
Climate Change Quotes

There are 4577 quotes

"When AI is smart enough, climate change would reverse... because basically climate the climate challenge we have is a problem of intelligence."
"We are going to have to change faster than the climate."
"Climate change is real...but doesn't pose an existential crisis."
"To address climate change, we would have to change our entire way of life. There would have to be a cultural and political sea change."
"For politics and for climate change, we have become viewers, bystanders, kind of armchair critics."
"We won't solve the climate crisis unless we solve the misinformation crisis."
"What climate change means to me is looking in the eyes of my grandchildren and wondering what kind of hell they're going to pay."
"The individual responsibility of doing your part for the climate has been pushed by corporations for decades."
"Extreme inequality and wealth concentration undermine the ability of humanity to stop climate breakdown."
"The planet is absorbing more than twice as much heat as it was 20 years ago."
"January 2024 was the hottest January ever recorded."
"We should prepare ourselves for much faster sea level rise, much stronger storms, much more forest fires."
"The climate is has already changed; we are in Uncharted Territory."
"Understanding how our planet and its climate are changing is the foundation for a more resilient and sustainable future."
"We should be leading the way in the ethics and the discussion of ethics when it comes to climate change as well as artificial intelligence because these will, by far, I think, be the dominant two realms in the immediate future."
"Tesla's probably the biggest single contribution to showing us that electric cars are part of how we solve climate change."
"The climate crisis is the defining challenge of our generation."
"We've gone up 1.3 degrees and everything has got massively better, hugely better."
"The great extinction, evidence of flooding, great climate change, and structures way ahead of their time all seemed to be pointing to a single earth-shaking event around 12,000 years ago."
"Conspiracy theorists believe that there is more to this painting than the depiction of climate change and the impact humans have on nature."
"We have to do our best to march along this transition in a very determined way to make sure that not only we are mitigating climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, limiting local environmental harms but also keeping energy affordable."
"If we're to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Centigrade, we must urgently halt and reverse nature's loss."
"The climate change argument, by the way, is the strongest one of all of them for me."
"Climate change isn't a case of just recycling water bottles or driving a hybrid car, we need big changes."
"Vote, and support candidates that are gonna do something about climate change."
"Climate change is clearly a factor which has exacerbated the conflict in Somalia and contributes to food insecurity."
"Leaders around the world use Landsat data to understand climate change, manage agriculture, allocate water resources, and respond to natural disasters."
"Over the past 50 years, Landsat satellites have allowed us to better manage our resources, enabled countless innovations, and will let us track the effects of climate change into the future."
"If you change the world's climate...it will be costly."
"If you want to have any kind of robot, the power consumption is a key bottleneck, same for self-driving cars. If we want to build AI without contributing to global warming and climate change, let alone use AI to solve climate change, we really need to address these issues."
"The only way we're going to get out of the climate crisis we're in at the moment is businesses... working hand in hand with scientists."
"Let's not forget that 100 companies have been responsible for 71% of global emissions."
"Thinking about and talking about climate change can be very upsetting, and knowing that our individual consumption matters can make us feel empowered."
"Perhaps the most important skill to have online when researching the climate crisis is scientific literacy."
"The evidence for climate change has kind of become incontrovertible."
"There has come to be more of a general acceptance that we're to blame."
"The negative impacts of climate being the subject of an extensive literature summarized in Working Group Two of the IPCC."
"When placed in the comment section under a YouTube video about climate change, Conan the Bacterium threw in the towel almost immediately. It was just too toxic."
"Climate change is a behavioral problem. Dealing with North Korea is a behavioral problem."
"Most people actually don't care about the moral consequences of climate change; they care about the actual impact to their lives."
"The climate is changing, and there is a human element to it."
"We need more investment to scale up climate finance, with investment instruments and funds available for everyone."
"All of the big issues we're dealing with right now with an uneducated population, the biggest one is climate change."
"If you want to support a party that believes in climate change, I think that it's probably more important to support the Democratic Party."
"Shade is increasingly seen as a precious commodity, as the crises of climate change and inequality converge."
"Effectively combating climate change will take people being willing to commit to new ideas like switching to electric cars and synthetic meats."
"I believe climate change is an existential challenge for all of humanity."
"When people talk about climate change, it doesn't really mean anything to anybody...Let's talk about pollution. Everyone understands pollution."
"I don't want you to be hopeful; I want you to panic. We have been polluting the Earth for years, and we might actually die in a few years."
"Climate change and environmentalism... it's kind of been a big topic... and over the years, we've made quite the advancements... trying to clean up the oceans and switching to more clean energy sources."
"Green Sahara: There was a period in pre-history where much of the Sahara desert was not a sandy wasteland but once a lush and wet grassland."
"I want you to act as if your house is on fire, because it is."
