
Mobility Quotes

There are 1937 quotes

"I personally believe, and I think you will agree with me, that self-driving really has the potential to deeply change the way we look at mobility and the way we move people and things around."
"It's hard not to appreciate a move that closes distance so quickly."
"There's a sense of possibilities and a sense of freedom here because of the constant mobility."
"There are two problems that worry us all, and certainly, I think it's true that most of us worry about the loss of memory and mobility."
"Your ability to get from one place to another just became like six times better."
"Function as humans, bipeds, we're walking. Walking, right? So if we extend out that gait cycle and allow ourselves, allow our hips and pelvis to be able to go through that long range of motion, then we can see where our instabilities really lie."
"If you're somebody who's struggled with injuries or just wants to move better on and off the golf course, this plan can help."
"There is but one path to enlightenment: a true master is mobile."
"It's almost stupid how much mobility the Sticky Jumper grants you."
"This latest advancement may lead to essentially a massless energy storage in vehicles and other mobile technologies."
"Policies focused on improving the economic outcomes of a single generation...are less likely to have persistent effects unless they also affect intergenerational mobility."
"Exercise and fitness are celebrations of being able to move, in the function that you have."
"Meter can also be used defensively and for mobility."
"Connect your rooks. Your rooks protect each other, they can help each other, and they also have easy access to go to whatever file you need them to."
"It's a win-win because the social model doesn't inhibit the non-disabled but transforms mobility for people with disabilities."
"I'm proud that I'm no longer super immobile. I'm not out here running five miles, but I'm mostly able to do things I wasn't able to do before."
"Capitalism without competition, capitalism without upward mobility is a failed capitalism."
"The British felt that a normal paratrooper unit could get about 20 miles in a day, maybe 25. On a bike, they could get up to 60, maybe even 75."
"Mobility is the number one enabler for all other capabilities."
"He's kind of like a puppy because even getting into the truck he can just bounce right into the back seat now."
"Being able to drive opens up so much of the world to you, it's really freaking sweet."
"Loba gets the good placement solely due to her supportive capabilities with the black market and her repositioning power with the tactical bracelet."
"Valkyrie is still so good at helping get the team around."
"It's something that helps you if you're going to walk quickly or run quickly."
"Rib mobilization: Gradually develop mobility."
"Flexibility is passive static, and mobility is active dynamic."
"Sony's contribution to the future of mobility is not exclusive to the technology of safety."
"Allows for the fastest and best movement in Assassin's Creed."
"That future won't be happy unless she can walk well."
"Pistol squats will improve your single leg strength and stability, your mobility, and your balance."
"People who are in a wheelchair are now going to be able to potentially walk again."
"The new doom's arena battles allow for greater freedom of mobility and tactics."
"The owen gun is going to give you the perfect combination of high mobility and stopping power."
"Everybody moves. Just about the time you think you have a forever home, you'll discover forever is not there."
"One of the coolest parts of the demonstration though was an axiom engineer was wearing one of the suits and showed how they could do squats and lunges and they could kneel down and get back up with a lot of Mobility."
"Being able to pick it up one-handed, move it around the house, and work from anywhere is really convenient."
"Life growing up was we would resettle every 18 to 24 months."
"The majority of people aren't able to do that, many people cannot leave, whether that's where do you go, right, where do you go?"
"Americans are now buying into... this concept of shared scooters, shared bikes, shared boards."
"Fire Emblem is awesome. You can play on the go and it has all the in-depth stuff from a proper console."
"The utility that this thing provides as far as creative power on-the-go and providing utility in loads of different areas is beyond amazing."
"He definitely has more that Jason Kelsey build. He can move around very well, very fluid athlete."
"It's difficult to move. It's not easy. It's very smooth which is nice but you're just not gonna bump that."
"We create business models that offer people unlimited mobility and complete connectivity, while lowering emissions and seeking uncompromised sustainability."
"Sovereignty and mobility are crucial in a period of political volatility."
"I just feel like you get a lot more movability."
"You thought the walking stick was the worst of your problems? They see me rolling, they hating, patrolling, they try to catch me riding dirty."
"We've seen examples of partnerships between pro teams and tier 2 teams resulting in greater upward mobility."
