
Parenting Advice Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"The best advice I ever got around kids was: Tom, have kids, don't have kids, it doesn't really matter, but whatever you do, do it all the way."
"A stranger is a stranger, and who do we never talk to? Strangers."
"The research is very clear that hitting your children and using corporal punishment with children is not effective; it's actively traumatizing, it's actively dangerous."
"The best gift you can give your children is for you to be emotionally healthy."
"If you aren't prepared to love your child unconditionally, you really should look into not being a parent."
"Parents, people have a problem with this: learn to love people for who they are, not what you think they should be."
"If you're a father, make the effort. Do everything you can to be in your children's daily lives."
"Try to be consistent, available, responsive, and present. Be that secure base for your child."
"Do not be afraid to admit when you are wrong or when you make mistakes to your child."
"Children don't really look at their parents and listen to anything that their parents say. The more you preach, it's like you're a television on mute."
"Don't hit your kids. Don't hit your kids. This is what it all comes down to."
"Teach your kids this one thing: be where you're supposed to be, and do what you're supposed to do."
"You should explain to them the why when you're asking them to do something or telling them to do something."
"Let them explore and give them a way out. Tell them as the parent, 'Explore this stuff, try this on, but if you try this and you don't like it, then we can change, we can go back, you can get different clothes, you can grow your hair back out.' Don't pigeonhole your kid into this...into this thing."
"Let the kid make that decision, let that happen organically."
"I don't know a lot about parenting, but what I've gathered is that parents don't really like it when other people try to tell them how to parent their kids."
"Get your kids out of the public school system."
"No, it's funny, my number one bit of parenting advice has been, listen to no one, because it's always a unique experience."
"Your greatest gift is listening to what your kids said versus telling them what you feel."
"Take a family vacation if you can. Don't bring other kids to entertain your kids. I know it's easier on you as the adults in some ways but you spend the time with them, put in the effort, you won't be sorry."
"Build that bond outside of your regular routine with your children."
"When it comes to our children, we try our hardest to teach them how to look for signs, to be aware of evil people, and to choose their friends wisely."
"When first we practice to deceive, we’ve all told our children, tell the truth, it’s easier to remember than all the lies that can be told."
"Don't start nighttime for the kid, start in the daytime because you've got to suddenly give them tape."
"You don't have to be perfect, you have to be present."
"Don't put your issues on your child; let them come to their own awareness and conclusions."
"Sometimes the lesson needs to be learned through the butt, do it well, if you don't do it as a parent, the police will, bottom line."
"Just because someone on Instagram is popular and sounds authoritative doesn't mean their parenting advice is truly proven in the long-term."
"Don't make your kids pay for what happened with you in your relationship."
"Just love your kid... Try to limit the exposure your child has to social media."
"Good parenting does not mean preventing your child from ever feeling negative emotions."
"Rule number five, do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them this is actually my favorite rule."
"Engage your children help them if it is allowed and permissible and if it is if it can happen and you've tried your best to guide them then let it happen perhaps it might be the best way."
"I don't tell my son, 'You can't do anything.' I tell my son, 'You have to work twice as hard.'"
"Nipsey Hussle said, 'Experience is the biggest teacher.' You know? It's pros and cons to social media, just, you just gotta let your kid know what the pros is and what the cons is."
"Nothing wrong with us having a social life as parents. I encourage parents to have a social life."
"Teach your kids... Teaching your kids to be prepared is key."
"That's why as parents y'all need to limit your kids from playing and watching all that foolishness."
"If they're doing it for the kid, you just gotta do what you guys want to do."
"It's developmentally appropriate for a child under the age of four months to use and rely on a pacifier."
"Sleep training doesn't mean that you're sixteen week old baby has to stop eating overnight."
"If you're a parent and you're going through this, it's so much better to try to help that child through it."
"Let your kids make a good case. If they win the argument, they get their way."
"Tell your kids treat people how you'd want to be treated."
"Some of you are raising your son to be the exact type of man that you would never want to marry yourself."
"Let them be who they want to be, you know, and not push each other's personalities on each other."
"This is what I need to teach my child, is sometimes doors open for others."