"One human lifetime that we've created this crisis and so it can and it has to be in one human lifetime or less than that we tackle these issues."
"Traveling to Greenland with the WWF... it just blew my mind. We spent this night camping on a glacier... and it just brought the realities of climate change right in front of me."
"The planet is freeing itself from the snowball that was imprisoning it."
"We have climate models that purport to explain what's going to happen over a century...but we have economic models layered right on top of those that claim there's going to be various forms of disaster for human beings economically as a consequence of that climate change."
"Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of Black communities."
"The reality, the science of climate, commends itself to both leaderships in Washington and Beijing, and they know, however bad the rest of the relationship gets, climate change is already ravaging America; it's already ravaging China."
"Each year we fail to act on climate, catastrophes stack up."
"Ultimately, eco-socialism is the horizon. It’s a fire extinguisher to quench the flames of fossil and eco-fascist creep threatening violent solutions to a warming world."
"Climate change is a really bad thing. Do you think that reform and the capitalist systems we have now are equipped to address that in time?"
"In the face of deadly heat waves, the city has appointed an extreme heat official."
"Calling climate change an existential threat to humanity, congressional Democrats introduced a policy proposal called the Green New Deal."
"The planet has boomed...climate related mortality and deaths has gone down...GDP per capita...has gone up...everything has got massively better."
"The founder of Patagonia has given away his three billion dollar company... to fight climate change."
"Humanity to date has extracted so much carbon from the ground and put it in the atmosphere that our climate is changing."
"The technology to fix our problem is here, it is cheap, and it is perfectly feasible to roll out on scale."
"The important thing to stress is that this needs to happen now."
"We should take the views of scientists as seriously about climate change as we now take their views about pandemics and about viruses."
"This crisis is also an opportunity to do something on climate change."
"We're headed toward the end of the century with a planet that may not be hospitable, let alone inhabitable."
"Invest in housing, invest in climate, invest in education. That is how we make our military safer."
"You can't use any specific event as evidence for or against climate change; you have to look at a trend because climate is weather over time."
"The world can achieve net-zero CO₂ emissions to meet the goal of Paris if industry, government, and society work together to make the right choices now."
"This mission will provide critical continuity for our knowledge of the rising seas and it will help us better predict weather."
"One of the contributory factors is undoubtedly climate."
"Experts say that we have until 2030 to avoid catastrophe."
"Category 5 hurricane is about as scary as it can get, but a new study suggests global warming could be supercharging storms just enough to warrant a new category 6."
"Even on its own terms, it's debatable whether that's even achieving the said decarbonization agenda because methane is a form of carbon too that, even on the terms of the greatest adherence to the climate religion, is 80 times worse for global warming than carbon dioxide."
"Climate change is kind of the most pressing issue of our time."
"If we look at the wildfires in January in Australia, it's quite abstract for people to understand how that's related to eating meat, dairy, and eggs. But meat, dairy, and eggs are the leading cause of species extinction and habitat destruction and are also one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions, which of course heats up our planet and increases the likelihood and risk of wildfires."
"We can't address climate change without thinking about buildings."
"MethaneSat is designed to monitor the source and quantity of methane, an important contributor to climate change."
"Data from the Argo network of ocean buoys shows an average warming of 0.9 of a degree Celsius since the 1950s."
"If you want to think of allergies as partly about a climate crisis, you wouldn't be wrong."
"Developing countries are going to bear the brunt of climate change in the nearer term."
"How come we're still not able to reverse climate change yet? How come we're still not able to pull all the plastic out of the ocean?"
"Allergies are the canaries in the coal mine of climate change effects on our biology."
"The fight against climate change matters. We only have to look at the wildfires."
"You cannot link climate change to any one event. On the whole, on the cumulative, climate change may be making storms worse, but to link it to any one event, I would caution against that."
"Unmitigated climate change is an existential threat to everyone on our planet."
"We're talking according to the UN, 200 million to a billion climate refugees within a few years."
"Climate change is accelerating. The melting of the polar ice caps is exceeding predictions that even came from a year or two ago."
"We need every option on the table to deal with climate change."
"Expanding nuclear power is a hundred percent worth doing if it helps us avoid climate collapse."
"We can't put a pause on climate change. Eight out of ten Canadian families get more money back than they pay in carbon pricing."
"No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change."
"Falling temperatures mean hunger, because it would wreck our food supply, decimating crops and throwing the food chain out of whack."
"The system itself is responsible for all the climate change, for all the environmental damage."
"Do we want to allow our children to walk into a broken planet, a broken environment where they will not be able to thrive, or do we want to make the changes that are necessary?"
"What's at stake isn't just bad weather; it's disaster. It's more lives lost, more property lost. It's more droughts, more hunger, more famine, more people needing refuge."
