
Societal Benefits Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"It's about it being where people understand that it is an option, and its benefit is not something that is detrimental to a society, it's a benefit to society."
"Economic freedom positively correlates with things that we all want in society."
"We honestly want more playful and humorous people in the world. It makes the world nicer, more pleasant to live in."
"We don't talk about these things because we think they exist; we treat them as though they exist because that's what leads to a better society."
"Feminism has had knock-on effects that benefit boys and men."
"Representation is cool, there's a lot of benefits to it."
"If you are conservative or progressive, you benefit from internet openness. If you come from a small town or a big city, you benefit from internet openness. If you are a company or a non-profit, you benefit from internet openness. If you are a startup or an established business, you benefit from internet openness. If you are a consumer or a creator, you benefit from internet openness. And if you believe in democracy, you benefit from internet openness."
"This is a moment for our industry to come together, creating technology that enriches lives, that creates value, that supports and accelerates positive business and societal benefits should be our collective goal."
"Investing in roads, railways, and airports can yield long-term dividends. The same applies to people and especially children."
"The important thing is that coverage is universal and publicly funded to realize the benefits we've seen."
"If we do it right, AI could give everyone a clearer picture, a new enlightenment, so we can dump the divisive lies and enjoy being human."
"The availability of water and food freely is a freedom from natural tyranny."
"Transparency will be a good thing for society. It'll be a very good thing."
"Social institutions are an excellent militating force against tyranny."
"Capitalists also want clean running water and indoor plumbing because in the long run, it boosts societal output."
"The value of religion more generally... the social cohesion point would be the best case in favor of religion."
"Technology is for the good; I believe in the face of new technologies, humanity will be able to use new technologies to benefit society instead of destroy it."
"We've shown that we can over the course of a long expansion we can get to low levels of unemployment and that the benefits to society, including particularly to lower moderate income people, are very substantial."
"Immigration does not make these problems worse; it makes them better. It makes our lives more rich."
"American culture benefits from the diversity that we see in our country."
"It's not just materials stuff. I mean, with a lot of larger income and wealth, we can do a lot of things."
"I see long-term massive benefits for society... safety benefits, energy efficiency benefit, a more comfortable and convenient transport system."
"If we have more people thinking critically, that's better for society, it's better for our entire country."
"Public goods typically arise by accident, and once we create it, everyone can benefit from it."
"Education, healthcare, transport, security—Canada ticks all the boxes."
"When I was a cadet, what's the first cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."
"The essence of reducing government and letting markets decide is that you get these win-win situations."
"The fire department... it's not necessarily a right, it's a public service."
"A lot of good comes from treating drug usage as a public health issue and not a criminal issue."
"Being open to the other benefits us as individuals and as a society."
"Spirituality is good not just for you but for society at large."
"Paid parental leave has a positive impact on societal health, on individual health, on parent health and on childhood health."
"Is there any benefit that religions offer that is true and good that can't be achieved without religion? I'd say yes."
"Far from being the cause of our problems, free market capitalism as an economic system is the only tool we have to end hunger, poverty, and destitution throughout the planet."
"I think getting more immigration would be a good thing."
"Taking full individual responsibility naturally benefits your community."
"Science is our journey, our fight, for uncovering the laws of nature and leveraging them to understand the universe and to lessen the amount of suffering in the world."
"When people are gainfully employed, they will not transcend to criminality."
"Learn economics and look around. See the miracles the private sector does."
"Parents around the world realized that gaming wasn't a waste of time."
"You can't say that pretty privilege has worked against you when you're still benefiting from it."
"Christianity has been the best constraint on human violence, cruelty, and moral failing, the best facilitator of human progress of any moral system in history."
"Education is the best way to open people's eyes to our shared humanity."
"It's always nice to see technology being used for good."
"It keeps people honest and it keeps the system honest."
"The economic Prosperity wasn't just confined to boardrooms; it trickled down to the working class too."
