
Life Evaluation Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?"
"Judgment is all about what did you do with your time, your life, your energy, your choices."
"Imagine yourself in 50 years... and you start to reflect on your life. You start to think of all of the successes you've had, the great memories... but then you also start to think about the things that you wish you had done a little bit different, your regrets."
"Only then can you truly say, my life was well lived and a life was worth it."
"Am I living in alignment with the way I want to be living?"
"You're cast out of deep sleep, or the phantasmagoria of dreams, when the alarm goes off in the morning, and how do you feel about your life and what is going to give you moral urgency and meaning?"
"Many of us may have stellar resumes, but that doesn't mean that we would have stellar eulogies."
"You have to take inventory in your life and ask yourself, 'What is this serving? What is this doing? And why?'"
"Every once in a while, ponder your life as if it weren't your own, as if you were watching your life in the grand scheme of the cosmos from above."
"The easiest heuristic I can come up with to work out whether or not you've lived a good life is one in retrospect that you're glad that you lived."
"We need to evaluate our lives and say, guess what, if you feel really comfortable and content, that's fine for a little while, but how much you want to bet without resistance you'll have no progress, you'll have no happiness?"
"The life you will be judged on is happening right now. How are you living your life?"
"A lot of it has been bad, but also a lot of it has been pretty good."
"What matters is what did you use this period of time in your life for and where did they get you."
"I've kept it together pretty reasonably all things considered but when I had a moment alone I shed some tears over the fact that the last six years of my life were completely meaningless."
"There comes a moment where folks have to analyze their lives and decide whether the positioning they are in still meshes well with what they may be enduring at this stage of life."
"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
"Near-death experiences often lead to an existential crisis."
"You have to be proud of you for taking the step and actively look at their lives and think do I want what they have."
"This is a life well lived. And we acknowledge that."
"The measure of a person's values can best be measured by examining the life the person lives."
"If reality doesn't change your life, what does that say about your life?"
"I ask you to consider the 98 percent of Grand Amato's life where he was a good person."
"The worst feeling is to have wasted your life."
"It all boils down to what am I doing in my life every single day."
"Did you do right by me? Everything could be poor, ugly, a woman, nothing at all. Did you do right?"
"I think I'd ask myself, 'Was it all worth it?'"
"How much of my life have I spent loving and enjoying myself?"
"If you're in a situation right now where you look at your life, I know there's an area of your life that you probably feel pretty darn good about."
"When I remove myself from this and I looked at my life and I looked at all these things and I was just like what if I risk it all."
"I ought to be ready at every moment of my life to confront myself and say this is what I've done."
"Now is the time for you to reevaluate your life, now is the time to think about your life. Where do you see yourself in the next two to five to ten years?"
"It's not always about what's next, it's also about what do you have and what have you done with it."
"Are you happy with how your life is going right now?"
"This life is about to what degree did you love."
"It's all about when you get to the destination, are you happy with that destination or are you not?"
"It’s hard to boil down a whole person to a quickfire list but every so often in life it’s good to stop and check in."
"No matter what anyone says, Andrew lived a life that is worthy of any human being."
"We will not be judged according to the results that we achieved, we will be judged according to the amount of effort we put into serving his only will during the term of our life on the earth."
"Have you looked at your life to ask yourself this question?"
"Don't judge your life based on your relationship status. Whether you're single or whether you're in a relationship, there's no reason or no need to do that."
"Take one thing from this video: spend two or three minutes reassessing your life in the light of Jesus Christ."
"With each passing second, each minute, every hour, we are edging closer to an appointed time when we will stand before God and give an account for what we've done with our lives."
"The Lord will not ask how much money you made, He won't ask how many friends you made or even how many good works you did."
"Now what I want you to do for me right now today is take a look at things that are bothering in your life... am I okay? Do I need help with this?"
"God has placed a great demon as overseer of human souls, judging them based on the character they developed during their lifetime."
"This is the time for you to truly take stock of your life situation."
"Former beauty queen Lindsay Shirley Shyer had it all - looks, popularity, money... but it wasn't enough."
"This year has been the very best year of my entire life."
"It's been a heck of a journey... but I look at where we're at quite differently."
"If he could live like the last four or five years that he lived doing what he did, the impact that he had is way better than his first 50 years."
"A superhero needs a sidekick. How can it be such a shitty week and yet one of the best of my life?"
"Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." - Robert Louis Stevenson
"There's some sort of test. I don't know, how they remember you, that's all that counts."
"The world is far too complicated to simplify it to pain bad, pleasure good."
"We're not all the same. What our limits are gonna be different, how we're gonna evaluate things are gonna be different."
"At the end of this life, it's you judging your own sort of path so you have to be happy with yourself."
"God is gonna judge us for what we've done with our lives based off of our gifts."
"After so much time goes by, you just be like, 'Man, was it worth it?'"
"We are judged on our own lives and what we do for Almighty God."
