
Personal Contribution Quotes

There are 262 quotes

"You are actually a part of evolution... pushing evolution forward."
"Instead of just moping around about the footprint, think about how you can keep building your handprint."
"Having this kind of perspective on the world at large and how you contribute to that on a personal level offers profound insight."
"We're all put here to do, in our own way, is to help other people."
"Do your part. There are so many issues in this world you can't possibly take on them all... Whatever you do, take your part, your portion... and work it to the best of your ability."
"You cannot do all the good that the world needs, but the world needs all the good that you can do."
"My purpose... this is going to be my greatest contribution to the world to this date, besides my beautiful kids."
"There are so many different ways that you can make a difference. The key is to find what is right for you."
"This country can be greater; it can be more with you as part of it."
"A man is only valued based on how much he adds to the world."
"If what I've done can contribute to positive change, it will be worth it."
"I really want to see my own stuff and my world come to life. My own character have stories, and I feel like if I'm not contributing to that, I'm wasting my time."
"All you need is a hundred. A hundred percent of you is enough to build the ark that could change the world."
"Imagine what could happen if we allow ourselves to show up, how it could positively impact the world."
"As long as this show continues to evolve, continues to grow, and continues to get better and better, and as long as I feel like I can help in that regard and continue to push the envelope a little bit, I will continue to show up and be inspired and be excited about showing up."
"We are not meant to sit around and just vibe out. We're meant to go do things, accomplish things, contribute to things that are bigger than ourselves."
"You have something unique to offer because of you, because of your unique life experience."
"Just doing a little bit can make a big difference. Just do a little bit each and every day."
"It's probably the most to this date it's the most important idea I've given."
"Making her corner of the world beautiful again is the least I can do."
"It's time to contribute. Do you take risks? You go do it."
"This is a time where we have to start living all the changes we'd like to see in the world."
"Imagine, this is how much trash one person creates in a month. Now imagine one year. Imagine ten years. Imagine a lifetime."
"Hopefully my small little rock against the stream will make a difference."
"The only thing that I personally can do for Britney is just keep her in prayer."
"I think the world would be a much happier place if we could all find it within ourselves to just to just do that small thing."
"She hasn't had a lot of the credit she deserves for her charity work."
"Firefly is great because you really feel like you're putting your personal touch on this vehicle and all the systems."
"83% of somebody else is better than 100% of just you."
"You're gonna make a difference in the world."
"I respect that she gave six figures of her own money."
"It's insane how much value I add to the conversation."
"Work is my creation. It is only through my work I am bringing this body, this intelligence, this mental abilities, my emotions, and the other human resources you have given me everything together to create whatever I create."
"Intimacy is to bring yourself, who you are, to the center of the relationship and for the other person to do the same."
"Jake Wood made the whole thing possible and I still don't believe he's making money on the show. I think it's still a labor of love for him and he's, he's an amazing benefactor to the sport of bodybuilding."
"Respect is earned, only by those who have contributed to you."
"I want to take part in it and I want to put my small stone into this pavement which leads us to the new asteroids to the new planets and to the new systems."
"Progress of the world will call for the best that all of us have to give."
"For me personally, that I felt about them, and certainly conveyed that to working with all the rest of guys in a collaborative sense."
"15 years from now everybody is going to be looking at what's your value in society."
"The powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"
"Focus simply on how you can be of service... how I can contribute."
"You can make more wealth over the next 18 months from what you are contributing to the world."
"I got recognized for the work I never sought recognition for."
"I think it's cool that I'm able to be a part of something that's like way bigger than me."
"I'm doing what I do because this is where I can probably do the most good."
"I had a significant role in this and it's it's it's cool to see."
"Any little thing you can do to help will get you further along than doing nothing."
"Shout out to Larry and everything that he did in this whole evolution of the streaming space."
"What can I give to the world that's emerging?"
"Let's really work at giving more of ourselves."
"I think I've added to the human race in a beneficial manner."
"The world still needs that very special gift that only you have."
"Make the new society what you want it to be this is your opportunity."
"You have an important, unique genius to share with the world."
"We're making a difference in somebody's life."
"Don is synonymous with hockey and has played an integral role in growing the game over the past 40 years."
"This is my answer to the question of how can I help in these crazy-ass times we live in today."
"We all have a part to play and we all can make a difference."
"I share my time, talent, testimony, and treasure to leave a legacy."
"The world needs you. Any of us should want the world to be a little better off for you having lived in it."
"Life's about being involved, doing things, being contributors, finding our own paths, and doing the darn best we can."
"The number one way to make a difference... is to give your money to an organization that you care about."
"I feel like we all have something that we can offer the world."
"You're helping create someone else's vision, someone else's life. You're helping someone else get back together. You're helping someone else create their business, and you're like, 'No, I'm gonna use my ideas, my skills, and apply it for myself.'"
