
Illusion Quotes

There are 3035 quotes

"I believe much of what we call reality, and certainly what we deem impossible, are nothing but illusions."
"An illusion can only exist in the presence of assumptions. No assumptions, no illusion."
"The Power of Now: The past and the future are illusions because when you're reliving or foreseeing them, it's in the now."
"Infinite love is the only truth; everything else is illusion."
"Our bodies are suggesting that we are separate, and that's where the body's lying to us."
"Color exists in the brain; color is itself an illusion or a brain construct."
"Consciousness is the brain's user illusion of itself." - Daniel Dennett
"When the water of illusion drains away, we see that we are all connected."
"Discernment shatters illusions and gets to the truth of a matter."
"Maya is the principle which does not make the one into the many but makes the one appear as the many."
"Freya phases in cycle says: There is a beginning within every ending, illusions are revealed and released."
"No matter what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion. There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to the mind of God, which is in me, around me, and serves me now."
"If you slow it down, it almost looks like the person materializes out of thin air."
"The devil uses illusion and sleight of hand... the devil must deny that he is the devil because if the devil ever realized that he was the devil, he would have to stop being the devil."
"We often speak in America about self-sufficiency, but it's an illusion of sorts."
"Seven of cups is about illusion, fantasy, dreaming. It could be the guides or spirits warning you to take off those rose-tinted glasses, start focusing more on the reality."
"This notion that we have in society, that there is a self to a life, the self that experiences all of life, this does not exist. That this is in fact an illusion."
"It's like a rug pull. It's making the Statue of Liberty disappear in several figurative senses."
"The world around you is an illusion created by your own mind."
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
"That's why people, when they do art, kind of accentuate stuff and with 3D you have to force perspective to fool the audience."
"This staircase is so long, it actually messes with your head. It's never-ending."
"The Castle of Illusion was Miserabell's twisted playground of trickery and peril. Nothing there was as it seemed."
"Harry Houdini was extraordinary, the ultimate entertainer. He perfected the art of illusion and was the master of self-promotion."
"We've ended up buying into the illusion that there are more hateful people in the world than there actually are."
"Illusion of inclusion - that's basically what we're being sold in the West. Regardless of what your bank balance is saying, as an immigrant, as an African, we're sold an illusion of inclusion."
"It's all about presentation. You know, it's all about the illusion."
"When you awaken from life, you realize you can't die, you can't go anywhere. There's nowhere to go. There's no one to die. It's just a silly game. It means absolutely nothing."
"The distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however persistent."
"This entire village was an illusion; it was all fake."
"By accepting [the five aggregates] as illusory, we see through the illusion of the separateness completely."
"Social media is not real. It's not real. The things you see, the things you hear, sometimes it's an illusion."
"What you're looking at, Guido, is one of the strangest illusions I could pull off, one that is finally going to confuse Chris."
"Our minds take shortcuts and fill in the blanks, which in certain situations can result in seeing things that simply aren't there."
"How do we realize that it's an illusion and not get lost in it? See, here, nothing is permanent; everything changes."
"No one is more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they're free."
"Free will is an illusion, and even the experience of free will is an illusion. Like, we don't even experience it."
"The journey to happiness involves getting rid of the illusion that you're not already there."
"This is about the importance of maintaining the illusion of choice and how it does it through characters, setting, and context."
"Time is actually an illusion. The notion of time arises because of changes that are occurring in the physical universe."
"The darker sides of the self-help industry revolve around casting a shadow over your eyes, making you feel as though you've accomplished something when you actually haven't."
"The experience of physical reality is very real, but we are the ones creating this illusion; it's a projection of Consciousness."
"Reality is an illusion. Understand the illusion is real, and you understand reality."
"Recognizing all things as illusion, devoid of clinging, may I be released from bondage."
"Advaita Vedanta does not say it's all an illusion in the sense of a dream and therefore science is all fantasy."
"Then again, if all of reality is an illusion anyways, does it even matter?"
"Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."
"The idea of free will is an illusion, which is a really complex conversation."
"Free will is an illusion. Our wills are simply not of our own making."
"All fear is completely illusory; there's nothing to fear in life, including fear of death."
"Everything is an illusion," the master of ceremony at Club Silencio tells the audience, signaling the beginning of the end for Diane's fantasy."
"Any fear that you have that does not kill you usually is an illusion."
"The great illusion of it all is like you're trying to take control, but those obsessed with the idea of control aren't really in control."
"I can't imagine really what it would be like to say all of that is an illusion, like the oar being bent in water, and there's no reason to think it is."
"Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one." - Albert Einstein
"A truthful disagreement is always better than a collective illusion."
"In order for there to be illusion, there must be something that is being deceived."
"Kali is the goddess of creation, the liberator of Maya, letting us see through this eternal illusion and therefore attain moksha."
"The raising waves of heat from the sand stretched out towards it, causing it to bend and contort as if it were being asphyxiated by the coming night."
"The Sun is full of light, full of heat, but if you turn your face away from the Sun, then you see a shadow. So that shadow is illusion. But when we face toward the Sun again, we see that everything is full of light."
"The illusion of time, according to theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli, time is an illusion."
"Venus stationed retrograde squared Neptune... about the temporary illusion that we could all socialize widely again."
"The illusion of control is such... desirous for so many people in positions of power."
"We are the subject of an anamorphic illusion surrounding public health."
"During the equinoxes, the play of light and shadow on this pyramid creates the illusion of a serpent slithering down its steps."
"Reality is always to be sought at the base of illusion."
"Stories are kind of like a magician with an illusion - you're taking these artificial characters and events and making them feel real."
"Control is an illusion. What you want is irrelevant. The fist cannot say to the body, 'I have no need of you.'"
"That looks pretty much more than an illusion to me. That looks real."
"You're constructing that illusion on the fly."
"Your entire life has been nothing but an attempt to exert control, but you only have the illusion of control."
"Imagine if you were a world in which everything you exposed to is fake, a world in which you are nothing more than a puppet on a string, a world in which the reality you perceive as a mirage, nothing more than an intricate multi-dimensional facade."
"It's clear for all that we live in the illusion of democracy."
"These places are masters of illusions that use fake cities to offer an escape."
"Every move you make, every thought you have is just there to trick you."
"Non-biased news has always been an illusion."
"Oppressing others and burying your problems creates the illusion of safety."
"Control is an illusion. The world has momentum."
"An era can be considered over when its basic illusions have been exhausted."
"Millions of human beings are living in dream palaces."
"Stick around. I believe this is all just a charade, this is all just a sleight of hand."
"There is nothing solid, anything that looks solid is only solid because of an illusion."
"Agatha slowly disrupts and subverts the illusion that Wanda has created."
"Remember always that your true home is here and not beneath in the realm of shadows, a veil of illusion where things are viewed out of perspective."
"Time is an illusion and everything is gonna be fine."
"Storytelling isn't about raw intellect, rather the whole thing is basically a magic show."
"You can create something that looks like a piece of treasure or a bunch of coins or a really delicious looking pie."
"You can make the floating words 'you are a jerk' floating in the air and that's going to distract and confuse people to some extent."
"Feminine energy without the masculine is an illusion."
"Just keep looking at the screen. Ignore that weird feeling and any noises you might hear. Everything's fine."
"Movies are a fun way to pass the time, escape, or entertain ourselves. There's a phrase, movie magic, that refers to creating illusions and essentially magic."
"Fear sees me then it runs away, because fear is not real. Fear is the illusion world, it's the maya."
"Reality is an illusion, but it doesn't mean that we aren't here to experience things."
"When online, your safety is nothing but an illusion."
"No makeup makeup is really the ultimate magic trick, concealing its very own existence."
"The only way out of this great deception is to be the truth in the world of illusion, to be love in a world of fear, and to be courage in a world of cowardice."
