
Heart Quotes

There are 5704 quotes

"It's important to remember that it is ultimately the decisions we make on the level of the heart, on the level of consciousness, which, will determine where we go in the future."
"The electromagnetic energy in our heart is thousands of times more powerful than that of the head."
"Imagine that your heart is now smiling. You can even physically smile with your mouth and your eyes, and imagine that your heart space and your heart is smiling as well."
"Where your treasure is, your heart will be also."
"It doesn't matter how much money you have if your heart is bankrupt."
"The only offering that God wants from you is your heart."
"The power to change the future lies not in our magic, but in our hearts."
"Listen to your heart; your heart has been speaking to you loud and clear."
"Persistence in prayer is not about the eloquence of words but the earnestness of the heart."
"Don't let kindness and truth leave you; bind them about your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."
"Connect to your heart, what is your heart trying to tell you?"
"Whatever experience I lack, I make up for in heart."
"The heart, not the pump, but our energetic center, is the bridge between the human aspect of us and spirit."
"Guard your heart, for out of it flow the issues of life."
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."
"The Bible tells us to guard our hearts because out of our hearts flow the issues of life."
"I really feel like you guys are going to find out where your heart is, aka where your home is, and you're finally going to settle somewhere where your heart feels safe, where your heart feels at home."
"Wherever your treasure is, your heart follows that thing."
"Generosity does not start with dollars; it's an attitude that you have in your heart."
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
"Follow your heart, follow your desires, and try to always make a decision based on love and light."
"The heart is the gateway to the soul's wisdom."
"God chooses us by our heart, not our talent."
"Set your intentions with your heart and soul."
"This is probably a great time to connect with people or to just share your heart."
"It's time to let go. Let your heart lead the way."
"Heart's got another meaning, hasn't it? Artists, poets, songwriters, they've been waxing lyrical about this idea of heart for many years, for thousands of years."
"Knowing God... means that information... stops being information and it sinks down to where it has personal impact, gets into your heart to the place where it affects you."
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your entire life."
"If you're not committed in your heart to what you're doing, it's going to be a struggle."
"The second strategy is to work with your heart."
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
"Trust the process, just trust it, and follow your heart. Literally, that is how you discover all of this."
"Follow your heart. Your heart never led you wrong. Please don't let the world change you."
"In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph."
"The quickest way to anybody's heart is always through the table."
"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt by the heart."
"Bill is just like the good ol' boy around here. He thinks he's got it all together, wants to be the best but keeps messing up, and he's got lots of character flaws but he's still good at heart."
"Is it possible to live with a 3D printed heart? This is the bizarre past, present, and future of the human heart."
"Egyptians believed the heart was responsible for things such as your emotions, wisdom, and memory."
"The ancient Greeks took this a step further. They not only believed that the heart contained a person's soul but that it had a functional mechanism within the human body."
"Aristotle believed the heart had three chambers. It actually has four."
"The world's first doctor, Hippocrates, and ancient Greek scholar Aristotle believed that there was a connection between the heart and the lungs."
"By the Middle Ages, cultural depictions of the heart extended well beyond the confines of religion and were used in art to represent royalty."
"Leonardo da Vinci became the first artist to sketch a truly accurate representation of the heart."
"The electromagnetic energy around the heart is thousands of times more powerful than that of the head."
"I feel like there's been some weight lifted off of my heart."
"If you learn to guard your heart, you won't have to recover from so much."
"It's a combination of things, but I really try and lead with my heart."
"Practice listening to your heart again and again; learn its language."
"All paths lead home, as long as you're following your heart and what you love."
"Remembrance to the heart is like oxygen; it's our spiritual oxygen."
"Even if you're lost, you can't lose the love because it's in your heart."
"We don't need to see one another to connect; we could connect when we open our hearts."
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do."
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart also be."
"No matter what universe we come from, duelists with hearts always triumph."
"It's not about what's in your wallet; it's what's in your heart."
"All about the heart today and not just about love. It goes deeper than that. This is really about finding balance in your life."
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil; for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks."
"Frozen brought an incredible amount of heart to the Disney universe."
"Imagine there's a Plexiglas screen over your heart and you just want to show people your heart when you talk to them."
"The most sacred thing you have is your golden heart."
"Love is the easiest and the hardest thing you're ever gonna do with your heart."
"Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart."
"Letting go of judgment doesn't mean we don't take action, because I think right action from the heart is a great thing."