"On the issue of migration, we need more than ever a positive inclusive story that talks about the benefits that migrants bring to society."
"If you want black people to exercise more personal responsibility, you know what correlates with better life decisions? Better education."
"Once the energy comes down, you're going to see a lot of good things happen."
"What government has done for you: protects you from enslavement, oppression, and genocide."
"The more we treat each other with kindness the easier it will become to live on this very short time that we have on earth."
"The greatest thing that preserves democracy is education."
"It was never supposed to be like this. I came bearing gifts of safe childbirth, hungerlessness, disease immunity."
"A lot of conspiracy theorists, who benefits from this, right?"
"Science for the most part has done tremendous things for us we live in a fantastic world."
"In the UBI world, we all actually win, no one's a loser."
"Having a strong male figure in an environment is a very beneficial thing."
"When your whole community has a beautiful relationship with money, a rising tide raises all ships."
"A rising tide lifts all boats, not a fraudulent statement like in the past."
"There are plenty of countries in the world that do not have the death penalty and have probably benefited from it."
"More people are better off with more rights, more privileges, a better standard of living."
"Any policy that will benefit black people will benefit all of society."
"I think we can raise the standard of living so incredibly much if everybody has access to Abundant amounts of really high quality intelligence and they can use those tools to create whatever they want."
"If everybody in the world used some form of cannabis, especially one that was psychoactive, I think we would see a much better world."
"Accessibility is not a zero-sum game. It actually enriches our society for everyone, one wet, squelching step at a time."
"A lot of the time people don't really know what is in their best interest."
"Why do we ask every child to learn science from primary school? Because even if you're not a scientist, knowing something about the world around us empowers us as citizens."
"Our economy has been stronger because of immigrants."
"So I'd argue that it's not the costs of going to war that has made peace so attractive, it's the benefits of not going to war."
"A more diverse politics can only be to the good."
"There is a direct connection between public education and public safety."
"Hypergamy is not a negative thing, it's how society gets greater."
"Freedom of speech makes for better development, creativity, and advancement of ideas."
"If we had a concentration on personal liberty, it would be such a blessing."
"It's never going to be easy, but at the end of the day, less people would be hurt out of that system than they are right now."
"But it was it's what made this country really good."
"Having people go back to work is absolutely great news."
"Immigration is fantastic. We want more immigration. Genuinely believe that."
"America used to be about finding unremarkable kids and giving them unbelievable opportunities."
"If people have education, if they have health care, if they have jobs and are happy to live here, they're not going to want to go anywhere else."
"The series X image quality is very sharp, stable, and clean."
"Equality and individual liberties lead to higher productivity, to higher GDP, to higher creativity, to more peace, happiness and so on."
"There is nothing your neighbors your community your city your country benefits more from than kind wise virtuous loving children who grow up to be kind wise virtuous Brave loving adults who know their Bibles."
"The more the man becomes capable, the more it unlocks capabilities for everyone in their household."
"Culture evolves to the concept of tempering capitalism, which is also an evolutionary trait and an advantage."
"Policies based on love and compassion and order and regulation work."
"This is the evolution of our economy to actually work for us."
"Only in a capitalist country you can do that."
"Peace and tranquility. More books for everybody."
"Things are still amazing. It's really easy to lose sight of how incredible technology is and how incredible transportation is."
"It's a very difficult argument to make that we're somehow better off just because there's more people."
"I think a lot of good things are coming out of this."
"Once we get worship right and we get this function and flow of society right starting with man woman in the house, what God will do for his people will be miraculous."
"If we could have gotten Universal child care I think we'd just think that would have happened more people saying I am all the way in I I want to go all the way on that again because it is good policy."
"People live longer happier healthier lives than ever before and that is largely down to western civilization."
"The most dangerous sport has actually made everyday life a lot safer for everyone around the world."