"We need to be able to vote with our feet and live as self-governing people as we choose."
"Well now that I have built honestly probably the perfect house might as well make it a mobile home since I might be taking this to Kentucky."
"If you are going to have a walking tank, this is a sensible design to make sure that it's sturdy and relatively mobile."
"Quick reverse speed: effective for shooting scoot tactics."
"What gives you the most advantage is the ability to be mobile, to pioneer, to adapt."
"There's going to be so many shifts people you thought would never move away are going to move away."
"When you hit 20 on a shaman and you're able to pick up that ghost wolf, you are moving around faster than anybody on the planet."
"Walking is such a blessing, you don't realize until it's taken away."
"Black mage already looking good, mobility wise they were great in Shadowbringers."
"You're going to have multiple access points and this brings us to another really important characteristic of the unify ecosystem: fast roaming."
"It really is the mobility of the super Hellcat which just performs here."
"The truth is for some tasks mobility and movement can be an advantage but that's not the case for all situations."
"Wings are essential for maneuverability in hard mode."
"Putting your soldiers in wider formations allows them to move and turn faster."
"It's the right thing to do to truly live with and explore what quite clearly is a massive part of the future of mobility."
"Mercy is a very mobile character, Mercy is a very small silhouette, so she's hard to hit, she is very survivable."
"I'm determined to lose more weight and become mobile enough to participate in all family activities."
"If you can move and go, then you can get on with life."
"Nintendo Switch: it combines the power of a home console with the mobility of a handheld."
"Running gun class, zoom around the map like a pro."
"This is an absolute must-have for gamers that are always on the go."
"Kemmler, so powerful because he's able to move anywhere."
"We wanted the player to still be mobile... but we wanted to make sure that this isn't the only valid option." - Combat Designer
"There is a story here: Cars on E going, 'Hmm, I don't really like being where I'm at.'"
"Movement is really important, being able to disengage from fights quickly is really important."
"Pathfinder is the king of mobility and now that his cooldown on his grapple is a little bit more forgiving this is so good."
"Armored personnel carriers revolutionized infantry mobility."
"The most commonly associated characteristic of longevity is mobility."
"You stop moving and you experience all sorts of pains and aches from not moving or not rehabbing the injury properly."
"Beast Mastery hunters unleash their favorite pets to rend enemies to pieces, offering unparalleled mobility and sustained DPS."
"It's a very mobile year, you are thinking of some ways in which you can improve earnings."
"I just want to say I'm really thankful that they let you move while charging and casting this attack since being stationary is a huge con versus a ton of bosses who run around all over the place."
"Roos is a really strong faction if you like keeping a mobile force."
"Abbasids is going to be a faction you really enjoy if you like that kind of mentality of trying to keep a mobile force."
"Almost every time the government gets involved in something, it tends to end up creating problems."
"Armor on a medieval knight... had to allow the freedom of movement."
"It's an invitation to keep walking. That's the best thing, you can walk everywhere."
"Wax quail continues to be a staple for your overall movement in any run."
"Players have a lot of mobility and combat options in this game, sending Spider-man flying all over the place, and most of the animations look brilliant with smooth blending."
"Mobility should be super important." - Alan Robertson
"I might want to get like those boots of travel, I think, life teleport all over the place and move fast like some kind of baller creature."
"BM has the unique ability of being able to do its full rotation while moving."
"Zero Suit is still ridiculous, she's still so mobile."
"Jet is just ridiculously mobile with no clear counters."
"Investing in a trailer or a decent bug out vehicle is basically a bug out location in itself, and it's a bug out location on wheels."
"Kirito's the fact that he has the passive where you can like dash attack and stuff and all your attacks move you forward a little bit. It's kind of crazy."
"Just the mobility of this game, moving and running in your Inkling form, and spraying ink everywhere... it's always just been a lot of fun."
"Bitcoin solves a historical problem which is how to take your things from place to place if they're too big to carry."
"Windbound's answer to this problem is just take the entire base with you which honestly is pretty damn genius."
"I think my arm talent, I have the ability to make every throw on the field. I'm mobile enough to make plays with my feet as well."
"I love them. They stay on my fabric. I can move this around."
