
Life Lesson Quotes

There are 1132 quotes

"But my mom, the biggest lesson: just love. Yeah, she's just love. It's love. It's just family. It's all about love. It's all about love."
"Don't ever take anything for granted because you never know when something like this could happen to you."
"The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason."
"Money can't buy happiness. That's true though, you can't. So don't try to buy it, don't try to get rich. It's not gonna make you happy."
"The springtime of youth isn't about approaching a fight with the demeanor that you're stronger simply based off your hard work; the springtime of youth is a lesson to every single viewer."
"Patience is key. Patience is virtue. Patience is life."
"Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
"It's not about the quantity; it's about the quality."
"If this isn't a wake-up call, then nothing basically is."
"Do you know how many things we would have cheaply received in our lives? Only if we had the grace to ask."
"From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice."
"Everybody doesn't win, and the sooner you wake up to that, that biology is ruthless, man. Then you get a little fear in it. When you get a little fear in you, you start listening because if you're truly afraid, you listen."
"This rough period that you went through, this period of hard times and devastation...that was with Divine Purpose."
"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime."
"We got so much time; it's a little lesson for me to the Sun to the Sea, and you'd be just."
"If I've learned anything throughout my life, it's that consistency is key."
"I learned that every job is an education. That's what you steal from your job, not boxes, but the education."
"Disappointment is the child of false expectations."
"No one gives you anything in this life; you need to stop crying, stand up, and take it."
"Life lesson of the day: Make trees, not war, unless someone touches your throne."
"I hope you realize in life that you shouldn't be disrespectful to people."
"Learning from failure is the biggest lesson you could possibly learn in life."
"You can't expect someone or something to just fall into your lap; sometimes you have to remember that rejection is just part of life."
"You are about to learn the true meaning of what perfect timing is."
"If you don't appreciate what you have, one day you will wake up and it will be gone."
"In order to learn balance, one must be unbalanced. If you've never been unbalanced, you don't know what it is."
"It is possible to do everything right and still lose."
"Motherhood made me really understand the term work smarter not harder."
"I just learn in life like it's best not to share your plans so people don't [__] with you."
"You are capable of changing your financial picture... This is that lesson for you."
"This whole situation is proof that you could have everything today and it could all be gone tomorrow."
"How many times do I got to teach you this lesson, old man?"
"You are only responsible for your own happiness and it is important in this life that we remind ourselves of that because that is the case for everyone."
"I hope you learned his lesson here not to ignore his instincts."
"There's no disappointment without expectations."
"I'm not gonna make a million little mini tears."
"This was meant to happen. You've learned, and this is growth for you."
"That's a life lesson right there, don't let the pain of the past control you."
"If you make a problem someone else's problem, you don't have to fix it. That is a really valuable life lesson."
"It's a fascinating lesson about the random dimension of accidents."
"Time is money, I learned that early on. Time is money."
"What did I learn from it? If something didn't go as planned but you learned something from it and there was a lesson learned then it's a win-win situation for everybody involved."
"Respect is the only thing that you can really earn."
"You gotta play the game because it's a game."
"My dad... he instilled in me the belief that I have to give back... philanthropy has been a huge part of my life."
"Confidence is everything. If you go out to a grocery store, you have confidence that if you take something without paying for it, you will get in trouble."
"Possibly the most essential life lesson you'll ever learn is this anything you buy at a garage sale is probably going to be immensely valuable."
"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
"It's not impossible, you can do it. That's the moral of the whole movie."
"Sometimes, like I did last year, you can catch many, and sometimes you come up empty-handed, but it's a matter of persistence and not giving up."
"Just because you become champion doesn't mean you stop learning."
"Fail with grace. That's what I'm... you're gonna fail in life, that's what's gonna happen."
"Appreciate what you have before you lose it."
"Money can't buy happiness, kids. That's right. Money can buy you a lot of cool stuff, but it cannot buy you happiness that comes from within, you know?"
"You show me anybody who's trying to get rich quick, they end up poor for the rest of their lives."
"Let that be a lesson to all of us: when it's time to bow down, just bow down."
"I died and came back, learned from it, and now I'm here to share."
"Failure is the greatest teacher, and there's no judgment in making a call."
"The story of Jada and Maya teaches us the value of selflessness and love."
"All I had to do was apologize. Wow, that's a deep lesson guys, always say sorry."
"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely."
"Sometimes you get something awesome out of that, and sometimes you don't. Can't always get what you want, right?"
"The harder you hold on to something, the more it will escape you."
"You don't get anything in life unless you ask."
"You could do everything right and still lose."
"Live and learn, just a reminder to be more careful in the future."
"People of God, learn this lesson: we only have so much time on this world and we have no time to waste it."
"It's like the rain in Puerto Rico, it'll change in five minutes."
"Close mouths don't get fed so that's the lesson to learn there."
"If there is one thing to remember, it's that nothing is ever permanent."