"We're just healing society by doing it, what the end result will be magnificent but the process, the journey to doing that helps to heal what we are fundamentally a bit of a sick society overall."
"All these technologies that are coming... will be beneficial to people."
"Public transportation is absolutely amazing but what it does to a country is something even more amazing."
"Freedom and individualism are benefits earned through cooperation."
"Every investment, every dollar we invest in early childhood education."
"Ukrainian refugees are almost a godsend for many countries."
"But if slightly louder outdoor environments are the price we have to pay to help reduce carbon emissions and increase energy independence, I think it's worth it, don't you?"
"Allowing women to access abortion not just in terms of their individual autonomy but from a societal point of view it massively cuts crime."
"Ideas do have consequences and good ideas will have benefits."
"Education is better than incarceration in many cases."
"The pursuit of luxury should be in the public domain... to create space for people."
"Real supporters actually want a benefit for all their neighbors, for all the residents."
"The point that you have most likely benefited from historical evils becomes relevant when you attempt to quantify and monetize the trickle-down harm."
"Diversity in media actually leads to immense benefits when it comes to the normalization of minority groups."
"Golden's thorough exploration of the past is going to prove incredibly useful for our future."
"Increasing the amount of people who can serve I think is a good thing."
"I want to expand the capacities for people to be involved in securing for their children the benefits of a decent education."
"What it'll actually do for people, what it'll do for the economy."
"Medicine needs more AI enthusiasts to jump in, especially now." - Dr. Andrew Ng
"Nobody on Earth should waste food. It's a net societal good to eat the whole bag of Doritos."
"I do believe that the art of being educated in the highest possible manner is there's nothing that's better for you and for society."
"Socialism is a society in which the flourishing, the free development of each is the precondition for the free development of all."
"If we can improve the economy and deal with the debt crisis, all this stuff will start to fix itself."
"When guidelines are followed, equality, peace, and prosperity prevail."
"It's hope for for people and I think Sports provide hope they obviously provide literally jobs."
"Credit where it's due, some of these traditional structures bring real value to society."
"It's clear that technology is a force for good."
"Why would it be such a bad idea to use it to help people?"
"There is a utility to using platforms and technology to get information out to potentially help."
"Life would be better for them, their kids, and everyone around them."
"Black people should be here because it's more peaceful, safer, and offers economic opportunities."
"If everyone has more free time to try a new thing, that's great."
"Ultimately, I think the net benefit will be good."
"The Catholic Church is a force for good in the world."
"Project Phoenix and Rejuvenation... ambitious project... potential to help a lot of people."
"We invest in education for the individual benefit to the person but that investment also benefits all of us."
"People are gonna start to realize that's good to do good."
"Freedom in capitalism organizes greed to benefit everybody."
"I think that, you know, disregarding all the advances that science is proposing to us and not utilizing these advances for our benefit would probably make us miss a lot of the good that science has to offer."
"If we can leverage those relationships, there's so many things that come out of them."
"We have more durable family units and marriages as a result."
"Imagine if every person on Earth will be able to connect to the internet at a reasonable price. That would be fantastic."
"We have solved the healthcare crisis, the social security crisis, the opioid crisis, the depression crisis..."
"It removes superstition and elevates society."
"It is difficult to exaggerate the moral and mental health which our nation has derived from this profound and simple conception."
"Legal immigration is a positive good for the country."
"Actually, it creates a lot of positive incentives in terms of people being able to live what I often refer to as a livable life."
"These changes actually would help everybody."
"The culture wars distract us from actually doing good government actually improving the systems that are creating the results for people."
"As long as we're all trying our best to make some impact in the world, what harm is it to do something that you just enjoy for entertainment?"
"There is no wisdom that does not begin with the best interest of the people."
"Business and government need to work together."
"The establishment of medicine is incredibly important; it's increased health both mental and physical across the entire world."
"Competition gives us a reason to better ourselves."
"Sex is talked about openly and explored, leading to lower rates of abuse and teen pregnancy."