"You should never put your hands on other people's kids."
"It takes 15 minutes a day for you to work with your kids, your kids are gonna thrive."
"Parents must set limits... Without it, the child believes the world will conform to their demands." - Modern Guide to Successful Parenting
"Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child." - Speaker
"Why not teach your baby not to be another BM but to be a wife?"
"That's a beautiful little girl and I want to say to the father, Mr. Childs, take care of that baby, continue to take care of that baby and just do the best by her and just always don't put nothing above your baby, not now and not ever,"
"Schedule one-on-one time with your children."
"These are sources of value that like sometimes like millions of dollars cannot touch."
"It's easier to raise strong kids than to repair broken men."
"Dogs need boundaries just like men and children."
"Teach your child what they need to know and pray for them." - Proverbs 22:6
"Children need to understand sometimes when parents are saying something that you don't pick at the faults of what they said."
"This consumerism is off the chart. Instead of always buying more, more, more, teach your kids how to organize, be responsible, and take care of their things."
"My advice to new parents is don't worry so much, just enjoy being parents."
"Just feed your baby, feed them formula, feed them breast milk, feed them breast milk out of a bottle, feed them other people's breast milk, feed them formula out of a bottle, just feed your baby, that's good, you're a good mom."
"Encourage, talk to, or not talk at, or scream at children... because a wound, it stays with you."
"The greatest gift you can give your child is a passion to search out who they are inside."
"The best thing you can do for your children is to have two present and involved parents."
"Your ultimate path to accomplishing this isn't by sharing data... but by having a loving, respectful relationship."
"Every kid and baby is different, it is just all about the consistency that you and your baby feel comfortable with."
"Humility is what kids need to be taught today."
"Just don't give up, especially if you have a kid."
"You never have to apologize for doing the right thing, Jon."
"You don't beat a child and refuse a child the right to cry." - Christian Wachovia
"We cannot, God tear parenting says Dion there. So there you go. Elite parenting says Sean. Elite bridge says Adam. Okay, so what I was going to say is that you've got to be very, very careful."
"I would teach my kids the value of practice and repetition."
"Teach Your Children Well... Stay safe, be kind, and never lose your sense of humor."
"Please don't do this to your children protect their privacy especially their medical privacy it's really important."
"Parents are facing more challenges than ever, how do you be an effective parent in 2021 when there's so much out there at your child's fingertips that is potentially or just straight up evil, tough."
"I hope this was helpful to you and you got some good tips to take away to really boost your child's language development."
"It's better to teach a child restraint rather than restriction."
"Teach restraint over restriction. Teach your kids how to regulate themselves."
"Whether you cloth diaper or not, I think it's important for you to have an on-the-go wet bag."
"Don't let other parents goad you into ruining your own child's childhood."
"Teach your children to be bound read sovereign strong young adults."
"What a lesson for dads out there or parents in general."
"Raise your children for the future, don't raise them to be slaves of the past."
"Parents should never, never tell their child that it's not okay to have a negative emotion."
"I would say encourage your children by what you do because sometimes what you say is not enough. Actions speak louder than words."
"If your child is playing, even just for a few minutes, or just for one minute, don't say anything. Do not evaluate."
"It's not okay... breaking down gender barriers and destroying the binary... no kid understands any of that or cares about it."
"Just raise compassionate children and don't put your gender [ __ ] on them."
"You listen to the child, if the child is crying and doesn't want to go to a way to school then that is something you need to take into account."
"Don't ever comment on how someone else raises their kids until your kid grows up."
"Take care of yourself before taking care of your children."
"Stop trying to protect them from everything."
"Be consistent and think about the future, think about the future of your child."
"From one busy parent to another, today I'd like to take you guys on a little tour of my Montessori toddler and baby shared playroom."
"Rather than being a parent as this reality defines it, empower your kids to be the greatness that they are."
"Breastfeeding, if possible, is a good thing to do..."
"It does not matter how we define success; these principles work for all."
"Encouragement and feedback with regard to their efforts is Light Years better than any form of Rewards or punishments."
"Raise your children up in the way they should go."