"Your heart is the only muscle that never gets tired."
"The powers of the heart, its impact on health and facilitation of unseen connections, its intuition and its prescience, make it just as important as the ancients said it was."
"The electromagnetic energy of your heart is thousands of times more powerful than that of the head."
"There are thoughts... on our heart that there's no words for."
"The Prophet said that the heart takes its name from its constant change."
"You are connected heart to heart, soul to soul."
"My heart is actually great. My chest is caving in on my heart... It's a mechanical fix."
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
"My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commandments in your heart."
"People are losing three things: number one, they're losing heart; number two, they're losing faith; and number three, they're losing confidence."
"If people were to follow their heart, ultimately, at the end of it, we'll get to the destiny which is the end, the completion of the game."
"It's not about how much money you have, how much heart you have."
"Your heart is a very special organ. It's a pump that doesn't fail even once in a proper life of 80 maybe a hundred years."
"Above everything else, guard your heart, because everything you do flows from it."
"Once the heart begins to become orderly and coherent, it acts as an amplifier and it drives an energy to the brain."
"The whole goal of defibrillation is not actually to restart the heart, what we do is we use this electricity to actually stun the heart."
"The source of your emotions is your heart, so clearing your heart of all emotions is the key to achieving self-balance."
"Overflowing love pouring out of their heart."
"Would you rather have a grapefruit-sized heart or a heart filled to the brim with pasta?"
"Maybe your heart has a lot more to do with spirituality than you even think is the bottom line."
"Maybe Australian cricket needed a heart replacement."
"Your heart is the strongest muscle in your body, right? Of course, it's good to have muscles, but nothing is stronger than your heart."
"It's a heart issue... Latter-day Saints in there is a reminder."
"If there's ever a time to follow our heart, it would be right now."
"Just gotta believe, you just gotta follow your heart."
"Every girl on this Court has a lot of heart."
"The best decisions are made by the heart, are made with the heart. It doesn't mean that the card and money, that's what makes the good decision."
"The outpouring of the glory of God is about ready to invade planet Earth but it's not going to invade your heart if your heart isn't tender towards God."
"Holiness consists in a disposition of the heart which places us in the arms of God."
"Your heart will always be a good investment."
"Your wish is granted every single time because it's wishes and desires of the heart."
"You need to walk the yellow brick road and find the chick with the dog 'cause y'all are missing a heart."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ will sink deeper in all our hearts as we focus on these principles: relationships, revelation, agency, repentance, and sacrifice." - President Henry B. Irene
"Listen to your dreams and messages, follow your heart."
"All those things matter less than what your heart contains."
"Sometimes it's not all about your idea, it's about the heart that you have, the driving determination, and the focus."
"A true seeker will always have a path that is revealed to them... it's revealed through the heart."
"Heart is the most important muscle. Please don't neglect it."
"Love, love, love. Open up my heart and you'll find love."
"Fitna is presented to the human heart which is always changing."
"Your true riches lie not in the bank but in your heart."
"Your heart needs to be established with grace."
"I just want someone with the world's biggest heart to win it."
"Pericardial tamponade squeezes the heart, decreasing filling and contraction."
"Pericardiocentesis for pericardial tamponade."
"He wants your heart. Jesus wants your heart."
"Guard your heart so that when disappointment happens you're disappointed but you're not devastated."
"The actions of the heart are definitely rewarded by Allah. The essence of the greatest of the Amal are those of the heart."
"The heart is important, but it's not the place for moral decision-making."
""Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!–I have as much soul as you,–and full as much heart!"
"You guys definitely have each other in your hearts."
"He's hiding under the turnbuckle but Dustin Thomas is a tenacious individual he's on the man with with a lot of heart a lot of fight."
"What truly matters is the condition of the heart."
"I will take away the stony heart... and give you a new heart."
"Only the hearts can speak such truths. Use that as your guide above all else."
"This series is really, really funny but it has a lot of heart."
"The heart will never fail you... it was the result of Letting Go more than self-will."
"Any church or denomination that preaches a reconciliation other than that which occurs in the heart."
"There's more energy coming from the heart than there is from the brain."
"The heart is the center point of a vibratory universe."
"You always lead with your heart, your heart always comes first."
"The heart, like that gas tank, was created to be filled with a specific thing and when you fill that heart with other than what it was created to be filled with, it breaks."
