
Proactive Strategy Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"When you bet on optimism, when you're on the offense, when you're playing towards intangibles, you do something super-duper interesting. You start suffocating excuses."
"We're setting a trap so that you don't fall into the default mode of laying in bed and looking at that thing. I want to give you a chance to catch your thoughts."
"We need to switch from reactivity to proactivity."
"The rule of the game is find asteroids before they find us."
"Kudos to HQ, they're being proactive, they're making the plays."
"Odi's best defense is going to be offense." - Taking proactive measures.
"Build a community of people that have that same problem preemptively."
"Let's hit where they're going, not where they've come from."
"I'm all about skating to where the puck is going."
"Get ahead of the curve before the changes are actually implemented."
"You know what they say, the best defense is a good offense!"
"You've got to go where the puck's going to be."
"If we can't address them structurally, we're going to fall behind. We need to stop making excuses and get to work."
"You want to win the war before you start it."
"China no longer waits for the world to come to her."
"Don't be complacent; take the opportunity to prepare, prepare, prepare."
"Anticipate it and expect it... worst type of attack is one that you're not expecting."
"Increase the probability that the future is good."
"We're not waiting for them to invade, we can hit them, we can destroy them."
"The real value creator is the drill drill drill increase the resource."
"You want to be on the offensive... prepare and not just survive but thrive through the next market crash."
"Beretta worked years ahead of current manufacture looking for Trends and opportunities and responding accordingly."
"For the first time in a very long time, I can't even remember, we played on the front foot from the start."
"Anticipate damage, heal through it, and heal early and often."
"If China invades Taiwan, we could find America at war in the Pacific, something that we must do everything we can to avoid."
"Add value first. I was willing to work for free for a few months just to show him how much value I could bring to his business."
"Let's make change work for us. Let's plan for the future."
"They decided we're not going to do it, we're not waiting, we're not going to do what Stalin did in 1941 and wait for the Nazis to just invade, right?"
"No chance, there's no chance in reconciliation, there is no chance."
"Now is the time to lean in. It's the time to build, it's the time to buy something, it's the time to partner with somebody to buy something."
"Tesla is already looking ahead of what are the blockers going to be and removing them and kicking them away like Waffle House chair girl before they even become a thing."
"Working smarter, being more proactive, and making things stick."
"So what we must do with the knowledge of what the problem is and the four possible solutions is watch each of them carefully and move with them to protect ourselves our families our friends our clients and that's the process who we're all in now."
"There's no time to go wobbly here this is serious this remains our most significant Challenge and we've got to deal with the problem in front of us not push it off into the hope that this will go away over the next two to three years."
"Always be putting out content to raise capital so that when you have to raise capital you're on third base not the dugout."
"I heard that Marvel was going to be a little bit more proactive uh and a little bit more aggressive in Sharing what they had coming up next."
"You got to do a new thing to get ahead of the game."
"No one ever got rich sitting on money in a bank account."
"I'm willing to be the first one to go in on the attack."
"Taking authority over the region before you even go into it means you've already won the battle."
"Your remains need to stop the initial ult, they just need to get in there, going hard, going fast."
"Cast off the energy that no longer serves you and create new strategies. Finalize your ideas, get moving, there is no time to waste."
"Always be three steps ahead, never be reactive, be proactive."
"This goal is going to help us to react now..."
"If we want to keep the world safe we have to be active, we have to be proactive with our friends and allies."
"We take the fight to everybody, we don't let them take the fight to us."
"Rather than being mad about it why don't you just take my advice and do the same thing for yourself?"
"Managing cash is critical for the well-being of your business, and cash management does not happen by chance."
"Being reactionary is often much better than prediction. Prediction gets us into a lot of trouble."
"We do not need to have an Apollo one type event in order to get us in gear."
"Crisis presents opportunities for those who are looking for them."
"So there's that part of it and also I think it's like one of the best things to do as far as like in the future to future proof yourself."
"It's definitely a good idea for us to be looking at what they're doing and do it ourselves. Civilians don't prepare like the military and government does and that shouldn't be the case."
"I want to make sure that when this opportunity happens as many people as I possibly could are in the know to be able to also benefit from this."
"If 2020 has taught us anything, it's to make a plan today."
"We haven't reached that real fear like we did in 2007-08 yet... it's a perfect time to get ahead." - Adriana Reid
"One of the best ways to get more gear is to go and look for fights."
"Managing risk is the number one thing that you can do for yourself."
"Skate to where the puck's going to go, not where it is."
"Fight early so the enemy doesn't get a chance to get a clean ult combo off."
