
Issues Quotes

There are 705 quotes

"By the time they're coming and telling you this, it's been going on for a while."
"Relationships stop working because people stop talking."
"We are a divided country, divided over very fundamental issues."
"Talking about the real issues is the only way forward."
"It is no secret that we live in an extremely complex world, and every day society spawns new issues that become increasingly difficult to solve."
"Every single issue is so important and so grueling, but how do we maintain the right amount of attention on those issues so that we're not being distracted by new things?"
"Talking about problems is the only way to finally start addressing them."
"Free speech is the predicate to having an open conversation on any of these important issues."
"Europe is going to become a big issue again."
"We should be confident in our ability to focus on the issues that matter."
"Our elections are not improved when lawmakers impose barriers that result in longer lines at the polls or that reduce access to secure ballot drop boxes."
"When ego gets in the way of your treatment of other people, that becomes a real problem."
"I think that's gutsy for him to publicly talk about it."
"It's a Clarion call for everyone who values individual liberty."
"Things go wrong with it once the cameras stop and it happens a lot."
"This particular issue does not feel partisan, if anything it maybe feels generational."
"The court just punted on the whole issue entirely."
"The lack of communication is one of the biggest reasons why relationships fall apart."
"I am not suggesting there are issues here. There are issues here, Paul, as there have been for the last 100 years."
"It's more than just mental illness, it's more than just politics, it's more than just gender, it's more than just rage."
"The misuse is the problem, no matter what the drug is."
"It's just stupid and short-sighted. And he knows it."
"It's the lack of boundaries that started causing some serious issues."
"We're humans, we do things, we make mistakes... we have issues, bro, absolutely." - Draymond Green
"Politics undermines democracy; political parties lobbying is really a big problem."
"The American justice system is really messed up."
"A lot of stuff doesn't get talked about at all."
"Choosing a good board is important to minimizing issues you'll run into."
"Rand Paul always seems to be ahead of the curve on these issues."
"Who do you call when law enforcement is acting like complete thugs?"
"She's like a bottomless pit of like issues and fun."
"You can't get to a real solution without addressing the underlying issues."
"They felt like you were someone they could settle down with, if they could work out the different issues they were juggling."
"There are actual problems going on in society, so I think it needs to be exposed."
"Usually has disastrous results but no one seems to have picked up on this yet."
"Instead of running away from issues... we should be embracing those."
"It's a decent free MMO, it's got nice visuals when they're not clipping through cutscenes..."
"The heart of the matter is showing up again."
"This one's a little bit more clunky and it is leaking, which, yes, we're going to talk about in a moment."
"As we make this transition, we do need to be aware of these issues. It doesn't do us any good to pretend they don't exist."
"Could it be worse? I don't think it could be worse. It just seems illegal."
"Everyone has issues in relationships obviously but people with this attachment style probably have the least amount of unnecessary issues in relationships."
"I think we're on the path to something breaking sooner rather than later."
"You know, we have a real growing problem in the football fandom."
"Detentions have arisen at Rideau Hall over the past few months and for that I am sorry." - Julie Payette's statement on resigning.
"It's so funny when I see people caught up on all this small stuff. And yeah, there are some good issues, there's some serious issues."
"A lot of the viewership draw people kind of got they got got by just the servers going down and things like that."
"An earnest attempt at least dealing with the problem."
"Archie often pontificated over the issues of the day while seated in his chair."
"At the heart of every political issue is corruption and endless conflicts of interest."
"We cannot solve these problems until we deal with this issue first."
"What are symptoms of low accountability on teams?"
"As far as Silent Hill goes though, I mean that's been leaking like a broken faucet."
"Are foreign cars really shooting steam out because of a battery issue?"
"If my data set is not good, it can lead to a lot of problems."
"There's a foundational issue that needs to be addressed and fixed."
"Overall, Sonic Colors is a pretty great game, but it does have its share of problems."
"I was able to get past my initial problem, however, I have another issue."
"It seems to be that every single possible way they could do something, there's some kind of weird issue taking place."
"These problems are happening because these games are live services this is not just an issue connected to Electronic Arts but many other publishers."
"The power of Congress is not just to vote on stuff, it's our power to convene around serious issues."
"Geopolitical tensions could pick up and create big problems."
"But those things are not operating now. So, that's an element."
"Absolutely incredible he's interrupted twice over the exact same issue"
"It does look like the actual leak at Manchester United is actually being... it's coming out into the open."
"Things keep going from bad to worse over at Activision Blizzard... a flaming pile of yes."
"It's not that you're just going to get a few Fringe cases... it's going to spread like wildfire."
"When somebody comes along and says, 'I know what the ayah means,' that's where the problem lies."