"This is the time of year when you take inventory and ask yourself, 'How is my life going? Where do I feel lack? What areas do I want to improve?'"
"Take a step back and say, 'Okay, what about my life in general?' We are human beings first."
"What situation in your life needs to come to an end?"
"At the end of the day, you're gonna have to answer to God."
"Your net worth is your life's financial scorecard, your report card for your life effort."
"Reflect on your life and where I am today at my almost 33 years and what's going on what's happening in my life like what's where I am at this point in my life."
"Your whole life will be revealed, good and bad."
"Potter reflections: it is a time in your life when you pause for the cause of reflecting on what does the Potter say about me."
"Sometimes it's a good idea just to take a step back, you know, kind of get off the treadmill, so to speak, and just relax for a little bit and just evaluate what you want to do with your life."
"It takes something traumatic to kind of shake you, to make you reevaluate your life."
"This will make you question your whole life."
"This is the most important time to re-evaluate what you want from Life."
"If you only had three more years to live, would you be happy with your life today?"
"I think everyone should evaluate where they are in life and where they want to be."
"The cost-benefit analysis as traditionally done has a very narrow view of what counts in life."
"People judge their life opportunities in comparison to the people they know. What matters is, do they see their own lives getting better?"
"Did I have a good life in the end of the day?"
"When's the last time you sat down and thought is this life that I have the life that I want?"
"and man oh man when I tell you this had me second guessing myself and re-evaluating my life I mean it you got to see"
"Evaluate your life in its totality."
"It's made me look at my life totally differently."
"If me or somebody I loved lived their life totally blitzed out on heroin, I'd say, man, what a waste. That's not a good life; that's a crap life."
"It made me really re-evaluate my life again."
"Living like essentially a slave for 40 years, which is insane."
"We will all be evaluated after we die. And there will be no chance to change how we lived our lives."
"Begin to reckon his age not by years but by virtues; he lived long enough."
"As we get to the end of your life, how you spend your minutes is how you spent your life. It's like knowing that you spend it on your relationship with God, your family, and the things that you do with your work."
"In life, you are judged by the questions you ask, not the answers you give."
"Life is not only measured by the things you do but also by the things you don't do."
"View your life from a distance so you can get the perspective needed."
"What part of your life works, and what part of your life hurts?"
"Spending three decades on earth, feeling like a failure, jumping from one job to the next, never completing any projects, never publishing any book... I often feel like I've never done anything worth the time I've been on earth."
"So far this year has not been bad."
"Let's not wait until we receive life-changing news to conduct such an important activity."
"Long story short, I needed to take a step back to re-evaluate some things and decide how I want to approach literally the next decade of my life."
"It's a time of reflection and contemplation and making the wrongs right and really looking at your life."
"The only way you can deliberately tell yourself that your life is not going to be a waste is when you look two years back or five years back."
"I feel like everyone needs to take time to just see where they really are."
"Imagine looking back on your life... I just was on my phone the whole time."
"Is it worth it? Absolutely. Is it perfect? Absolutely not."
"This is an hour of my work, or two hours of my work, or thirty minutes of my life. Is it worth it?"
"I am now reevaluating the potential for myself and for my life and I just feel so hopeful."
"Have I lived, have I loved, have I laughed."
"I feel like you're starting to gain perspective, you're starting to look much deeper into your surroundings, the people, places, things in your life, but on a spiritual level."
"Can you pass the deathbed test, get to the end of it and say, you know what, this life was worth it?"
"If today was your last day, are you proud of yourself?"
"This is your time to evaluate your life."
"How many good things you did in your life?"
"If you only had three years left to live, are you proud of the way you're living your life?"
"The greatest test of the world is if the people that know you the best love you the most."
"I would rather die as the man I was than live the life I just saw."
"On a scale from 0 to 10, we estimate that our lives have a cost of approximately 22, with a reward of 25."
"The quality of your life is measured by how many people are gathered around your Deathbed."
"The pandemic really forced people to evaluate and reevaluate their lives."
"If you're looking around your life and you don't like what you see, it could be a self-issue, a loss of selfhood."
"The premise of our system is that a person's score during her time on earth is final and inarguable."
"This is a time where for the next 40 days you are going to seriously and quite possibly intensely re-evaluate things in your life."
"It's my life better or is it worse, is it getting better or is it getting worse, am I growing, am I wiser? That's the real question you want to ask yourself."
"Did I have a good life? In the end of the day, I was good with my family, I experienced love in different ways, and that's it."
"It's important for you to go after what you want, and I know at the end of your days, you're the one that actually judges your life, your actions, your decisions."
"It takes an awakening beam to look at one's life and to realize perhaps it's not complete."
"Once you're able to completely heal and forgive, that's when you're going to be able to reevaluate your life and make the right decisions."
"They regret what they cared about. Their attention was bound up in petty concerns year after year when life was normal."
"I'm trying to decide if 2020 is the worst year of my life or if it's tied for first."