extension of our memory but also our analytical skills."
"If you can accelerate the scientific progress, which is something that the powerful AI could do, we could get to a very advanced carbon capture much faster."
"Monroe's observations underscore the potential for AI to transform traditional manufacturing paradigms, enhancing not just efficiency but also the scalability of production in ways previously unimagined."
"AI has really great potential for astrophysics research... it can be used to analyze very large amounts of data and identify patterns that may not even be apparent to us."
"To be truly general and able to augment or replace humans in many different settings... that's the core of it."
"The question dividing the visionaries is on the reach of neural networks: to what extent can we replicate the human brain?"
"Chat GPT is only limited by the questions you ask it or the promptings you give it."
"AI has the ability to transform every aspect of our lives in ways we can't even imagine yet."
"Shows the power of curiosity and the potential of the large language models."
"If it runs on device and if they can have inference at really high speeds, then it's going to be like anything that we've never seen before."
"I think right now this is really an amazing amount of different things that can be done both to prevent downsides from AI but also to make sure that we leverage all of the upsides that it offers us."
"The AI doesn't have any biological limitations like humans, and their evolution, if unhindered, can surpass humanity in a very short amount of time."
"AI has the potential to do the same, but if the edge hardware never gets to a satisfactory point, then I fear that AI's full potential will remain locked away in the ephemeral cloud."
"AI is a disruptive technology with the potential to add trillions of dollars in economic value over time."
"This opens up so many possibilities when it comes to using AI to test our concepts early on in the design process."
"The best case scenario if you want to have an all-powerful AI that can solve all the world's problems is that this line goes very steeply upwards."
"This is how you can reimagine what AI can do for your business."
"Unlocking the full potential of AI is critical to improving life on the planet."
"...AI can be used as this representation of the best potential of humanity and also the worst potential of humanity."
"If you have a good understanding of the core ideas behind both RL and deep learning, you can reason about how these components fit together and you have a chance to build really powerful learning systems that can really push the limits of what is currently possible with AI."
"AI can help us solve complex problems, improve our lives, and make the world a better place."
"How smart can machines become? What are the limits of artificial intelligence? Well, I see no limit short of human intelligence."
"In an emergency situation, AI could really make the difference."
"We feel that right now there are two industries that are really ripe for AI disruption: healthcare life sciences and cybersecurity."
"We all are excited about the possibility of AI has in front of us."
"What if everyone, everywhere could have their own personal AI tutor on any topic?"
"The potential for artificial intelligence, especially deep neural networks, is so profound."