"So for that reason I will continue to be vocal about this and I will continue to talk about it until such a time as the expansion's over or i feel like it's fixed."
"We do need to have a very adult discussion about all of these issues."
"I think the better solution here is to talk about these issues."
"How can a problem be addressed correctly if it is never talked about?"
"I could go on a whole rant about what's happened."
"The meanness was never the main issue with Donald Trump."
"Stream sniping affects such a small portion of the community, but it's definitely something that needs to be fixed."
"This queue time issue seemed to be one of the most important ones they wanted to address overall with the game."
"But sometimes depending on where you're standing, you might see weird things like, you know, your head getting deflated into your character, or you know all over the place, something not feeling right."
"Don't put your head in the sand on that stuff."
"All the things that do deserve attention... have received none."
"There's plenty of people doing that grift anytime a major issue arises."
"It's never a nothing burger if you have possible jury misconduct."
"These are government issues by the way. They're not business issues."
"Black single mothers really have the potential to move the needle on issues that matter."
"Above all, the mother of two wants to give her kids a happy childhood. 'So, and I don't want to, you know, I already have abandonment issues. I don't want to pass those down.'"
"If it's not a good quality movie then we've got real issues on here and I think the bigger issue is if it's good."
"The media repeatedly is effectively scoping the public on hugely important issues."
"She's real about it, she covers things such as body image."
"Every time Jacqueline Hill launches something there always seems to be some kind of mess every time."
"The game is amazing... but the problem with the game is a few things."
"There is no public issue that will not make it to your private door."
"He's campaigning on a few key issues which I'll go over now."
"We've seen cases all the time where evidence is lost potentially huge evidence."
"Clan Wars are broken, and things need to be fixed. Update is out really soon and hopefully those things will be addressed."
"Communication is just extremely poor on this Cruise."
"Is anyone else's zoom do this weird thing where it just decides to pause?"
"Focus on the issues and then everybody else will come." - Kyle Kolinsky
"Ignoring a problem doesn't get to the root of it."
"Do you think there are there any changes you'd like to make what are the biggest issues facing the format at the moment?"
"I generally believe that this is serious stuff."
"Reliability has shown itself to be a key issue already."
"Just because you don't complain doesn't mean there isn't a problem."
"Disney's current problems are self-inflicted and need to be addressed."
"It's the Manchester United football club itself that is the issue."
"He carefully avoided every Public Act or manifestation on the subject and considered it a problem to be left for future Generations."
"This is not the first time that I have had to make a video about something very sinister and very serious that has happened to me on your app."
"Let's Spotlight some of these issues, let's bring some awareness to it."
"I would say I'm still attentive, so no, it doesn't cause any sort of problem like that."
"The writing of Abby's campaign also has its problems."
"There's some disgusting inhumane [expletive] that goes on in these rural areas."
"Every single time that you force players into doing something that if they had an option they would not do it, that's not success."
"Even if you're not winning the presidential vote, you can introduce the issues."
"Real politics where real people debate real issues."
"They don't want another Katarina Macario situation."
"I think when you ignore things like this, you unfortunately push it further and further into the depths of things that are around, are active, are currently affecting our society but they've never come to light."
"I'm never going to go into a ballot box again without knowing exactly where each person stands on the issues I care about."
"Rich people problems to an extent."
"I try and focus on the fact that I do have this rare experience with this platform and want to use it to speak to issues and experiences that feel necessary right now and important."
"We're raising generations of people that just have zero patience and don't really want to ever take on real issues."
"If your relationship is built on what can I get from you, you have a problem."
"We have real issues to deal with and we need time and space."
"Every single reason for her trust issues is valid."
"Kelly described the movie as a tapestry of ideas related to some of the biggest issues we're facing right now."
"It's fitting in the car that's the issue with Camaro."
"If you ignore issues, it won't actually stop them from happening."
"Many of our issues would be solved just by knowing and creating awareness."
"They told me there were problems with a lot of my contracts."
"In terms of negatives, sure we've got some oil leaks."
"One of the major problems in the treatment of status is underdosing!"
"Risks and issues can pose a threat to your project. How you manage those risks is known as risk management."
"If you can't acknowledge all the real issues, you're part of the problem."
"And sometimes going out for days on end when you've got a lot of issues going on um and just ignoring them and distracting yourself from them isn't actually going to get to the root of them."
"If you see any issues they want to report it right away so that way they can take care of it right away."
"It's the commoditization of food that makes it a problem."
"I think that if we were to kill her, it would be the issues, issues would arise."
"It's not that people don't need to be governed, but that's not ultimately what's wrong with the world."
"We've got to talk about the things that young people care about. I think they want opportunity, they want... We got to get the student debt crisis under control."
"There's some not great parenting going on there, being compared to his brother. There's… there's some issues."
