
Silence Quotes

There are 6279 quotes

"Sometimes the best thing you can do is just be silent and hug somebody."
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."
"Silence is one of the most intimate things that two people can share with each other."
"Silence and stillness are not something to fear but gateways to deeper understanding and peace."
"In the heart of nature's silence, one finds a deeper connection with oneself."
"God lives in silence; the Lord is in his holy temple, let everyone be silent in his presence."
"When things come to a stop and it gets very, very quiet, this means that you are about to level up."
"There are certain moments in history in which the stillness can be deafening; the silence is so loud that it crushes you with its power."
"The fact that a thousand collaborators were quiet is a really strong indication that this is a really close-knit team."
"Duma is the word for silence, and in his faith, Duma is the angel of silence, an aspect of death."
"Duma is the voice whispering in your ear when the end is near, the voice telling you that it will all be over in a flash."
"With the end so near, it's better to be silent so that they may accept the end with as little pain as possible."
"Right now, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
"Everyone who remains silent when they have something to say pays for it."
"The grave will supply plenty of time for silence."
"True intuition arises in moments of silence, away from the noise of the world."
"If you come back to the present moment, there will be only beautiful silence."
"When an engine quits in an airplane and you've got one engine, that is the loudest quiet you will ever hear in your life."
"The culture of silence has got to be broken because the worst type of betrayal is silence."
"The true magician was robed in the white garments of a purified body, in the silence and stillness of a harmonious being."
"If you literally dropped a pen in here, you could hear it."
"Through silence, through meditation, and through non-judgment, you will access the first law, the law of pure potentiality." - Deepak Chopra
"I have had friends who are, I guess, no longer friends because of my beliefs. Is it worth being fired or having my job prospects limited just to speak out about these issues? A lot of people are saying no, not really. I'll just keep my mouth shut."
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
"This is the silence of solitude. This is the kind of silence that you want to hear."
"Learning to force yourself to sit in silence...it's really your brain asking for help and asking for support."
"You have to speak out because to just let things simmer is doing a disservice to yourself and to your family."
"Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing."
"If silence could speak, in this coastal forest in Washington State there is a story to tell."
"The ultimate teacher is really silence. The ultimate teacher goes beyond logic and rationality."
"Asserted in silence, you find power. Claim your independence. Take action."
"At this point, I'm just completely silent for extreme focus."
"It seems to me that the police are trying to enforce silence, if not obedience."
"Your silence is starting to become true complicity. You're enabling it now. That means you're part of the problem."
"Work in silence; let your success make the noise."
"The best thing you could do is not say anything, but they are too addicted to the attention."
"Pots that brought me to tears, and some of them are actually completely silent."
"Victims of sexual abuse have been historically silenced."
"An artist's relation to silence... Silence is like an island in the middle of a turbulent ocean."
"On Remembrance Day, we remember our veterans, we remember this moment, we have that moment of silence."
"Sitting in comfortable silence in a call together is a love language."
"All the healing, all the power, and the love we ever want in the world comes from the great source of silence."
"There is nothing in the whole universe closer to God than silence."
"Stillness and silence is one of my favorite ways for you to actually build that relationship with hearing your inner voice."
"Anything that you see in my life out loud is a result of what was given in silence."
"For God alone, my soul waits in silence; I quietly submit to him, for my hope is from him."
"I think society was sort of designed so that we wouldn't talk about money."
"It's better just to not say anything at all."
"The graveyard is the quietest place with the loudest message."
"A world without the voice of freedom is a world that refuses to face the truth."
"For to use rape in any circumstances, even in the peacetime, silence is a tool to help the rapist to go on doing these atrocities on women, because they know that women will not be able to talk about it."
"Sometimes the most powerful message isn't spoken. Silence is just as powerful."
"Work hard in silence and work towards those goals, and the universe will actually bring them towards you."
"Silence is a very effective tool; it's one of the reasons why I think Eastern forms of meditation in many cases are extraordinarily useful."
"Work hard in silence; let your life unfold in silent perfection."
"Use your intuition and let your life unfold in silent perfection."
"Knowing that you have your own power in a lot of situations...it's so powerful to kill people with silence."
"If everybody stays silent within society, society never evolves for the better."
"The silence from which the 'a', the 'u', and the 'm' comes and all of them fall back and merge back into that silence, that silence is their own. It's not a silence which contradicts sound; it's a silence from which sound and silence both come."
"If most people said what they were thinking, they would be speechless."
"Some things are just so wonderful that the only proper response is the response of silence."
"Why is it that you don't see a lot of vocal outspoken Chinese people? It's because they can't."
"Be silent, pay attention, observe with your eyes and ears."
"One of the things I do is listen for silence. If you have thirty-five hundred people in an auditorium and they all fall dead silent, what that means is that you've touched on something, of, that's of universal importance, in that moment anyways."
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
"The idea of loud silence spoke directly to me... it's kind of like a weaponized silence."
