
Debt-free Quotes

There are 461 quotes

"How does it feel to be debt-free? Oh, so good."
"Imagine looking down the road and seeing a life that was free of debt, free of that weight on your shoulders."
"Being debt-free feels amazing, it's like after all the sacrificing, to finally be done."
"Being completely debt-free, not owing one penny to anyone, your life would be a lot different, wouldn't it?"
"If you don't have any payments, you have money."
"Riches is when you home everything, when you can sit down at night and say, 'I ain't got to owe this man nothing.'"
"We found Dave Ramsey and that has helped us... we have tried to build any success we have using his principles of being debt-free, saving cash in advance, and trying to make smart choices."
"Ben and Angela from the state of Washington they did it house and everything 437,000 paid off in six years and one month making 140 to 300. count it down let's hear a debt free scream."
"It just feels really nice that you can know and to be debt-free."
"This company has a robust balance sheet with no long-term debt."
"I am 100% debt-free, I owe nothing to a bank, and I owe nothing to anybody."
"I became 100% debt free... because I created a plan, I was able to actually accomplish that, which was awesome."
"We're completely debt-free right now. It feels so amazing."
"Absolutely when you're debt-free it's like nobody has anything on you now you've got all the power all the options in the world."
"What you deserve is peace of mind and not living in debt."
"You're going to have a paid-for house, you have no bills."
"You're not truly financially independent unless no one you don't owe anybody any money."
"Paying off your credit card entirely by the due date then there's nothing left to pay any interest on."
"Can you imagine going to your home and you have no debt, beautiful?"
"You're not a hundred percent free until you are debt free. That means no student loans, that means no credit card debt, no card loans, any loans."
"So all I can say is I'm glad I decided to stop hoarding my cash and finally just put my foot down and said I'm gonna put everything towards debt instead because now today I'm sitting here talking to you completely debt-free and it feels amazing."
"You can put 10,000 on your credit card today, pay it off in its entirety tomorrow and they're not going to care."
"Debt free degree, a step-by-step plan on how to get your kids through college without racking up any debt."
"Living debt-free actually allows us to have more."
"Paid off their house, paid off their house. And you know what, if you drive like no one else later, you can drive anything you want, whatever you want."
"Words can't really explain how I'm free I feel now that I don't have any debt. I feel like a new person."
"If you want to reclaim your life, you've got to get out of debt."
"How great would that be to go into a marriage with the house and no debt."
"The smartest thing I've ever done with money is pay off my house early."
"Get $1,000 saved, pay off all debt, then build a solid emergency fund."
"Rachel and Dave both said 1, 2, 3: pay off the car."
"Getting out of debt, living that free life—it sounded like it was a crazy idea, but it works."
"Pay off all of your existing debts... give you a lot of peace of mind and flexibility."
"Our daughter will graduate from college debt-free, which is a big deal because that means that she doesn't have to worry about paying off student loans."
"How's it feel to not have a stinking payment in the world?"
"I don't operate with any kind of debt. If I can't afford it, I don't buy it."
"Being debt-free will be amazing. It really would. You can live again."
"Paid off the house in Florida two years ago, 100% debt-free."
"The faster you overpay your mortgage, the sooner you will become debt-free, and that is a feeling that is hard to put a value on."
"You'll be debt-free, you'll have a giant pile of money."
"I'm debt free, like completely debt free, and I want to keep it that way. That's smart."
"I paid off the car and boy I feel excited...the only debt we have remaining is our house."
"Budgeting has been such a huge game changer for us in our own debt-free Journey."
"I find that fascinating and also encouraging because they're doing it entirely debt free."
"There is light at the end of the tunnel. If you want to be debt-free and you become hyper-focused, you can be debt-free."
"I want to walk into January or 2023 like debt free. I do not like other than the house in my car, I have a credit card debt zero."
"It's much better not having debt."
"You did not have to be burdened by debt."
"Don't buy home until you're debt free, have your emergency fund plus a down payment and on a 15-year fixed rate where the payments no more than a fourth of your take-home pay."
"Being debt-free is life-changing."
"We wanted to pay off our debt as soon as possible so we made a lot of sacrifices during that time but it totally paid off because we became debt-free."
"If you have the money to buy a house, you've got no debt, you're debt-free, have a ball. Buy whatever your heart desires."
"So you are debt free in two years."
"How's it feel to be 3.2 million in zero debt?"
"No financial stress, you don't owe anything to anyone."
"When you're debt-free, you just don't have to worry in the same way that you do whenever you have debts."
"Every day I am growing stronger and more capable in my journey towards Financial Freedom and wealth Building without debt."
"Shark Tank has allowed me to live my life and get out of debt."
"Your tips are the ones that we actually used and we are debt free now in 18 months."
"There is nothing better than the feeling of being completely and completely debt-free."
"How can I do this debt free? I'm so excited about the future of America."
"You don't have to be in debt. You don't have to owe nothing."
"Thanks to all of you wonderful people, I am debt-free."