"One of the main issues plaguing these models was poor quality control."
"We had some issues. We know we have them fixed. But this is Le Mans, there's a whole new animal."
"Uh it looks like Redux Saga is being left behind the last update was more than one year ago and the number of GitHub issues is still increasing without anybody fixing them."
"Issues such as conservative versus liberal farming issues, poverty, illegitimacy, old age, marriage breakups, clash of religious and new liberal ideas, and most famously, contraception, were just some of those tackled on the show."
"The issue isn't about banning guns or banning assault rifles."
"The bigger the family, the more issues, obviously, in the teenage years."
"And now I'm getting smoke out of the top here, so maybe that's not the issue."
"The first indication that there's licensing issues with Unix."
"... it felt really fast good as I drove it home and started to notice some more and more check engine lights and other issues going on."
"There's something very wrong going on in farming."
"The problem is, PowerUp was flashed into the EEPROM of the accelerator card itself."
"Capricorns have major trust issues sometimes."
"Miss Garrison's fancy new Vagina sure has its issues but hey I at least remember it more than this one."
"Most women's problems are created by that."
"We're either dealing head-on with the issues of our community, or we're not."
"I hope they don't have any issues in the future."
"I've never really seen a movie center around children that is so focused on deep issues."
"It's the greed and the short-sightedness in everything in this country that is going to present an issue."
"The steps to freedom go through seven root issues: false religions and occultic practices, deception versus truth, bondage versus freedom, sexual sin, rebellion, pride, unforgiveness, and passing down ancestral curses and blessings."
"All relationship problems could basically boil down to a communication problem."
"The real issue is when a device paces it introduces blanking periods."
"You think you did everything good and then you run into weird issues. You gotta go Google find solutions."
"Each horror story takes a classic element of the genre and smashes it together with a real-world issue."
"... these things especially the series one rx-8 are renowned for having quite a few gremlins."
"The Sierra was hit with some major quality issues at launch."
"Risk register: a tool in risk management and project management, used to track potential issues that can derail intended outcomes."
"Glitches are everywhere in video games."
"Your identity is not made up of your issues."
"We focused on a couple of issues: trade promotion authority, immigration, taxes, and cybersecurity."
"The way Burp reports issues is that it gives you all of the information that you need."
"I've never had any issues, maybe not all of it is expired."
"Nobody needs more issues than we already have."
"We're kind of going up and down and just because the brakes and the steering are giving us issues we just rather be safe."
"There's some serious kind of weird issues going on with GM."
"Bitcoin fixes money and with fixing money, it fixes so many issues coming with that."
"There's a bigger problem than that."
"So maybe if you took the look in the mirror as a parent and realized that maybe you're the [ __ ] issue and that your kids were the issue and not an inanimate object I think maybe you and your kids would probably get along a lot better."
"Get paranoid. Under an apparently solid surface, data is usually a pile of issues."
"The original audience of Hebrews faced a number of issues."
"I never had issues for a month when I registered at the AKC insurance for what it's just that that's just the way."
"Doesn't really matter the brand, issues can happen with them all."
"Money can be at the heart of many issues."
"This exemplifies the problems of legality."
"Photography can both identify and obscure issues, pointing us to things we should be thinking about while also excluding others."
"I'm just struggling with some Pace issues with it... so I ended up having to take it off the list."
"It's a teen movie but it's also a teen movie that deals with a lot of teen issues that teenagers go through right now."
"Things like drunkenness, anger, fighting, the abuse of children at times and frankly these are issues that in the later modern world are not addressed until frankly the 20th century."
"People get so sensitive about these things."
"While Aiden stands accused of corrupting the youth, misogyny, exploiting his fans, just being a scumbag all around, it's imperative to recognize that the issues are reflective of a larger systemic problem with the Digital entertainment industry."
"Hernandez was a talented player but had off-field issues."
"Jealousy is almost never the actual issue in a relationship."
"The engine stopped smoking and we didn't have any more blow-by issues."
"The hammer forum is a monthly series of public discussions about current social and political issues."
"There you have it guys, I think that should just about cover some of the main issues."
"Nobody wants to go out to a production line or wants to go out to a customer's location when a joint fails or a fastener breaks, you have other issues like that."
"The real problem was that he didn't love himself."
"We all have our issues just like the real cigar, yeah, exactly."
"Invisible Man does deal with such issues."
"I almost didn't buy this because I heard so many complaints about this piece and there are issues with this figure but they are manageable issues."
"They might have feelings for you, but they have some issues."
"Knowing capacitors, I wonder if this will become a common issue for Wiis as they continue to age."
"This is one of the biggest issues in Christianity and one of the most harmful things for the individual."
5. "Early intervention around these types of issues is really, really important."