
Life And Death Quotes

There are 394 quotes

"Can you frighten Lazarus with death? He already died before."
"The power of life and death lies in the tongue."
"The living all suffer, but don't you think the dead suffer more?"
"I've spent my life dining upon flora and fauna to bring nourishment to my body; in death, it is my choice to be buried so that flora and fauna can dine upon me, completing the great circle of life."
"The wise person is beyond that grief, could understand the nature of life and death, and in that understanding could let that nature be."
"The power of life and death is found in the tongue."
"We get one birth, we get one death, and they're both amazing. They both allow that crap about living to fall away so you can focus on these two amazing times in your life."
"Your response is timely and effective will truly be a matter of life and death."
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."
"You cannot have equality of opportunity if you're dead."
"The reason I am interested in religion is not because of the bizarre cultural artifacts... but because it's dealing with the fundamental 'you were born, you're gonna die'."
"Humans have no right to decide life and death because whenever humans can decide life and death, we [ __ ] it up."
"You're in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors and nurses. They all take a step back, stunned. They're staring at you, but why? Well, you just came back from the dead."
"KERGHAN: 'Perhaps some souls are born into death – they never knew how to live.'"
"And when a story is about death, it's also inevitably about life."
"The difference between the one that remembers Allah and the one that doesn't is like the living and the dead."
"The power of life and death is in the tongue."
"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive."
"For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead."
"The doctor realized Theodore was not going to make it, so he decided to give him another chance at life."
"Death is so final, whereas life... life is full of possibilities."
"Bringing awareness to what I do has been huge, showing people that our loved ones are still connected to us, and at the very least, helping people have a conversation about what it means not just to die, but to live."
"They say you die twice. The first time is when they put you in the ground. The second time is the last time somebody remembers your name."
"Spread some kindness in the world... your kindness could mean everything to someone, it could be a matter of life and death."
"I never sleep, 'cause sleep is the cousin of death." - Nas
"Going home to the ancestors is something to be celebrated."
"I love the diversity, I love the concept about life and death, and like what is it like in the real world, and woman empowerment."
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."
"Body may pass away, awareness will continue."
"We are born from the soil and we exist and one day we perish and we are reintegrated into the soil."
"Philosophy is born there where there is death and life oneself and other."
"Death and life is in the power of your tongue."
"For me to live is Christ, amen, and to die is gain."
"The level of control that the Jehovah's Witnesses hold over their membership is beyond absurd to the literal matter of life and death."
"The world of Dark Souls is like a circle, a cycle of life and death."
"This is life and death. I think many people understand that."
"Our words have power of life and death so we speak words of life."
"The transition from Death to life is always the desire starts."
"It's the living versus the dead. I'm not scared."
"It's not about politics, man, it's about life and death."
"The depth of feeling... made them think about life and death."
"Try to save one person, a hundred others die. A hundred will give their lives so that just one may live."
"It's about existence. It's about the existence of people. It's about life and death. It's that severe."
"The two things that this show hinges on are money and death, those two things are universally understandable."
"Death isn't always this like evil thing in a weird way death, I guess can represent life, right?"
"The hospital is simultaneously the building where most people leave without entering and also the building where most people enter without leaving."
"You're moving into a land of both life and death, of mourning and celebration."
"Life represented by the sun is or can be, at least for a little while, stronger than what represents Pluto."
"Public policy is quite literally a matter of life and death."
"Many that live deserve death and some that die deserve life, can you give it to them?"
"Learning how to die was just what I needed when being so utterly lost with regard to the whole business of living and of dying."
"Certainty is knowing absolutely an absolute future, then that's only death disguised."
"For any human being, this is important: in every aspect of life, but particularly for a soldier, it is super important, because it's a question of life and death, that you are conscious and you function intelligently."
"The man got mad love in life and was shown mad love in death."
"Life is cyclical. Death is temporary, paving the way for the continuation of another life."
"Precisely when the onus concerns life and death, because thinking about such topics is psychologically taxing."
"Man, he done went to the Waffle House in the sky."
"You know the realness do come back. You just gotta die to get that realness."
"That which thou sowest is not quickened unless it die."
"We are immortal spiritual beings. You will not die when your body dies. A part of you goes on."
"The resurrection is the hope of the dead and the living."
"There's so much life in the absence of life."
"My choice was to keep her alive or kill her." - Sherry
"Life, death... and the world around us all follow a set of laws..."
"A brand new soul that was never part of Death’s design."
"Choosing life, you'll try and cure diseases. Choosing death, you'll try and build diseases and kill someone before the doctors can fix them up."
"Little things that you would never give a second thought to made all the difference, literally between life and death."
"All things must be balanced," Thanos realized, "even life and death."