"The explosive encounter was a one-take challenge," recalling the risks and unexpected outcomes of a dangerous illusion.
"His videos are like watching a fricking magic trick."
"Silent image... could effectively make your army look twice as large as it is."
"Illusion magic has unbelievable, devastating uses, especially in warfare."
"Drawing is creating the illusion of reality, based on simplifying things we see."
"Whilst the carpet may seem to be standing up on its own, this is an illusion. A sturdy 0.2-inch steel reinforcement provides a hidden support for an authentic handmade Persian rug."
"The choice is an illusion. You already know what you have to do."
"Luke's biggest moment is that he made himself a hologram."
"Once you're in the public eye, control is a delusion."
"It almost looks like a large fish or shark jumping up, but how in the world does it disappear like that, fading into oblivion?"
"It's like one of those magic eye paintings you see at the mall."
"Time is an illusion, yet a very persistent one."
"Both were a form of magic, both were a game of intricate enchantment and deception."
"Fear is an illusion that's created in people's minds and it's also a tool that is being used to control the minds of men and women."
"The tissue paper appears to be suspended midair without any visible means of support."
"The problems that we teach people to solve are illusions, they're not real."
"Money is an illusion; the more we run behind it, the less it comes to us."
"The validation it gives them is a complete facade."
"You can control what you put in your mouth but you're not really in control of anything."
"At that point in your life, it's something so real in contrast to what Hollywood is, a very powerful illusion."
"Hollywood is not what it seems like, it's an illusion."
"I once not sober admittedly throwing up in a toilet had convinced myself I could speak Mandarin Chinese."
"Hope is an illusion, faith is an illusion, belief is an illusion."
"Illusion, deception, manipulation, and subterfuge: these are the hallmarks of our modern-day magi."
"The chosen ones were right all along that this world is the Maya, it's the illusion."
"When you get something so quickly... you just start believing that you are something maybe you're not."
"Politics is mere theater for the gullible masses. The illusion of choice is given to people."
"Control's awesome illusion. We can do our best to hedge our bets, play the ratios, play the numbers, make good calculated decisions. But ultimately, all control is an illusion."
"Luke buys the resistance enough time to be rescued by Rey before Kylo realizes that he is only a projection in the force; the effort of creating the illusion causes Luke to become one with the force."
"The illusion of the middle class is very much at the epicenter of a lot of pop culture."
"You are part of an illusion and learning experience that allows you to become aware of the love and light of the creator in your illusion."
"The illusions are coming to an abrupt end for everybody who's been living in that illusion."
"It's just an illusion. That's what the Matrix is."
"We're stuck wandering endlessly around a fake Potemkin village of democracy."
"Joe's genius was just an illusion that made it seem like massive funds were backing his every business move."
"It's one big fat illusion and we will be fooled by no longer."
"It's all part of the show, it's like a palace guard if you want to pretend to be a king, you need a palace guard."
"Winning image is nothing more than an illusion."
"Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without."
"It's hard to distinguish between reality and illusion here."
"The game being played is an illusion. You can simply choose to open your eyes and reclaim the freedom that you were born with."
"Forced perspective makes buildings look taller."
"Rationality belongs to the cool observers, but the stupidity of the average man requires necessary illusion."
"You sure don't act as though you're living in an illusionary world created by an evil demon."
"Our primary objective was to prove that the Chicago skyline is not a mirage."
"That's not real choice, that's the illusion of choice."
"Choice is an illusion, choice is something that you have when there is equality."
"The power of now: Death is an illusion just as your identification with form was an illusion."
"The stigma of UFOs is like a collective illusion. It's dangerous, as the collective illusions of our generation become the reality of the next."
"The first Mysterio illusion sequence in Spider-Man: Far From Home."
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue."
"In this world, all these people have are their dreams, their illusions. Sam has his dreams of being a mythical figure and his mother has dreams of being beautiful again."
"Perhaps our loki didn't die at the hands of thanos either perhaps our loki did the same thing cast a very strong illusion."