"I think one thing that we did right though is that we've always, we never took out any loans and we've always paid for things out of pocket as we go."
"I've been debt free since March 2023."
"I live a debt-free life. I have paid off all my student loans and my house. Everything that I own is owned outright, and that's a gift of my recovery."
"...my biggest accomplishment in 2023 was paying off my car loan... being back in that totally debt-free position... it feels so good."
"No debt is the best way to go even with a car."
"We really do believe no debt is the best way to go even with a car."
"You can go to an apprenticeship program, put four years in, come out with a trade with no college debt."
"George and I don't even use car payments. I'm not going to make those dudes rich off my back I'm just not going to do it."
"There's a real emotional appeal to going into retirement debt-free, you know? And that's what we did."
"I really encourage people to get very serious about trying to be debt-free 100% debt free not, you know, including your mortgage by the time you retire."
"Vacation sinking fund... going on vacation without accruing any debt is like the best type of vacation ever."
"Help me become debt free, not by giving, but by dancing."
"I just paid off all my loan, I'm completely debt free."
"He has paid all my debts. I owe no one."
"I am Laura at Lyman Joy, I'm a wife, a medical coder, and a mom of six, and I'm on a journey to become debt-free and break generational cycles of debt so the Next Generation can live and give like they were meant to."
"So your assets minus your liabilities equals net worth, what you own minus what you owe. And so when you don't have debt, you don't have liabilities, that's right, it gives you a big up on the asset side."
"We were able to pay off all of our debt in three years."
"There's no student debt, you guys. You can be potentially working a six-figure job or more and not have any student loans to pay back."
"I want to be debt-free of everything this year."
"Tanjiro's personality is different, which includes not being in debt to almost anyone."
"Well done, Ryan and Jenny, from Virginia. $290,000 paid off in six years and 10 months, making $55,000 to $170,000, 31 years old, debt-free house and everything. They're weirdos, I love it!"
"That's what helps us stay on budget, not go into debt, and hit our long-term personal savings goals."
"We're out of debt, we don't have a mortgage, we're eating food that's not infected with hormones and GMO, and who knows what."
"The average FPU graduate is debt-free in 2 years or less."
"The feeling is so much better when you are actually debt-free."
"The typical person moves out of debt in 18 to 24 months through Financial Peace University."
"You could be debt-free by Christmas."
"Think how it would feel to have no payments. It's audible. You can physically feel the shift."
"I recommend getting out of debt as fast as you can."
"FPU, if you don't know, is the proven fastest way to beat debt, to build wealth."
"I felt debt-free when I finally had control over my finances."
"My wife and I had accomplished our goal and we became debt-free."
"Imagine a life without credit card payments, without car payments, without student loan payments."
"I was just really sick of it so I committed. I decided to make a commitment to get out of debt and really just get a handle on my consumption and my shopping habits because it was just completely out of control."
"You have to believe you can get out of debt and that you will get out of debt."
"And they don't have the college debt. No college debt."
"The shortest distance between where you are and your first one to five million dollars of net worth is getting your stinking house paid off."
"Debt free moves you the other way and when you're debt free you don't have any payments you have a cash flow that's unbelievably wonderful."
"You're gonna get off here, you're gonna call them paid off, and you're gonna feel so good because you're going to stand your ground and you're never going back into debt again."
"I think if things go well just like you did last year, I think I can get it paid off within 12 months."
"I saw a show where they said you need a million dollars to retire. Not true. The secret is to owe no one a dime when you retire."
"You need to be 100% debt-free before he retires, and if you're not then you need to get 100% debt-free however you need to do that because you just need to have no debt when you go into retirement and then you should be fine."
"You can be burdened with the debt or you can make choices to make that go away."
"Being debt-free is the best feeling in the whole world. You can't explain it to anybody."
"I made sure my home was paid off, I made sure my debt was gone, I had cash savings, you know, that I did. So what I'm saying is don't put all your eggs in one basket."
"The secret of not being broke is to stop making excuses, use your brain, and ask yourself, 'Do I really want to be out of debt?'"
"Now you're gonna get your stuff; now you're gonna build your business; now you're coming out of debt."
"Find out how good it feels to be debt free."
"Achieve Financial confidence, Crush debt, that leads to more fun and fewer payments."
"My goal in life is to be debt-free by the time I'm 40."
"I'm finally able to like get myself out of debt, get myself working towards what I'm really out here for."
"Think about how free I am because I don't have that debt."
"We try to remain as debt-free as physically possible."
"If you reach over and you pay off that mortgage, you're going to be free."
"You're the American dream because there's no nightmare of student loan debt for you."
"We're sustained by the blessing; we owe no man anything but to love him."
"The company has 400 million dollars in cash, zero long-term debt."
"We don't have any kind of mortgage or debt."
"I'm not carrying debt, so that step one said pay stuff off, no more interest."
"I'm in debt to no one but the one who took my sins."
"We avoided debt wherever possible."
"The new American dream is to be debt-free."
"Ain't nothing like a zero balance, you know what I'm saying?"
"Financial freedom is really not owing anybody no damn money."