"The fundamental moral obligation of a parent is to encourage your children to be great Partners in play."
"Teach your kids not to steal, how about that?"
"If mothers were to follow his advice, they would produce more confident adults."
"Parenting is not easy, but the key is to put the time and love in and be willing to discipline."
"Don't expect your child to live your life through your child."
"Every parent should be teaching you: What do you want? How much is it gonna cost you? How are you gonna pay for it? And is it really worth it?"
"It's important to very quickly get your children settled so they can feel secure and safe."
"What advice do you have for parents who want to do right by their kids? Let kids go barefoot and try to keep them in minimal shoes."
"Love and support is more important than anything when it comes to parenting children."
"Kids don't need perfect moms, they need happy moms."
"I would just tell young moms that kids don't need perfect moms, they need happy moms."
"Unconditional love, those are the moments of being real parents."
"The best way to combat that is to be in communication with your children."
"And sorry, parenting hot tip, raising a child with a disability through their teenage years they can be just as challenging as every other teenager."
"Spend your money wisely, give your kids a better start."
"Don't dress your kids up as serial killers or any real killer. Don't do that. Like, why?"
"It's important to learn how to invest and it's important to teach your children how to invest."
"My advice to you is, on your free time volunteer at like a daycare or at a point well, because I got two kids in my house."
"Encourage him to do it, make it fun, so play with it, move it around a little bit within his bedtime routine and good luck."
"Teach your children to go with their gut instincts."
"Breast is best" honestly, "fed is best" - prioritize your child's well-being.
"It is okay, the only thing your baby really, really needs the most is your love, your affection, and your attention."
"Just give your kid love man, and everything will be okay."
"The best gift parents can give a kid is for them to have a happy relationship."
"As long as your baby's fed and as long as you and your baby are happy, that's all that matters."
"Love and logic gives you a lot of tools and tips to bring back fun to parenting."
"Maybe what you need to do is spend some more quality time with your kid."
"If you train up a child in the way they should go, they won't depart... it's never too late, even if you feel like it is."
"Your young children should not be anywhere near social media. They shouldn't have phones at all."
"If you're a new parent, sleep when your baby sleeps."
"Stop beating your kids, they deserve better. Teach them early on how to behave without physical torment."
"Not the [__], your hub got this one wrong. It's not about grabbing too much candy, it's about you telling your son not to do something and him screaming no at nine years old."
"We're back to the peanut butter and jelly thing that I talked about earlier. Any amount of time invested in your kid's emotional maturity and development is going to be a positive."
"Tips for co-parenting: Always put your child first."
"If you're not prepared to not be selfish, don't have kids. Don't bring kids into toxic situations."
"It's okay to ask for advice that doesn't make you a bad mom. Okay, it's better that you ask than try and muddle your way through it and then not sure what you're doing."
"There's lessons in it for our children specifically to live out what you preach."
"It's better to raise your kids to be kind, thoughtful, emotionally intelligent."
"Put my kids to bed extremely early... your kids are gonna sleep more, they're gonna be happier."
"Everyone just wants her home. I'm scared and I'm hoping."
"Bond with your child, please God, bond with your child."
"Don't let them grow up so fast, spend more time with them."
"If you don't have kids, don't speak on the subject."
"It's important as parents that you sit down and talk with the kids individually."
"Try to avoid direct indoctrination but love your kids, be willing to say 'I don't know' when you don't know, and don't just finish with 'I don't know,' say 'I don't know, but let's see if we can find out' to encourage in them a sense of discovery."
"Enjoy your children, enjoy your sons and daughters, and spend as much time as you can with them before it's too late."
"Every situation of your children's life you should look at it independently."
"I try to teach this to my own kids and hopefully I reach some other kids that are in you know that listen to my shows they'll come follow me that there's a whole world out here experience."
"My philosophy is like if the newborn is sleeping, they don't need to be sleeping in your arms."
"Understand your kid and understand what they can handle and be sure to be flexible when you get to Disney World."
"If you're a Christian who got this far, I hope something I've said will help you rethink something about your approach to parenting."
"Slow down and consider: is what I'm doing really truly loving?"