"Everyone who was killed should still be alive in the real world."
"My life is my own, and if it happens, so is my death. Both are in my hands, nobody else's."
"All praise belongs to the one who gives me life, causes me to die, and will raise me up again."
"Get vaccinated. You have to fight for your life. You don't realize you're fighting for every single breath all day."
"Everybody's going to die. I'm not running away and hiding. I can't let everyone die. I got to do something."
"I am more. I could see death. I choose life."
"A life hangs in the balance, all because of an immigration policy change."
"The government does not get to decide who lives or dies."
"In twilight, death is not the end, it is only the beginning."
"What you have given me is the most profound experience I can announce."
"I am overwhelmed by what I saw. I saw death and in the blackness of space I saw life."
"Now you will enter them in full knowledge. From now on, though living outwardly and visibly upon earth, you will live at the same time in the realm of death, that is, in the realm of eternal life."
"I don't think the state should just be allowed to like choose who lives and who dies..."
"Curses are real. The power of life and death are in the tongue." - Proverbs 18:21
"Death is not the end; it's just a transition."
"The refusal to die turns into an exercise in opting out of the arrangement of life and death."
"God Almighty is the source of power, life, and death; he has the final word."
"There's death and life in the power of the tongue."
"This is a time where our actions literally will determine life and death."
"Jesus says this very explicitly in the Gospels, he says you will not taste death or something to that effect okay before all of these things come true so."
"This isn't about Democrats and Republicans; this is about life and death. We have to get this right."
"There is no death and hope only for memory's grace."
"There is no such thing as death. Energy only changes form."
"The Myriad mysteries of Life aren't even confined to life itself. One of the greatest mysteries surrounding our existence is what happens after we die."
"The primary driver of evolution is death and sex. So if you think it's coordinated by somebody, then that person is either killing animals or playing with living and killing."
"A man who could not save himself is weak and the weak do not deserve to be saved for such a man only death is fitting."
"The dead can wait, the alive maybe not so much."
"Death is a part of life and it can actually be very beautiful."
"Life and death are both connected through the force."
"I've always believed that a person's spirit can exist in limited space between life and death."
"When the soul leaves the body, it really doesn't want to. It fights, struggles, wants to stay here."
"Life and death are about transformation, about joining energies to create another energy. It's about communicating with the unknown, mysticism, and understanding agreements without words."
"Death is a lesson and life is a tenured professor."
"Transition was literally a matter of life or death. If they didn't transition, they weren't going to continue living the life they were."
"The power of life and death are in the tongue."
"Preaching is about life and death, in heaven and hell."
"Getting it right could be a matter of life and death for them and their patients."
"This is a series about life, about death, about life after death."
"Death is part of Life coming in many forms and leaving tragedy in its wake but it is not an end though The Departed may be gone their memory still lives on making them Immortal beyond measure."
"Life is preferable to death. That's why death is the escalation, it's not a punishment."
"Are you prepared to give your life to save your son? There is a deadly poison in this file."
"Your words have the power to produce life or to produce death, the life and death is in the power of the tongue it says that in Proverbs I think it’s 14:17."
"I am writing about the microsecond that separates life from death, the very moment when we cross over."
"The Black Gift is only borrowed. The Black Gift gives us our life, and in death, we return to the Black God."
"In death, there was Brotherhood, and none in life were so enlightened to understand such."
"To remove the darkness, you must bring light, the same way to remove the death you must bring life."
"This life would just be the start and death would be far from the end."
"As a religious believer, I believe that is God's job not yours."
"This is the book of the commandments of God and the law that endureth forever. All they that keep it shall come to life, but such as leave it shall die."
"Life and death in the tongue, those are magic spells."
"Everything that is alive on this earth today benefits and lives because of something that died."
"All things stop moving once they are dead, but Jack did not follow that rule."
"Truth and life come with God; without Him, only death."
"Life is the spark which grants life to the lifeless; conversely, death can be said to occur once aether has left the corporeal object."
"Life and death twisted and fused together, they were destined to all become one in the same."
"Death is not a positive or a negative, it is a zero."
"To defy all the powers of life and death and simply dictate that we shall live."
"From the second mind view, there's no birth or death; there are only different kinds of expression."
"Nothing is higher than these mysteries; they have not only shown us how to live joyfully but they have taught us how to die with a better hope."
"There is only existence, there is only life, there is no death."
"We're the sword that kills. We're the sword that gives life."
"Remember what Dream said, 'If you die and then you're revived, did you ever really die in the first place? If you die on your final life and you're revived, did you ever really die permanently?'"
"Death is merely the absence of life, much like a shadow is the absence of light."
"You may kill the body but you can't kill the spirit."
"Death and life reside in the power of your tongue."
