
Family Love Quotes

There are 773 quotes

"I truly love nothing more than spending time with my wife and kids, like truly there is nothing I enjoy more."
"I love you guys so much. Our family is my life."
"Make sure you love your mommy and your daddy."
"The dads on the bus go, 'I love you,' all through the town."
"Success is about being loved by your family and loving your family and doing the will of the one who made you."
"Even if you find out that you're adopted, it doesn't change the fact that your parents are the ones who loved, raised, and cared for you."
"I love my family; they are here for me. Mommy, Daddy, baby, oh my family. Oh, I love you, Mommy. I love you, Daddy. Oh, I love my baby, my superhero."
"Autumn came to me... she was just like, 'I love you, Daddy.' And I was like, 'I love you too, Autumn. Why you say that?' 'I don't know, I just love you.'"
"Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace."
"We're going to find a solution for you, okay? You know mommy and daddy and grandma, we love you so much."
"I love what I do, and I love acting, and it's so fulfilling. But I love my children and I love my husband."
"The amount of love I have for my family is exponential, and it's never going to die."
"I just want to tell y'all I'll be home soon, I love my family."
"Love your family and how you are role models for autism."
"That's just her backward way of showing her papa she loves him. Ultra mega charming, isn't it?"
"Thank you for sharing our story. Mama's out there, hug your babies tight tonight, please, for me, just hug your babies tight tonight."
"Orphan Paul finally found the love he had been searching for a long time, the love of a family."
"My mom and dad were so in love with each other... he showed me what a loving husband and father is."
"What a great sacrifice to show that she loves her family."
"We have two individuals, parents who love their children."
"We don't just love one kid, we love multiple children."
"I think life is always going to be greener on the other side, but then there's your kid, man. I have massive love for my girls."
"Love for our children is one of the most powerful forces belonging to human beings."
"Mom and I love you boys both and we're proud of you."
"This week has meant everything to my life. I love the family, I love the atmosphere, I love their personalities, I love everything."
"You know my brother and I love each other. I love him deeply. There has been a lot of pain between the two of us especially the last six years."
"His daughters and his family just-- they revere this man. And the love in his family is spectacular."
"Love the ones with whom you live and eat good food and get outside."
"Love my family, love me. That's really all that counts."
"Will they ever be able to doubt that their mum loved them? Never, no no no no."
"He's adorable, he's sleeping and he's... oh my God, I love you, son."
"Love your family, love your love for animals."
"When it comes to family, love is all it takes."
"I loved my wife, loved my children, I loved my work, I had just heard that a book of mine had been optioned for a movie."
"You grew up in a household that was very loving."
"Hey Mom, I'm sorry, I love you, I really do. Your child still is here and she loves you, she always will, regardless of whether or not you believe her to exist."
"She's my heart, you know. I love my parents but she's at first place."
"I really love you and I think you're the bestest daddy ever."
"Hearing my wife say, 'I'm so proud of you, Jay,' and my daughter, 'Daddy, I love you,' my son leaning into me..."
"Your mama loves you so much and your daddy, these whole families love you so much."
"We always surrounded him with love and he returned it and so much more."
"I love my children, I love my unborn child, I love your brother, I love you, I love your family."
"Nobody will love you like your children, nobody."
"Every day is special with a beautiful mom like you."
"May you continue to find solace in the love of your family."
"Christina's innocent soul and Unconditional Love Brought so much happiness to her family."
"We've grown to love the imperfections in my family. That's my family, those are my people."
"I have food, I have shelter, I have a family who loves me, I have little sloths like you."
"Between them, they had a big and loving family."
"You make me so proud, you can do it sweetheart."
"Mommy, daddy, did I tell you that I love you guys so much?"
"I love my kids more than I love anything in this world."
"Our children were made of love not the intention of I'm gonna get with him and you know so I'm glad it happened the way happening oh yeah they're gonna spew out music it spews out of their blood it's so cool."
"If you have a family that loves and cares for you, tell them you love them today because tomorrow is not promised to anyone."
"We should be spending a lot of time training and raising disciplining, loving our children."
"He is grateful at those things which irritated him, he is overflowing with love for his children and wife."
"I'm asking God to give me a deeper love for my wife, my children, and my fellow man—a deeper love."
"Love your life, love your family, have a positive mindset."
"Your family will not love you for the number of things you do for them but for what you are."
"A baby is a cutie carried inside him for one week in his arms for three weeks and in his heart until the day he dies."
"I wake up every day grateful to be married mostly because I love my wife and family, but also because I simply could not be a single man in this environment."
"Don't ever let a day go by without telling your family you love them."
"Mommy loves you please don't think that mommy hates it."
"Make sure he never forgets where he came from and he never doubts that he is loved."
"Living your life, having a good time, loving on your family, that's what it's all about."
"You need to realize that your dad is not going to stop loving you no matter what you tell him."
"The amount of love I have for my family is exponential that it's never going to die and they need I want them back."
"I love my wife and I love my son to the max, that's basically it."
