
Existential Realization Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"There’s only one of us. That has to be the greatest realization of anything you could ever have."
"Remembering that we are more than just our role is what the waking up process is. It's remembering that we are the whole of totality, the whole of reality incarnated in each moment."
"I think it's sad that one should be aware of that totality of existence only when you're about to leave it."
"The implications of...the fact that at the deepest level we are all everyone and everything...is twofold: one, that we are whole, needing nothing...and two, if it's true that at the deepest level we share our being, We Are One reality...these kind of scenarios would be impossible."
"There is no meaning of life because you are life; life is a fact, not a meaning."
"World's richest man was on board... can't protect you from your own mortality."
"Whenever you realize that we may only have this life, there's no evidence for a Life 2.0 okay, well let's commit ourselves to fixing each other and helping each other and working on being a good Steward of this world."
"There's more to life, more to the world, there's more to everything than anybody knows." - Hypnotized Colorado man
"Be born, go to school, get a job, work for 40 years, retire, die, realize you forgot to live."
"When I found out that the universe doesn't care about me, and to the best of my knowledge, there are no gods who care about me, the number of people who actually cared about me didn't change. I just got a more accurate view of reality."
"It is a strange moment in adolescence when you first start to truly comprehend the concept of where you are, your position on a solitary planet in a vast, seemingly unending space of some strange incomprehensibly immense thing we call universe."
"To be free from the fear of death because I realized that we are eternal beings."
"Reality is going to create conditions for you."
"Life would suddenly seem a lot more precarious than it did yesterday."
"When all that you had is gone, you'll discover that Jesus is all you need."
"Death taught me about life, and death taught me about love, and death taught me that space and time are a construct."
"I'm just saying that then you can freak out a little bit; your life's not a lie, you live it. It's just that you're not in control of it like you feel like you are, you're more like along for the ride."
"Your life story has got to include your death."
"You always have been, you always will be. Do with that what you will."
"Life is a gradual series of Revelations that occur over a period of time. It's not some carefully crafted story, it's a mess, and we're all gonna die."
"The only thing that keeps you breathing is your creator. That's it. A man realizes who he is and what he is not."
"There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the truth."
"The miracle is that you're alive right now the universe your God or whatever you believe in did its part now it's time to do yours."
"It's just the scale of everything, whether it's the size of the universe or what's possible."
"I think that all the time... literally anything could happen at any point in life."
"One of the only things that's worse than being insecure and not having confidence and not being happy is getting to the pot of gold and then realizing that what's in that pot of gold will not make you happy."
"I feel like I've accomplished a lot... yeah, maybe a recent event makes me feel a little bit more ready to check out."
"Nobody is there for you truly except the one who created you."
"Everything secular and doesn't really have God's true power lets you down in the end."
"We deserve to know that we are so much more than this."
"That's the beauty of this, I had a second chance to live. I thought I died and then I was like holy [ __ ], I'm still alive."
"That people stopped wasting their time and woke up to what they are here to do and what life is really about."
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you he does not exist."
"The tragedy for the lowercase nihilists is that they never realized that God was nothing. Nihilism literally means 'nothing,' and what you realize at the end of the journey is that you're left with nothing."
"Most people died at age 25 and don't get buried until they're 65 because they've not found something that gives their lives meaning and purpose."
"We're all passengers. The problem is some of us think we're driving, but the reality of it is we are passengers."
"Don't wait until you find yourself in some existential crisis because you've been living your life based upon some social rule book."
"We need to come to terms with the fact that the virum is the source of life on the planet."
"You're not in control. You have no power here."
"The moment you recognize the screen, your life becomes a movie."
"It really teaches you to appreciate what you have when you have it."
"Before we can truly grasp the gravity of the threats as well as the beauty that surrounds our planet, we must first realize just how small our planet is."
"People want to live, you know. I was actually surprised to find out that people are fond of living."
"You realize as awesome as it may be, it doesn't fill the hole."
"Understanding how little of a chance there is that you're here today is terrifying but yet I find that more than anything else it gives me purpose."
"It's the feeling that everything around you is connected and that your actions have purpose."
"You've met us at a very strange time in our lives."
"You don't always get what you deserve, do you?"
"You don't know where it's gonna go, you don't know what's gonna happen, it happened dog and it feels like it happened for me."
"If hell exists, atheists are almost certainly not going to be atheists anymore."
"It's the same you, the difference is that in this reality we remember doing the things."