"Living in vehicles, that is a major thing that people do all across the country."
"If you love rearranging the furniture, you should make this portable bed on wheels."
"Anywhere we look, there's more and more people walking and cycling."
"We live in a weird time in the world right now. It's not easy to just leave. It's not easy to just move."
"This is about the closest thing you can get on the go."
"Think of it kind of like a Gale's jump pad but as soon as you run into it, it bounces you in the direction that you're moving."
"Winston also gets a passing grade for cloning! He's very- very good to swap into, because you can build the primal rage very quickly and you can immediately jump to any part of the map you need to get value from."
"Echo can move to each side as well as glide while maintaining momentum."
"We have people who cannot walk, we're not talking about running cannot walk pain-free and if you can't walk pain-free chances are you should running pain-free."
"Back in business, back in the van, all is good."
"Money and people are mobile and will go where they're welcome and stay where they're well treated." - Edward Pinto
"Your mobility is gonna be a mix between both the hunter and the Warlock."
"I had so much fun with it... every time I played it... all the mobility... making everything really nice... it was just fun."
"Wet or snowy conditions decrease mounted infantry and cavalry speed."
"The backup solar bank is the most convenient way to charge my phone on the go."
"You want to be able to get back on the road as fast as you can totally."
"Path still gets those insta zip lines from looking at the care packages to help the team rotate great distances."
"Pathfinder's grapple is the absolute best thing for repositioning."
"You got to go look in another state, another city, or another country. Go. The real estate game's real."
"The mobility felt phenomenal, the skills felt phenomenal, and the gunplay felt really really really good."
"Crumble: Grappling hooks are objectively the coolest way to get around."
"Mobility is not something that descends like manna from the heavens, it's actually constructed and we can reshape it."
"Your mind is super-powerful when you're working out."
"I feel like everything should just be all about movement, mobility."
"Stacks knowledge, stacks. You'll be able to take it with you wherever you go."
"True, it's true. Wow, I'm wheeling really fast."
"Our Innovation in Mobility will be based on the Three A's: autonomy, augmentation, and affinity."
"Octane's ultimate is a jump pad that allows him and the team to fly around the map onto teams or just to rotate quickly."
"The dragon side of things is very fun. I love the fact that they put a jetpack on it which allows you to get around the battlefield very, very quickly."
"It moves on water with the help of air-filled pontoons that are attached to its tracks."
"Freedom to move, freedom of movement, freedom to drive."
"Thankfully we've got a bike, which is very agile."
"Late-game health in an RTS is about balancing mobility versus late-game tech."
"Become a ball of slime stick yourself to walls and ceilings..."
"Having access to that kind of Mobility in a game where maybe you don't exactly have the most mobility of all time just feels so good."
"Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intention of settling permanently or temporarily at a new location."
"They're operating in looser formations, darting into combat, laying down deliberate, well-aimed individual fire before darting back out again when the situation gets rough."
"So you can kind of like do things on the run."
"...and through comboing these all of a sudden you can have mass mobility and mass survival."
"Ultimately, you're giving up a little bit of burst damage, but in return, you're going to be much safer and much more mobile while playing Gragas."
"Turner hit the bricks in North and South Carolina, driving his Cadillac around to hustle potential Distributors."
"The M1 air is just such an incredible value and obviously on the go, you're getting this killer performance and way better battery life cheaper lighter weight it's an awesome machine."
"There's a revolution around the corner that could make us all much more mobile in the real world."
"Wire bugs represented by these glowing blue icons on the bottom of the screen aren't just useful in combat, they also let you get around the world quickly and awesomely like a Spider-Man covered in bone armor."
"Just ship that thing around, just on wheels and stuff."
"Repositioning and movement is so important in this game, Mirage has none of that."
"That allows you to move a little bit and take two burst shots on the assault rifle, that's pretty hot folks, that's pretty hot, hahaha."
"The best sleep I've ever gotten is knowing I can move, I can quit, I can leave, I can walk away. I'm a free man."
"Basically, you can jump one extra time in the air... It opens up a lot of new movement options."
"This van is amazing. Glad I found it. I transfer so fast, I can hold open the map for you."
"Mobility based exotics like Stomp-EE5, Lion Rampant, and Transversive Steps are all good for multiple encounters."
