
Decline Quotes

There are 1404 quotes

"Economic growth is going to fall sharply at the second half of the year, sharper than people expect."
"Payday 2 was joked and memed to death about being a dead game, but with Payday 3, it isn't actually a joke anymore."
"After the launch buzz of the system died down, Wii U sales fell off a cliff."
"Humans are not intended to decline; decline is hugely painful because happiness comes from progress, unhappiness comes from regress."
"The decline of humanities has already started really. And what is going to be lost is in the name of humanities, we're going to lose what it means to be human."
"We don't want to accept that aging is an inevitable decline and decay of our bodily functions."
"Facebook is, for the lack of a better word, dying."
"The Sea of Faith was once, at the full, but now I only hear its melancholy, long withdrawing roar." - Matthew Arnold, 1867
"The negative change arc tells the story of a character who ends in a worse place than that in which he started."
"A lot of people do seem to agree that the gaming industry is slowly dying."
"Free speech really is this fundamental principle of democracy and it's been decaying."
"This is how empires crumble; it's how countries crumble."
"The crumbling of the family unit has been crumbling for decades now."
"It was a lot faster than I thought it would be, but it's sort of a gradual decline and then just off a cliff."
"The traditional nation-state as an autonomous entity has been in decline, giving way to a parallel structure of intergovernmental organizations and superordinate bodies like the European Union and the UN."
"The world is decaying, literally clinging to fading embers for any semblance of normalcy."
"Destruction of strong family values... we're losing some of those values."
"This is the suicide, the slow suicide of Western civilization."
"Creativity is going in movies, in everything. It's really gone."
"People who work in or are familiar with the oil industry in Venezuela describe a sector that is a shadow of what it once was."
"Empires in decay embrace and almost willful suicide, blinded by their hubris and unable to face the reality of their diminishing power."
"We're a civilization in steep decline... we are in a total collapse of our civilization at the moment, and it's not fun to say; it's just happening."
"CNN has devolved into overt performative trash."
"Our world has grown less free every year for more than a decade and a half."
"It is declining, it is dying, and the real question we need to face is whether we will permit it to take us down with it."
"Everybody eventually declines; every career sees a twilight."
"America under Joe Biden is in a state of decline."
"From 9.0 to 9.1, World of Warcraft lost about half of its player base."
"The moment that thing gets out, people are going to die, and they're not going to die in a glamorous way. It's going to be like a progressive decline."
"Now it feels like cinema is feasting off the decomposing carcasses of those past generations."
"I think the allure of playing in Madison Square Garden as your home is gone."
"Russia could move from being the number one supplier to being the last resort on the list."
"Free speech which was very robust... is crumbling."
"CNN is dying and CNN is deservedly entering into this terminal state on account of its negligent reporting during the pandemic period."
"The future of Scientology? It's going to continue to decline and erode."
"White folks are making moves because they know the West is going down."
"I just see us as Americans losing our way, losing that which made us great as a nation, all of that is going out the window."
"We may have reached our imperial sell-by date."
"Numbers don't lie, and those numbers are loud and clear. This country is falling apart."
"We've lost a lot of critical thinking in the last couple of years."
"He's had 5 million new YouTube subs in the last 30 days that is just mind-blowing."
"The west as a liberal democratic force no longer exists."
"It really goes to show you how much Biden's personal decline parallels America's decline."
"We're on a decline if you're talking about back then when it was directly from the source."
"Fair Rune is old as shit and is home to so many ancient civilizations that have risen, had their heights, had their moment in the sun, and then collapsed."
"Viewership for this year's NBA finals were down 51 percent from 2019."
"We are a society that is demographically doomed to destruction."
"50,000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town."
"Succession is about the end of the American century, about an impending collapse."
"The mainstream is crumbling and these types of things are more important."
"We're seeing a dip in integrity. And that's just basically what this all boils down to."
"You're seeing the collapse of this Western hegemony, you're seeing it before your eyes."
"The Labour Party has done something astonishing. It's sinking, right? Godspeed, your country is falling apart. I'm sorry."
"Disney XD, a poorly promoted channel where shows and ratings went to die in the mid-2000s."
"There's ultimately money is losing its power in politics."
"Unfortunately, the first few weeks of Halo Infinite are the most fun that you will have with the game."
"Our dreams once overturned worlds and quenched suns. We are now but fitful shadows clinging to the edge of existence."
"It's pretty sad to see the slow decline of a once loved YouTuber."
"The reign of Davos is ending... a weakening of globalist power structure."
"CNN is devolving into a knockoff MSNBC, and it's substantially worse."
"The cultural establishment is crumbling before our eyes."
"Are we going to just let this country sink slowly like the sun in the west at evening tide and say we can't compete anymore?"
"Many civilizations broke down and faded into history, leading to the Dark Ages."
"Her career after that wasn't totally dismantled... faded out of the mainstream."
"This is a great blow at freedom which seems to me to be diminishing visibly all around us."
"The problem in countries in the West is that the quality of democracy is in decline."
"The ratings were down 58% compared to last year's."
"The cries of protest and fury grew airy and weak, eventually dying into faint hisses as the thing started to wither and dry."
