
Fear Of Loss Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"We struggle to show love because we're scared of losing that person."
"Fear of loss is the single biggest driver of decision-making in the history of mankind."
"The only thing I fear...I fear losing my wife because the outsized return that I've gotten out of this marriage compared to what money's brought me...it's nothing compared to my wife. Nothing."
"They're afraid of losing you, and I feel like this person has just got used to your connection being like this; it's kind of become a comfort zone."
"You are everything to me. I would hate to lose you."
"Many people who appear to be fairly secure in their place in society actually have a reasonable fear of things going suddenly wrong and having a spectacular loss of security."
"All I know is that they make me really happy, and I don't want to lose them."
"The fear of losing and going out is what makes the feeling of winning even better."
"It’s only extremists who are afraid of losing their power."
"You're so afraid of losing the things you've saved that you hold them too tight."
"Once your ex gets to that point where they fear they could lose you and that they've made a mistake that's where things can really be good."
"Don't waste this, you literally have your dream come true now... I was so afraid to lose this growth once I had actually gained it."
"With success comes the worry that the success is gonna go away."
"We cannot be afraid to lose, we cannot be afraid to be truly free."
"Someone is seeing your value more and fearing losing it."
"You need a little bit of a fear factor to think if I don't find my best you know I could lose."
"Fear of losing people once you set boundaries is very valid."
"You can't let the threat of losing tomorrow keep you from making the most of today."
"I don't want to lose my property again, and I definitely don't want to lose my freedom again."
"They're afraid you've moved on and they're afraid to reject you."
"This fear that it will stop, that if you relax too much... this explosion will pass your grasp."
"They fear that they could lose you to someone else."
"I hope I never lose you to the ultimate loss of all, and that's life itself."
"I hope I never lose you, not from a place of fear, but from a place of appreciation."
"The intensity of their feelings freaks them out a little bit."
"People are so scared of losing what they have, they forget the blessings they God gave them."
"I'm scared to not have it again. I can't go back to that. Like, you just gotta be willing to grow, I think."
"They fear your sweetness because they're not sure if it's real or if it'll go away."
"His greatest fear would be losing the friends he holds so dear."
"Ever since you came here, I've been worried I was gonna lose my best friend."
"You're perfect, and I just feel like someone else might snatch you up before I'm in any position to treat you fairly."
"That's another one of my worst fears: losing someone I need when I need them the most and not accomplishing what I need to accomplish in my whole life."
"They're really afraid of losing you or that they've kind of missed the boat or that they've missed their opportunity."
"They're scared of losing you, they're wanting to feel secure, they're missing you, they want to be close."
"I don't know if I'll ever get it back. I'm scared I'll be scared of that. I mean self-care I can't even honestly."
"This person is deeply in love with you to the point where they would rather not lose you."
"Before that happens it's probably your worst fear in the world that you know union never is never going to happen."
"They feel like they've lost you that it may be too late and that's what's happening. They don't want to lose you all right. They want to get moving on this."
"I'm not afraid of death, I just want to be able to raise my kids."
"I never want to risk losing the people I love."
"They want to take action and they don't want to lose you."
"You guys are my everything. I love you guys. I can't afford to lose you guys."
"You're the most precious thing I've got, and I don't want to lose you anymore."
"When you're really in love with somebody, you don't want to lose them."
"The truth is I'm in love with you, and I can't bear to lose you."
"Your person is saying, 'Please stay with me, do not leave me'."
"This person would be really scared to lose you."
"This person is my world, I just don't know how to do this, but I can't let her slip away, I can't let him slip away."
"He was one of the truest people I'd ever known, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing him."
"They're not just afraid to lose you, they're miserable."
"Actually, they're now more scared of losing you."
"They don't want to lose that passion with you."
"I love everything about you, and I don't want to lose you."
"They're afraid to lose you, even if they don't completely have you yet. Jealousy is a big factor; they're scared you might disappear."
"I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you."
"I know how this feels and I dread losing this. If I lost this, I don't know how I would function. It is a treasured possession."
"I'm nervous, not only for losing you but losing what you want to do."
"I live in fear of losing you because I know how much of my identity and everything is tied up in you. Like I actually don't know who I am without you."
"If I ever find out they're discontinuing that, I will get backups."
"I absolutely love this fragrance, I am genuinely scared of running out of this."
"I have never loved and been loved like this before. It would break me to lose us."
"She can't die because I know I can't live without her."
"I could see my entire life with you and I would rather die than be alone without her."
"You want to find a woman that you're afraid to lose."
"Many people are not afraid of loving; they're just afraid of losing."
"This is the happiest I've ever been in my entire life, and I don't want this happiness to slip away."
"Life grows more precious and the fear of squandering that precious life grows more haunting."
"If this person loves you and they have come to that realization... they realize you can stay away, they could lose you, and that hurts."
"That's why I love Kushina. I can't bear to lose her."
"That's why I love you so much, I don't ever want to lose you."
