
Reality Shaping Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"You are the creator; you create your reality."
"The privilege of being a human being is that we can make thought more real than anything else."
"Be really careful with your language since it shapes your reality."
"Create a collective consciousness and collective networks of observers to determine reality."
"The truth is that you can change your reality by changing your thoughts and feelings."
"Power to me is the ability to close your eyes and imagine the world the way you wish it was, and then open your eyes and make that world come true."
"Whatever we say to ourselves will become our reality."
"As days go by, I see myself more and more as the cause, with unwavering faith that I influence my reality."
"If you want to be a very powerful creator of your reality, you have to understand the fundamental difference between desire and intention."
"Affirmations launch a new reality, confirmations ground it."
"Our thoughts have the power to shape our reality."
"It's not about attracting anything, you're literally choosing your lens."
"The real power to mold and shape our reality is in our control."
"Our reality is totally molded by our perceptions. Perception molds reality."
"Our thoughts have the power to influence reality through the technique of patterning."
"Your thoughts create your reality, your beliefs create your reality."
"Start telling our own stories and creating our own realities."
"Something very powerful happens when you, in your Consciousness, go within yourself and daydream."
"The secret is thinking from. When you enter into a state and think from it, you give it all the tones of reality."
"Reality can be shaped and changed by my direct actions."
"The future is all spirit right now and no reality, and we are the reality makers."
"This is our world... we can make this reality whatever we want it to be."
"Recognize that your thoughts drive your reality; your thoughts are magnetic and powerful."
"This full moon energy brings into your awareness your own thought patterns, your mind, and how you communicate your thoughts to others and how that shapes your immediate reality."
"Your point of view creates a reality. Reality doesn't create your point of view."
"You are in control of yours. You get to change your reality. What's your story? You get to choose your story. It's true, no matter what."
"Tune to the reality you want and understand the vibration of it."
"You inform systems, you go in and reconstruct realities, and you are experts at it."
"Every choice we make shapes our reality. Choose wisely, with intention and awareness."
"Everything you do to create your reality, you're sitting there and you're manifesting something."
"These assumptions, these stories create our reality."
"How we consistently see problems, how we interpret life, that creates our reality."
"My thoughts and words shape my reality."
"Level four self-talk is the most powerful for positive personal creation. It literally creates new realities."
"Forget about what you don't want and create a new reality through your vision."
"You are a powerful co-creator of your reality."
"Live a life of making your delusions a reality."
"Decide to dominate your reality with the frequency you choose."
"Thoughts become formed; they shape our reality."
"Words, thoughts, and actions shape our reality."
"You are literally the creator of your reality. What do you want to create the most?"
"The thoughts that we think shape our reality."
"The thoughts you put your attention to are the ones that become real."
"Use the power of your intentions to create the reality that you truly want."
"The words that we speak create the world that we live in."
"The imagination is so powerful when we think with faith we are creating a reality where things are possible."
"You possess within you a reservoir of power that defies comprehension, a power so potent that it can reshape the very contours of reality itself."
"High value is determined by what you're capable of and the ability to change reality to fit your goals."
"Thoughts become things, so whatever you're thinking will be basically your reality."
"Beware of the power of your words in shaping your reality."
"Stay positive shift into realities that you want to shift in focus on things that are loving."
"Reality is brought forth by the imagined state."
"You have the ability to create your reality, you have the ability to change things that you want to change."
"Frame is everything. Your perspective of the world turns neutral into reality."
"The Revolution begins inside each one of us, and we have to choose our spiritual journey in our heart again and again."
"Your energy is your currency, the brush you use to paint your reality."
"Choose your own destiny; you make your own reality."
"Seek to bend reality to your will, don't wait for it to happen."
"I am it, and I know it. It doesn't matter if right now in this reality I don't see it."
"Imagination is a powerful tool to create reality."
"What I say about another person, what I say about reality, what I say about myself materializes in some shape or form."
"Become a Hyperion and join us as the shapers of reality."
"The introverted intuitive once they have perceived that internal image that they relate to on a moral level becomes someone addicted to making this subjective image a reality."
"You have to move forward as if something is already true, even though in your immediacy it's not."
"Your attention is what manifests your reality."
"Your thoughts and your words, they shape your reality, they shape your destiny."
"It's pretty crazy just thinking about it because that means you have so much power, so much control over how you shape your reality."
"Your beliefs hold your reality in place. Beliefs are what shape reality."
"It's all about faking it till you... making it, because the stories you tell yourself are not just stories, they will eventually become your reality."
"This is not manipulation; this is manifestation."
"The secret is you manifest your reality by believing that it's true."
"We are simply being puppeteered towards certain versions of reality."
"Our observation has a direct effect on our reality."
"You have to believe it to see it; you don't see it to believe it."
"You're going to need to decide the reality that you really want and believe it can be and will be yours."
"Marketing isn't just about selling you things, it's about shaping reality and culture."
"It takes a lot more than just thinking about it for a couple of seconds."
"Manifestation is all about bypassing the mind. If you can fool the mind, then you fool the whole reality. It's like that, it's a game, it's that simple."
"Your mental health is going to be very important. Your mind is a very powerful force. What you think becomes your reality."
"Where you put your energy, where you put your attention, where you put your focus is going to determine what you see."
"Your subconscious mind is the silent architect behind the scenes, shaping your reality in ways that you might not even realize."
"Imagine a world where your thoughts, emotions, and actions have the power to shape your reality."
"The mouth of God is the mind of man captures the essence that our thoughts and words have divine power shaping our reality in powerful ways that we often underestimate."
"Concentrate your attention on things as you would like them to be rather than as they are."
"Your thoughts create a reality in a very significant way."
"We create our reality with our words."
"In our Consciousness lies the influential power to shape our own reality."
"The role of chosen ones in shaping and molding the fabric of our reality through their thoughts, intentions, and actions."
"You have the ability to create and shift and shape your reality the way you see fit."
"Our words affect the very fabric of the world around us."
"Consult with a trustworthy person and create a new reality with their positive and constructive support."
"Your belief systems dictate and create your life and your reality."
"What you read, what you see, what you hear becomes a part of your reality."
"Change your words, change your reality."
"Your assumptions and beliefs create worlds; they filter out entire realities."
"Reality has no other choice but to bend to your greater intention of wish fulfilled."
"Language dignifies reality, and because you name it, it somewhat becomes real."
"Our thoughts are connected to our words, and our words frame our worlds."
"Your life is manifesting exactly how you are describing it."
"Your core beliefs dictate your reality."
"Your story right now determines the film role and script of reality of your entire life experience."
"Your intention is just as powerful as in a lucid dream."
"If you want to build a new personal reality, you have to build a new personality."
"The way to change reality is precisely to change the subjective fantasy."
"Your reality is what you rehearse."
"I trust that I am a conduit for this energy, allowing it to shape my reality in beautiful and harmonious ways."
"You are blessed to be the molder and student of your own reality."
"You are the creator of your life and you are going to create your own reality by standing tall in your power."
"Your subconscious mind actually starts to filter out the reality that you don't want and it starts to work to make the decision a reality."
"When you start affirming and thinking and focusing your mind on the new version of you and your new reality, you start seeing things coming more into your reality."
"The mind can create a heaven out of hell and a hell out of heaven."
"Your assumptions physically change, alter, create your reality."
"Affirm your new identity in reality like this, astonishing results."
"Shaping reality into narrative fiction."
"They need to become the master of their own life, shape their reality."
"He doesn't allow those outside circumstances to control his reality, he controls his reality."
"Your faith isn't just a passive bystander; it's a driving force that shapes your reality."