"The advantage of not having background noise is it allows you to be alone with your thoughts."
"The silence on our part has been devastating for people around the world. All it does is encourage thugs and dictators."
"Just think about how difficult it is to set up a situation where you can reliably have temperature regulated silence 100% of the time at night for your whole life. That's such a luxury."
"My silence was a problem, and I decided I would no longer be silent."
"Remember, the essence of communication lies not just in the words spoken but in the silence between."
"Because victims feel shame and perpetrators and predators use shame to keep people quiet."
"Silence is not consent; anything short of yes do that is not consent."
"We live out loud and embrace the solace of silence."
"Many times silence is consent. When you see something bad going on and you stay silent, in a way, you're encouraging it because you're not doing anything to stop it."
"The silence is deafening. By not saying anything, you're saying everything."
"And remaining silent in the face of an oppressive status quo, is support for the status quo."
"Your silence in the face of it speaks fucking volumes."
"Learn fast and build in silence. The quicker you're able to learn and implement your newfound knowledge, the quicker you're going to be able to grow."
"You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent."
"When you're down there, everything is silent, so you are so connected with your breath and with your brain on such an intimate level."
"If you have a monster that hunts with sound and can be beaten only with silence, then maybe your hero should be a family about to give birth to a baby."
"What happens with ideological conformity is that debate has stopped, so only one side is heard."
"If you can destroy a man, you can destroy an idea, and you can get all sorts of other people to shut up."
"In our society, under our laws, people are free not to speak."
"Silence may be painful to you as an extrovert, but for us, the pain starts when you break that silence."
"Silence often speaks louder than words in the symphony of understanding."
"The creation is not beautified by anything better than good manners and long silence."
"Don't be afraid of silence... embracing the silence is something we should do."
"Silence, I believe that we've all said many times, stops as complicity. We're not going to remain silent, so we have to act against this hate-fueled violence."
"I always prioritize silence over everything else because it is such a powerful ability."
"Pope Francis, on Monday, said silence and prayer were the answer to those seeking scandal and division amid a barrage of attacks from ultra-conservative Catholics."
"Courage is a very, very rare virtue, much rarer than I even thought. I'd studied totalitarian states for a long time, and I knew that people were easily led into a state of pathological silence, but I didn't understand how rapidly that could occur and how few people, even in a free society with a long history of freedom, would be loath to speak."
"There is power in your silence and you can use that same power to silence the noise."
"When suffering is not heard, it is by implication silenced, and thereby injustice ensues."
"It's better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt."
"There's a silent majority that agrees with this type of stuff that has been repressed for way too long."
"So much of the conversation comes back to this idea of silence for Asian Americans and Asian communities around the world."
"Be okay with silence. There's no such thing as awkward silence, there's only awesome silence."
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
"Sometimes it's better to say nothing and let the whole world believe you're a fool rather than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
"Some of you all don't want peace, you just want quiet. You just want us to shut up and suffer in silence."
"In the end, what will hurt the most is not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."
"Mental health is so important, and a lot of people suffer with mental illnesses silently."
"Don't suffer in silence, especially in this time."
"By being silent, you're teaching them that that behavior is okay."
"Neutral people have said silence is racist. At this point, when people say you can save one life, you can."
"Silence is compliance gang, we're a threat and we have to be eliminated."
"Bad ideas are getting traction because people with good ideas are being quiet."
"Stifling a complaint telling it to no one ever is also an option and one that should be selected far more often than it is."
"Silence is violence, and you're not even saying nothing right now."
"Silence doesn't make the pit of death change to a playing field."
"It's safer to stay silent than risk losing the possibility of someday with you."
"At 8 pm on the eve of the Queen's funeral the United Kingdom fell silent."
"I'm tired of the moments of silence. Enough!"
"I froze, listening to my own footsteps, unnerved."
"I feel like sometimes just letting success be the noise is like the most amazing thing."
"You don't support a victim by saying, 'Well, we support you here but geez, could you just shut up about that other stuff?'"
"We've heard it go quiet. For the rest of the 3 minutes or so, people were just kind of soaking it all in."
"Silence is the most expressive communication of all, because that spirit is better we grow from body their bodies through mind to spirit."
"In order to hear this still voice, you too must be still for a time."
"If you're silent, they will accept your silence as consent."
"There was a communication going on... but no sound."
"Pin drop silence is still fine by me as long as it still feels good, you know?"
"YouTube silence has quite literally been deadly."
"For years I sat back and kept my mouth closed when it came to him doing and saying things I didn’t agree with, and honestly, I’ve always felt guilty about it."
"Wisdom is not only expressed when we speak, but also when we choose to keep silent."
"Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent and discerning if they hold their tongues."
"Silence, I know this comes as a shock, but it's for the greater good of the world."
"If most people are upset about what's happening and feel like they're in the middle ground but none of them actually speak up then it's just going to get worse."
