
Financial Freedom Quotes

There are 1882 quotes

"How does it feel to be debt-free? Oh, so good."
"Here's what I'm going to celebrate, and I think you guys should celebrate with me too: Let's make February the month that we plan to get out of debt and be debt free."
"Knowing how much money you need in order to live financially free is one of the most important financial questions you can ask yourself."
"People need to stop getting googly-eyed about becoming millionaires and start ensuring Bitcoin remains a tool of financial freedom."
"Those are the 10 steps, my friends. Those are 10 steps that if you follow those steps and you go deep into each one of those, you can make as much money as you want."
"Financial Freedom is near enough impossible to achieve without focus."
"My vision is to free everybody from money worries, money anger, money resentment because every one of us can be free from these stressful emotions."
"Cash flow is the lifeblood of Financial Freedom."
"Money can help buy you the things that you want to do, that way you can do things that make you happy."
"Bitcoin is good money; Bitcoin is good for the world; Bitcoin is global freedom."
"Cash flows your freedom, but appreciation gives you wealth."
"Fine, leave. I'll take the money and go to the Maldives."
"The key to financial freedom is not hard work or innovation; it's something else."
"It's not about the money; it's about margin, options, and freedom."
"Financial freedom: doing what you want, when you want, the way you want to do it."
"Ownership of your life... That's the power of having financial freedom."
"I am able to Achieve Financial Freedom through multiple streams of income."
"I'm going to lead us to the land of financial freedom with my head held high. All of us in the community, it's all of us doing this together."
"I am on the road to financial freedom by living well within my means and saving money for a bright and secure future."
"Financial freedom... is so important so that people can move to their parents and help them, move to a kid in their community that needs help."
"Margin gives you options, and options give you freedom."
"When you have enough income from your assets to cover your monthly living expenses, that's when you become wealthy."
"Imagine looking down the road and seeing a life that was free of debt, free of that weight on your shoulders."
"Becoming financially free begins with the decision to make a change."
"If you're only cash flowing the amount that you need to live, then that's financial freedom."
"Ultimately, financial freedom in the world we live in today comes down to choices, hard work, and a little bit of financial savvy."
"My life started to get a little bit more stable, and I started to make more solid, reliable money."
"In seven and a half years, we were able to pay off every single cent of $460,000 of debt."
"It allows you to scale to financial freedom faster."
"Becoming financially free is not something that is far-fetched anymore."
"Let's talk about financial freedom, your financial freedom, and how much different your life would be if you had all the money you need."
"I want to show you today how you, yes you, regardless of where you are in life today, can have total financial freedom."
"My goal, just so you know, is to take 500 people and mentor them to financial freedom."
"I've helped my family. I retired my mom, helped her pay her house... That was the best feeling ever."
"The word 'financial freedom' was never mentioned in 17 years of schooling, but it's essential."
"There's a difference between being financially independent and having financial freedom."
"You aren't stuck. You don't have to be poor the rest of your life. You can achieve wealth. You can achieve financial freedom, but it all starts with setting goals and working towards achieving them."
"Budgeting isn't just some dull number-crunching exercise, it's the best practice for achieving financial freedom."
"Our mission statement is empowering people to find financial freedom through crypto assets."
"Being debt-free feels amazing, it's like after all the sacrificing, to finally be done."
"I come to you every day, bringing Sheldon's show and together, we combine technicals and fundamentals to make you guys retire in crypto."
"Financial freedom means that you could quit your job anytime, and your life wouldn't really be all that affected."
"Financial freedom takes away so much stress in our household."
"We're out of our credit card debt completely."
"Financial freedom means living in the neighborhood that's safe for your family and beautiful and matches your ideal versus settling."
"We're doing it for that financial freedom, that life that you were meant to live."
"Reaching this financial, time, and location freedom doesn't have to live only as a daydream."
"I was born to have full financial freedom; being financially free is my birthright."
"Passive income is the best invention of life. What could be better than making money while you're sleeping, traveling, and enjoying quality time with your family?"
"Passive income is definitely the ticket to financial freedom, but it does take a lot of work upfront to try and snowball these passive income streams up to a point where they're relatively self-sustaining."