"What has happened to any standards of honor, of honesty, of decency in America?"
"We live in a moment where the world is upside down in the collective West in the United States things are falling apart, the Empire is crumbling."
"There's no great law of history that says that great powers must decline."
"Societal degeneration: what happens when societies turn away from God."
"So, what happened? How did the US go from pretty much the best of everything?"
"A very new type of TNA... some saw the beginning of the end."
"What happened to Giuliani? The Giuliani story is one of the great rise and fall stories of our time."
"Capitalism is dying from internal as well as external causes."
"The need for co-working space is rapidly fading away."
"Cancel culture is dying and we are not going to give it any pain meds to alleviate the pain."
"Fast forward to 2020, Mineplex is not even the third most popular Java Edition server anymore."
"This is why I think the American Empire will collapse soon."
"The economy was suffering the political Elite was dying out and Corruption was eating away at Society while the people were going hungry."
"Even though she was living a very very very different life to what they were living it was that confusion between being relatable to her and wanting to be."
"The minute they gave him the job, it all went to crap."
"Trust in National media has declined to an all-time low"
"All of this implies that while the city declined, something of its glory days remained."
"People still do care even though it's smaller and a little bit sadder."
"Ultimately, I think deathcore killed itself just like a lot of genres do."
"Liverpool's era is over... it's a shadow of what Liverpool used to be."
"The American Empire is in a downward trajectory."
"Disney fell from its envied number one place."
"It's just kind of crazy to see a game like this fall so hard from grace."
"The three year reign of Maximinus Thrax dealt a vicious blow to the empire's stability, which many consider to be the beginning of the end for ancient Rome's centuries of strength."
"When a nation goes down, one condition may always be found: they forgot where they came from."
"Sexual promiscuity always precedes the decline and destruction of a civilization."
"I don't want CS to be baseball. It cannot survive as baseball. Baseball can barely survive. It's doing alright."
"Literally, this place isn't falling apart, it's ceasing to exist."
"American decline would be the end of our nation. We can't let that happen."
"Religion in the UK is on the decline but globally, this is not the case."
"New channels are on the rise... while CNN is on the decline."
"Popularity for Justin Trudeau is at an all-time low."
"Innsmouth used to be a decent town but had recently fallen into ruin after a nasty epidemic wiped out a lot of the population."
"It's pretty exhausting to just regularly mention that riot and marathon are just trending down."
"I think the United States is crumbling before our eyes."
"Major civilizations, great powers tend to fall because of an erosion of freedom."
"The service has been degrading over time, there have been outages, it breaks down."
"Facebook's daily active user base shrank for the first time in its history."
"The situation parallel[s] that of the Soviet Union at its end."
"Man United have lost that arrogance and confidence since the Glazers grabbed hold of the club."
"The Harry Potter franchise... it's seen a bit of a downfall in recent years."
"But, all things must come to an end, and, in the case of fast food companies on social media, Dennys was the first to fall."
"The whole party is completely destroyed... The Last gasps of a Dying political movement."
"Most companies that fade away fade away because they've abandoned the core values that created the company in the first place."
"Was Quake Champions Dying? Well as the fan site, Quake Fans explained, things were...well...starting to look that way."
"We've gone from 1st to 12th in the world in wages... most people are working harder for less money than they were making 10 years ago."
"This is the mark of a country that is going into a new Dark Age."
"Even CNN is like, 'Yeah, man, this guy is just falling apart.'"
"You're spot on about television. It's dying a slow death."
"The Grammy nominee list this year is an excellent example of what state award shows are currently in and how they're in a detrimental decline."
"Unveiled with large fanfare, then quietly swept underneath the rug."
"The decline in certain areas of church life in the West is a very complex phenomenon... caused by all sorts of factors."
"Things are not looking too bright for this once-great franchise."
"Hackintosh is already dying even while Apple is still selling Intel-based products."
"Decline is a choice it always is by every society."
"That is the collapse of the Mongols and exactly where we're gonna leave off."
"This is how democracy dies with thunderous applause."
"This product is but a corpse of a once great MMO."
"The direction of the Division franchise has deteriorated to the point where it is summed up precisely and eloquently by the lyrics of the venerable musician polymath and disinformationist Reggie Watts in his now legendary song [ __ ] [ __ ] stack."
"It's not an accident that America is declining. It's purposeful."
"The gradual extinction of splitscreen co-op gaming is happening right now, and it hurts."
"This update was like the catalyst that sparked the steady decline of the game."
"But by the 1980s the western had fallen out of favor in Hollywood, the repercussions of the infamously expensive dud Heaven's Gate."
"All empires eventually collapse, is that what we're seeing right now?"
"Prophets often are highest in nations going fastest to ruin."
"Maya civilization had plunged into darkness."
"The rejection of god... it was the darkening."
"It really is quite a nice ongoing downward trend there."
"Grade-a didn't fall from grace or lose his groove because people stopped liking him. The transition mainly happened because his videos started to be a whole lot weaker."
"The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush; it will be a slow extinction from apathy and indifference."
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society."