"I do not want to lose you. You are one of the people I cherish most in this world."
"I'm afraid I will never love anyone else the way that I love you."
"I don't want to lose my wife, I don't want to lose my girls."
"I love them and I don't want to lose that bond that we have."
"They believe in victory, Father, because they cannot bear the thought of defeat."
"I love this job, if I ever get fired for this job, like if I get injured or something wrong, I will literally be heartbroken."
"I hope I can show what you meant to me, 'cause I don't know what to do if you go."
"I'm absolutely terrified of the prospect of ending it because maybe I'm never gonna find something I love as much."
"I wouldn't know what to do if I lose you, so I refuse to."
"I don't ever want to leave you. I lost you for a few hours, and it felt like the world was ending."
"The truth is that if I don't sit down and learn how to listen, I may end up losing the very thing that I'm trying not to lose."
"It's what friends are for, I just don't want to lose you."
"I don't want anyone to die, I cannot lose any more people."
"They don't want to lose you permanently."
"They love you very deeply and that's why they don't want to lose you."
"I care about you. I just don't want to lose what we have."
"You're the one person in my life that makes me happy and I can't lose that."
"I love you and the only thing I couldn't bear more than this is not having you."
"They're afraid of losing you and are starting to obsess over the idea of not having you."
"I never want to be alone, I never want to be away from you again."
"I've worked very hard to be at this place of peace, and I'm afraid of what me not staying in peace will look like."
"It's a little flag saying this is an important thing to me, I care about this, I love this, and that's why I'm scared of losing it."
"If you love someone, you value their place in your life, sometimes you're going to feel nervous about losing that."
"There's always a point in a guy connecting with a woman where he feels, 'I cannot afford to lose her.'"
"We don't want to lose our partner when we find our true self."
"After losing my sister, I was so worried that I would lose someone I love again."
"I couldn't lose someone that I love again."
"I'm afraid to lose you, you're not even mine."
"Most people never win because they are more afraid of losing."
"I still love you, and I don't want to lose you."
"When you love somebody, you fear losing them."
"They're afraid of losing you, afraid of maybe losing this future with you."
"I've never had anyone love me the way you do, and it scares me because I don't know what to do if I lose."
"I didn't want to lose Tristan. He's all I have."
"Please don't leave me; you're going to stay with me forever."
"Most Filipinos actually have a fear of engaging with someone that might not be there forever."
"They don't want to lose what they have with you."
"I love you Grace Campbell. I don't want to lose you ever again."
"I love this woman. I don't want to lose this woman."
"I would rather feel the loss of your potential death versus the betrayal of you saying no to me when I need you."
"It's about us, and this entire experience has made me realize how afraid I am to lose you."
"Once you have friendship involved, you just feel like you don't want to lose that person."
"I love him so much; he's my best friend. I don't know what I will do without him."
"I can't afford to lose you. What kind of madness is this?"
"Based on how we are now and realizing how he has always respected me, I don't want to lose him."
"I found me a good thing, and I ain't trying to lose it."
"I love you so much. I had no idea what I'd do without you."
"The biggest fear I have is thinking of an opportunity and not going after it and seeing if it can work."
"Now that I came so close to losing you, I love you even more."
"I cannot let myself lose you, I must have you always with me."
"I couldn't bear to lose you, not again."
"I don't wanna have to go where you don't follow."
"I can't afford to be wrong; don't want to lose you again."
"I love you so much and I don't want to lose you again."
"Himeno is really afraid of losing Aki, not just because he's her partner and she's lost too many before, but I think because she really actually likes him."
"I can't lose you, understand me. I can't."
"I don't want to lose you, I hope this never ends."
"Embracing you is my greatest pleasure. I don't want to lose it. I don't want to lose you."
"Because I'm not ready for you to not be here."
"I've unlocked financial independence and losing that now would be very painful."
"I've lost a lot before and dealt with it, but seriously I cannot lose you."
"This is not a loss I would be able to handle."
"I have never felt so complete in my life and that feeling will be gone if I lose you."
"You're the closest to Heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to lose you right now."
"You're the last person in the world I got left and I don't want to mess that up."
"I never want to lose it, and so like I just, I've been broke and I did not enjoy it, and I don't want to be broke."
"I don't know what I'll do if I lose you."
"The more you fear being abandoned by someone else, the more you risk abandoning yourself."
"I'm here because of you, because I love you, and I don't want to lose you forever."
"You're their dream man/woman and they're scared to lose you."
"You guys are the best friends that I've ever had and I can't lose you over this."
"I don't want to lose you too. I don't want to end this."
"These dogs are literally my life, just the thought of losing them makes me very, very, very, very upset."
"I don't want to lose you, Li Chuan."
"You're the dream man/woman scared to lose you."
"I can't afford to lose you. Not you."
"Never leave me in this life. I can't lose you anymore."
"My only sunshine, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."
"I don't want to lose you, the end of a tough cycle approaches."