
Pandemic Impact Quotes

There are 666 quotes

"The coronavirus crisis has turbocharged all of them. They are in prime time, and that is why they're taking off at a much faster rate than even we expected."
"It's amazing how when a pandemic happens, women start to understand hierarchy, structure."
"The shift from working at home during the pandemic may have also yielded efficiency gains."
"Cafe Amazon entered the Chinese market before 2019 but faced setbacks exacerbated by 3 years of pandemic restrictions."
"The pandemic should have given us all confidence that we're much more capable of response than we think."
"If we got one good thing from the pandemic, it's these strikes and the realization that we are all owed a little bit of dignity in our lives."
"We know the pandemic is taking a toll on people's mental health, and we have resources for you."
"While we anticipated that the stress of the pandemic would impact the people providing care, the extent of stress and the percentage of workers considering leaving is worrisome."
"Taking care of children's social, emotional, and physical health has never been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic."
"You have faced so many challenges in your 36 years; never would I imagine we would lose you to a pandemic."
"We finished up with... about 880,000 deaths from COVID-19 in 2020."
"We are practicing, all of us, social distancing...in ways that have had a huge impact on all of our lives."
"Our economy and money is changing ever since the pandemic hit in 2020, things have not been the same."
"Now we're forced to be inside; now you have a bunch of Millennials learning how to cook, cleaning, doing laundry."
"There is more than one way for this pandemic contagion to hurt people."
"It's only the global pandemic that's prevented him from making more LAN grand finals in a row for RLCS."
"We are 10 million jobs short still of where the economy was when this pandemic started."
"Once when the pandemic happened, things got like really bad. There was always homeless people in California, but the numbers just jumped."
"People that weren't allowed to have a graduation because of a pandemic, I mean, in 20 years, that'll probably sound crazy."
"The immediate reaction when the virus hit was appropriate...Now, as we see it's going to take much longer, there is a real question about whether the economy should also be transformed."
"We all know a local salon or a gym that's had to close, and a neighborhood restaurant or shop that's really struggling. More importantly, we all know people who work there. They deserve a hand to get through this, and that is what the wage subsidy is for."
"This pandemic isn't hitting everyone equally; the most vulnerable, as they so often are, are more vulnerable, and that's why we have to do everything we can to support the people who need our help, including and especially women through this."
"Lakeland, Florida, actually increased its population by 3.4 percent in one year during the pandemic due to migration."
"The reason that the economy was so sick, it's not the coronavirus, it's because of everything the government did before the coronavirus."
"Prior to the modern plague, only 6% of people worked remotely. That's ballooned to a whopping 42% of U.S. workers today."
"There's a record increase in household wealth, and actually, it was skewed towards the bottom 25%, which saw a 900 plus percent increase in net wealth since the beginning of the pandemic."
"The COVID-19 pandemic swiftly erupted from Wuhan and spread worldwide, compelling the entire toy industry to intensify its efforts to relocate away from China."
"There's a general incompetence problem just everywhere. Have you tried to get customer service help since the pandemic? Something changed."
"One thing is becoming eminently clear: the economy simply cannot stay shut down this way."
"So, I think we all have to be focused on people who've lost everything in this pandemic and how, as a country, no local government, no state government, is going to be able to fill that gap."
"The pandemic has been a tragedy, no doubt. But it has exposed profound issues in America that now threaten those very principles of freedom and order that we Americans too often take for granted."
"The tension was this overarching story of coronavirus, and reality was providing the tension."
"The profit is made when you acquire a property and the pandemic proved to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire undervalued great properties."
"It received generally positive reviews from critics, breaking several pandemic box office records."
"The pandemic has accelerated us to where we were heading already."
"I think the covet pandemic is going to change flex culture as we know it entirely."
"Disney World wasn't immune to the impacts of covid-19... several changes did stick around and they've completely changed the way we plan our vacations."
"Walmart's online sales rose 74 percent in the first quarter of 2020."
"The COVID-19 pandemic has supercharged the activism around the 5G rollout."
"The effect of the pandemic on voter behavior."
"The lockdown has had enormous negative effects."
"I think there's just a great demand to get out... and get our country going again... next year is gonna be a very good year economically."
"We want to go back to where it was... I want to see the NFL with a packed house... that's what we're going to be look... this thing will pass."
"This is real and Shell could not have tripled its profits in the time of pandemic in the time of global constant living crisis."
"The pandemic has changed consumer behavior dynamic patterns across the board."
"Only 20 percent of Americans say they're better off today than they were before the pandemic."
"46% of Americans expect that it will be more than a year or never before they can return to their normal lives."