"Before we have seen okay, this is me and there's a world outside this is me and there are other people they're all strangers this concept just falls apart it doesn't exist anymore."
"The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing."
"From the very beginning, he is rejected by everyone he meets and realizes from the moment of his birth that even his own creator cannot stand the sight of him."
"Anyone is truly free just once when they know they have nothing to lose."
"Human beings are self-aware just enough to know that we have no control over the universe."
"No past, no future. This is it, right here, right now."
"It really makes you want to appreciate life like it makes me wanna want to treat every day like it could be my last cuz literally it could be."
"I can feel that I'm made of Stardust, just like you."
"I'm grateful to be alive to appreciate these wonders."
"It's just chance that it turns out to be me, and I can't imagine anything more humbling than that feeling."
"Every new person I meet reminds me how lucky I am to be alive."
"On a long enough stretch of time, our survival rate is zero."
"None of us are going to get out of this thing alive."
"Everything we have as a nation can vanish in a flash and everything we have as individuals will vanish in a flash when we die."
"There is this moment where there is a crack in the world story, in the collective story, where Freedom can recognize Itself."
"Having to come to grips that you are going to survive your container, like we keep saying, is like 95% of the grunt."
"There's nothing at the end of the rainbow except what you have, and you can enjoy anything here and now."
"In seeking out knowledge of the true nature of the world, Schopenhauer thought the genius would arrive at the wisdom that all human beings are at their essence one."
"Everything that you've done in your life has led you to this point right now."
"I don't get this chance over again, we get one chance at this life on Earth."
"You're not in control because if you were in control you wouldn't be suffering."
"It's the ultimate reason for the coming to that realization is about shedding the jacob marley chains."
"Making life the same. Do you see now? Do you see that Stanley was already dead from the moment he hit start?"
"I saw for certain that everything we see and experience is not all there is, there's something else."
"We're all mortal. So we may as well plan for it."
"Once you start realizing that you are living on the edge, the way you look at life changes."
"Reality is nothing, but then you realize nothing is love."
"If I couldn't do it, then I'll know at once that I'm done for, that everything is over with me."
"Once you take damage, that's literally it for the remainder of your life."
"Another time, I woke up one morning with the intense realization, 'I am eternity. I just was it.'"
"I'm addicted to harmony. Restlessness. You realize that the planet's breathing. That same energy moving through these stones is moving your heart."
"Nobody has anything figured out, man. You know, like all these adults who you think understand everything about the world, they have no idea what they're doing."
"The whole reality is structured to hide you from what you really are."
"Your universe has a plan that's way bigger than you can fathom."
"Everything you could ever want or need, you already have and are."
"Being awake is probably one of the most frustrating and terrifying places to be."
"Whether you're devoutly religious, a once-in-a-blue-moon attendee, non-religious, or atheist, you won't live forever. Eventually, everyone has to face that moment at the end, whether you're ready or not."
"your soul will leave your body and you will no longer be a person and that this is certain"
"The most terrifying notion of being an adult is realizing that adults have no idea what they're doing."
"Only when I have voluntarily and radically accepted all of life can I finally engage with all of life."
"The more real you get, the more unreal the world seems."
"If they could only wake up, they would realize there is so much beautiful, meaningful life to be had."
"To be alive and walk on the earth is a miracle and yet most of us are running as if there was some better place to get to."
"Just the fact that we are interested points to that: Oh, you are that."
"I'm just grateful that I had this experience in some ways because it's put it on the back of my book but it scared me to the truth of their existence."
"Suddenly, he glimpsed there must be a home and order and meaning in the universe."
"It's unbelievably sobering about recognizing the fact that your story is going to end."
"I was overcome with a humble sense of appreciation and in the moment felt incredibly fortunate just to exist."
"Man must realize the wholeness of his existence, his place in the infinite."
"I'm not dying from any sickness or anything like that, any illness, truth is I realize how much I was dying to live, to live."
"We suddenly realized we were space dust."
"...it's wonderful to know I am that or nothing; for me, it's even more wonderful to know I am everything, including the body."
"Life as we know it will be changed, like your whole perspective of life."
"We are actively in the process of discovering something amazing; we are remembering who we are."
"I used to think it was I, the body-mind, that is aware of the world. I now realize, no, it is I, awareness, that is aware of the body-mind and world."
"It's going beyond everything you've ever known and realizing that even when we speak, it's just coming from nowhere."
"When you come face-to-face with death, you suddenly realize the things that make life worth living."
"This is staggering knowledge!—wonderful beyond description! Make yourself grasp it."