
Harm Quotes

There are 1041 quotes

"If you believe that you are being harmed... trust your gut and please talk to somebody."
"The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body."
"Having a grievance is like drinking poison and hoping it'll kill your enemy."
"Islam is not our enemy; Hamas does not just harm Jews, they harm Palestinians."
"In all of the confusion and the blur and the haze that they create for you, you forget the people who are being hurt the most."
"What is a sin? A sin is when someone knowingly chooses to harm another person, fully aware of the consequences."
"A lying tongue hates those it wounds and crushes, and a flattering mouth works ruin."
"The power of the mind either to heal or to harm is profound."
"I am fearful that we are running headlong into a great harm thoughtlessly."
"Imagine the psychological harm that a belief system like this could cause."
"Toxic masculinity means taking traditionally male ideals and growing them to where they start to become maladaptive or harmful."
"Words cannot begin to express the profound sorrow I feel that a service we designed to bring people happiness and joy has been abused to cause harm."
"We need to be aware of religious extremism as something potentially harmful so we can protect people from it."
"Censorship inflicts lasting harm on Americans by impeding the pursuit of truth in a free marketplace of ideas."
"There's real malevolence here because at some point you're so damn blind with regards to your moral pretensions that you've crossed the line from someone who just doesn't know what they're talking about to someone who's actively inflicting carnage and catastrophe on the world."
"Do you think you might be inventing harm where it doesn't exist?"
"Anger clouds judgment; it is like holding a drinking poison expecting the other person to die."
"The vessel that holds acid is damaged more than anything it pours acid upon."
"Just because someone is a victim doesn't mean they aren't causing harm elsewhere."
"It's so hard with children; they're just so innocent. I don't understand how anyone could harm a child in that way."
"By reducing the short-term harm, we're ignoring the long-term harm both on that individual and on society at large."
"There's an obvious difference between wishing for harm for someone and celebrating when actual harm has occurred."
"You should not hurt your friends, ever. No matter what the circumstances are, you should never hurt your friends."
"Extraordinary harm and mistreatment require extraordinary justification."
"Trying to make your partner jealous is basically trying to hurt them on purpose."
"You can take all the precautions in this world, but if someone truly sets out to harm you, sometimes there's nothing that you can do to stop them."
"In the public sphere, the lie is the harm. It does damage to our ability to communicate, to comprehend each other."
"When we say that something is safe, what it means is that we know it doesn't do harm."
"We all have the ability to cause harm, but also to repair."
"The attitude is harmful to the Ummah, and we've seen the harm that it has caused."
"We all have to be careful of letting our own perception of victimhood turn into victimization of others."
"It's to slice you up, it's to bring you down, it's to demean you."
"It's not good manners it actually is harmful this is what I came to see as well you you actually are part of the problem it's not a Kind and Generous thing to do it's adding as we've been discussing to Children's distress."
"They're monsters. That's exactly what they are. You can't do that to that many people over and over knowing that you're doing it to hurt them, not help them."
"If a person abuses their power it has the capacity to do great harm."
"If what I believe causes harm, then I have to discard the belief."
"Heavily regulating the internet does more harm than good."
"They're supposed to protect you, not completely destroy you."
"When harm is done to children it hits differently. There's something almost inhuman about it because it's so unnatural, so avoidable."
"Sweet balances sour, which is your acid; balances bitter; balances salt; and also it balances piquancy."
"It helps nothing and it might really hurt people."
"Hurting people, misleading people, misrepresenting a disorder, that's not helping anybody including the perpetrator."
"The loss of his son and the forever reminder that he's responsible can never be explained or forgotten."
"Words can make you, break you, they can heal your soul, they can damage you forever."
"Because it's harmless. It's objectively not harmless."
"Beating your child is not good parenting. In fact, we have overwhelming evidence that shows us that physical punishment not only doesn't work in the long term, it actually does more harm."
"I did things I willingly chose to do things to hurt other people and myself because it caused them pain not because I didn't know it was wrong but because I wanted to cause them pain."
"That combination hurt Jewish people and must never be repeated."
"You can't go hurt somebody because of your belief."
"Should I believe this? No, you should not because that belief is causing you fear and causing you harm."
"The wrongful conduct caused irreparable harm to plaintiffs' reputation."
"There was real harm to real people as a result of what WikiLeaks did."
"Giving misinformation like that isn't helping."
"It occurs to me if I do this right now, there's a chance that they're going to get hurt."
"Dude, stop! That hurts. It's gonna leave a bruise."
"Some are malicious but some aren't trying to do harm they just accidentally do so."
"I will not intentionally hurt you with the wrong pronouns."
"White supremacy is all about harming black people."
"I believe that J.K. Rowling's tweet and this constant narrative of vilifying trans people as rapists is harmful."
"There's a difference between saying a bad word and beating somebody up, one is definitely not as bad as the other."
"The ban is hurting hundreds of thousands of people."
"Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories undermine legitimate arguments."
"Be realistic... people will kill you over time with tiny, harmless phrases."
"This narrative is harming human liberty and freedom."