"We will be back in aggregate where we were before the pandemic."
"It's only when COVID showed... then all of a sudden they see the value in redundancy and supply chain."
"The pandemic made me realize how fast and short life is, and how helpless we can be if the basics are taken away from us."
"The economic impacts are going to be the thing that hurts more people honestly directly than the virus itself."
"The longer this thing lasts, the more damage is done, the more permanent damage is done, the more permanent government programs are gonna be seen as the solution."
"The household supply chain for toilet paper simply wasn't built for the level of demand it's now experiencing."
"The billionaires are getting their way. Mom and Pop shops were destroyed during the pandemic while Walmart Costco Amazon all those other big box stores were allowed to be open."
"This really has turned out to be just a historic example of what a pandemic virus can do. It's just been a terribly trying year for everybody in so many respects." - Dr. Anthony Fauci
"Total Global output is significantly higher now than it was before the pandemic started."
"That's a good question. I might decide to spot up in Little Italy for dinner. That might be my first move. I don't think we're gonna be able to do that for a while."
"People were reading like crazy during the pandemic."
"We're distracted politically but it is just rampaging across so many different states right now."
"It's weird to say this, but the pandemic has been kind of good for steam."
"I think excess deaths give us a much better idea of the death toll from covid."
"Some kids aren't able to go back to school for a lack of bus drivers. They had almost 18 months of a break here that a lot of these districts who ended up not keeping their bus drivers on the payroll, they found other jobs elsewhere."
"It's critically important that we use the funds to support our students, especially those students who have had gaps exacerbated as a result of this pandemic."
"The pandemic bit! The bit about the viruses as well."
"The world is not gonna be the same place after Adam virus."
"But this is during a pandemic. We broke 30 thousand, a number that was unthinkable."
"Pandemics don't care about whether you're a Republican or Democrat, they don't care whether you're white or black, they don't care whether you're millennial or baby boomers."
"The pandemic ought to force some changes on media organizations."
"I just want [ __ ] to go back to normal, I just want to travel, you know what I'm saying?"
"Broadway's back... the Tonys have returned from a pandemic pause with all its trademark glitz and excitement."
"The virus surging, an economy battered, and now nationwide quarantines."
"Values are 44 higher today than they were pre-pandemic."
"Disney, the company that says about Scarlett Johansson, 'that she had a callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,' has just taken their Christmas event and jacked it from 105 to 155 up to 169 to 250."
"During the pandemic, students experienced heightened levels of stress."
"I actually think something else is going to happen. I think the opposite. I think we've been saying from the early days of the coronavirus crisis that we were in a V-shaped recovery."
"These trends are egregious. They are terrible for the country's most vulnerable students. The pandemic left them even further behind."
"Thankfully, No Time to Die's global numbers paint a more golden picture as the film in just two weeks has already passed 300 million, a pandemic record."
"2020 was supposed to be a huge year for us...watching those drop like flies, it was really hard, seeing everything that we had worked so hard for."
"This is an economic downturn caused by the pandemic."
"Living through a global pandemic has changed us in one way or another."
"We are in an economic competition with China. If you think on a broader Global level, one of the things that we learned from this pandemic was the incredible dependency that we have when our supply chains are not secure."
"The pandemic dramatically accelerated our problems... The only hope we have is that COVID also speeds up the solutions."
"I'm not convinced we'll get fans in the ground before April."
"Coronavirus Britain passes Italy to register the highest death toll in Europe."
"The economic reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic has been absolutely mental."
"The bay area has always been a hot market for real estate, but a reason for the greater jump in prices is due to the quarantine and lockdown last year."
"Caregivers were completely forgotten in the pandemic."
"Even if delta has a lower infection fatality rate than the earlier ones then it's still going to overwhelm hospitals due to sheer volume."
"If anything good can come from the coronavirus pandemic, it's the revelation of America's over-reliance on China, especially when it comes to drugs."
"I was forced over quarantine to train kids outside."
"The pandemic's biggest victims are the ones dealing with anti-mask lunatics."
"The American dream Mall opened in 2019 directly into the pandemic."
"The amount of messages we get about you know where they did the Spotify thing recently where it comes out oh how many numbers people listen to and just just nice little messages saying you helped me get through the year."
"A pandemic and what about the millions of self-employed people."
"During the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans stuck at home started to take a hard look at their surroundings, and that has led to a home improvement boom."
"It's a process, so we started before COVID. We hoped the building would already be finished today."
"The rise of TikTok during the pandemic created a perfect stage to spread the good word."