"We've got to be united, clear, and we've got to have the will to not only react to what Putin does, but to decide what we want and impose it."
"Don't wait for the market to tell you you're screwed. Don't wait for it to hit the stop. You already know it's dangerous."
"It's more important what you don't do than what you do."
"Either we fill that void or somebody else will fill it up. It is really just that simple."
"The cheat code is the earlier you do it, the better it is for your whole life."
"Steven universe might be the greatest animated show of all time."
"Let's go ahead and colonize to get the coastline done before the colonizers arrive."
"This is just how the system works, hater to love it. You gotta understand how to win in this system instead of just complaining because you're losing to the system."
"Always push but not necessarily to do anything with it."
"It's time to take a more direct approach. We must root out these hidden facilities, disrupt our enemy's operations, and uncover the truth."
"Being at risk and being attacked is not something that happens in the movies or to others. All organizations need a strategy to stay safe."
"Pragmatically speaking, why go through the trouble of waiting for them to make a move when you can strike first?"
"They were impatient, they didn't sit on their hands, and they tried to maximize once again the window that they have with Luca."
"Sometimes you got to play where the puck is going to be."
"Defensively, I always say dig the well before you need the water."
"We need to go on offense and stay on offense."
"You gotta get them before they get you. You have to fight."
"We’re skating to where that puck is going to be even as we speak."
"You can't be on defense, you gotta attack, attack, attack."
"We gotta Escape bro, it's time to use teamwork to make the dream work."
"You can't just make a video and expect that people are gonna find it on their own, you have to actually go out and advertise it in different places."
"You need to seize the initiative in the game that you're playing."
"We're not just going to ride the wave, we're going to go on offense."
"Save often - no reason not to! Your future self will thank you."
"Staying ahead of the problem is crucial. If you're not ahead, the problem gets ahead of you."
"She's getting out ahead of it, before it comes to bite her in the ass."
"The best move is to just throw it out there and let us at it."
"Minimizing the backpedaling and always keeping that step forward."
"They need to be asking you what it's going to take to make this [deal] happen."
"In that case, it might not be a bad idea to make ourselves an energy cell."
"Having your finances in order is going to be a way that you're able to do that."
"Act on this information, skate to where that puck is going to be."
"This goes back to what I said, if the government has a habit of putting out press conferences, you can get ahead of the story."
"Be bold and make the first move, slow and steady wins the race."
"Proactive and anticipating... keeping yourself to the advantage."
"You need to be emboldened but also prepared with battle gear, and that battle gear is knowledge."
"Remember if someone's about to die you can pop your cloud burst early at any time."
"We're proactive, not reactive, in our transfer plans."
"Are you livid? Are you angry? Are you upset? Are you fearful? Take deliberate intentional actions."
"Whatever man, whatever brand you're putting around, just get her out there." - Bold and determined attitude towards progress.
"Underlying stats such as XG, XAXT, could give you an Insight on which direction a player team is heading and allow you to make a proactive decision."
"If it needs bringing forward, then bring it forward. We're in a great position."
"Preparation, preparation, preparation, preparation, and go do it." - Mike McGowan
"It takes a very proactive and engaged approach to constantly be ahead of the game."
"The longer you wait to launch an actual product, the harder it is to convert people from your waitlist." - Act swiftly, seize opportunities.
"You should be the first one to most plays before anyone else."
"The next move is coming. Are you going to crush this market or get caught like a deer in the headlights?"
"London has to get back to work and it's going to be done by business owners that are doing a really good job."
"Every level that I trade off of is there before the market trades at them because I let the market come to me."
"We do our homework in advance, unlike the Obama-Biden administration."
"Value-based spending is where you sit down and you really evaluate where am I spending my money right now and am I being reactive or am I being proactive in that."
"We're strong believers in the philosophy called reliability-centered maintenance."
"We changed the way that technical intelligence is collected. We don't passively wait on it. We go get it."
"We cannot afford to play passive chess."
"You cannot predict the future... but you can plan for it."
"That job can become available again, so you definitely want to take advantage of their sign-up page where you can get job alerts."
"This proactive approach can help us tackle the most significant issues of our time and mitigate risks before they become crises."
"You have to make moves and be aggressive."
"Our aim is to get ahead of greater uncertainty by making difficult but important decisions."
"We have to go where the puck is going, not where the puck is."
"Once you've identified that someone might be likely to churn, what you can do is do something proactive and reach out to them, give them an offer."
"Probably sooner than you think you should, you should probably start trying to diversify."
"The more proactive you can be about anticipating your interviewer's concerns, the better you're going to do."