"I'm a cyber illusionist which means I combined magic and science to create illusions."
"All of their emotional pain... holding them back... it was all an illusion."
"Artists are people who can break out of that illusion."
"Absolute truth and perfection stand behind all the illusion and imperfection of the sense life."
"The moment you can hear that you're using those tools, the magic, the spell is broken."
"Release anything that is an illusion or causing fear."
"The sky simulation perpetuates the illusion that we're in a real reality, but it's not."
"Democracy is now clearly just an illusion with the exception of extreme cases."
"People are beginning around the world to wake up to the idea that the illusion is becoming so obvious."
"This gives you the illusion, the feeling of the essence that you are somewhere different, and I really love that."
"The illusion is dependent upon her wanting it to exist."
"The illusion of opportunity: the concept of Merit doesn't exist... constructed by the elite to serve their interests."
"Apart from God, it's not a bright future; it's an illusion."
"Control is an illusion anyway. We feel that we have control over things in our life and we actually don't."
"Anything that's creating pain is the illusion of separation. And that pain helps to purge away those illusions so you come back to remembering this oneness again."
"Every route that it goes from there, it's just none of it's real."
"Tsukiomi can push you in a loop of pain for 72 hours but here's the twist it's only three seconds of world time."
"This life is nothing but a temporary delusion."
"Anything that's holding you back is like an illusion. You've got to know your inner strength and your personal empowerment and embrace it and own it."
"Terrence looks massive on stage, he weighs about 180 pounds but his joints are small, his muscle bellies look full, creates an awesome illusion."
"Sin can take you to such a pleasurable place... where all you will see is sunshine and rainbows."
"Sometimes a trophy can hide actual progress."
"The U.S. feels like it's back at the top of the heap, but this is a fiction."
"It's weird isn't it when you look at the reflection of my car it looks like it's a GT3, that's just a mean tease, you can't do that."
"Do not be misled by what you see around you or be influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values, and false ideals, but you're not part of that world, Capricorn."
"This freaky famous photo was taken by the Viking 1 Orbiter in 1976 and shows us what is very clearly a face embedded in the surface of Mars."
"Perspective is sort of like an illusion that's a bit of a magic trick."
"Fear is an illusion. To overcome it, take action."
"It's like you have this glamorized view of it but I think it is a fishbowl and it's golden handcuffs."
"Every habit we have, good and bad, is a lie because basically, they are illusions."
"Past, present, and future is not actually reality. It's actually an illusion."
"Appearances are not what they seem. Understand this Buddhist wisdom that nothing exists as it appears."
"Parasocial relationships: a one-sided relationship, the illusion of intimacy, a similacrum of reciprocal conversation."
"I finally realized that I was the arrogant one... chasing an illusion, a fantasy."
"Unmasking illusions...realizing what you truly want."
"If everything around you is an illusion, then it's the illusion fooling the illusion."
"You perceive 0% of reality; you exist essentially in an evolutionarily convenient illusion."
"Money printing does not make the world richer but I admit it has a powerful illusion of wealth impact."
"You can make your own world you can create this entire thing from what looks like nothing but what it's an illusion."
"The entertainment industry is not real life."
"Separation is the greatest illusion ever created. We are more similar than different."
"Comfort is an illusion that kills... it's related to the ego, what's comfortable for the body is."
"Fear enhances the power of your enemy and decreases yours through an illusion."
"The secret behind this trick is actually contact lens that he is wearing on top of his eyes."
"You're trying to gain a sense of foresight in life, but that's an illusion."
"Until this happened were we just living under an illusion of liberty and freedom? Were we in fact always, as far as it matters, captive creatures?"
"No one can escape from illusions unless he looks at them."
"His house of cards has collapsed, and people are seeing the real Dubai."
"No, God is not an illusion. I'll tell you what's an illusion: the government caring for you, wanting to care for your health. That's a [ __ ] illusion."
"The best part of this trick is that the method is so deceptive and unique that it fools most magicians."