
Personal Initiative Quotes

There are 549 quotes

"You can, with very little difficulty, create your own economy."
"The only difference between someone who does something and someone who doesn't do that thing is whether or not they do it."
"Shamgar had what I call the three success secrets... He started where he was, he used what he got, and he did what he could."
"You can't wait for life to excite you; you have to start things to excite you."
"You don't have to fix everything at once; you could just start by fixing the things that you could fix."
"Align yourself with others who are doing it or create something yourself that you want to see."
"If you want something to change, you have to do it. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."
"We got to start with us. We got to plant the seeds for us first."
"I went and I took the initiative to go and get myself clean, to go and get myself right."
"I guess it's not just chance. You put yourself in a position to benefit from that luck or you take advantage of that luck."
"It's up to us as individuals to select an issue dear to our hearts... We have to become an advocate for pragmatic solutions that really work."
"Hey guys, I'm Annie Elise. This is Tend to Life. Let's change the world."
"Use the opportunities that you have, it doesn't matter if it's a million dollars or a hundred dollars; go from there and make it your own."
"How important is to take action. So if you feel strongly about something, if you have the drive inside you, just go for it and try something and do something about it."
"The golden opportunities are still there, as long as you have an attitude: Get up and do it."
"Try to make genuine people in your life and be the person who reaches out if no one's reaching to you."
"The system wasn't working for us, so I had to do something drastic."
"No one's coming. The people in life that get what they want are the ones that aren't waiting for an external force to validate their dreams."
"You have to absolutely be what we call a doer, so you need to be the sort of person that's going to grab something by the scruff of the neck and just get it done, moving forward and constantly progressing."
"I didn't plan on being an activist, I just did something that I thought was the right thing to do."
"If you want something to exist, sometimes you have to create it yourself."
"It's a little risky, not everyone's gonna bite me, but I'd I need it, I need to try and keep up with everybody."
"Absolutely, it's your responsibility to activate on that."
"There has to be another way to do this, and that's what inspired me to do what I'm doing."
"Helping out is always something I've tried to do."
"I wanted to create something that I wanted to exist in the world."
"Try it out, don't wait for science to give you permission. Do the uncommon."
"I took this upon myself to create awareness in the country for people to know what scoliosis is about."
"This was the best idea ever! I can make my own neighborhood around my house."
"Trying something is a shitload more than most people are willing to do."
"It's going to take individuals like yourself... to come up with Solutions."
"You give me 300,000 in college I'm going to make some [ __ ] out of nothing."
"Men have to go out and create those options for ourselves, they don't just slide into our DMS."
"Productivity is great and the fact that you're kind of taking initiative, you know you're taking this situation and you're making something of it for self-improvement, to just do better by oneself and no congratulations, that's fantastic."
"You ain't never going to score if you don't shoot your shot."
"In my case, I looked to solar to provide my grid down needs."
"To have it become this... it was kind of my doing because I... wanted to create this community focus in the first place."
"It's now time for you to start taking steps."
"If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. In this case, it's just... I'm not saying I'm some genius for doing this, I'm sure many people have installed these mods before. But to me, it's completely new and it's a lot of fun."
"You don't have to have the perfect situation to do the perfect thing."
"School has such a critical role... but we've asked schools to do more with less."
"I went around and I got 12 people to buy it."
"Solving it for the first time knowing that I came up with every single step."
"What's the maximum good you could do? Build your own, build it and they will come."
"I had to do something to make myself stand out."
"Get up and do something because if you're not up doing something, you know that somebody else is."
"They found the opportunity and I want you to be one of the people that finds the opportunity."
"I want to take the initiative when it comes to my own healing, my own spiritual connection. Who I love, what I love, I am interested in that right now."
"Wow wow Wes, let's start gardeni and let's start right now."
"Hopefully something I said tonight stirred something in you and you will want to go and learn more. As always, don't take my word for things, do your own homework."
"The more we step up the more things are going to change."
"Keep sticking around, I want to get to a story here, um, and before I get to it though, I am still doing my Tech Drive, I've actually started to buy the materials."
"So if you are looking to create a YouTube channel if you're looking to do something [__] do it man."
"Wow, this is amazing, but then um so basically what he did is he saw the system saw what they were doing he was like you."
"Some of the most beautiful malicious compliance stories are ones where they ask you for one hundred percent of something, and you give them 250 percent in return."
"If I have to choose between giving you a million bucks or if I give a million bucks to the government, I'm willing to bet you're probably going to create a better climate with a million dollars."
"The minimum requirement to care about other people enough to help them out is that you have to see they're doing something for themselves."
"They say build your own phone, so I did. Freedom Phone truly is the best phone in the world."
"Just tell them to watch the only person that has to buy into this is you and if you buy into it so many other people's lives are going to be changed because you went for it."
"I created this, I'm gonna work hard to get it out there in every corner of the world and I'm gonna be myself while doing that, you know."
"Musk's School for His Kids: Ad Astra, Focused on Science and Ethics."