"I love my mommy, she's been an amazing mama."
"Love your family, love your kids, and truly stay blessed."
"There's nothing in the world that would stand between myself and me loving my kids. Nothing."
"When you feel loved by kids, there's nothing better than that."
"Mom, I just think you're beautiful and wonderful and the most amazing mom in the whole world."
"The only person who's going to unconditionally love you is your mother. There should be no expectation for someone else to unconditionally love you in that way."
"He is like a physical manifestation of our love, like we always tell him that he is our love realized into a being."
"You know, it's pretty clear that the kid loves me."
"Hug and kiss the ones you love, tell them every single day tomorrow's not guaranteed."
"Regardless of what people do on the street, they love their families."
"This is for you, my daughter. Daddy loves you. This is for you."
"Frankie does that to his brothers and sister, wow, does, I love you, see, I don't tell my siblings I love them often, you probably should, you should tell them."
"Thank you, my beautiful children. I love you guys."
"I love you son... to my son never forget that I love you."
"We just know that he's Luke and he's amazing, and we love him so much."
"Pretty soon, they have their baby daughter. She is just the light of Omar's life."
"There's emptiness in my heart, I love my son more, I feel my life itself. I would die for him, I would kill for him, I would do anything for him."
"Like a father or like a grandparent who just loves you and wants the freaking best for you."
"Rachel deserves a loving father, a father who cares for her."
"Now my mom tells me every day I love you, and you know how that feels, that feels good."
"I'm not banking on dying anytime in the next year but I got life insurance because I love my family."
"The love of her family... gives her the most strength."
"Seeing my kids' faces really makes me want to work hard."
"But I always knew it was going to get better. You did. And I get to be his mom. It's so wonderful what you got is so wonderful."
"I'm so happy for our family because we really, we just love it here."
"There are all sorts of different families but if there's love dear and you'll have a family in your heart forever."
"He was a good dad, he was a good soldier, he was loved by his family."
"Suzanne loved her family. There was just no way that she was going to leave that behind for whatever reason."
"There isn't anything quite like a father's love."
"Love your family and love your children. Love in my interpretation is the name of God."
"Teamwork that makes the dream work, amen. I love you family, God bless you all."
"To my babies, my six little chicks, you are a part of me. I'm sorry."
"Human mothers and fathers don't love their children as we do. They're not the same as we are."
"If they don't love my kids as much as that, I don't want it."
"I've never had a purer love, a more unconditional love than I've had with my children."
"Food is the universal language. Happy Mother's Day, Mom, we love you."
"This is my family, they're wild but I love them."
"Love you sweetheart, you will always be my baby girl."
"Everything in my life is okay as long as my daughter loves me."
"I truly truly love nothing more than spending time with my wife and kids... just being with my wife and my children."
"Just hug your friends and family while we're all still here you guys it's it's a really hard time."
"Having a daughter was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"I'm super blessed to have a very big family who have always loved me and pampered me."
"You are a super parent and feel that your life is completely full of love."
"No matter what, your mother and father love you as much as they can."
"Luckily for Easton and Molly, they have a fantastic dad to remember, who loved them both more than anything in the world."
"They were loved, you know? They both come from families that just loved and adored them and provided for them."
"Hug your grandkids hug your children uh you know stay the course don't don't don't get caught up in them the mishagosha of all of this."
"The film version of Poltergeist is a lot warmer and kinder, and you can feel the love of the family and how their love is their strength."
"How did we create a world where that just like having hesitancy about taking a vaccine saying that hey I love my white mother and my black father and I'm not going to disavow them."
"A lot of times the people who love you the most are the ones who are closest."
"I'm a little sad because my dad and mom are not together, but they still really love me a lot."
"My two little girls, they are irreplaceable."
"Our hearts truly go out to her parents; they clearly love her."
"Christmas is dominated by how positive you are, how much love you have around you, and how much spirit you have."
"She clearly loves you a lot, loves your family, loves your kids, the deaf yeah."
"Make them feel loved, man. Dad loves us. Nothing else matters."
"Show your parents' love. Keep smiling to them and know that they only love you."
"We love you, happy birthday Reese, Royal, Ren!"
"This is the family right loving the death and I appreciate all the opportunities."
"You are the sweetest baby in the world to me."
"Happy birthday Brittany, your mother loves you and I think the world of you."
"The state becomes a sort of supplement for Dad, but there will always be this essential difference between the love of a father for his own child than the love of the state."
"Be in the moment, live in the moment, love as much as you can your family."
"If you love your family, you know, you love your family by staying away from them right now."
"I love you more today than the day you were born."
"You really don't know true love until you've had your first grandchild."
"Ultimately, it doesn't stop me achieving things, it doesn't stop me being happy, it doesn't stop me loving my family."
"Tell your kids you love them okay so they don't end up with daddy issues."
"You'll be haunted by the fact that nothing else out there no matter how good it is no matter how many quantity that you can get can ever replace home."
"I love my children more and I want to see them grow up and I want to see their grandkids."