"You should never look down at someone because one day you might be looking up to them."
"Stay humble everybody, that's a good lesson to learn."
"From this moment on, we're all a little wiser."
"Friendship is magic - certainly words to live by."
"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent." - Chaz's father
"Mr. Krabs is the living definition of money not bringing happiness."
"Sometimes you can take something good out of something bad and use it for your own good."
"Once you carry your own water, you'll know the value of every drop."
"What you thought was my destruction ended up being my blessing."
"I never connected the two things... when [expletive] gets tough you quit."
"You have all this money and you can't find happiness."
"Money can be acquired, time can never be bought back."
"Jealousy is the [ __ ] disease. If you don't know, now you know."
"Never count anyone out, that's an important life lesson."
"When you think you're super smart chances are you're not. Moral of the story."
"How you play the game, that's the real story."
"This is becoming also like one of the biggest wake-up calls you had in a really long time."
"Nothing is forever and everyone is replaceable, even me."
"Remember, no matter how flat the pancake is, it always has two sides."
"If you had one thing to teach your kids, what would it be? Not seven things, not twenty-two keys to success, just one thing."
"It's not a coincidence that you're here. This is going to be the exact message you need to hear."
"Never give up guys, never give up, that is the moral of the story in life."
"If you take things for granted, you will be grounded. Be grateful, it is a big deal."
"Life's too short... opportunities like this I take... because life's too short."
"Family's number one - don't ever sacrifice for something that's not going to matter eventually."
"Embrace the pain... every pain is a pass or promotion."
"You know what? It's fine for some stuff to require effort."
"Consider each forgiving person a blessing and keep moving forward."
"It feels great to be able to show you guys my room and my little room because it is my absolutely most favorite room in the whole house."
"Here's a story for you... sometimes it's okay to receive something graciously offered, take advantage of it."
"Every person on Earth has to learn for himself that happiness is not external."
"Don't ever forget the value of honesty as you grow up."
"The most important lesson I've learned: the less nervous you are, the more cautious you should be. Oh, it's good to be nervous!"
"Learning to wait patiently is one of the most difficult lessons to learn in life. It's a mark of maturity."
"It was a happy little accident and I learned a little lesson."
"The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density."
"People are like, 'Oh, but you're the only fish I want,' it's like listen, listen, listen, there is a point in your life where you will think that..."
"The definition of insanity equals doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
"You just got shot, that signifies you crazy."
"Don't give up your birthright like Esau did. He gave up his birthright for a measly bowl of soup."
"So it's a bit like Groundhog Day movie where Bill Murray kept living the same day over and over and over again."
"One of the major lessons is you have to be now."
"Yoda's platitudes and fancy explanations finally pay off... as he proves, 'Size matters not.'"
"When we have lost in our lives, it's a reminder for the living to live more fully."
"Life can throw a lot at you sometimes but you gotta keep your chin up, work hard, and never stop pushing. It's a good life lesson."
"True beauty is from the inside not from the outside... thank you Samir for such a gorgeous lesson."
"A life lesson resilience... we don't have to hate on each other as much."
"If this story teaches us anything, it's the good you put out into the world always has a way of coming back to you."
"This is by far the biggest lesson I learned... instead of worrying about what other people were doing they focused on themselves... they found a way to make it work."
"Things are meant to be hard, things meant to be challenging, but it doesn't mean that they have to be unenjoyable."
"Snoop actually taught me a valuable lesson, be who you are."
"Time, nobody can buy time. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, can't buy time. When it's gone, it's gone."
"As strong as he is, Deku cannot do this alone, and that is an important life lesson that he needs to learn right now."
"Its love, its compassion, that's what I learned."
"The only thing I can tell you is that that happiness cannot be bought in a shop."
"He learned that money doesn't buy happiness."
"Just because you're comfortable doesn't mean you're happy."
"In life, we tend to attract what we fear."
"Even with all the money in the world, you can't buy happiness."
"Money alone will not give you fulfillment."
"Failure may turn out to be the greatest thing that ever happened to me."
"Money ain't everything, but I'm telling you when them pockets get hit."
"Money does not make all your problems go away."
"It's an important life lesson to not just look at something and have such a strong emotional reaction that you let it control you."
"It's an important lesson to remind us that we all fail at some point in our lives."
"It's taught me how to be patient."
"Time waits for no man, mister, and don't I know it."
"It was a difficult lesson to learn, but one that I would never forget."
"Sometimes in life you need a kick in the ass to get moving."
"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
"You get what you sow, or you reap what you sow."
"It turned out to be for the best."
"Living with regrets is probably the worst thing ever."
"As weird as it might seem, this game specifically is the one I would argue is the most important or at least one of the most important rabbits' lessons in aggression."
"That's an important life lesson, Adley."
"I think that's just a life lesson man, sometimes you're going to be surrounded by people that you're not on their wave."
