
Strategic Planning Quotes

There are 3302 quotes

"We want, certainly, America to be in a really good competitive position, especially as China has set its sights on innovation."
"We tell you what's going to happen long before it does."
"If you use all your resources in the first half, you're likely to lose the game in the second half."
"If we want to shift spending, let's say we want to shift spending and start a conversation about that. Use visual cues to draw our audience's attention to where we want them to pay it."
"Thinking big is not at odds with starting small."
"Man United's dominance at the end was based on having a manager who had the know-how to win a title every year over anybody else."
"Design your perfect day and reverse engineer your choices from there."
"Because just as with preparing to repel a purely conventional military threat, preparation can make all the difference."
"True meaningful choice is the core element underlying the planning and formulation of a strategy in pursuit of some end goal."
"We have to be really smart. We have to get this right."
"It's a chess match; you have to think, do I want to try and stay up towards the front and stay in front of potential incidents?"
"Grasping at the wasteland from their stronghold in Hidden Valley, the Mojave Chapter prepares to send numerous manned expeditions across the wasteland."
"Roadmaps should really be a reflection of your company goals."
"I always push chess at young kids. Chess helps you think, helps you plan, and helps you predict the future."
"Learn how to play the long game. We need to be done with time urgency."
"By monitoring the other cars around you, you will start to understand the tendencies of each car and driver as well as their skills."
"People who think about the future are people you want around you."
"I think avoiding that feeling of like, 'I wasn't even aware that we were near the end of the game,' is a useful skill."
"The Earthrealm's serendipitous arrival has given us ample evidence to convince the Empress of the truth."
"This is a lot of money and this is going to take a purchase that isn't just actually giving the Glazers what they want. The United fans will want reassurances that this purchase actually comes with a plan for future investment into the football club as well."
"We need someone who's going to stabilize Manchester United, put that structure in place, and give us an idea of where we are going moving forward with the football club."
"The focus is on designing a military that is sufficient to do the job that the military has been assigned."
"Our plan is realistic, ambitious, and doable."
"Every time you get time back you can go do something that's strategically important."
"Fan engagement is at the heart of their bid."
"I have to take a loss in the short term to get the win in the long term."
"We're underestimating our adversary; we're overestimating our capabilities."
"Pay, search your library for a legendary permanent card, then put that card onto the battlefield."
"Wouldn’t it seem responsible to conclude that the goal of any viable economy is not only to meet the needs of the population, but to do so in the most strategic, efficient, and conservative manner possible?"
"It's important for us to define what exactly our mission is before we declare 'mission accomplished'."
"Instead of buying [a player] for 150 million, we should be buying four players who are well scouted up and coming for 40 million pounds."
"I think we need a reset, and I think the rebuild will take three years, maybe two."
"If you're gonna make an announcement or a change, try to find a way to navigate through some of the bureaucracy."
"The Chinese government is always planning 5, 10, 15 years into the future; they have a very big strategic vision for what they're wanting to do for the country."
"During infinity war, we saw Doctor Strange take a quick inventory of fourteen million other timelines."
"This is kind of the last year that the Russians have a large enough cadre of people in their 20s to have a draft-based military."
"Franklin Roosevelt was slowly dying during his last campaign... But during that last year of his life, he was also personally strategizing... about the single largest military operation in history, the D-Day invasion."
"One Piece is a brilliant story that constantly compounds itself through a combination of strategic planning and brilliant improvisation."
"The fight has to make sense...we make the right fights at the right time."
"The reason why I would say one or two is the one is because it's obviously a very good value point."
"Netflix also realized that even though creating original content was expensive upfront, in the long run, paying licensing fees every year may actually end up being more expensive."
"Some items are getting reworked, but that doesn't really matter because this is mainly going to be about why items are picked and how they actually work."
"We need a plan to get the vaccine out to the entire world."
"If you don't see the trend coming, you want to get ahead of it rather than being overwhelmed by it."
"You need to understand that this is a necessary step, view it as a marketing budget in order to help kickstart and launch your product."
"Deck building games can also give players extra stuff to think about by giving them some resources to manage like money or health."
"We need a joint response capability... We need a continuing relationship with our friends."
"The first step that you need to take into account is probably one of the most important ones... it's picking a niche."
"We must seize the moment to address long-standing socio-economic challenges and position ourselves to meet the ambitious objectives outlined in the Agenda 2020."
"Protect your energy; it could be important in November to do things that protect your energy and your mind."
"You have to have a strategy because if you don't have a strategy, the problem is that you get distracted by opportunity."
"You have to learn what wars you can fight and win."
"Long term thinking is just a pillar of success."