"I've been very fortunate to build a few cash flow businesses... get financial time and location freedom."
"Passive income is the key to automated living, being able to go and do whatever you want without having to directly work and still earning money."
"But advocates argue that by doing some simple math, following important strategies, and abiding by the famous four percent rule, or some variant, financial freedom is achievable earlier than most expect."
"Keeping a budget and being aware of what you are doing with your money is such an important step towards financial freedom and peace."
"Stay true to yourself; don't lose becoming the person you are meant to be, and that is someone financially free and someone that is in control of your own money."
"Having money opens opportunities; now you can do more [things]."
"Investing is made to print money and buy freedom."
"Paying off your mortgage solves a lot of problems. It's a great goal."
"The truest sense of freedom is when your investment portfolio yields you enough to pay for your life."
"Seeing the reward of people getting out of debt is actually really cool."
"It's quite humbling to think about so many of you guys watch me every single day to try to learn and get educated and attain financial freedom and maybe one day life-changing wealth."
"Achieving financial freedom is kind of like climbing a mountain. If you want to successfully reach the top, you need two things: a map to show you how to get there and a safety net that prevents you from falling through the cracks."
"Focus on the future, focus on financial freedom, focus on life-changing wealth."
"Investing, holding, dollar-cost averaging, and following the 50-25-25 rule will help you achieve financial freedom."
"When you're trying to shut down someone's bank account because they're asking for freedom, that's a huge problem to me."
"Financial freedom chart: I am in the last $90,000 of my student loans."
"Remember, the best thing money can buy is financial freedom."
"It's not just about making a lot of money, it's about once you make that money, you take that money to buy back your time and you do whatever makes you happy."
"The conservative case for Bitcoin is the freedom aspect of it. It is decentralized; no government controls it."
"The privacy of our money and the way that we can use it in a borderless way is tantamount to our freedom."
"Being an entrepreneur is about creating financial freedom."
"Financial freedom and being able to walk away from the stress that comes with cash is such a beautiful thing."
"I'm Clayton Morris--longtime real estate investor. I achieved financial freedom a few short years ago. And now, I'm helping you build financial intelligence."
"The whole idea of you becoming wealthy or financially free means that you don't have to worry about money."
"It's not so much about the money; it's about that freedom. I'd rather have the freedom versus the money."
"If you can build this type of cash flow, now you are financially free and have broken out of the traditional system."
"We want young people to have families, to buy houses, to help the economy. They need money."
"Having financial freedom does give you a great deal of comfort and freedom."
"Freedom is an interesting way of framing it because if you are financially stable, if you are in the top 10 percent of this country, you probably feel incredibly free."
"Financial freedom could mean different things for a lot of people."
"That's a debt-free scream if I ever heard one!"
"The fastest path to freedom is actually to grow your passive income month by month by month, year by year by year by acquiring a property every single year."
"Money gives options, and it gives the person the option to say, hey, you know what? I don't feel like doing this today."
"Bitcoin offers one of the last forms of hope. It's permissionless, censorship-resistant, decentralized money."
"With Bitcoin, there is no prior restraint; the government may punish you after the fact for a transaction but they can no longer prevent the transaction from occurring."
"Crypto's about put the ball in your court, so you decide what you want to do, okay? You want to take a million dollars and sell it all and move to another country and see if you can live forever, that's on you."
"This game is going to set your family free. It's going to allow you and your family to have assets when you can't produce anymore."
"Financial freedom is much more than having money. It's the freedom to be who you really are and do what you really want in life."
"Don't be afraid to spend money. You are abundant, and financial changes are coming."
"I hope I help you make some money and save some of that money that you've already made and I hope you get one step closer to the Financial Freedom that we all desire."
"Let's all take our goal of Financial Freedom, let's chop it up into little tiny pieces and let's just take one piece at a time."
"The freedom that comes with being debt-free... it is your choice, no one tells you what you have to put on the paper, you decide, and you are now in control."
"People should have the freedom to be able to do what they want with their money."
"Anyone can now send or receive any amount of money with anyone else anywhere instantly, basically for free."