"That's what I did. I wrote a geek mail to every person that had it listed as owned."
"Take initiative and be open to magical opportunities."
"Reopen that old door from the past and say I'm going to give it a shot."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing right and if you want something done right and sometimes you just got to do it yourself."
"I want to help him do that, I want to end that, I don't like that."
"Put your hat in the ring if you want to or apply for something else. I love that this is near future. It looks good to me."
"Everybody evangelize people. You didn't rely on the great preacher, you did it yourself."
"I should have done it years ago because I could have had my own canned broth, my own canned beans, and so many possibilities."
"How can you get your hands dirty to get started today?"
"Nobody can stop you from making an LLC, no gustap. You're doing, starting a business. No one can stop your intelligence, no one can stop you from learning."
"When I was younger I always had the thoughts of, you've got to go out there and make it happen for yourself."
"It's about one man who saw how bad his city was and he did something about it."
"Create your own concept and work really hard and spread the word."
"I'm playing a game different all right bet this year we're gonna start a foundation and if I'm gonna be giving people money it's gonna go through the foundation learned that from E.T Eric Thomas."
"I'm only interested in building black. We're gonna get that, you know?"
"I just had to go down and go gold. You want something, do it."
"Built by Simon Dale and his father-in-law, the project took only four months to complete."
"Grow food where you are and share it with those you love."
"I'm just creating the things I want to create."
"Leo season brings forth the proper energies for you to take a risk if you need to take a risk, for you to jump in, for you to make your move."
"Start where you are with what you have, do what you can with what you have."
"Take the action first, just take those first baby steps and keep going and don't give up."
"If they won't do it, I'll do it myself energy."
"I feel like you need to make a move towards this person."
"I believe in taking action. I believe in accountability. So I sued them."
"Initiate something in your career, in your work, in your employment, some project that you're working behind the scenes."
"I encourage you to try to think of your own queries, try to think of your own insights and your own things that you can do to make this portfolio project unique."
"Your person took things into their own hands."
"There's a million different way that's just somebody who's being lazy and not trying."
"I encourage people if they have any curiosity about them to just check it out for themselves."
"It's all up to you... be creative and surprise me with something."
"His heart is in the right place it really does seem like he is trying to be aware of these problems and you know trying to raise awareness about them."
"The media was very, very quiet with this... I went and I just basically put it all together."
"It's time for you to take the initiative to make the greatest change in your life."
"If you want to get laid, you just have to put in the effort."
"The ball is in your court, it's time to take a shot. Win or lose, at least you tried."
"There are things you can do to start your healing right now."
"Big up to them, because just imagine, you start doing stuff, you start like you do a madness."
"You are the one that has to take the first plunge, take inventory, ration supplies, adjust and adapt, and make decisions and mistakes. The experience offered by Subnautica is..."
"This is a guy who really takes the idea to heart go big or go home like he doesn't sit around and wait for anything to happen."
"A very interesting idea that I thought of you should try it out if you really want to see what to do."
"The answer is once again being your own boss and moving in your own movement."
"It's not gonna be done for you anymore so you gotta view yourself as a brand and learn that stuff."
"If you don't advocate for yourself, we're not moving."
"Nothing! Make up your own movement that's based in the Gospel and based on truth."
"History is alive. Get out and do your own work. It's beautiful."
"You ain't gonna do nothing sitting back and just thinking about what you wanna do."
"If you're brave enough to take that risk, take that first step in the direction of what you want to see in this world."
"I think individuals could take small actions. I think it starts at a community level and it builds up from there."
"Persistence is key. Not being afraid to ask for opportunity. It's up to you."
"Seek a fertile field within the whole plain and sow it with your own seed, trusting in your fine stock."
"This sculpture is another one of my passion projects, meaning it's not a commissioned piece. It's something I've just wanted to do for a really long time."
"You actually doing something about what you want to create in this world."
"Your energy is hitting critical mass; there's something in you that says, 'I'm gonna do this, and I'm gonna do it right.'"
"You're gonna be the one that has to get that ball rolling if you want this to go anywhere."
"Your idea is absolutely right. Pursue it, go for it, take action."
"It's always better to get out there and fucking do something."
"Nobody else cares nobody's gonna help you you gotta fucking do it."
"Go for it if there's something you want to do. Go for it and bring it out there and just give birth to it by the end of the month."
"Jump in and do something, opportunity is around you."
"Legit guys, I'm telling you right now, your network is only gonna be there if you create it."
"I have to be there first. If I'm not there first, I'm not making a play."
"Just start, any day you're doing it is better than a day that you're not."
"If I get a gig, we're gonna lay it out and we're gonna do it the way we want to do it."
"I have friends back at home that woulda came in got my belongings and with a headed sword up or I could have made a special trip to come home and get it."
"Listen up! Making your own everything is better. Just like making your own platform."
"If you have a dream if you see it you want to do it all you have to do is step toward it man."
"If you will it enough, you can create it. I'm starting my change.org petition today."
