
Home Environment Quotes

There are 262 quotes

"You could be out running the world, but if you come home and your home is hell, you're not going to have peace."
"Your home is your sanctuary, and it should be a safe space."
"Invest time and energy on making your home a sanctuary."
"Going home is not a privilege for a toddler, it is the standard, it is the norm, it is where they are supposed to feel safe."
"My home is a clean, warm, and happy place that supports my well-being."
"Make your home a source of mercy, tranquility, safety, and peace."
"You ultimately as the parents have the responsibility to create an environment of honesty, responsibility, and humility within the walls of your own home."
"By opening up your windows, you're going to be allowing oxygen to circulate freely throughout your home, which is not only going to cleanse your home but also give you more fresh air and energy."
"It's better to come from a broken home than to live in one."
"A one parent home is better than no parent home."
"You don't have to travel to exotic places to do photography. If you have some flowers at home, that's all you need to get started with iPhone photography."
"Great art shows so much about your personality and sets the stage for your home."
"Two happy homes are sometimes better than one broken one."
"After I got the kitchen done, it just felt like a whole new space and I feel so much more peace when I'm in there."
"Once I find what has worked for us the best, it shifted the energy at home. We feel more relaxed and it sparks more creativity as well."
"It wasn't until I got to the other side that I realized the full weight that this stuff had in our home."
"Spring cleaning isn't just about freshening up your space; it's about creating a haven where you can truly relax and feel at peace."
"My home is a peaceful haven. I bless my home with love. I put love in every corner, and my home lovingly responds with warmth and comfort."
"Our homes are really our Havens, and it's about increasing equity in your home."
"The house has become a lot quieter and a lot more peaceful."
"The home is a sacred space, and you should be comfortable in it and have peace in it."
"Turn your living space into a sanctuary and just watch your happiness increase."
"I really want our bedroom to feel like a space when we wake up we're excited for the day."
"I wanted a contained space where we could cook Indian food... and not smell like they live in a restaurant."
"The physical library in the home is known to be tied to better educational outcomes for kids."
"Home is different. Home is generally less chaotic."
"I don't think it's being talked enough. I don't think there's that much support and it all starts from home."
"Your home should be the backdrop to the life story that you're living and the life story that you want to live."
"I feel like everyone should have a comfy cozy home base that they feel good in."
"I love coming home to a cozy home, a cozy environment."
"It's also a good year for creating new environments, good things for the home."
"Those plants on your desk and by your couch are almost definitely not harmful to you."
"You deserve a beautiful home that's clean and clutter-free and stays tidy."
"How delightful. Thank you, I'm very proud of my abode."
"From the second I walked in, I felt at home. I wake up every morning and I'm at peace."
"I've been having some just really strange and frightening occurrences in this apartment."
"It doesn't matter what your friends say, having all of those house plants can brighten your mood."
"I certainly live in a home where you learn never to give up on pretty much anything."
"The more love and more compassion and the more you pay attention to your kids at home it doesn't matter what school they're going to they're going to be more loving they're you're going to be more love."
"Wearing shoes in the house... it just makes it feel more like an adventure."
"Create beauty all around you, from the way you look to the fragrance in your home."
"Life hasn't been fair, so what you want in those scenarios is to find a warm inviting loving caring compassion at home."
"It does look so much cleaner and it just feels so much better to come in here at the end of the day."
"Your ego is tied into your family life, how your home looks, and how warm and inviting it is to people."
"That's where the fun happens, that's the relaxing zone, it's the entertainment area."
"Home is a safe place to express and feel your emotions."
"It's a terrible feeling to not feel protected in your own home."
"Focused on your home environment... your legacy."
"Honestly this is the best we have our passion fruit vine over here and then we got a star Jasmine vine over here."
"I always envisioned my kids being in high school and bringing their friends to our house and swimming at our house and hanging out at our house."
"It is almost kind of nice to be able to establish a consistent and predictable workflow at home right now."
"I've become a 'can't use the big light' girly, and I'm never going back."
"You know what we all feel like, you know, we just feel better when we get home, don't we? And we're in comfortable surroundings."
"Home should be your sanctuary, but it never was that for me."
"You want to come home and crush it, be confident."
"It's so grown up and adult. You can actually have people over, you can entertain, you can have intellectual discussions, you can read books."
"Let's just keep it anus kitchen, make it nice for the kid."
"Our goal here is to have some peace in the kitchen, have a space that inspires me to cook, to clean."
"Significant changes around home, family, property, living environment."
"15 minutes in and I've already pulled out the goddamn blanket."
"It's like lipstick on a pig, if you're sleeping on a terrible mattress, your sleep will be terrible."
"Special moments tied into every part of the apartment."
"Making sure that every time you walk into your home, you're in a place that feels comfortable and adapted to your needs is the kind of purchase that really does radiate throughout your life and pay a lot of dividends."
"Make your home a sanctuary; build peaceful spaces."
"The goal of the house is to always be a constant flow of positive energy and support."
"I live in a nice house in a nice place because it makes me feel like my happiness is important."