"Climate change has become a defining factor in companies' long-term prospects."
"Global economic losses from climate change could reach $23 trillion, three or four times the scale of the 2008 financial crisis."
"We're on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance."
"Did you know that according to our very own scientists at NASA, that our planet's temperature has been increasing by 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit per decade?"
"The consequences of not moving fast enough are becoming more apparent all the time."
"Climate change poses a national security threat for the U.S. and for everyone else."
"Climate change is the single greatest threat our world faces."
"We all face a very uncertain future. The UN has essentially said that global warming is not only a code red for humanity but also a red alert for the planet."
"Fighting climate change is our common task, the task of humankind."
"Our response to the climate emergency... is the biggest global economic opportunity in the history of humankind."
"We cannot deal with the problems of the environment, of climate change, except through global cooperation."
"Do you want to be the moral person that said, 'I want to save the world from climate change,' or are you actually going to be a person who says, 'No, I actually think saving people's lives is a little more important'?"
"The reconciliation version of the bill is the one that includes climate action. We need to address climate change."
"If you think the COVID-19 pandemic is bad, wait till you see how climate change will hit us in the near future if we do nothing now."
"This marks the first time that the NSC will include an official dedicated to climate change."
"The single greatest factor that is creating the conditions for the unprecedented wildfires all over the globe is climate engineering."
"We are becoming aware, culturally, that the pollution from fossil fuels is creating problems like climate change and ocean acidification."
"They're claiming that this thing can lower temperatures by up to 18 Celsius."
"Methane can trap 80 times more heat than carbon dioxide in a 20-year period."
"Remember to get more educated about the climate crisis; we've got a bunch of resources."
"AI could help us with climate change by helping us build better materials."
"The entire history of human civilization is the result of climate conditions we've already left behind."
"It rivals climate change in importance, and they're both happening at the same time."
"It is an important policy tool to reduce harmful emissions fueling the climate crisis and threatening farms and Food Supplies."
"Water is such an important resource and it is so in so many ways linked with climate change."
"Climate change is costing lives and it does have a very real impact on human health."
"Every single action that we do today influences the atmosphere of our planet quite dramatically."
"This is one of those topics where science is actually basically telling us only one thing: it's happening, it's really happening."
"Climate change is a problem, not the end of the world, and that should be helpful if you actually tell the truth on that."
"What does solve climate change is technological progress."
"Every time a Republican gets asked about global warming, they either say that it's not real, that it is real but there's nothing we can do about it, or that the genius of the free marketplace will provide a solution."
"Bit by bit, the ice is giving up its secrets."
"We dropped the ball on the environment. We did. We dropped it like it was hot."
"The White Walkers are an allegory for climate change. While everyone with power is occupied in their own petty little conflicts, the larger more existential threat goes unanswered."
"Climate change is very real, climate change's economic effects are enormous, and it is advisable for JPMorgan Chase basically to get out of financing the fossil fuel industry."
"This generation is giving us a job to do. The job is addressing the climate crisis."
"My generation doesn't care about the politics around climate change; we want productive discussions, realistic answers, and sound policies."
"It's not about Republicans or Democrats; it's about those who are taking effective action and those who are not."
"Climate change is real, its effects...are a threat to us all."
"The old growth of the Tongass National Forest stores carbon from the atmosphere, and these trees are four to six hundred years old. So, huge, massive trees that are a natural carbon sink."
"Climate change is certainly something that is so important, and the aggravating thing about it is that there are so many who still deny it."
"Increase migration due to sea level rise, threats to food and water safety, this is the reality we're facing right now because of climate change."
"There must be leadership in addressing climate change because we, and especially your generation, can't afford for things not to change."
"The 2030s and the 2040s are where this becomes real and all these problems and concerns we have about climate change...can be reversed with infinite energy."
"The climate denialism of the Conservative Party of Canada is putting future white Christmases at risk."
"We're witnessing the effects of climate change daily, whether it's storms, forest fires, floods, and other disasters occurring with increasing intensity and frequency."
"Increased migration due to sea level rise, threats to food and water safety, this is the reality we're facing right now because of climate change."
"Stopping climate change would require a drastic transformation in our lifestyle, particularly for folks in the high-polluting countries."
"Climate exchange has developed their own State climate policy dashboard, helping every state to track climate policy with links to tons of resources."
"We should be practical and see how to moderate our impact on climate change."
"Scientists suggested that the mild conditions in Antarctica some 50 million years ago may have resulted from higher carbon dioxide concentrations at the time."
"Most people don't think that change in Antarctica matters to them, but when we look at New York City and we look at its in front of the ocean, it matters."
"We've seen the climate change; we see with pandemics, there is no national solution to these."
"We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it."
"It's going to be one of the greatest strategic challenges the planet has ever seen."