"Almost every 'how' already exists. But what you want to start off with is the vision of where you see your business in a year, in three years, in five years."
"First order of business is absolutely to create a ten-year plan to eliminate all chemical spraying on our crops."
"Know yourself and know your enemy. You have to know yourself and you have to know who you're up against."
"It gives me a lot of those things I tend to enjoy: resource gathering and then spending it for something, cars with powers, building up a tableau with stuff you can manipulate."
"An economic recovery only occurs on the back of a complete health care recovery and that order is essential."
"The most important decision any human has to make is whether you live in a friendly or a hostile universe."
"It was Tobirama who told Hashirama we're gonna get paid for it, and it was the money from selling those tailed beasts that allowed Konoha to come out on top."
"This is not just about how fast is it today... it's all about you have to be very methodical, very safe, very secure, and very intentional about what you're building."
"Great war Richtofen started a plan to break the cycle, with Pablo defending him while he powered up a teleportation device."
"I think they've got the talent to not necessarily need Champions League for the next couple of years."
"The battery life is something that we really need to discuss here."
"Commit fully. There's no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A."
"We need to begin with what is it we're trying to do and in doing it this way we elevate the conversation away from the tactical to the strategic."
"How do we want this community to interact with the larger world at this particular moment in history?"
"Manchester City and Liverpool are not standing still, they are continuing to reinvest new ideas going forward."
"Every little piece of this is like a puzzle and it paints an overall picture of what's going on with that company."
"As has been said, amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics. So let's talk logistics."
"But it's always important not to have wishful thinking colour your analysis."
"Before you buy a stock, it's important to create a thesis against yourself."
"The best XCOM players are those who have a backup plan if their shots miss."
"Smart move by United. This will ensure a good manager in the summer, good signings, and retention."
"A successful trading strategy is a guide that ensures you will stay on track on your journey to your desired destination."
"They are going to adjust their policies accordingly. They're not going to be seeking a military confrontation."
"How do we do this right? So we have to take a minute. Yeah, we have to take a minute and look at some things, engage our critical thinking on some of these things."
"They are willing to take a loss or two if it means giving them the long-term strategic gains."
"You've got to know where people are going to be looking at what people are going to be doing and where the flow of NFTs are going to be going."
"He knows which characters do what and he assembles a puzzle and he makes everyone matter." - Coy
"Supply and demand is such a powerful force, you can't overlook it."
"As such, let us leave the tactical level and zoom out for a cost benefit analysis."
"Sometimes things don't go according to plan, you've got to shift."
"Consider this a practice run for when you don't have so much room to maneuver."
"Strategists seek sustainable solutions that address deep root causes."
"A glaring case of a potential advantage not being translated into an actual advantage."
"It's about what type of ecosystem do we want, like do we want an ecosystem where you heavily research what you want to play next."
"France seems to have the industry and facilities necessary to carry out its plans."
"The backup plan is document the fraud see who your real allies are see who your real adversaries are."
"These cards are smoothers. They make sure that your curve is smooth, that your play is smooth, that your land drops smooth, and everything smooths out."
"You want to have a plan... it still needs to have a plan."
"Start putting yourself in a position where your job wouldn't be at risk."
"Eventually I do want to get his 94 rated card."
"Brewing a deck is a lot like cooking when you find a new recipe even for a simple dish there's likely a long list of necessary ingredients."
"Make sure they raise your value because if they don't marry or you don't stay with them at least the next person will know you know."
"You need to come up with your own strategy because any of these strategies work."
"Just eroding away, sticking to the game plan for better or for worse, and it worked out."
"The planning and interconnectivity seems purposeful and strategic but also it emphasizes the diverse kinds of stories DC is interested in telling."
"Recognizing weaknesses helps in making better decisions."
"Vision is important for everything. So everything you do, you begin with an end in mind, you draw a vision and you work towards it."
"It's going to be a very important race for us. We got good chances, but it won't be easy."
"Scotty gives you a lot of HP to make up for the fact that I'm not buying a black king bar."
"Dilia was willing to help Voss and his companions Escape but on one condition: once out, they must help her kill boots."
"The difference is she's savvy, and she knows that she'll always have support for it."
"Increase your population by maximizing immigration probability. Right now they want us to do things like decorations and whatnot to increase that."
"It's merely a game of probabilities, so what do I need to do is increase my probabilities by knowing how the game is played."
"The mindset for us is long term. It has to be."
"I didn't even have to sell! I got it in the bag!"
"Making a plan and trading these five steps will stop you from trading off the whim when you make a plan you have a clear direction."
"Calculated to exit the nether directly into the stronghold."