"Congratulations, and because we had just gotten done paying off a debt we really didn't go on a real honeymoon so we're going to Italy in a month."
"The most valuable thing you will ever buy with money is you will buy back the rest of your life."
"Find your Financial Freedom find your bliss find your happiness find your safe space."
"True wealth isn't about status, it's about financial freedom."
"Seeing all of their faces glow up admiring the shiny star of financial freedom."
"House hacking: removing your mortgage payment."
"Position sizing is about sizing it to a place where we have the freedom to move around."
"There's nothing as freeing as knowing that you're spending below what you can actually afford. I mean that [ __ ]."
"For the first time with Bitcoin, people who are unhappy with the monetary regime they're in had the ability to exit."
"Money allows you to buy freedom, and then freedom gets you the ability to have more time to find what makes you happy."
"I want to be exposed to as much of that volatility as I possibly can because Bitcoin allows you to send and receive any amount of money with anyone anywhere in the world basically for free and there's nothing anybody could do to stop it."
"I can't tell you the peace of mind it gives you... coming from a person that used to be in crippling debt."
"I don't know of a place you can make this kind of money with no work like we literally get paid to think you know like you put money out there you pick it up and you know that that's what happens then."
"We give every American a thousand dollars a month. You know, you have a little bit more freedom from scarcity."
"Set yourself free from the burden of high interest credit card debt and get back to using your money your way with Upstart."
"A good course of Western civilization would be useful"
"No limit for spending on personal development."
"I realized I had so much money... I paid off my family's debt... it was super gratifying."
"If you have money, you can get whatever [__] you want."
"The reason you want wealth is because it buys your freedom."
"We have the power to do this and send the middle finger to the Chinese government and any government that thinks that they can destroy our financial freedom and crypto. We will not allow it to happen."
"Empower people to find financial freedom through crypto assets."
"Your Financial Freedom is a lot like the Shawshank Redemption... you have to earn that freedom with time."
"I declare that I am financially free in Jesus' name. I'm no longer a slave to poverty. Thank you, Lord, for granting me Financial Freedom."
"You can never break free of where you are financially if you cannot break free mentally from the reality."
"Use your money to free up your time, that way you have more time to do whatever you want."
"Freedom and money are what they call, synonyms."
"I'm gonna get on here and really share the message of getting debt-free, eliminating your debt, and building that freedom."
"You need outsized returns to break through to the next level of financial freedom."
"Every time that I paid off a credit card or another balance, it's a satisfying feeling."
"Budgeting tells me yes, yes you can be debt free, yes you can buy that house, yes you can go on that vacation."
"Invest now, invest often, and invest freely."
"Use money to buy freedom... money's greatest intrinsic value is its ability to give you control over your time."
"Be adaptable. Whatever happens chaotically could lead to you being more free financially."
"People are earning financial freedom through their online businesses."
"Together, we can achieve financial freedom—let's work as a community towards success."
"Being wealthy is more about being free... having the financial freedom... being able to live your life financially free without having to worry about the payments."
"Money is a valuable tool that gives you options and freedom."
"There's nothing more important than my financial freedom."
"Earn passive income without lifting a finger with Honeygain!"
"When you're giving people cryptocurrency, they're able to actually spend it or they're able to do whatever it is they want to do with it."
"Are we committed to cutting the bull, temporarily sacrificing, and working more so we can pay off the debt for a better future for ourselves?"
"My low buy year forced me to attack this problem and to start putting real money down on this loan to get it out of my life and for me to finally become financially free."
"Cryptocurrency is money that I'm not afraid to lose."
"Mark this day as the beginning of your ultimate financial freedom."
"The goal should be to have enough money to basically have the freedom of choice to do what you find the most enjoyable."
"Set yourself free of debt which is what controls you and controls everything around you."
"The point I'm making here is that the reason that we're here is because we want to help you become financially free."
"It's not just about the money, it's for freedom."
"Our mission statement here at BitBoy Crypto is to empower people to find financial freedom through crypto assets."
"Owning that capital is freeing because how free are you in a society if you have no access to any of the capital."
"No credit card debt in less than half a year. That's awesome."