"Myself Leonard McKelvey Charlemagne to God I've donated a quarter million dollar my mother's alma mater South Carolina State University out of my pocket."
"It's so easy to criticize Tim pull but you have to ask yourself like what am I doing to help um solve the problems or or what have you done today to uh I don't know that goes towards your values a lot of times the answer is nothing."
"I am just doing my best. I want to contribute."
"No one could do everything but everyone can do something."
"What really drives me is how can I contribute more?"
"I think it's important... maybe I could contribute to the betterment of the world."
"I feel like now that I'm like actively contributing to God's kingdom."
"Season two was so good it's actually kind of got me jazzed."
"Sometime this year I'll have led 15 years with NASA and I don't figure it all over time for another 30 maybe so I'll just do whatever whatever job the agency decides it's the best place I can be and contribute the most."
"You're either going to contribute to or contaminate that relationship based on what you bring with you when you show up."
"You get paid based on the contribution that you deliver to society; if you triple your value, your income is going to skyrocket."
"Your income is in direct proportion to your level of contribution."
"What did you do to help during that difficult time?"
"What can I do as a normal person to help make humans a multi-planetary species?"
"This is the time with that you're going to be proud of even if what you do is very small in your own opinion it matters."
"Cricket has given everything to me, so I try to do something for them."
"The best thing that I can do nowadays is to find ways just to contribute to other people's well-being."
"It's your own unique answer to this very question that has the potential to change the world if you'll step up and let it."
"All I've ever done was push the culture forward from day one."
"The world will look a little better with some love given by you."
"Thank you for letting me be a small part of that."
"To paraphrase Admiral Bishop, when people ask, what did you do in the development of Squadron 42? You can look them in the eye and say, I held the line!"
"I feel I give everything that I possibly can for this industry and the betterment of it."
"If people think this is valuable, they should contribute to help you continue to do your work."
"The world is not asking of you everything, just something. So give it something. Keep yourself in the game."
"There is something that can only be done by you, created by you, said through the words from your soul."
"You will be able to make a significant contribution in whatever aspect of your personal unique circumstances, removing the conflict that has previously held other people back."
"If you want an abundant and a generous world, you have to be generous and giving."
"He didn't just say I'm praying; he said I'm going to give something of myself so that God can use me to help answer the very thing I am praying for."
"No one else could be in your spot, no one else can do exactly what you're doing."
"Remember you cannot do all the good that the world needs but the world needs all the good that you can do."
"Being 'boring' doesn't have to be a bad thing ladies. You can bring the excitement to the relationship."
"You have a gift to share. Why are you not giving your gift to the world?"
"God does not reward position, he rewards contribution."
"Pluto means riches. I think you have something really rich to offer."
"I still feel like I have more to offer this world, and it's um, you know, it's a challenge to go out there and say, 'Oh, you know, I want to make the world a better place.' It's actually kind of a very Jewish thing."
"Even those who have nothing can still offer their blades."
"Meditating itself actually brings our body into a place of like balance."
"You leave a hole in the world if you don't fill it."
"Are you leaving your mark on the world? What are you offering the world at this time?"
"If you're not changing the world, just change one person's life. That's good enough."
"Jesse brought it. It was Jesse that did that. All of that. And this studio, every piece of everything that you see, Jesse sourced."
"Sometimes you're the one offering value, and others aren't seeing it."
"Become a magic innovator who's dedicated to creating an organization that will fully utilize and fully honor the gifts of every single person who comes there every day."
"Our legacy runs from the very beginning up to you right now."
"I'm just humbled by the whole thing, man. I don't take no credit for that."
"I think it's cool to be able to reflect on a lot of the hard times."
"I just want to go out and do good things for my team, help my team win."
"I just want to help and hopefully by doing that I might be able to. So you never know."
"If I leave anything behind, it's this, the only thing that I can really call my own."
"It's very good to see that other people, even in such a profession like boxing, are willing to embrace the fact that they can bring something to the table."
"There's a purpose to my existence... I want to help contribute my part to changing the world."
"You don't get this 'I've been fighting for it' - you claim your contribution to it."
"Two great spiritual needs: to grow and to contribute."
"Do something to improve the culture, not just improve my situation."
"The greatest country in the world will be better because of you."
"I'm part of a bigger cause here and I'm going to put every single ounce of freaking energy that I have into contributing to this cause."
"This is my contribution to what I think you can do."
"Contributing in some way will give you a feeling of meaning and purpose for sure."
"I'm a team guy so whatever I can do to contribute."
"If we can all do one little thing to save the planet, then why not do it?"
"Come on man, who was giving us hours of entertainment."
"If you like what I do and want to support me in a more personal way, consider becoming a patron on Patreon or a member here on YouTube."
"The fact that I knew that I had had something to do with saving this beautiful little girl's life."
"Help other people out but don't be looking at me like I'm crazy because I'm giving a dollar."
