
Personal Image Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Every single facet of your life is going to be influenced heavily by how other people view you and how social you are with others."
"We wear the most advanced footwear for the thing we want people to think we do."
"Get yourself a really nice suit. There's something about a man in a really dignified suit that immediately indicates this is a person of importance."
"As Coco Chanel once said, 'Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.'"
"Dress differently if you want people to think about you differently."
"Clothes help to build your personal brand. However, what you wear also plays an important role in saying who you are."
"You want a suit that makes you look awesome."
"Get new laces, all of a sudden you're going to be fresh."
"You're going to be turning heads, receiving more compliments."
"That ain't nothing, I'm whatever like New York [expletive] love me."
"Your existence as a type of girl has almost nothing to do with whether you actually read Joan Didion or wear Mui Mui, and everything to do with whether you want to be seen as the type of person who would."
"I just love this state of social media that we're in where it's like everything that's exaggerated or hyperbolic in any way to make your life seem better than it is, it's all been done."
"Just write this down and say it, Alyssa. Just make people think you're a nice person. It'll count one day in your parole hearing."
"Steven's refusal to admit guilt, changing narratives, and dismissing certain details as irrelevant underlined a desire to control the narrative to protect his image."
"Cycling shorts: 'Feeling good about your body has an aesthetic component too.'"
"After headlines regarding her failing marriage had calmed down in 2005, Jennifer Aniston appeared as an alluring woman having an affair."
"If I'm making a fool of myself being a [joker]."
"If you want to be viewed as classy, sophisticated, confident, well-spoken, and successful, implementing these tips can be a real game-changer."
"When you post a thirst trap I want compliments I want likes I want... to be told that I'm hot because I've been told that I'm ugly so long now."
"My confidence is going to shine light brighter than any type of chain or whatever on me."
"But like there's like a layer of streetwear that like if I wear, I think it's like I look like a preposterous douchebag."
"He wears the inverted cross everywhere that he goes."
"Every time we open our mouths, we're making a statement about ourselves."
"I'm not good looking, I know what I look like. I've never pretended to be anything else other than gross, you know what I'm saying?"
"I felt amazing and I'd wear tighter fitting clothes and I'd be more confident in myself."
"You should always be seen in the best light, that's my motto."
"I just see him with nothing but overalls on, that's exactly how I picture him right now."
"Command respect, look like the guy you want to come off as competent."
"I don't have anything in mind, I look like, do I look like the type of guy you want to [__] with?"
"I want people to look at me and say, he's a symbol, because it's from the bottom."
"They see you as a Dream Chaser, in alignment with your destiny."
"Present your best self to the world."
"You know you gotta present yourself in a better light bro. You can't do this. These rappers are lying to you."
"I don't have a RBF but I've heard a lot of times that people find it hard to approach me."
"Perception is reality, especially when it comes to our league. People are going to perceive you in any certain type of light."
"I can't let that taint my image of being a toxic [ __ ], I'll get back to business."
"Those Jimmy Choo shoes, they give her the right kind of look."
"Ruth's lawyer said she wasn't a party girl she just wanted to be a good wife and a good mother."
"I asked the guy who made it for me to go off of a picture of me in the morning without makeup."
"Somebody that thinks they have to impress with what they say they make."
"I hope that you guys always see me as a genuine person and a real human being."
"Every single day almost flexing a muscle trying to appear the way that you want to appear."
"I know I'm not the bad guy and I think that everybody that watches my stream knows that too."
"People still want to relate to me because they feel I'm real."
"I may not be rocking a mohawk but I definitely could be."
"Let's be honest, we all want to look like we're rich."
"I respect your skill and your surfing, I respect how you want to present yourself." - Jonah Hill
"You always feel the pressure to like have a highlight reel."
"You see this tough, hard mother but you're a mama's boy."
"I know a girl that saves pictures from places she's flown, to post later and make it look like she's still on the go."
"We talk about and share things that give us status by association. Things like cool bars, but also cool information or restaurants that make us look smart and in the know."
"I just figured if I'm going to be a mess, that doesn't mean I can't be a hot mess."
"I hope it does nothing else but show the world that I am a good person."
"It's not about how cool and how fancy you can look"
"Holly explains that she was embarrassed because her mother was in the audience and the loquifer image is one that they have worked very hard to not portray."
"I used to feel pressured to look perfect all the time."
"I think makeup is just another sort of thing you may put on the tool belt that makes me think, oh, how I present myself and how I come off to other people does make a difference."
"You trying to up your body count off a dirty mac and a fake lifestyle that you don't actually live, that is the craziest [ __ ]."
"Trump is lying not because the truth is inconsistent with how we view him but rather the truth is inconsistent with how he wants to be viewed and how he wishes things were."
"I would like to not shame myself into caring about my appearance, thank you very much."