"I was pressured by all the adults that were set to protect me to stay silent. I did, and I have, but I can no longer stay silent, and I won't."
"My contempt for covidians has been surpassed by my contempt for people who know something is wrong and stay silent."
"The truth will unveil itself to us in the silence."
"Your silence to the injustices that are happening to our people is an agreement in God's eyes."
"Job had some friends... the best part of their friendship is when they came and they sat for a few days and didn't say anything."
"A lot of men are out here buying women. They buy you to stay silent. They buy you to bite your tongue. They buy you to keep your self-esteem low."
"Speak out, break your silence, don't hold secrets in."
"Sometimes we just don't even talk, we just sit in a room and it's like I'm alone."
"Silence can be a powerful thing and a powerful message."
"The joke's on you you know they're never going to come out and speak out for you because it's boys club."
"Everyone's going to say something all the time and sometimes I feel like I should just be quiet and let success be the noise."
"I'm just tired of not saying things when I feel things, and I felt it."
"Amazing how quiet those electric motors are."
"There's so much [stuff] we all go through and none of us ever talk about it."
"To say nothing, especially when speaking, is half of the art of diplomacy."
"Learn silence the way you learn how to speak, wow."
"There's something waiting for me in the silences between the notes we play."
"It's sometimes about what you don't say, what you don't show. Those moments of silence... making people captivated 100%."
"To have the balls to wait, to have the balls to be silent, to take the risk... that's a risk and a lot of people don't have the guts to take it."
"Andrew's biggest x factor is silence. It's the best storytelling tool that he has."
"Even if you don't hear from me now, don't mistake my silence for not loving you."
"Put in that work consistently and choose not to talk."
"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful."
"It wasn't any normal silence. It was the deafening silence of fear and suspicion."
"What happened in New York wasn't the resistance that stopped us, it was the Silence of those who claim to be a part of the army."
"Whenever there's silence, there's complicity."
"God will fight for you while you keep silent."
"You didn't talk at all in that video and you haven't spoken at all in the last three years about these allegations against you, why not address them?"
"Salman: 'Don't talk too much. Learn to practice silence.'"
"The impact of being shunned, being silenced, the impact of emotional abuse is hugely powerful and traumatic."
"Having the enemy team be completely silent, it's just a really eerie feeling in a battlefield game."
"Harry described his family's silence as neglect."
"Silence means passive support. If you are silent, that means you are supporting it."
"A lot of stuff doesn't get talked about at all."
"Keeping silent while you mix things up, finding strength in solitude."
"The silence of many people does speak volumes."
"The fifth amendment is part of our constitution, you can't legally force people to talk."
"The people who care about you the most are the ones who check on you when you go silent."
"The people who check on you when you go quiet, those are your real people."
"Silence is complicity. Do something about it now."
"If I broke my silence, I was going to break his career."
"The right way to protest is to say nothing at all."
"The longer WB keeps silent, the worse they will look."
"If everybody doesn't speak out publicly and do so loudly and at once, then people will be cowed into silence one by one."
"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless...to speak is to speak, not to act is to act."
"I know there's so many people out there that are struggling that are survivors of abuse that are unfortunately suffering in silence."
"In the silence of the man comes the courage to create."
"Silence is the best way. Let your football do the talking."
"Because my silence is a lot louder than what I say."
"Sometimes our point is in our silence. Sometimes you gotta be quiet. Say less, observe."
"Did any of the mainstream corporate media cover it at all? None. It was absolute silence."
"The universe is teeming with Advanced civilizations but their inherent caution and fear of the unknown drive them to maintain an impenetrable veil of Silence."
"Foundations are very quiet, listen, can you hear it? So you hear nothing. Real men don't walk around announcing what they were supposed to do anyhow, hallelujah."
"Live your life like it's golden, they're giving the message in their silence and their temporary art."
"Silence is complicity. I will not be silent nor will you be silent about what happened."
"Silence equals complicity like if you stay silent when the face of Wars right now we are just as complicit as those carrying it out."
"The only reason they're able to win is because we don't say anything."
"Sometimes the best moments are when you say nothing at all."
"I silenced out the noise, I silenced out the judgment, I silenced out the self-doubt."
"Silence is complicity. I refuse to be silent." - President Biden
"The best thing you could do to celebrate pride month is just shut up."
"The time for us to be silent and 'not feed the trolls' is over because our silence looks like we don't support our targeted community members."
"Silence is the language of God and everything else is a poor translation."
"Silence is not an effective political strategy."
"Everything around me went very quiet, to the point where you could have heard a pin drop. It was so quiet."
"In a world where cash is king, Jenny's silence could not be bought."
"Think before you speak, or better still, don't speak at all."
"How could so many people have known so much and say so little especially people in the media."
"Everything went absolutely quiet, birds and tree frogs stopped."
"The purpose... is to scare you, to silence you, to steal your peace, and to steal your voice."