"You get value for what you provide to the marketplace."
"Provide value, impact someone, change someone's life. Help someone today."
"Teachers and principals are filling the gap out of their own pockets."
"You define your value by what you bring to this world."
"Good on you keeping the community a better place in your own mind in and out of game."
"Have I helped anybody? Have I made the world a better place?"
"I just want to do my little part in trying to help."
"I think the final thing I'm gonna do is come out and see if there's anything I can add for Seasons."
"I just want to contribute to people understanding beauty comes from health."
"This is what the sport needed. I'm bringing something different."
"Do what you can, no matter what it is, even if it's so small that you think it's inconsequential."
"Bill Gates has done more good for the world in creating Microsoft than he has through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation."
"I just wanted to add to it. To be like another chapter of that story."
"I cannot do the past, but I can contribute to the future."
"Just keep looking back and say I made my contribution."
"One of the most commonly reported motivations to join a unit is something along the lines of being useful or being able to contribute."
"Start with the question: what can I contribute? That's the key to leftism."
"Everybody's got something good, everybody's got something that they have to offer the world."
"You're leaving the world a better place a little bit, and you're making progress."
"It almost feels like my way to give back to these people and to these stories that have impacted me is to package it up and give you guys a really interesting story."
"I want to know how I'm helping the community."
"Your leadership, vision, and grit made this agreement possible. No other person could have done it."
"May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all."
"A next generation financial system is being built and it's being built by Cody."
"I may not have footage of Iruka sensei, but I have to turn this in as my wedding gift."
"The only thing that I can really control is what I contribute."
"This is how I'm going to help change the fate of our war."
"Everything that's happened so far has been so cool."
"I may not change the entire world, but in my life, I can do something."
"You are contributing to the transformation of the entire world."
"Once you make this commitment, it's not about what the community can do for you. It's about what you can do for this community."
"I wanted to give something to people... about how you can fight for what you believe in."
"I think I changed the industry a lot. And the way the wrestling is today, if you look at where wrestling's gone, say, compared to where it was in 1988, it was not all what it is today."
"I was ecstatic to help with the wedding and went above and beyond to create a gorgeous table."
"We're human beings. Beautiful. And what we want to do as human beings, what are we? We want to make the world a little bit better than it is. That's what my share is."
"It's important to talk to yourself, whether you're a man or a woman, to say, 'How can I help? How can I add to the progress or lessen the burden?'"
"I really enjoyed this, being able to contribute to do something like this up here is just awesome."
"I did a painting of this earlier in the year, posted the 17th chart on reddit, but then later I saw you had a place to send fan mail and I knew I had to send it."
"And keep contributing to the world in the way that I know how, and keep improving upon my own choices."
"There's a clear dissonance in what it is that you bring to the table and what it is that you are looking for."
"You might just find yourself being able to help and contribute in a new way by being yourself."
"Everything we do contributes to our lives as well as those around us."
"Your contribution matters, even if it's different from others'."
"Maybe I kind of contributed towards Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton."
"Should that impact our support for Chelsea Football Club? No, because let's have it right, Roman Abramovich may be doing that out of his own money."
"He did most of the big stuff in this, including being on top of this elevator."
"It is my honor to share my own gifts and I'm very, very happy to announce another raffle."
"Lavender town is a piece of internet history and I knew I had to leave my mark on it even if I'm like nine years too late to the party..."
"I did it for you guys, I did it for you watching at home."
"I really believe if we just keep fighting and you do what you do whatever it is you can do in your life to keep fighting at the moment, that's the only thing."
"God will help you make the most important contribution."
"Shawn stuck with the company when his friends were leaving and carried that company on his back."
"I pledge to give of myself, my time, my energy, my talent, whatever I can spare of my finance to accomplish the above-said."
"He's not here to ride her coattails. He's just here to do the thing that he does, yeah."
"Nobody gets to bring to the world the things that you get to bring to the world uniquely except you."
"This is something I wanted to bring to the channel."
"I want to see the work that Mary and I and now Heather have done and are doing makes a difference."
"If you get a chance to get out there and make an impact, you make it."
"Bringing yourself to the equation is so much more than the gear."
"The only way I can even think to remotely help is literally by planting trees."
"Find a charity that you like and whatever you think you want to pay me for this, you donate it to them."
"Many things lead to job satisfaction, and the knowledge that you're doing something useful to the community is an important part of it."
"Don't forget to make your own internet just a little bit more awesome."
"I think I'm helping the environment."
"It's awesome, you know, to feel like you might have been a part of the growth of our industry."
"You make the world good, so just keep doing that."
"Think about what you can give as well as what you can take."
"Our potential is God's gift to us and what we do with that potential is our gift back to Him."
"Don't mind about the numbers, just help one."
"I'm doing my part; it's not my job to fix the problem, I'm just trying not to contribute to the problem."