"Express yourself responsibly; it's a small price for a better community."
"But, if we're lucky, they might also help make our entire civilization wiser, richer, fairer, and better able to navigate future challenges."
"Gamification can singlehandedly elevate society's quality of knowledge and contribute to economic distribution."
"The reality is when women win, men win as well."
"If tomorrow 100% of the world population started lifting, we would solve almost all of our problems."
"To his credit, he is now the biggest businessman of our time and there is a positive to that."
"Being attached to the world through the workforce, like being attached through family or being attached through Community, you know, it's good for us in ways that go Way Beyond dollars and cents."
"The days where nothing goes to the American people are gone."
"Laws exist to construct a society where citizens can operate with the highest level and degree of freedom possible."
"We need to acknowledge that where systems of systemic racism exist, white people often benefit."
"Healthy shame is a good thing; it restrains us from doing things that are harmful to the world."
"The liberation of trans people would improve the lives of everyone in our society."
"Our community will be so much better because of the hard work he did yesterday."
"When women are empowered, they contribute to family income, leading to all kinds of wonderful things in society."
"Honest conflict has more serious social value than dishonest harmony."
"But what I've learned is that there's a lot that we can benefit from, but we need to do better. We need to not make them happy and reap the benefits of fostering a good relationship with the other beings that are out in the galaxy."
"If we ever get to a place where women are safe and free, I think everyone will benefit."
"Technology eats everything and you're right, it does solve a lot of the racist stuff."
"Imagine all the cool [__] that we could be doing in the United States."
"Take action because now is our chance to do better for the climate, for the economy, for families, for the future."
"We can create millions of important, meaningful jobs... combating climate change."
"Freedom is fertile ground for all the good stuff that humanity is all about."
"If Alpha Omega was deleted, imagine how many lives we would save."
"Paying your taxes is the cost for living in a functional society."
"We have to help people out, and that's good."
"There are times... when they will overturn things that benefit concentrated groups."
"A tide lifts all boats, so we all have a shared interest in ensuring disabled Canadians' rights and inclusion."
"It's important because we live in a day where people just take for granted all of the great benefits of the biblical worldview."
"I just think this whole idea that it has to be exclusionary in order for us to benefit is just really as backwards."
"Economic migrants are good... this country has plenty of room and plenty of capital for people to come and contribute to America." - John Cochran
"Capitalism takes the impulses of greed and envy and ambition and turns them to the common good."
"This will lead to greater health, longevity, and societal impacts changing how we view work, education, leisure, and relationships."
"Socialist societies have and will be able to solve the problem of what to produce and how to produce it."
"Immigrants, statistically, boost the economy. This is legit econ 101."
"Universal basic income aligns the incentives of the individual with society's."
"That's one of the costs of having that system, and so that benefited a lot of people but also hurt a lot of people."
"If you promote freedom and remove arbitrary obstacles, you will end up with both more freedom and more prosperity."
"The scenario where AI is really safe is a society of AIs acting as human agents."
"Men pay at least 75% of the tax revenue into the system and reap a disproportionately tiny percentage of its protections and benefits."
"The world as you see it versus the world that'll benefit."
"Charity is life-changing. It's good for us to give."
"The gains we have made are not only really important from the point of view of women but they've just been important to planet Earth."
"There is something called responsible AI, OpenAI, AI for democracy, AI for minorities."
"Diversity has a net positive for society, it's a microcosm for the beauty of diversity."
"My largest concern is not what are the risks if we make these big investments, it is what is the cost if we don't."
"Learning to live with diversity... produced a much more tolerant, diverse, and dynamic culture."
"All of the marvels of Science and Technology are just so many millions of tons of junk unless it enhances the lives of men."
"There are some compelling reasons to believe that not only does society need religion, but Islam is something that can contribute hugely to the well-being of society."
"Firearms are not the problem; they do far more good than they do bad."