"Money is just a tool to fuel your passions and whatever it is that you want to do in life."
"There's other people out there who really want freedom and they want financial sovereignty and they're going to do what it takes to get it."
"When you really understand this, you can earn more money when you're sleeping than you're gonna spend when you're awake."
"Clearing Sally Mae to the curb is a gift to your children." - Dave Ramsey
"Pandemic relief programs have given many workers more financial freedom."
"Enough is a fearless place, a trusting place. We have everything we need."
"When you reach that level, you don't have to keep going more and more and more. You did it, you achieved financial freedom."
"Cash flow is King and if you want to be able to live your life financially free you need to have cash flow coming in."
"20 million people were just freed from their student loan debt and millions more freed from predatory interest payments."
"I was in a position where I could spend $100,000 every day if I want - you know wouldn't hurt me."
"Investing into stock is the most simplest way to make residual passive income while you sleep."
"We give this game our completionist rating: Completed."
"Imagine that I was to give you $1,000 and you were free to spend it and didn't have to pay it back."
"I just want to destroy all my debt as fast as possible."
"Our mission statement here at BitBoy Crypto is to empower you to find financial freedom through crypto assets. If that sounds good, hit that subscribe button."
"Recessions are opportunities to free our families of financial slavery."
"Bitcoin is the escape valve from their plans."
"You have an abundance of satisfaction, accomplishment, and financial freedom."
"The ending of financial problems. There's a future you out there that's living freaking fabulous."
"Options create wealth. The less options you have the less ways you can make money and the less ways you can protect yourself from losing money."
"Money allows you the opportunity to fix everything and that's important."
"Money comes to me easily and frequently... life without having to worry so much about it."
"Money can set you free or it can [__] enslave you."
"If you have the charter and the ability to buy bitcoin, you could buy naked bitcoin."
"Money gives them freedom... to choose their location for their next vacation... to help others."
"I'm worthy of financial freedom, I'm worthy."
"If you live like no one else later you can live and give like no one else."
"The promise of financial freedom that draws in so many distributors year after year."
"We're going to live like no one else so that later we can live and give like no one else."
"The debt stops here and your life becomes free from burden."
"Make this year your year... to becoming financially free."
"Financial freedom: a beach, sipping champagne."
"We're completely debt-free right now. It feels so amazing."
"There's no such thing as being in default no more if you don't want to be."
"I literally had a young lady come off mute and bust out like 'I'm not in default no more.'"
"It's really hard to get financial freedom singing. If you get a hit product and you sell hundreds of millions of dollars of it which happens all the time on Shark Tank these days, you're free."
"Once you strike success, once you strike gold, you got the black card, you don't have money problems no more."
"It's control as you saw in Canada with Bitcoin if Trudeau can turn that off for a bunch of truckers or turn off their checking accounts imagine how much easier that's going to be with Central Bank digital currencies."
"Break the chains of debt. Just imagine for a moment not owing money to anyone. Trust me, it's a great feeling."
"It's more than just the fame; it's the thought of them having so much freedom financially that they can do whatever they want."
"When you're working and making your own money, you have the most freedom to do your own thing."
"I'm going to break the debt off of my people."
"Absolutely when you're debt-free it's like nobody has anything on you now you've got all the power all the options in the world."
"Living like no one else so that later I can live and give like no one else."
"I'm officially debt-free. Good for you, that's awesome!"
"I think robin hood wants to let you buy and sell as much gamestop stock as you want and make money."
"There's no limit to how much money you can make if you start a business."
"If you want to be financially free, you've got to prepare to do whatever it takes." - Samuel Leeds
"The permission is the most important element to your wealth blueprint."
"Chase the freedom, not just the money. The money comes with the freedom."
"When are you truly in retirement mode? It's when you can do anything you want, including things that don't make money."
"Financial freedom isn't the amount of money, it's how much time can you spend with your family, how can you make that money, can you make it while you're traveling, are you stuck in the desk, are you happy with that?"
"Stay with the plan and that is to invest long term, invest for the future, invest for financial freedom and life changing wealth."
"Escape the matrix and taste Financial Freedom."