"The pandemic grew my business, believe it or not."
"The declines in murders and shootings last year appeared to be in line with similar drops in other U.S cities... amid the worst of the pandemic."
"A quiet place part 2 was originally set to hit theaters on march of 2020 but the kovid 19 pandemic forced a change in scheduling."
"Covid kind of made Abbott and DeSantis look like rock stars."
"COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy."
"It feels like I've had this mask on for so long that parts of my face have slightly changed shape. That's better."
"China's economy is back recovered to what it was pre-covered that was the epicenter that's where it came from and yet we have this continuing insanity."
"That's all cut out, that's all shut down, and so that has kind of affected our destination much more than many out there."
"And I'm here to deliver the truth, and about the truth, they can't deny it if it's yours."
"New study is exposing the impact the pandemic has had on language and development."
"His popularity hasn't been dented by the pandemic when it clearly should have done."
"Covid really just sped a lot of things up, and I don't just mean the gradual shift towards remote working, although that's having some major macroeconomic impacts in its own right."
"Unemployment is actually down, a lot of this stems from the fact that unemployment was so high during the pandemic."
"Quarantine has definitely decided who the real creators of social media are."
"This could lead to a massive uptick in cases as people are gathering indoors."
"Here's a little something to chew on: a new report from Oxfam says that over the course of the pandemic the world's billionaires increased their wealth by 3.9 trillion dollars."
"If you watched football... you had to watch it on TV. And if you watched a lot of football..."
"Red states are winning the post-pandemic economy."
"Small businesses that form the economic backbone of our communities now face immediate and oftentimes crushing financial pressure because of the pandemic."
"The idea that there is some normal we can return to after Trump has been blasted out out of the water by this pandemic."
"The pandemic is a kill bill-like hit to capitalism, now with the second wave and what will follow, it is becoming more and more clear that what I provocatively call communism will prove necessary."
"The recession was because of COVID, but still."
"The problem is retention, as you can see. U.S. trucker employment lost the trend line after the pandemic but it could climb easily with higher wages."
"If we all go back to work and we all get sick, the economy is gonna take a second punch when it can't withstand it."
"I think this is, a, a partial parental revolt sparked by the pandemic of the last two and a half years, and I also think it's part of a little cultural war."
"We finally got COVID. But, it means we can't go to work right now, which could be a blessing in disguise."
"I think about kids not being able to compete in sports, I think about the things that families used to do and take for granted."
"If you're the most hated out group on earth and you don't even have a grocery store to get your groceries in a pandemic, that's a major issue."
"Sometimes people don't realize that through the pandemic, this is the easiest time for rappers to get on the show." - "This is a job for everybody."
"Pandemic relief programs have given many workers more financial freedom."
"The pandemic triggered an increase in the pre-existing Mental Health crisis, further maximizing the challenges for everyone involved."
"The pandemic led millions to re-evaluate their priorities."
"I just can't imagine being a small business owner going through the pandemic."
"Life after the pandemic may look quite a bit different than it did before this virus hit."
"How can we mend some of these divides that have been really evident throughout the pandemic?"
"Meeting family has been the hardest... it's been a complete everyone is stuck home."
"How do we get back to a position where I can see my loved ones?"
"It's not just the sick, immunocompromised, or elderly. Reports coming out of China, Italy, and even here in the United States demonstrate the young people are dying from SARS-CoV-2 right alongside the elderly."
"Fundamental freedoms were violated during the pandemic."
"I'm actually better than I've felt ever in my life at this point. I feel like this pandemic has changed me dramatically because I've been forced to again to change roles."
"Scam me and countless others during a global pandemic? I ruined your business's reputation for your crappy behavior."
"Airlines didn't expect that there would be a surge in air travel after the entire planet was trapped in our bedrooms for two years straight."
"It's what we've wanted we've been locked lockdown for so many months wondering when we'd next play a match."
"There's real people you know I'm saying real people being effective real people dying from this and it's sad."
"We could have lost two million people... it's too many people."
"There's real people out there in New York dying. My heart goes out to you guys. Y'all are dealing with the most coronavirus cases, the most deaths."
"I think with the pandemic, I was in my pajamas for about at least 18 months. I forgot how to tie my shoes."
"Where would the wrestling business be without you fans? Probably in the state it was in in 2020 and 2021."
"Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is officially the second biggest movie release since the start of the pandemic."
"The big next big pandemic which is already here is the mental health pandemic of sorts."
"The closure of 70,000 movie screens in China due to the coronavirus outbreak is a stark reminder of the importance of public health."
"It is really cool. I just want to say that it has been a very very very very very very long two years since we've all been able to congregate together."