"The advantages SPAA offers are mobility, allowing these guns to keep up with other units."
"Ziplines are a great way at quickly traveling across the maps."
"One of the new Feats... called mobile... increases your movement speed."
"Shadow Walk: provides a wonderful amount of mobility and infiltration."
"Always take TP on Annie, especially in high elo. It solves problems like lack of reset potential and waveclear."
"The mobility and attitude of that team was superb."
"Medium tanks: pretty fast, average guns, and a crucial role as strikers or flankers."
"Hopefully it won't be too long until we can take our pride and Joy's out for a proper Drive."
"Titans can't jump, but they can dash. We want to be dashing when we go off a ledge or around the corner."
"Possession is it's the big Cornerstone of this like take it where you go if there's the ability to take it with you where you go take it freaking with you."
"Your Netflix account is for you and the people you live with your household you can easily watch Netflix on the go and when you travel either on your personal devices or at a TV at a hotel or at a vacation home."
"The main difference to other countries is that there is no, you're not locked up in your home if you go out to buy food or groceries or drugs."
"This wheelchair is gonna give me so much independence."
"This does not go over walls but it obviously gives eMobile mages maybe like a Xerath maybe even like a Heimerdinger of Vel'koz maybe Cassiopeia a lot of potential mobility and ways to just set up a really cool play or get out of a bad situation."
"You could build this entire Shack for under $200 and it is built on wheels."
"The freedom of mobility is fantastic... you can use this to completely evade some enemies that are attacking you."
"Rogue relies on its Mobility a lot for the survivability."
"People moved around the whole of Europe to exchange goods."
"Delivering safe, intelligent human-centered Mobility for all."
"Toyota's transformation into a true Mobility Company."
"The faster people can move around to their different respective jobs, the better things are going to be."
"Blight is so good because of his mobility and his ability to synergize with the meta right now."
"One of the most important things you could do on Cassia is make sure that you're constantly moving in between everything that you're doing."
"Having the ability to walk faster can actually make a difference, even if it's only a minor increase to your movement speed."
"Being able to take Stardew Valley on, like, basically a tablet."
"The kangaroo lets you jump over walls that are really high."
"Being able to just naturally heal on the move makes it a very desirable choice for many."
"Mobility is such a big human need, right?" - Sick
"You know, we move around a lot and these apps really help make life extremely convenient for us."
"For those who use the trackpad on the go, you can't beat it."
"It's finally out - our first look at the NX now officially called the Nintendo Switch!"
"Get you one of them little scooters and go fast."
"I remember months into owning the Nintendo Switch in 2017 every time I booted up that system I was amazed that I was playing console games anywhere that I wanted to."
"Always moving or at least not standing still for more than a couple of seconds."
"What separates him from all quarterbacks in the National Football League is the fact that he can run so well."
"If you do not like where you are, move. You are not a tree."
"I've lost our ability to AoE, but the fact that we can pass right through people with this charge is just great for me. It is great for me."
"The mobility systems are great, we call it magic parkour."
"The suburbs became the symbol of upward mobility and the American dream."
"Pathfinder is still such a very strong legend when used correctly. Having the recon ability and the zipline gun as well are just bonuses."
"Daer Storm... genuinely threatening for zooming War bikers."
"In general, the smaller size and the lower weight of the mid-size adventure bike is advantageous."
"The whole setup rides nice and smooth along my leg."
"Running a Raspberry Pi on batteries opens up all kinds of possibilities for mobile and remote applications."
"If we can make a micro helicopter which can land anywhere and just get up and down nice and easily...that would make my life a lot easier and I think it would be utterly adorable."
"The Type 10 is a hugely capable main battle tank, not the most heavily armored, but with its focus on logistical ease of use and mobility."
"The X ability is called levitate... move around objects inside the Dome... really overpowered."
"Players who think the gameplay is too slow gravitate toward octane for his insane mobility."
"So basically you've got an ability with your interceptors now to move 12 because they've got jump they teleport through stuff move 12 pass the psychic test and then move 12 again or behind a wall they could move out shoot move back behind the wall."
"Activating your wingsuit... saving time... get down to the floor very quickly."