"Maintain a positive attitude about your hair and yourself."
"You want people to remember you when you were at your best and not be pathetic."
"Stop looking desperate, it's time to level up."
"I love how people think I'm arrogant and I'm not, I'm a very nice person."
"Confidence is a look that looks always great."
"What you see about me, it's me. I'm just a natural goof, you know."
"Instagram: I have a perfect life. Facebook: I have an okay life. Twitter: I am a hot mess. Reddit: I killed The Hitchhiker in '86 and buried his body in the woods and I've never told a soul."
"I'm the type of man that exceeds expectations."
"You get online and everybody looks beautiful online and then you go there and everything changes."
"I'm just a reflection of the people that follow us, so if you guys think I'm a good guy, I'm only a good guy because you guys allow me the opportunity to be a good guy."
"You have to have the whole package, okay? You have to have the look and the style and the body."
"No matter what your age, you deserve to look and feel like the best version of yourself."
"Money ain't nothing without my drip, so get right or something gonna flop."
"When your family is seen as icons and beauty... the pressure to maintain a certain image is going to be very intense." - Chloe Kardashian
"The beard makes you more distinguished. The beard gives you 200 plus reputation points."
"The way that you look on the outside does reflect to how you feel on the inside."
"His swag never declines. It's always on 1,000."
"We're only seeing what they want us to see right, we have no idea if some of these people wearing 6,000 bags are in 50,000 of debt or not."
"I feel better about my impressions than how I look on any given day."
"People respect you more for who you are, not really what you're wearing."
"One funny thing, so this picture that was taken of me... they took the picture to use it for the article so it's already a little bit suspicious."
"They really see you as a very creative person."
"Sometimes I'll like look in the mirror and I'm like why does my face look uneven."
"When you feel good about your presentation physically your self-image overall does go up."
"You're building your legacy while others just want the cherry on top."
"I do not want my kid to think of me as a guy with a lower-back tattoo."
"I love tipping in restaurants. It's hot when you can give something. When you can give like a good fat tip, it's sexy as [ __ ]. And they look at you and they go..."
"I'm pretty confident. I wish I looked like 1970s Dolly. Thank you. I think you just remind everybody, you know, that, you know, that just, you're just so confident."
"I want to be known as a guy who works very hard and means well in every situation."
"It will backfire you will make yourself look like fools you're gonna try to make us look like fools but you'll look like a fool."
"It's nice man, I'm just like a lot of people ain't gonna like me man but I just gotta be an effing wolf."
"Ultimately, it is your responsibility to manufacture, maintain, no different than sweeping your porch or brushing your hair, this halo effect is your responsibility for you to maintain."
"Marlena Dietrich's sophisticated and glamorous smoke style became an iconic part of her image."
"It's just people cherry-picking goofy photos of mine and then making them out to be weird when it's just me posting random photos because that's literally part of our job."
"Why not lie about being on HRT or not? If I said I was natural, actually was, and looked like more people would believe me."
"I want to be that Auntie to be like dang Auntie what you been doing you know what I'm saying you want to be the bad Auntie."
"Dress for the nips you want, not the nips you have."
"I'd ask that you no longer see me as a role model."
"We gotta go hard on both why no one's confused about why you have a bad rap you like you're actually upset no I'm cool."
"I want them to see that we're hard-working, you know?"
"People need to go into shows these days with a positive outlook... do you like the way you look after this show? That's what's important."
"You appear younger than what you are; you have a youthful glow."
"She's on beat, but she brags about being the best thing, she enjoys being the big girl and everything else."
"I would be worried if the Democrats started thinking of me as somebody who's nice to them."
"Hair matters, and it matters to all of us because when you meet a person, you're going to form a mental image of who that person is, and hair plays a big part of that."
"I want people to be able to come to me and have an open dialogue and we speak about it and show the person I really am."
"I feel cool driving this car, I feel cool walking up to it in the morning and starting it up."
"Chinese technology is breathtaking in the scale, the scope, the pace of development."
"Tell them to believe in magic because yeah I think there's a picture of me on the wall although it doesn't look like me now obviously."
"Different in person: remember what you see online isn't always reality."
"Sometimes when you meet me in person you realize I'm not as nice as I am to the lads on the kickoff."
"Confidence is like the sexiest thing you can wear."
"In the real world, looking strong is being strong."
"I wear fake watch and alpha so I mean it is kind of an interesting dilemma here." - "Joke's on you, I wear fake watch and alpha so I mean it is kind of an interesting dilemma here."
"It's the most heartbreaking thing... to be immortalized as the worst version of yourself."
"Choosing peace is the best revenge and also it just makes you look so good."
"You can do the white towels and linens and look really crisp and sharp and professional."
"I don't wear this suit because I think I am somebody. I wear this suit because I want to be somebody."