"Promise me that you'll never spend more money for your child to play a game than you spend for your child to have a future."
"Parents should support what fulfills their children in life."
"Children should be kept out of the public eye as much as possible."
"Be careful, don't be restrictive towards your children." - Neglecting parental guidance leads to societal consequences.
"If you're a parent and you got that eight or nine year old that is going to a skateboard part for the very first time right."
"Parent your children in restaurants, on the streets, at home. Parent them. They are meant to be parented."
"Every baby and every parent is different so be flexible."
"My biggest parenting advice is to make those hellos and goodbyes because it doesn't matter what parenting techniques or what you end up doing if you don't have a good relationship."
"You're creating a monster if you're not allowing your child to actually be a normal kid. Stop that [__] right now. Privacy? Why? They're just trying to hold that word over your head."
"Stick with me to the end of this video because it has the capacity to make you a much better parent."
"Parents, please build strong relationships with your children."
"You need to talk if you a parent you need to be given the game every day all day they going to get tired of it they might act like they sick of it but you got to give them the game."
"Teaching your child how to be in touch with their feelings can be very beneficial for them."
"Stop making them wrong, that's one of the most detrimental things that parents do to children."
"Second, you never ever want to shame a child's feelings and you definitely never want to gaslight their feelings."
"You don't have to be a perfect mother; there's no way to be a perfect mother. You can be a good mother and there's a million ways that we can be a good mother."
"Stop beating your kids, stop spanking your kids, let's use our minds because I'm sorry we need to be able to reason with children."
"We want to promote strength and growth in our children, and by mocking them, that's doing nothing to help."
"Parents need to talk to their kids directly saying this is not real this is fake."
"The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that it is unsafe for babies to wear swaddles beyond eight weeks old."
"I think the last thing I would tell you to bring that I've heard at other hospitals they really care about is your pediatrician's information like their contact information and their name."
"Sleepers with snaps are the enemy I would highly recommend getting sleepers that zip up from the bottom and just leaving it at that if you feel the need to dress your baby when you're in the hospital."
"I was kind of debating whether or not it would be worth it to get one of these, but after talking to several mom friends they said it is a game changer when it comes to smell."
"I hope the information that I've shared today can be beneficial to you as you get ready to welcome your own baby or even just look to improve what you are doing for your baby's play right now."
"If we continue on implementing the things that Jo has taught us, we're going to be happier and we're going to be a better family and more loving family. Thanks, Jo."
"Just try to be quiet, go in the other room, and let your partner take care of the baby and figure it out on their own."
"Just take it easy at least the first four weeks."
"Absolutely not the butthole what she should have done in that moment was take the opportunity to teach your child about kindness respect and differences"
"So do not put a regular diaper bag on your lists do not go out and buy one."
"It's the way we talk about parenting that has been interfering with our instincts."
"I want us to talk about it so y'all can stop making these mistakes with y'all kids."
"Resist the temptation to manipulate behavior by comparing children to each other."
"Recommend virtue to your children; it alone can give happiness, not money."
"Best advice I can give to any father out there is pick your kid up no matter what your kid does."
"It's better for your baby to lay flat than to be in a car seat long term."
"If you're considering doing sleep training, please do it."
"Save your money, save the stress, and just invest in baby wonder suits."
"Please leave your experiences... so we can help all other mommies to be watching this video."
"The first thing to try and do is try and reduce the stress in your child's life."
"Having those open conversations with your kids are so important."
"I've always told my kids... just speak truth."
"Before I had baby G, somebody told me, 'When you get him onesies, make sure they have zippers.'"
"So lesson for today is have kids."
"Focus on the big stuff, don't worry about the little stuff, be age appropriate in all these ages, and you won't have problems."
"If you need to leave a relationship for your peace of mind and your emotional security, that is what's going to raise the best child."
"Floor time is amazing. Floor time is going to teach them a lot of motor skills without you really having to do much."
"Just be there for your kids, you know, don't judge, just listen to them and support them."
"The goal of the show is to take the nonsense that's out there in the world on mental health and marriage tips and how to raise your kids, and to cut through all the nonsense in a simple, simple and direct way."