"Enabling a narcissist is not a good thing to do because they will bleed you dry and they will not care if they harm you."
"Nobody's ever done so much to kill so many people."
"Those attitudes biases within ourselves go unchecked they absolutely do real damage."
"Those stereotypes being planted in people's minds... can ultimately lead to harm of a particular demographic."
"I think it's harmful to creators and that's it."
"His words wound people. That's how he hurts people."
"Tremendous harm is being done to this state. Tremendous harm is being done to this nation."
"If you censor the information you are going to hurt people."
"Social media brings multiple, well-documented, and significant harms."
"You can't really tell what an addict looks like, and speculating either way is just really harmful."
"That's beyond anybody's imagination cruelty to do that."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and thinking it's going to hurt someone else."
"It's to the point where you can't hurt somebody by breaking a rule. You can hurt someone when you break multiple rules."
"Understanding the psychology of these people and how they ended up getting in a position where they could do so much harm to someone is incredibly important."
"Generalizations can be inaccurate and harmful; they can also be accurate and beneficial."
"Words do really hurt people, so I want people to stop this narrative of her, it's just words, it's just words, that's not true."
"He's harmed too many people, caused too much damage, attacked too many kids."
"There's a lot of harm that's been done historically by people who are trying to save the world."
"The conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good."
"He knows the harm he causes. He knows the harm his audience causes. And he absolutely does not give a shit or take any responsibility for it."
"Speaking the truth should never hurt someone."
"Conventional wisdom tells us hate has no value. Hate is dangerous, hate is harmful, and if we are to achieve social justice, we must put a stop to hate speech, silence it by any means necessary."
"What people actually mean is that hate speech harms you in the sense that it propagates societal values that lead very very directly the harm of people."
"Assault is the threat of harm, battery is actual harm."
"Turning someone into a victim is the worst thing you could ever do to them."
"I think misinformation is the most harmful thing in the world right now."
"It is a demonstrable fact that the pain and suffering caused by the action of raping a child is greater than the momentary pleasure that might be felt by the rapist."
"It would be like yelling into a newborn's ear at full volume their entire life you're likely to damage their hearing like right out of the gate."
"Objective morals come from the understanding of when our actions cause harm and suffering."
"That's a pretty hard to think of things that are much more harming than someone's reputation."
"The truth is, I have never hurt any person or any animal in my life."
"Prejudice-- I call prejudice a cancer of the human soul. It destroys the people who practice it, and it destroys everything in its sight."
"Exposure to misinformation directly causes harm."
"slander is telling the truth with the intent of hurting someone's name or reputation."
"You've gone way too far, countless innocents harmed."
"The treatment was more harmful than just letting things run their course."
"Your intent was to really to harm as many people as you can and main intent was to spread fear resentment and hatred throughout this country."
"Let's take a more expansive view of harm, actually let's move it beyond the physical and into mental and social health."
"It's my belief that secrecy can cause real damage."
"This training harms individuals and it harms organizations."
"The evil eye refers to the supernatural belief that a person's glare, glance, or gaze can harm another person."
"When you start to give really gross terribly wrong information... you're really kind of hurting the people that are listening to you."
"Pointing out the implicit messages in a piece of art that might be harmful does not equal advocating for that art to not exist."
"The damage of spreading misinformation can cause irreparable harm."
"It's one of the worst things that a woman can do to another woman."
"People were calling him names that I was like that's words that you use exclusively for people who do what that word means."
"Love yourself well enough not to continue to hurt you."
"The bullying has to stop under the guise of helping them, hurting them and telling them that they're helping them."
"The worst thing that I've ever done is hurt you."
"These assumptions that patients are lying do a lot of harm."
"If you're never going to forgive him then you're the one taking the poison pill hoping he's gonna die or he's gonna be affected."
"Propaganda for war and national hatred are profoundly harmful and prohibited under international law."
"I prefer to look at it like an idea is stupid only when it's harmful."
"Real life bullying can do some pretty bad things to kids."
"Harm extends beyond mere surface physicality."
"Do not be deceived...it destroys the spirit of the person who consumes it as surely as the most deadly poison kills the body and the mind."
"This kind of ideology has the ability to seriously harm people."
"We are special people, exceptional people, and the worst thing that can happen to them is like inflicting further injury and an insult to them."
"Abuse generally means any form of harm, injury, pain, or violence inflicted on another."
"It's hard when you can see the harm but the people who are in it don't see the harm."
"Morality is about whether you would want to do something that harms someone else."
"The only person or being or entity or anything hurting your kids is you, Ruby. It's sickening."
"You do not hurt the people you love, you just don't."
"Depriving anybody of their constitutional rights is irreparable harm."
"Vendettas disguised as justice can do more harm than good."
"Cyberbullying and harassment are worse than not helpful; it can cause people real harm."
"She's a monster who tortured a patient with her unregulated medicine."
"Using these kind of insults against trans people in particular...there's a higher likelihood of causing harm to that person."
"Murder is objectively wrong because the harm done to the victim is significantly greater than the pleasure that the murderer derives from the act."