"This scene was not only able to make Mr. Stewart and Chris developed characters, but it actually tells a surprisingly deep life lesson without it seeming forced at all."
"There's a life lesson here: don't putt with the blue putts."
"This is the biggest lesson that I've learned in my life."
"The great lesson of life is that when you do that, you don't land on rock, you land on a feather bed. The world exists to lift you up, not beat you down."
"My biggest life lesson is to always put your family first. Don't get carried away, don't forget where you came from."
"When you're comfortable, why do you want to change?...It's a big lesson for me...the universe saw it that hey Perry, I'm going to kick your ass because I need you to learn something here."
"One girl said, 'Yeah, Bill Cosby touched me in 1962.' I'm like, 'Hold the [ __ ] up, 54 years ago? That don't count no mo. That's called a life lesson, learn from it [ __ ].'"
"I still love the lesson that it gives you. Just be a good person. Treat other people kindly."
"That's the key to life. And then you leave the room and they're like, 'How is he such a skinny legend?'"
"Every single day is a gift. And I think the greatest secret in life, if I was to teach me amigo, what's the secret to life? I would tell you that it's this: Let it go."
"So make the best of this test and don't ask why. It's not a question but a lesson and I hope you had the time of your life."
"It's a life lesson, not a regret."
"What do you say is the most important lesson you've learned in your life?"
"Penelope knows a life without vat is like a pie without filling."
"This feels like a life lesson that these kids sorely needed. You can't just spend a whole day shoveling snow and then expect this mystery person to pay you without ever consenting to it."
"Life lesson for any of you out there contemplating a Lamborghini purchase in the near future: you don't have to have the clothes for it, you have to have the mindset for it."
"There's a logic to it. What it is, is a life lesson - perseverance."
"No matter what you're doing in life, if you feel like you've given everything you possibly can, then yeah, no regrets. And I think that's a great lesson for everyone in any industry."
"The number one thing that I have learned is the compassion and kindness of strangers."
"One of the tenets of being a Spy Ninja is loyalty. I gotta take that with me for the rest of my life."
"I think it's more of like kind of a life lesson than a commercial, because maybe you should slow down and try to enjoy it more, you know that might be."
"We should take it as our biggest life lesson."
"Heartbreak is the number one lesson that everyone needs to learn."
"I think they do. I think it's a huge life lesson that people need to learn."
"Not the a-hole. You gave her a life lesson."
"You've really taught them this major lesson here on what's important in life and what isn't."
"That is a life lesson by Amy Woah."
"That's a really important lesson for everybody."
"I love how upfront Saitama is. I'm telling y'all, a lesson for life: be more like Saitama."
"Basic life lesson there you go that's your reading a bit of a disturbing one please take care of yourselves look after yourselves disclaimer in the box below or my opinion and thank you for watching I'll see you on the next one."
"The lesson here for me is to never ignore my spirit even if the whole world is telling me otherwise."
"I always thought that was like a good life lesson that I learned and just how you live your life is just have an urgency about yourself."
"Money can't buy everything, Jeremy. Alright, that being said, your parents are delightful!"
"What I learned from that trip is that I had to change the way I was thinking and talking, and I had to get into agreement with God's word."
"I truly feared Karma after I watched it destroy this girl's life right in front of me."
"Remember you don't stop playing because you were older, grow older because you're stopped playing."
"You never get a second chance to make a final impression."
"You gotta keep swimming, man. You gotta learn how to swim."
"Our Women are Smarter than that. They are not ready to collect 50, no, they just be patient, you will die, they will take 100 percent."
"Guys, let's learn from this situation. You cannot be the White Knight hero to go save them because they can't be saved."
"This is may 2005. But I still learned a very important lesson and those are the best kinds of lessons. You learn them and you still win the game."
"As I type this out and hit post, I've realized one thing, you don't truly ever win the game."
"The first thing I take away is actually not from his life, from his death. And I don't think his death is particular to his death, but anytime someone close to us goes, the first thing it does is reminds us we're next. We're gonna go, too."
"So the moral of the story is, if you want to make lasting friendships, always carry a spare stick to threaten your enemies with. But remember, it's all fun and games until someone throws up."
"One of those rare times you get a harsh reminder about what's important without having to pay the fee."
"I feel like the lesson would be to have more compassion."
"You get rewarded for the effort you put in. It's a lesson to learn in life, isn't it? You get rewarded for effort."
"Be thankful for what you have, be thankful for what you're given."
"Amen. My father has a say in life and he basically says to those much has been given, much is expected."
"You reap what you sow. That's the most important lesson I learned in life."
"The moral of the story is always trust your gut."
"So, I'm gonna conclude with a story about my grandfather because I think it'll help you understand why kindness and compassion is so important to me."
"More, more, more. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make it in life, but if you think that making it in life will make you more comfortable, it won't."
"Sometimes when you get into a toxic relationship, it's supposed to teach you something."