"Then about 34 million years ago, a dramatic shift in climate happened, creating an ice house at the poles that have continued to the present day."
"The prime suspect is a gradual reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere, combined with a trigger time when Earth's orbit around the sun made Antarctic summers cold enough for ice to remain frozen all year round."
"Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier, popularly known as the Doomsday Glacier, is currently in danger."
"The order would achieve more than a 35% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions."
"What happens when all the ice melts? What kind of secrets do the sub-zero regions of Antarctica hold?"
"The main drivers of starvation today include... our overconsumption [which impacts] climate change."
"Every day we wake up, and there's a new catastrophe: massive wildfires, record-breaking heat waves, disappearing glaciers, melting permafrost, political instability, new diseases. People are afraid."
"Simply recognizing the problems doesn't do much except make the average person miserable. We often feel powerless in the face of monstrous crises like climate change and inequality that exceeds that of the Gilded Age. But we're not as helpless as we might feel."
"There are actual experts who know about climate and why aren't we listening to them?"
"The melting ice sheet is unraveling the bewildering secrets this isolated continent harbors on a daily basis."
"Our knowledge of climate change is still imperfect, but it's a field scientists have been building on for decades."
"I think the politics of climate change is going to be the next huge big disruptive moment in our political world."
"We need to remember this simple number and not lose hope and pressure our politicians with this concrete demand: invest 2% of GDP in solving climate change."
"The only glimmer of hope in combating climate change effectively within the given timeframe is through renewables, which consistently exceed expectations."
"Instead of spending 1.8 trillion a year globally on weapons of destruction, maybe an American president, i.e., Bernie Sanders, can lead the world instead of spending money to kill each other, maybe we pool our resources and fight our common enemy which is climate change."
"The economic costs of climate change are widespread and difficult to predict, making its effects especially dangerous for energy price trends."
"After a long history of various individuals in the body denying the existence of climate change, I do want to say that it's very encouraging to see that there is some acknowledgment of the climate crisis here in the report."
"You cannot eliminate your way to a cleaner climate; you can innovate your way with technology."
"It's a major contributor to global climate change, it causes direct health issues in areas most impacted by emissions and, of course, it's ultimately non-renewable."
"Nuclear energy is clean, it's reliable, and if we embrace it now, we can combat climate change and benefit generations to come."
"Humanity is facing an uphill battle when it comes to preserving our planet. In order to avert some of the worst effects of climate change, experts say that we need to stop global temperatures from rising 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels."
"You don't have to be a climate scientist to want to protect the Earth."
"We have never ever had this rise in temperature so fast."
"I know 'Don't Look Up' was created with climate change in mind, but I see it as representative of the way society reacts to a lot of negative but truly important news."
"Climate change is literally an existential threat to our nation and to the world."
"The more control communities have over resources and the points of production, the more resilient they are in the face of climate change."
"Wildfires don't skip towns that voted a certain way. The impacts of climate change don't pick and choose."
"2% of global GDP is enough to deal with the climate crisis."
"Groups like Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for the Future, and Zero Hour, predominantly led by young activists like Greta Thunberg and Varshini Prakash, have helped embed the issues of climate change and overconsumption in mainstream consciousness."
"I passed the biggest law in history to combat climate change because our future depends on it."
"Big oil has a new playbook, but we're on to it. More than ever before, we see climate disasters happening all around us. The climate crisis is now undeniable."
"Las Vegas is one of the fastest warming cities in the U.S."
"We've seen again and again our grid can't handle climate change, can't handle these climate disasters that are becoming increasingly frequent."
"The reason we know today about climate change is thanks to all the missions we send around Earth observing Earth."
"Exxon, for example, projected climate change pretty accurately since at least 1982. They just kept doing what they were doing, hid the data, and enacted a campaign of misinformation."
"Climate change changes the areas that are hotter get hotter, the areas that are drier get drier, and the areas that get wetter get much more wet."
"Climate change is an ecological crisis, a food crisis, a migrant crisis, a housing crisis, a human rights crisis, and more besides."
"More than half of the carbon exhaled into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels has been emitted in just the past three decades."
"Never in human history have we been richer, more advanced, powerful, and yet we feel overwhelmed in the face of rapid climate change."
"If you want to see climate change, spend some time in Europe because literally, day over day, you just see some of the craziest weather patterns."
"Climate change will affect the poorest the most, that's absolutely true. But what you have to remember is everything bad affects poor people most."
"Climate change is a problem, not the end of the world. If it's a problem, it's something that we should fix, along with all the other problems in the world."
"The Earth's population would grow to 10 billion people, the Earth would become the hottest it's been in the past three million years."
"Sea levels would rise upwards of 6 meters, forcing hundreds of millions of people to leave their homes."