"I personally believe it's gonna be tough to compete with the days for Amazon when COVID was at its peak."
"This pandemic has showed us to appreciate what we have."
"I think if you take a look at the actual numbers, you're talking about a 50% revenue growth during a pandemic."
"The only good thing that's come out of this virus is my wife is cooking."
"COVID-19 has changed many things. Everyone wants to see these terminals looking busy again. But getting people flying will be a challenge."
"You do have to factor in some sort of risk that the reopening will be delayed until spring or summer of 2022."
"I just pray that it doesn't disrupt the thing that I worry the most about is schools."
"The markets are only just now beginning to understand how serious this all is."
"We need to see the victims to better understand and connect with the human impact of this devastating virus."
"I was tested negative for the virus, allowed to leave home, the city is completely empty."
"Street racing is up all across Ontario since the pandemic began."
"That's what Caronia business is, a pandemic which means it's a national and international negative crisis."
"The pandemic made a lot of people's dreams come true of being able to work from home."
"It's like all right it's a bloodbath yeah we can't afford that right we just came out of a pandemic."
"So bottom line in the short term, you know, the first two or three years after a pandemic lots of uncertainty."
"It always seems like there's 100 different, satisfying ways he could take it at every turn."
"New York City will never bounce back from what they did with these lockdowns because there's no reason."
"In the age of this pandemic, nearly every step of the food supply chain has been negatively impacted."
"Everyone's mental health was [expletive] during the pandemic, like talk to a therapist bro."
"A great example of this is covet so when the pandemic started it changed daily life for all of us."
"They're saying that since early on in the pandemic government guidelines and regulations have drastically curtailed repossession actions."
"More than any other time during the pandemic, people I actually knew having Omicron or being sick during Christmas time was the most."
"In order to give you an idea, during the final days of March the coronaviruses increased daily mortality in Spain by more than 70%."
"Let's remember the lessons learned, even as the pandemic fades into memory."
"I think the pandemic is uh the biggest digital accelerator probably in history and i think it's i think in the space of one year did more than probably the last 10 years."
"The disruption that the health service experienced caused primarily by the pandemic, but also, of course, by the actions that we took in response to the pandemic, that disruption has had an impact on cancer."
"The war on small business: How the government used the pandemic to crush the backbone of America."
"I just started making YouTube videos and then when the pandemic hit, I had 10 months of Runway."
"The market has changed, the most obvious thing is prices. Home prices have skyrocketed since this pandemic started."
"The consumption of pizza through the roof pandemic style. Pizza is doing well."
"Yo when the pandemic hit, I think that was another huge hit to this whole thing."
"Consumers before the pandemic had on average two to five thousand dollars in their savings account... What do they have now? 12.8 thousand dollars."
"Quarantine highlighted and magnified so many different things for our marriage."
"Anyone that wants to say that what we are living in right now is normal is missing a huge piece of the story here."
"Anxiety symptoms before the pandemic... increased by 250 percent during the pandemic."
"Children were more insecure, fearful, and isolated during the pandemic than they had been beforehand."
"Our kids have suffered tremendously during this pandemic dealing with serious learning loss and significant mental health challenges."
"I think we're in this weird bubble right now where everyone kind of, you know, coming off the pandemic, people started during the pandemic, people, it's not quite as easy as it looks to do it consistently, it's actually a lot of work."
"Somebody choosing a party over the life of my grandparents basically it like cut through me."
"The pandemic has forced all of us to be more resourceful and flexible, and when you're forced to find a new way, you often find a better way."
"It's been a crazy year of growth, not even just a year like during the pandemic we grew an immense amount."
"We're losing more people to suicide than we are to the virus."
"The wait is over, Chicago's Adler Planetarium finally reopens today after being closed for almost two years due to the pandemic."
"Be happy with it because so many people, to include me last year in 2020 in the heart in the heat of uh Rona right now, family."
"At least we're in a weird position economically where because people are trapped inside during the pandemic we're basically rooting for the pandemic"
"Let's hope the Roni Rona doesn't take back off, but if it does, that is definitely something that could cause the stock market to go down."
"Our lingering and possibly lasting fear of being infected with a virus will thus speed the relentless march of automation, particularly in the fields most susceptible to automation."
"There were almost 300 percent more hospitalized COVID-19 patients over Labor Day weekend in the US compared to a year ago."
"Those 270,000 mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, husbands and wives, they ain't coming back."
"We are living through a collapse of capitalism in the face of a virus."
"The lack of visitation in 2020 has affected all museum ships and other museums for that matter."