"That was intense too, and suddenly you realize that this movie is not about life, it's about death."
"I was going to die, I finally accepted it and relaxed."
"Except the grain of a wheat fall into the ground and die it remains alone but if it dies."
"What if your breath were to be regarded as your spirit because again, after all, what happens when you stop breathing."
"This event teaches us about God's sovereignty over life and death."
"It's a game of survival where the winner survives to see another day and the loser pays the highest cost of all."
"Life and death are in Allah's hands. Your words are not that toxic or powerful."
"The second death is something everyone wants to avoid, and it's just as important for the living as it is the dead. Remembering our loved ones allows them to live on, so that we can learn from their successes as well as their mistakes."
"My words have the power of life and death in them."
"Life coming from death... does it sound better, does it feel better, just truth ever care about your feelings?"
"Even though he was at the crossroads of life and death, his eyes had seen such an incredible world."
"Our tongues have the power of life and death."
"In order to escape their fate, they separated life and death."
"The fate of the Bleach universe is one of perpetual chaos, where life and death are mixed, and there is no peace."
"Death ain't inevitable for me like it is for the rest of y'all. I'm on that quantum immortality type beast."
"I am a tinkerer, just raveling back and forth, oh life and death, oh amazing."
"Everything in the Amazon is in the process of being recycled; life is a momentary stasis compared to the constant turning of death in the Amazon."
"Life and death, it makes decisions easy, doesn't it?"
"Working in an emergency department changes your views on life and death."
"For me, it's really life and death."
"This is the ultimate battle that concerns the life and death of humanity."
"Death and life: the eternal cycle of nature."
"Words are Weapons. Death and life are in the power of the tongue."
"Decisions and events have dire life and death consequences."
"The power of the tongue to bring life, the power of the tongue to bring death."
"There is life and death in the power of your tongue."
"Martin, you must listen to me. This is John. You must hear me. It's a matter of life and death."
"If you die, it'll be to the glory of God, and if you live, it'll be to the glory of God."
"He understood that life and death were hanging in the balance he understood that the integrity of the church the integrity the gospel was in the balance."
"He said life and death is in the power of the tongue."
"Your mate needs you desperately. It's a matter of life and death, Anel. She isn't going to survive."
"Shuhei's bankai creates an environment where life and death are both the same."
"You know, even with life and death on the line, people get complacent."
"A single blink could, in the grievous sense, mean the difference between life and death."
"When you play the game of Thrones, you win or you die. That's my girl for life."
"The mystery of the undead will continue to fascinate the living."
"once you resolve the issue of life and death you can live now because you can't defeat an enemy who's not scared to die"
"It's also a good idea to just go visit uh Burning Heart at this time so that you can really contemplate life and death."
"Life and death are inextricably intertwined, and dreams are nothing without nightmares."
"Happiness is knowing death is just as beautiful as life."
"Allow us to live upon Allah and die upon Allah."
"I'm not trying to get political, but this isn't about politics anymore. This is about life and death."
"You think wearing a headband makes you a ninja? When you hover above life and death so many times that it doesn't faze you, then maybe you can be called a ninja." - Zabuza
"Life and death resides in the power of the tongue."
"God himself set up the law of life and death."
"Gardening is really a matter of life and death."
"Death and resurrection are linked to 'has conquered' and 'has conquered' is linked to victory over supernatural darkness, but also the reconciliation of the cosmos to God."
"That's what it's all about: I'm sorry, but for some people this is life or death."
"It's all about what happens in the interim between those two cosmic does mistakes my life my birth which is the result of the accumulated mistakes of everyone leading up to that moment and my death which will be caused by the accumulated mistakes of everyone else and myself."
"Maintaining a strong will to live could mean the difference between life and death."
"The sword that kills is the sword that brings life."
"There could not be a more dramatic difference than death and life."
"A real Shinobi only displays his true skills in a life and death situation."
"You did die. You did. You brought me back."
"Love holds both life and death, and it makes death okay because it shows us that love is bigger than we think it is."
"Death and life still reside in the power of the tongue."
"The difference between life and death and the victories that you win in your life is not fault in the natural."
"...all of our true relationships, all of our enduring experiences touch upon and pass through everything through life and death..."
"This is literally life and death," Sam said, her tone serious as she outlined the gravity of the situation.
"Knowledge benefits you in this world, but also even in the grave."
"You have the right to choose life or death, blessings or cursings, amen."
"Choosing between recovery and relapse is choosing between life and death."
"Kevin feels indignation toward Matt and his friends who have cast him as a messiah in their new scripture yet he admits to Laurie that when he dies and goes to the other place he's never felt so alive."
"Words have the power of both life and death."
"Fire can be the source of life and can be the source of death."
"Survival," Nick said. "At the most basic level, life and death."