"People kind of don't have the gut feeling that I can go try this... they don't have the impulse to be like, 'Oh let me go ahead and try doing this and make mistakes and mess up and learn.'"
"When God gives you a command, sometimes he leaves space for you to fill it with your faith."
"It's actually the series that inspired me to start my own."
"You are never going to possess what you're unwilling to pursue."
"You can't make someone move, the only thing you can do is get yourself moving."
"You just have to make it happen for yourself."
"It's a scary thing to be able to step out and do something different."
"Create your own business even and if you do let me know in the comments below."
"Take charge of this time... to move forward with your ideas."
"Anybody can say with their mouth 'I want to be successful,' but the amount of people that actually take action towards that success is going to be a very very small percentage."
"I wanted to try and bring our family back together. It's been so long, and I think it's time we talk things out."
"When it comes to building wealth, you need to take things into your own hands because most experts are wrong."
"You are finally deciding to take matters into your own hands."
"Personal initiative is one quality which inspires one to form friendships and to make contacts with people who can be of aid to them in times of need."
"Personal initiative was the chief trait which helped Henry J. Kaiser to build a great industrial empire."
"I never in a million years saw this coming. I had never had an agenda. I literally just wanted to help some truckers."
"I know I got us into this situation, so I knew it was going to be up to me to do whatever it took to right all the wrongs."
"You just gotta get on there and do it like that."
"The door is open it's up to you to walk towards the door, it's up to you to ask, the duty of God is to set the table before you and to believe it."
"Hopefully, this inspired you to maybe go and clean up your own island."
"You need to take a step of faith, you need to put pen to paper and begin to write what God is saying to you."
"You can create luck in your life by giving it away."
"I've always had to write my own [ __ ], I've always had to create my own opportunities."
"Challenge to you all: if you really want something to happen then you need to get out there and make it happen."
"YouTube has had a big problem for years and it's about time I do something about it."
"You must take the initiative. I had to become my own boss, no longer can someone tell me what to do."
"You make things happen and I feel this is really a month where you're making things happen."
"Don't wait to get picked, Oprah's not going to call."
"This is the right moment...you just need to become that and own that."
"I think it's incredible when people want to take on things doing themselves."
"I just always felt like I could go and try and do anything I wanted to."
"I just want to do this for real and at least try and steer this mechanism."
"Just make it happen. If you're gonna do it, do it, figure it out."
"This is the midas touch do it yourself democracy initiative go out there and do something."
"When I came and said King of the South... I spoke to just about everybody... and everybody told me man go ahead man do what you feel."
"If you want to get something done, get it done."
"If it's something constructive, work on it and make it happen."
"Every single day next week from Monday to Friday at 9am I'm going to be the nation's PE teacher."
"God is pushing the door open for you but you gotta walk through it."
"It was never hey I'm gonna upload videos for random people on the internet to try and find and watch them."
"My favorite song doesn't have a map, I will make it myself."
"Just start. Don't psych yourself out." - "If you want to do something, do it."
"What is one person's trash is your treasure."
"Don't wait for those people to be creative. Create yourself everywhere you go."
"Yo, honestly, if you need something, go get it. Go get it, yo, facts."
"Having my own non-profit would be the perfect idea, so I started up my non-profit Books Without Borders."
"Can you change the system, or can you just create your own?"
"Let's do the damn thing. Let's have some fun."
"At some point, you just gotta take that risk and go do it."
"One of the best ways is to simply get out there and do it, don't wait for anyone."
"If my demands aren't met, I will take my matters into my own hands."
"You have to make it happen... you have to make the first move." - Will Terry
"I built a platform from doing what I want to do."
"You will never know unless you try, so go ahead and try out your brilliant idea."
"A lot of you need to learn how to step outside of the current reality and create your own."
"Are you waiting on someone else before you can take the big leap? Make a decision and do it. No more waiting for others."
"You said you weren't in the holiday spirit, so I decided."
"You gotta take the advantage and run with them."
"I wanted to not necessarily do a review or any kind of crazy following a tutorial. I want to follow my own damn tutorial that's in my own brain."
"Only you can make your piece of the world better by the preps that you put in place today."
"I didn't learn any of my coding skills at college. I used my computer to program instead of playing games on it all the time."
"I'm just doing something that I wish someone would have done when I was trying to figure it out."
"You gotta just take charge of your own career."
"Be hungry enough to take advantage of inconvenient opportunities."
"It's clear that she's done her own research."
"You miss every shot you don't take Jared that is true that is true but you know I'm building my compound right across the driveway so."
"I learned very quickly that if I wanted something, I just had to make it happen myself." - "I never wanted to rely on anyone."
"They're saying do it whatever it is you're thinking of doing."
"The question now is, are you going to act on it? Because nothing happens for this woman until she moves."
"Give it a try for yourself, it is time to get your online life locked down."
"You can make it as simple as 'I want a special partner so I'm going to go out and try and find this person' rather than feeling like destiny has to bring it to me."