"Our God is not a debtor; be grateful to this God."
"We walked into retirement with lots of assets and utterly zero debt."
"I've busted my chops all these years, finally seeing the light of a debt-free life and almost hitting retirement."
"In two years, we won't have any debt, no cars, no house, nothing."
"Imagine having no debt, no mortgage, no car payments, no credit card payments, no student loans; you don't owe anybody anything."
"Being able to afford necessities, not having any debt, emergency fund, retirement, children's education."
"I'd rather have less and not owe any money."
"Imagine being debt-free and having the financial freedom to spend more time with your loved ones, explore new hobbies, or start your own business."
"We haven't got much but we don't owe nothing, and we're in a good spot. You can't ask much more than that."
"One way that I found to simplify my life is to pay my debts. Don't buy what I don't need, gives me more mental peace and freedom to do things that are useful for me and my family."
"You can get out of debt, you can stay out of debt, and you can lack for nothing."
"The ability to be debt-free is a beautiful thing."
"I am on my debt-free journey and also my financial independence journey."
"Getting out of debt and saving more money just makes sense, doesn't it?"
"You can graduate university without going into debt or with very little debt."
"We paid off $133,000 in five years."
"Once you pay off a debt, it's gone. Think about that: gone forever, finished."
"There's such a freedom about being out of debt."
"Debt doesn't have to be a part of life."
"How good your body feels once you have no debt."
"The way to financial freedom is not having debt; it's actually allowing more of your money to be spent on the things that matter to you."
"Last year I paid off $42,000 worth of debt with the help of a few side hustles."
"Paying off your debt, in a lot of ways, is financial freedom."
"I definitely want to become debt free, including our mortgage."
"I started my debt-free journey in September of 2023, and I have completed 6 months of debt payments."
"I want to pay off my parents' debt, that would be like my ideal world."
"It's such an awesome world you live in when you have twenty thousand dollars in an emergency fund and you have no debts."
"My biggest accomplishment is paying my mom's debt off."
"I care more about what your life looks like decades from now, just getting rid of this debt, never having a credit card again, and then building up."
"You'll never call in with regret that you didn't go to XYZ school when you're the first one to graduate and all your peers are drowning in debt."
"You have peace because your bill has been paid."
"I see no reason why by the end of December you should have no more credit card debt."
"We did pay off all our debt, consumer debt, and oh I don't know, a little over two years, and then we paid off our house after that."
"Just do it. Make the decision to pay off your debt, get excited about it."
"Just do it. Make the decision that you are going to work to get yourself out of debt and just do it."
"Being debt-free is like being uncuffed from being in prison."
"I'll take care of you, but you're going to do it my way, no debt."
"You can be out of this debt in three years."
"You have to decide that you are done with debt."
"Know your why. Why do you want to be debt-free?"
"Imagine if all your credit card payments are gone and all your student loan payments are gone, and you have that extra money every month. Imagine the possibilities."
"I paid off all my debts. I'm good."
"Pay off all of your debt; it can be a major obstacle to building your wealth."
"Look what we did when we were trying to get out of debt, so you can do this too."
"I started my financial journey and in 2017 was able to pay off a million dollars in debt."
"I've been able to pay off all of my debt."
"This is actually our first debt-free Christmas."
"No debt, no borrowing. There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt."
"I call myself free, I call every bill paid, I call every need met, I call every debt paid off."
"The story has a happy ending though, he since got a degree, got a good broadcasting job, and cleared his debt."
"I paid everyone off in cash; I was debt free and the number one real estate company in my city."
"The beautiful thing about being debt-free is it does give you options and choices."
"You can be out of this debt in a year."
"We paid off all of our debt... and now we're working our way to save more."
"This has given us opportunity to live debt free and rent free."
"I put a huge weight and a huge value on not having debt in my life."
"These people were not moseying out of debt; they were running like their life depended on it."
"I'm looking to plop as much money into stocks as I can right now and have no debts."
"Becoming debt free and the power of debt freedom."
"We like being debt-free and we recommend that for everybody if it's achievable."
"I paid off $21,000 in credit card debt in one year."
"This is all about saving money, trying to get to a debt-free life so that I can leverage myself into retirement."
"Don't live beyond your means; pay for everything you can in cash and don't carry debt."
"We were young, we started the Dave Ramsey plan and we paid off over 150,000 worth of debt."
"Paying off debt is a tax-free, risk-free, guaranteed rate of return."
"Graduating without student debt is a huge leg up."
"You've got to change your behavior... We've got to actually decide we're never touching debt again."
"We are free and it feels fantastic."
"It's a Liberation from some responsibility, some debt that you've paid off, and you're free and you're starting on a new path of service."
"I quit my job, handed in the keys to the company car, and in I don't know by Thanksgiving I didn't have any more debt."
"Join me on my journey to be completely debt-free because our biggest goal is to invest wisely and give generously."
"The ultimate goal is to get you debt-free as quickly as possible."
"I never thought I'd ever be able to say that I have zero dollars in Snap-on debt."