"I don't want people to change their perspective on me because they know my money, you know?"
"I don't actually think he's like that at all, maybe his public image, but like he can be pretty forceful when there's a lot on the line."
"He literally looks like a superhero, so it's really in his best interest to make sure that everybody is still happy."
"I think people probably think that I'm a serial killer or something."
"When we surrender our image, people will no longer see our image. We give our life to Christ."
"Clothes can make a huge difference with the confidence that men feel."
"Every time she does her makeup, she feels closer to her purpose—boring, predictable, and entirely off-base from who she really is as a person."
"If you're gonna take nudes, make sure you look super fucking hot. Don't take half-ass nudes."
"You carry yourself so well that you're like that ideal person that everyone sees as like, they just have everything on point in their life."
"Have you ever seen me driving a Bentley? Have you ever seen me put on a gold chain?" - Sinbad
"They're telling people that you represent like the future, you represent like a level up."
"There's a balance; you should pay some attention to your looks enough to develop a sense of style."
"I'm excited to be an old seven year old animator who walks around with an apron and glasses."
"More attractive and fit people are more successful at selling products than unattractive people."
"Life is messy and that's okay can you guys see my muscles in this legging."
"I liked my appearance because I liked the way I was living my life."
"I might look like a greedy money-hungry man, but I in fact value spending time with family."
"Don't sweat what anybody may or may not be thinking of you."
"Everybody's got a different opinion. The difference between me and every other fighter is that I don't care what people think of me. If they like me, they hate me, it is what it is."
"He was a real true thug with it, but a GQ looking thug."
"You might be the kind of man... when they see you outdoors doing physical things they can really see your physique."
"Rifle like this make me look a little stupid."
"I would be remiss to try to tell you as an image consultant that you can be 53 and weigh so much that you don't even want to tell somebody how much you weigh."
"When a girl is that obvious to you and you do nothing you make yourself look weak and like you have no confidence."
"It's more important to behave like a champion than to look like one."
"I just want people to know I have good intentions."
"The U.S. is increasingly being isolated on the world stage, we've made enemies with two of the world's largest superpowers, Russia and China."
"Stop looking soft, stop looking weak, stop looking sloppy. You already know, we in the house of a champion."
"He gives a [__], he wasn't too cool to care."
"Revenge says more about you than it does about the person you're trying to get revenge on. Not a good look."
"Your utter lack of concern over the death, if it wasn't faked just to screw with your wedding, is not a good look."
"Little Kim is more concerned about her public persona than she ever was about financial responsibility."
"An image consultant can save your life."
"Color analysis is not about finding the colors that you like best for your wardrobe."
"This is cringe. I don't want people walking around with my face. I do not want people walking around with my face, bruh."
"Fragrance is the most exciting way to change your image and your mood."
"As humans, we crave intimacy, but often portray a different image on social media."
"It's also a good reminder that the world outside can formulate opinions or beliefs about you when they haven't even met you."
"I'm vain, of course I'm vain. That's why I comb my hair the way I do, I stay in shape the way I do."
"I don't want to be disliked. I don't even really want to be controversial."
"The way that you put yourself together... truly matters."
"I just look my best when I'm not drinking."
"Do you, Harry James, really need to take medication so that you can look a certain way and in turn feel good about yourself?"
"Our clothes, our grooming, our accessories, everything about us is a form of semiotics, which means that we send a message to the world about how ideally we want the world to perceive us."
"People thought that I was tougher than what I really was."
"I need to look at my wedding pictures in like five years' time and be okay with what I'm looking at."
"He certainly was not living in a log cabin or drinking hard cider."
"Being a grown woman includes a level of maturity, and having a messy car with random things stuffed into every nook and cranny is not a cute look."
"It is important to me because I can control so much more of how I present myself and how people see me."
"You are just as much of a reflection as your table, so you want to present yourself in the best way possible."
"I think it's really hard for people to like fully view you as human when you give people the impression that you're this unflappable, impossible to hurt person."
"She had always had a smile on her face, evident in all available photos of her."
"I think people should care about their clothing and the way they present themselves."
"See yourself as you would want other people to see you."
"I want to look a certain way because how you look is how you're addressed."
"Life is serious, and I am to be taken seriously."
"It's easier to build than to fix; however, everyone has their own image that they are trying to preserve."
"Find the image that best suits you, whatever your name is, wherever you live."
"I think your last impression is really important."
"Command respect. It's how you present yourself to the world."
"You're not just confident with your smile, but you're also confident speaking and talking to other people."
"Every day it seems like I fight with something new; every day I try to sit down and manage how can I give you a better image of myself; that be my goal every day."
"It's almost like someone has an idea of you, a fantasy or a dream."
"Follow the ABC rule: Accentuate, Balance, and Camouflage."