"I cannot express how much I love this family and this DAC."
"Can't ever forget how much your family loves you."
"You're my hero. I love you more. No ghosts at all. Good night, my boy. I'm the best dad ever."
"Happy birthday my lovely daughters... I'm always reminded the day you were born that I expected one beautiful daughter and I had two..."
"He was a special friend, he loved to laugh, he always wanted to make people around him happy, he loved hanging out with the boys, he loved his wife, he loved his family, he loved his children."
"You need the love of your family to give you the strength to deal with life's challenges."
"We absolutely absolutely love love having our extended family all over the world."
"Despite their issues, Lorelei really loves Rory; she wanted her to succeed."
"I love you so much thanks for hanging with us every day make sure you come back this weekend it's the weekend baby we are going to be decorating and December holds a lot of really fun things for our family."
"Remember, your family is someone who loves you unconditionally."
"My mom is so awesome, she makes me the best mac and cheese."
"She meant the world to me but meant the world to my family and so many of you that never got a chance to actually hug her, smell her hair, smell the sweet sweat when she came in from outside."
"Boys are fine... I'm gonna love him so much."
"That love brought us our family, our children, and our grandchildren. If that's not magic, I don't know what is."
"The solution for Black revolution is first and foremost love in the Black family."
"Give me that baby! I missed you! You and daddy have a lot of catching up to do."
"You're never gonna find unconditional love like you will with family."
"I love my children and I love my girlfriend. I'm crazy for her."
"They died heroes protecting their one and only son, who they loved with all their heart."
"I did, I had a very loving family, so blessed."
"My daughter was born this year, and I want my little girl to have a happy life."
"This is an investment to me. This is a message to my grandchildren: If you ever watch this, this is how much I love you. I don't even know you yet."
"I love and accept each member of my wonderful family."
"I've always dreamed of a day where i could be like hey love you guys have a great day i'm going to my office to work and leave the house and have a separate space because i love my family and i love my kids so much."
"Grandpa was really tired but he loves you very much."
"I'm lucky that my kids... they love me."
"Her dad was perfect because he was her dad, and she loved him."
"Love you Dad, Anastasia, Tori, you guys are the best."
"Are you getting one? Yeah, I'm gonna be with my four-year-old holidays. I love it."
"Absolutely love my family, I'm so blessed and fortunate to have them in my life."
"I love Kyrie, and I like being here on his birthday. I didn't know it was his birthday today. And I love Kyrie. I love my nieces, DJ, Kyrie, Nova, and Ayla. I love them. I love Bianca. I love Damon. Great family. 3 Lay children."
"Sometimes okay, noted. I love you, grandma."
"Miles very clearly loves his mom, dad, and uncle, even though he doesn’t always see eye-to-eye with his father."
"Beneath the tensions, the movie is about finding trust in a world of doubt, rediscovering love for humanity through love of family."
"You saw a love in our family that is real."
"My dad is amongst my favorite people."
"Hey mommy, hey daddy, grandma, grandpa, aunties, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins, I love y'all."
"Adoptions run in some families. I love my adopted father, my adopted father loves me. I know one day I'll become a mother through adoption."
"Happy birthday to our little princess with love Mom and Dad."
"...my brother was smiling widely and my mom asked him if he had posted it... my mum started crying her happiness... I love her so gosh dang much."
"I learned different. I knew then that I loved him as much as I did mama and papa, maybe in some ways even more."
"Cross your fingers that we get an apartment soon. Love you guys."
"Thanks, grandma, for the Starbucks gift card. We love you."
"I wanted to have a father to love, to love me like that."
"I now have three great kids and I love them all equally, something I didn't think was possible."
"He was a loving father to me and my brother, an even more loving grandfather to my children."
"Everyone loved her. She loved to dye my hair one color to the next, dress me up. I remember when I was younger, I would sometimes stay by her at night."
"That's what we're programmed, I believe, to do, is that you become protective about your kids. You know, you love them so much that's all you sort of think about."
"Mama really, really, really, really, really needs your love."
"...he adored his kids they were the most important thing to him by far."
"Show your parents that you love them in a way that is expressed that you know they will appreciate."
"The true scent of beauty to me would be my son."
"I hate murder. I hate death. I love my family. I want my family back."
"Hug your kids every day, kiss them every day, tell them you love them every day."
"Your Aunt Lucy loves you. I will always be here for you no matter what happens."
"I'm sorry they make you feel like that. I'm sorry that my brave, confident Lucy feels less than when she's around those people. But no one, not Mason's father, no one will ever turn me against you. God, don't you get it, Lucy? I adore you."
"We love you. You're our greatest father."
"This is the happiest moment I've ever seen my father. It's unbelievable. It's wonderful. He deserves it all. We love you. You're our greatest father."
"Dear Jack, I will never forget the first time that I held you after you were born, and I thank you for making me an aunt."
"My mama is my mama. I wouldn't be here without her, man. She's my queen. I leave her down with nobody, man."
"Try to show fairness to all of your children, try not to show that you love this one more."