"It's amazing though to have the windows open all day long this time of year there's a beautiful breeze coming in."
"Our apartment is gonna be so freaking amazing. It's gonna be like a getaway for us."
"This puts off so much heat it could actually run you out of your house."
"Our homes should be havens for peace. For our families, this means more than the absence of arguing. It involves putting the interests of our family members ahead of our own."
"Let daylight in, let fresh air in, and you will just feel so much better."
"Keyboard is loud, let me just get rid of this. Dog, go away."
"If the household is toxic, don't stay inside."
"Your sex life is about to ramp its intensity up."
"Now we can stay nice and warm at night as we just relax with the ocean view. Oh, isn't that just comfy and incredibly pleasant looking?"
"Creating a warm, welcoming, and comfortable home environment."
"High five to having a healed home and healed auras."
"It seemed like there was always bags of money coming and going in the house, just stacked almost to the ceiling."
"It's a lot cleaner, less cluttered, more organized, and again, I just love the overall feel and the whole vibe of this place."
"We should fill our homes and minds with entertainment that directs our minds to our Savior."
"I didn't even realize how much like happiness having my bookshelves in my room brings me but it really really does."
"It's murdering me because personally my comfortable temperature in a house is 68 degrees."
"Make it a special place for you and your family members."
"If something is calling you to make a change or start something new involving your family relationships or your home environment, definitely take that seriously."
"The goal with this candle was to really calm your home, your space, and your mind."
"Your home life affects your happiness, relationships, and even your health, so it's essential to take action steps to bring about a peaceful, safe, and happy environment."
"Create a calming, spiritual space with crystals and incense."
"We're home. We're in our living room. We feel fantastic."
"How do you feel when you're in there? Cozy, warm, safe."
"Having fresh flowers in my flat makes me feel alive."
"I just saw someone at a house tour who's like, 'This is my art room. This is where I paint.' It's so awesome."
"When you burn a scented candle, you're potentially putting your pets at risk."
"I feel like I'm my happiest when my home is exactly how I want it to be."
"She goes in her room and hides in her closet when there's violence in the home."
"I love that what I love most about my home is that it's a play work space and live space."
"I love to create moments where I can make Beauty in our home."
"For some people, Saturn transits through the fourth, there can be surmountable difficulties in terms of your home."
"Our home is a reflection of our gratitude and faith."
"Do not let your household turn into a war zone because they're not living up to what you want them to be."
"After that, there were no more footsteps or apparitions. There was a peace that filled our home."
"Having a home that reflects my personality and provides a sanctuary is something I've always dreamed of."
"He wanted everything in the apartment to be cozy, family-friendly, and of course baby-friendly."
"What a great start to the day... inside the home of the Pars."
"Having a tidy home environment makes us feel more mentally stable and settling into a new without one has been a challenge."
"This is all I've ever wanted - sunlight streaming in."
"The very basics of self-care for me start at home."
"Embark that same position in your home that you hold in the world."
"I freeze in terror. I would have heard the bathroom door open if he had come in behind me and gone that way. There was no way he would have done it quietly. It creaks like a [__]."
"The more that you put a silence to that sort of discrimination, especially within the home and in those close situations with friends and family, the less it's allowed to keep thriving."
"Our kids need a safe quiet peaceful space to come home to... if we can help them reduce their inventory and have less, they're going to be so much better for it."
"It's almost just like a cozy feeling, especially if it's laid out well."
"You can learn a lot about a person by looking at their home."
"It was tough on me because I did miss him. The house was so quiet."
"My house doesn't need to be perfectly clean in order for me to relax."
"Make it something special for yourself. Take good care of it because when you come home, you want to feel good about the space that you're living in."
"That's right, be more. And if you can't do that, that means evil lives in your home."
"But honestly, if you make a part of your world feel like home, it's going to be your favorite part of the world."
"Kids will model what they see at home and the values that are promoted at home."
"Sorry about the sound, we have construction going on in our living room."
"If you put a mentally unstable individual into a house, it's just going to fall apart around them."
"No one should feel unsafe in their own home, no matter what you do in your life. You should not feel unsafe in your own private domicile."
"A quiet, peaceful house where I can actually feel safe."
"I just wanted my space to just really be somewhere that like I would call home."
"Let me know if you guys are more relaxed when it's just you at home."
"Staying at home is fine, if you're striving to be a better person and you're striving to take the next step."
"They want to create a home that feels like a safe space, like somewhere where you step into it and you just don't want to leave because it's so safe and it's so loving."
"Make your home a sacred place of safety and solitude."
"My house is a no bully zone, my house is only for the kindest of souls."
"The number one training ground in the world for your kids is the house."
"Flourishing starts at home, it doesn't start online."
"When I think about me in those terms, the fact that I have a messy house seems pretty insignificant."
"I am such a strong believer in a good home environment and a happy home environment reflects on you as a person."
"There's a lot of focus on home environment, home security."
"When a house is full of junk, it's no longer a home, it is a landfill with four walls and a roof."