"If someone lies to you about who God is or you believe lies about who God is, there's nothing more harmful than that."
"Starting with those labels hurts everybody in the situation."
"It is never that serious that you have to hurt somebody else."
"We need not decide any issue of causal nexus to understand that the falsehoods themselves cause harm."
"The person who hurts the women that are being abused is the woman who lies about being abused. That's who causes the harm."
"My intention was to never cause harm to his family."
"Porn is evil, its intent is to destroy, its intent is to destabilize, and it's purposely used as a weapon."
"Using other human beings, inflicting pain and suffering... is the essence of evil."
"You shouldn't condone or accept people that want to cause you harm."
"No one heals themselves by wounding another."
"It's just awful to witness how many people are being harmed in one way or another."
"Do away with the judgment, and the notion 'I have been harmed' is done away with. Do away with that notion, and the harm itself is gone."
"Deliberately causing harm to others, whether physically or emotionally, is another significant red flag."
"One must never hurt the innocent; if they are no threat to anyone, then they are not worthy prey."
"He was clearly intent on causing serious bodily injury."
"We are dramatically overprescribing these medications and underestimating the extent to which they can cause people harm."
"Damn you, Hooker did this to my child."
"We definitely don't want to do that because we can cause more harm."
"This is hurting people for the sake of hurting them, this is lying for the sake of lying."
"Haunted by the ones we don't, the ones that you expect never harm you, it's the ones you don't."
"At the moment we're dealing with well over 500 people who've come to us and said that they feel that they were harmed."
"I can't leave it alone now because I recognize that it's doing harm to people."
"The severity being determined by a potential cause to harm, a class started out as benign, harmless except under extreme circumstances."
"Sometimes it's the people closest to us that can cause us the most harm."
"People go through hurt in relationships, but when you hold on to it, it becomes harm."
"Eugenia is a creator who is doing a lot of harm with her platform."
"She deserves to be held accountable when she is hurting people with her platform."
"Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to its neighbor."
"I never ever wanted to hurt a civilian."
"Now, Strife is more deadly than a rattlesnake because it does damage that rattlesnake bite you might can be healed and be okay, but that Strife can absolutely ruin our lives."
"Spreading disinformation like this can be really damaging."
"Relationships with borderlines are exceedingly destructive for both parties."
"I personally think hookup culture was a terrible experiment and I think that it has harmed both men and women."
"The act of overthinking is harmful to the mind. It gets into our thoughts through doubt and moves around like a bug."
"Wow, they did him so wrong. They chopped his legs off and then set his entire body on fire."
"The law of balance will engage, and it will create something that shows you that when you choose to put yourself out of balance, all you do is harm yourself."
"Telling someone that they have Alzheimer's when they don't is one of the worst things that you can do to a person."
"Unintentional harm is still harm."
"I don't know, I think it depends on how much harm they're doing. The ones with big platforms, yes."
"Once it's done harm to your life I don't think there's a 50-50 solution."
"Evil is defined not as something done out of survival but as something done out of malice, the pure desire to harm."
"The person causing harm to you might be someone close."
"Justice has been served and a nurse who should have been caring for our babies as being found guilty of harming them."
"This person went out of their way to plan something to hurt someone, possibly even through spirituality."
"The wrong leader can do such amazing harm."
"They'll poison people to prevent them from getting high."
"If we do harm to another, we do it to ourselves; if we do some good to another, we'll do it to ourselves because we are all connected."
"None of us meant for this. We don't wake up thinking, 'I'm gonna do evil today.' I assume most of you don't intend to do that, right? It's just like we don't want to cause harm, but it happens inadvertently in some cases."
"The realization of the harm I had caused to innocent bystanders and the moral toll my actions were taking on my own conscience weighed heavily upon me."
"If you encourage someone to commit suicide, you are an absolute piece of [__]."
"We need to listen to the experience of people who have experienced harm... it's a prerequisite for science."
"You cannot support a system that destroys people's bodies and brains like that you just can't."
"Allah never forbids anything except that it is harmful, damaging, and destructive."
"Any rational and moral individual would find Josiah's definition of 'harm free' very different."
"It's uncomfortable to come to realize when we are active participants in a system that is so harmful."
"When you force a square peg into a round hole, you damage the peg. When we try to force an autistic person into a neuro-typical mold, we damage the autistic person."
"The drug was a poison that was rotting people's bodies and minds."
"The most harm of all is done when power is in the hands of people who are absolutely persuaded of the purity of their instincts and of the purity of their intentions."
"Secrets only cause people harm and cause a lot of suffering."
"It's like they just don't care, I mean they don't care how they hurt you."
"The key issue is doing no harm to others."
"Pedophilia I consider to be wrong because it is actively damaging someone else."
"racism is not just about attitudes it's also about the power to harm other people's lives"
"Narcissism is one of these patterns that may actually do more harm to the people around them that it might do to themselves."
"You don't want to hurt people, right?"
"The only lessons it taught was methods of suicide."
"There's something terrifying in not knowing why someone wanted to harm you."