"The rock that once was Washington DC's military has now been worn down from all sides into nothing more than a pebble."
"Physical media is essentially in a death spiral."
"The Michigan descent into darkness has begun."
"It's unsustainable; it's already starting to fall apart."
"What this actually was was a period of decline brought on by meddling management, ineffective systems, and personnel decisions."
"But today this practice is degenerating into something even more dangerous."
"Flat Out 3 Chaos and Destruction is a lesson, an unbelievably surreal masterclass in how to destroy a once prominent and exciting franchise."
"When you take God out... things start to fall apart... you end up in a world nobody wants to live in."
"Instagram will be slowly phased out if it doesn't fix itself. Triumph of lies, addicted, calling a storm."
"The reason why the World Heavyweight Championship just started two failed fall apart because they stopped caring."
"We're already living through a time where trust, a basic requirement, is crumbling at a compounding rate at all levels."
"Deaths involving covid-19 decrease in the UK."
"CNN's ratings have collapsed an astonishing 90 percent."
"A dying society accumulates laws like dying men accumulate remedies."
"I think I'm starting to understand why this genre is dying."
"Universal basic income... it should be supplemental on top of our current social safety net programs."
"While CNN falls and crumbles, we can see the rise of alternative sources of news."
"This period of global preeminence is starting to slip."
"They lost over a quarter of World of Warcraft player base in three months. That is holy shit."
"The houses that were the homes to the richest middle class in America are empty and broken. Many words can be used to describe Detroit, but quitter isn't one of them."
"When the Statue of Liberty stopped opening her arms to the rest of the world, well then, America's greatness would recede."
"Republics fall when the wise are banished from the public councils."
"This is a historic pivot point in the decline of U.S. Empire."
"Micro militarism... when dying empires lash out."
"When you think you reach the pinnacle, you are already on the way down."
"This is a twisty, turny story where almost every twist and turn we get is sort of sauntering vaguely downwards."
"It's easy for them all now to just shrug their shoulders and say, 'Oh, the beauty community is dead, huh?'"
"Gustafsson's takedown defense has greatly diminished, his willingness to strike on the feet has also disintegrated, his speed in his hands have gone out the window."
"It was really game over it was the very last very brutal moment of a Dying Empire."
"So if we zoom out and look at the five-year performance... it's collapsed by 80 percent."
"History has generally been a process of empires slowly accumulating weaknesses and then collapsing."
"There can be no doubt that they look a shadow of the team that won the league title last season."
"People are getting sick and tired of watching this country that was filled with great promise go down the tubes."
"The attack on classic art and literature is not only one of the most disgusting and Despicable aspects of wokeness but also the sign of a culture that is suffering immense and and almost irreversible decadence."
"Years gone by we had a whole team that would be made up with the top 50 players in the world. Now we don't have one in the top hundred."
"World trade continues to slide as recovery sputters."
"With 50 million people already quitting, the damage has already been done."
"What you see is a steady decline in the number of confirmed COVID deaths."
"Bethesda used to be good, Bethesda now is a joke."
"It just goes to show the decline of standards and ethics within Parliament."
"The trajectory of the club is actually going down, we're on a downward slope."
"The king's slow rot could be one of these deaths by design."
"He had once been the most powerful man alive, and images of the victorious Napoleon depict a strong leader, hand firmly in jacket. Depictions of Napoleon on Saint Helena show a disheveled, old man, hand firmly in pants."
"The slow decline of player ratings is reshaping the league."
"High flying bird: When you lose fun for the game, the passion, that's when everything goes downhill."
"Unlike a medical autopsy though there is no singular cause of death for the new 52 that caused it to limp along for years saluting towards Bethlehem before mercifully dying without reaching the finishing line."
"How media coverage drove Biden's political plunge."
"Is this the end of the American empire?... we've got a presidential administration in chaos, a political party that can only rely on hating the other person."
"I feel like that's an unironic reason why a lot of people are leaving YouTube; they don't have that spark that they once did."
"Anthony blink's face is an expression of that Anthony blink's face shows us that the American Empire is in fact crumbling that there is nothing left that it can do to salvage its um to salvage its power to salvage its hegemony."
"NXT continues to go down and down and down every single week. That's a fucking issue."
"Yahoo still makes money, but without some kind of radical innovation, Yahoo looks likely to gradually fade away into obscurity."
"I think that's in part just the pure destruction of money that it's an even look at that in their market value declining about ninety five percent which is pretty impressive."
"The religion of globalization had been on the wane before Trump even came along."
"The Sun had set on Sweden's time as a great power."
"The Russian economy has declined so far their currency, the ruble, is worth less than the robux."
"Institutions like the New York Times used to be great institutions and they've been destroyed by hatred."
"Empires rise and then fall... they over stretch themselves... they expend themselves into extinction essentially."
"At the end of any empire, there are always a handful of chroniclers who see clearly the looming disintegration of empire." - Chris Hedges
"Empires cling to the past even when the signs clearly indicate that there's no way to resuscitate the past." - Andrew Bacevich
"If Ted Lasso was made 10 years ago, United would've been the team to beat in it, but it's Man City now. The decline has already begun."