"...each module is how to choose a plant for highlight medium light and low lights because I feel like every home is different."
"I love how peaceful the house is."
"We love to talk about simplicity and minimalism, but not for the sake of minimalism and simplicity, but for the sake of feeling like you are in a home that feels complete."
"Reduce or remove stressors in your home as you can."
"A space for play is essential, and I believe every home environment should have dedicated spaces for children."
"If you are deciding whether or not a space in your home is a little bit too dark for a plant, I want you to visualize yourself reading a book or maybe actually physically take a book to that spot of your house and see if you can comfortably read in that spot."
"She said her home feels like a rehab program."
"Hot spots, those areas of the house that for whatever reason are just clutter magnets."
"I love looking out this window and seeing the view it's just such a good peaceful place for me."
"Plants in a home are so important."
"This is like the kind of living area where people would play board games."
"Socialize your puppy to different objects and noises at home first before out and about."
"We can be social at our house, we can have people there, and we can make that an environment where the kids are doing great, they're comfortable, and they're secure in their home environment."
"I hate this house. I hate how being inside it makes me feel tense and anxious."
"It feels like a home now, not just a house."
"Make sure to think about the smells in the home, especially because if you're spending the whole day with your children, you need to make it enjoyable for you in the ways that you can."
"Patients in their home environments allows us to customize the care in a way that we're not always able to in the clinic."
"Keep your home tidy for a stress-free vibe."
"Having clear countertops for me makes the home feel extra clean."
"Good way golden on the weeks I skipped this or don't prioritize creating an intentional environment in my kitchen I find my family tends to eat out more on those weeks."
"I don't want to do all my lectures in a classroom. I did it in my kid's room with all of his toys."
"It's important to know that information because then you can do with that as you will to kind of implement that into your home conditions."
"You can't keep depression anxiety fear from coming at you but you can keep it from staying in your home."
"Every person that's married or about to be married should ask this question: What do we want our home to feel like?"
"The key to good parenting is providing the right home environment."
"I've decided to create a loving home for us and our children."
"My home feels calm, relaxing, it's giving me peace of mind."
"I love getting up early... seeing all the sunlight coming in and just lighting up my home."
"Providing that sense of safety and security in the home is really one of the most important things that children's brains can take away from that experience."
"It feels more like us, it feels more organized."
"The atmosphere of your home is important."
"Make your home relaxing; we have to look at our home as a place of comfort and warmth."
"Make sure that you're creating communication opportunities at home."
"Your child's aspiration in life and what he wants to become, it's made at home, it's made in the kitchen, it's made in the living room, it's made in that four walls of your house."
"I am enjoying the peace in my home and finally living a good life."
"Changing what you allow in your home is a great way to start implementing change in your life."
"I love to be cozy; I feel like I'm always cold, so having this fireplace in here has been like the best thing ever."
"The atmosphere of your home matters."
"Just simplifying sometimes and moving things around, that's all it takes."
"I want my home to feel quiet and peaceful."
"A beautiful home... makes you happier, it makes you want to invite people over, it fosters community and all kinds of things."
"Not only is my practice about love, but so is my home."
"Having flowers is actually very valuable to me; it just shows me that there's life in this apartment."
"We both were raised in very volatile type of homes, and we know how much we were impacted as children from that inconsistency."
"If you have a home and you have a heart, then you should have a child because that's all that really matters."
"Poisons and pesticides can be messy and dangerous and they aren't always suited to certain environments, especially in homes with pets and children."
"With a lot of reasons for a lot of people to be thinking about filtering the air in their house."
"No matter how well you do in teaching your dog obedience... if you are not living properly with your animal inside the home, it's useless."
"Welcome to the healthy home guide, this is a place where I share practical, budget-friendly tips for creating a safe and healthy home."
"We need to know they have verbalization at home, they're comfortable speaking."
"It is possible to bring a Bengal or two, or maybe more, into your home and not feel like you're living in a zoo."
"Once you've determined the type of conditions that you have in the home and also what kind of plant parent you'll probably be, then you could go to the plant shop."
"I'm comfortable not only because I'm in my own home, but it's because this is something I'm actually passionate about."
"Having these yes spaces around the house is incredibly important."
"Having a lower humidity in your house is going to make a big difference in your air quality; it's going to lower mold and allergens from reacting in your house, and it's just going to feel really good."
"Instead of treating your rabbit's enclosure like a cage, you want to treat it like a home."
"Noah and Sala are now 48 weeks and they are doing so well, they're at home, they are thriving."
"Put on some music, zone out, be peaceful in your home and clean up."
"I think it's good to have as much indirect lighting as possible."
"If you got to get off work and you walking into that house and your heart is heavy, fix it."
"Keeping that house healthy and the people inside of it healthy as well."
"Our parents did everything to have stable homes for their children to grow up in."
"It's nice to have nature in the house even when I'm stuck in a city."
"I love getting to know them, asking about their lighting, their environment, and recommending the right plants for them."
"They need to have a home environment that makes them feel comfortable, serene, and taken care of."