"The big guy is never about the body, it's about the heart, the passion."
"The heart doesn't fail you, it will not fail you ever."
"Falling in love with the Quran will cleanse your heart, put no in your heart, put no in your eyes."
"This was an amateur pedigree. This is professional heart."
"The heart, the most important muscle in the body."
"Your heart is always correct because it's true."
"Christ wants to make his home in your hearts."
"There's never too late to leave... you have to do what's right in your heart."
"Give yourself permission to explore your heart's calling and be open to new experiences."
"Don't judge based on looks or preferences; judge by the heart."
"Charity, if Christ is in our heart, we will never fail."
"The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart."
"Strength is not the size of a body if it's in the size of the heart."
"Restart your heart today... I surrender it to you."
"There's something there, there's in my heart."
"When we talk about the dense the electromagnetic field of the heart right your electromagnetic field can be measured up to six feet some people some say the heart methods institute says up to 10 feet away from you right."
"Follow your heart because at the end of the day, that's exactly what's really going to be able to help us remain in this true essence."
"I pray that Allah unlocks our hearts so the Quran that we recite, that when we contemplate it deeply, affects and enters into our hearts."
"What matters is the state of the heart, and there we are all the same equally."
"You have to surrender the mind's all-knowingness because the heart is all-knowing."
"The Bible will rejoice your heart." - David Jeremiah
"It's not just about size, strength, or speed, it's about the heart and spirit."
"We return to our hearts, we go into our hearts."
"The most important thing than any strength was the strength of his heart."
"Connect with your heart. It shifts everything, even three minutes of it."
"My heart just won't stop pounding for some reason."
"Strength is not brute force, it is the power of heart, it is the compassion of the soul."
"If you're looking to bind Krishna in our heart with ropes of divine love, then it must be the pure name."
"Never stop striving for that calling in your heart."
"Human Liberty lies in the heart, and as well it lies there no government, no majority can take it away."
"As you step into the pool, you feel your heart opening up, feel the power of unconditional love."
"The first function of the heart is that it is a divine communication tool."
"It's not necessarily the size of the guy... it's basically the spirit and competitiveness in his heart."
"This is the perfect example of an enlightened heart."
"There is no right or wrong option, there is just an option that is in alignment with your heart."
"A single ray of light shines onto your heart, and from the heart, you actually see a rainbow form."
"Bring your awareness to your heart centre."
"It just keeps your heart where it needs to be, at a really good place."
"Your heart is your source of your power and the source of your healing and the healing of others."
"You lose nothing when you give from your heart."
"The heart has the power to heal in a way that the mind cannot understand."
"You've stayed true to your heart, and that's such a beautiful, powerful thing."
"Follow your heart, it just really can't take you wrong."
"Follow your heart; it's trying to guide you towards something."
"What you truly need is connecting to you at the heart level."
"You have permission to choose yourself and you have permission to honor your heart."
"The best exercise for the heart is to reach down and help someone up."
"Your heart's deepest desires are meant to be fulfilled."
"Journey to the heart. Bring your heart in, allow yourself to feel safe in the heart."
"The shift that you're meant to go through is one where you get centered in your heart."
"You are somebody that's following your heart calling here."
"I love you, and you will always be in my heart."
"Keep leaning into your heart, keep leaning into your truth."
"The most powerful manifestations come from your inner light, they come from your heart."
"The shape of my heart will now be the shape of this taquito."
"Trust you can dream that new world into being, but you have to connect with your heart."
"My love has completely changed, my heart has completely changed."
"A measure of time not found on a clock but in your heart."
"Certain things catch your eye, but only few capture the heart."
"It means being ready to walk a path of the heart, to find a place of inner Freedom, a quest for a better understanding of the Poise that resides within you and everything of nature."
"They captured the heart of the original franchise."
"Listen to your intuition, follow your heart, do the right thing."
"The wisdom comes when it comes from our heart, from our own experience."
"Don't follow your head, follow your heart."
"Her mind could only focus on the sudden tickle in her heart."
"We open up our hearts to one another, you know? To me, that's what it's all about."
"Living from your heart is the most wise and empowered thing you can do."
"The key to healing in this situation is coming from your heart."
"Pleasing God begins with your heart, not just your deeds."
"Human lives become beautiful because we put our heart into what we're doing."
"Your heart knows how to let go so that you can find peace."
"Follow your heart and everything will go up from there."