"Vega Punk's contingency plan will hamstring the world government."
"Sometimes in business, you gotta do things that may not make business sense in the short term, but they save your ass in the long run."
"Cast a wide net initially, then go deep diving."
"If you're not sure of the right amount to spend on defense, you ought to spend more."
"Understanding the arguments for inflation and not necessarily setting your portfolio up for deflation or inflation is crucial."
"I wanted that to be a main focus of TSM because if I got to the point where I can bet on a young guy and developed him to make them into a top performing player then that's something that's invaluable that's something I can counsel ain't you."
"This is the strategy: high-risk, high-reward."
"In short, whose staff has completely revolutionized his army's equipment, training, and drilled down to the smallest detail, in which each man knew what was expected of him and every regiment was capable of fighting as an independent entity."
"Another damage multiplier and remember our rabbit strike clone counts as a mystic ally so it will benefit from this bindings the lesser gods buff."
"Stay informed and ready to capitalize on the next big narrative in the crypto market."
"Long-term sustained investment is crucial for preparedness."
"Make it very hard for the conflict to happen, and make sure when it does happen, it's on your terms."
"It does feel like that's what Kauai did... he calculated it this way."
"I don't think it's gonna be a crazy i think january february we're gonna have good explosion to the market so time to learn time to certain time to focus and the new year strong."
"I think its path will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when really a new world order can be created. It's a great opportunity."
"If I may, I said in August if an opening comes about we'll see what the market will bear."
"Save your voice, plant your seed strategically. Don't just stand it everywhere, plant with intentionality."
"You need less goals and more strategies. Desired result plus an action plan."
"And all the while, Stephen Miller, once again, standing at the perimeter of the room, listening to that comment, and he knows that it's mission accomplished-- he's done what he wanted to do."
"Take action. Be a risk-taker. Strategize, plan, execute."
"This is a really nice buff to teleport scrolls, very well thought out."
"Go where you're treated best; you'd rather be a couple of years too early than one second too late."
"Successful implementation of this plan would be attractive."
"I know what I'm doing. All my moves are calculated and I lift it all up to God."
"You're sending the entire family. Like, I know how to even the odds."
"You've got to get to here so that nine can pick up where we need it to go."
"This is genius guys, this is the max level strategy."
"Have a north star and know the magic moment that when a user experiences that, they will deliver on that metric for you on the north star, and then think about the marginal user, don't think about yourself."
"That's something that are going to be in play over the next few years."
"Time is the single most important factor in being able to implement any technique for defense."
"Look at that defense now, Theo Hernandez, Kunde, Saliba, Mukele."
"Getting the right people in place to be thinking about those things and planning and that's really encouraging."
"Let's take a fresh look at these rankings to narrow down some possibilities."
"Good intel will keep you on top for a very long time."
"Better to train up than to try to train backwards."
"How do we beat 300? I don't know...but we're going to find out."
"Learning strategies such as be short split on Mirage and execute at a specific second of the round will help you win games and gain elo."
"It's very important we do not start things in advance of need."
"If she goes back to Spain then an army can launch behind her with Charles's fleet she can come in depose her father become queen and take England back to Rome arguably."
"Getting these things out of the way first is a good way to avoid some of those situations."
"The XFL wants to complement fall football, delivering football each and every spring."
"Taking the right strategic approach is essential to being profitable."
"I am enough. You're enough. When you believe that, everyone else believes it."
"I didn't want to change the vision and our vision has never been wrong."
"This ain't just something I came up to my head, I sat down, I was just strategically picking on where I wanted my people to come from."
"It's unfair of me to be like, 'alright now for you you need to work,' there's two Queen please write this down, let's see you're brand-new you might just say 'okay he's going an expansion.'"
"This is a major commitment to a season, the others was if and when time allowed but this is a proper assault, this is the future."
"This time around, we want to do things differently."
"At this point it's worth answering the question what is the path forward for crypto."
"But notice that I use the word hoping, that's because hoping for the best is a major plank of the plan."
"I'm actually pretty happy with what we hold right now."
"To achieve anything in this game, you must be prepared to dabble in the boundary of disaster."
"We're going to be talking about the big patch and our meta expectations."
"I filmed a special pregnant, but it's two parts. Smart move."
"We just want to make sure that we're safe. So Chris Ron and crease coms use me is going to build that High Barnet."
"Balancing your positions to put the odds of success in your favor."
"Putting all on Bolton? Littlefinger stays out, waits, then makes his move."
"Decisive movement and trusting your game plan."
"These are businesses that are gonna have to absolutely redefine what their business is going to do."
"Each of them were kind of hot to land and required like a lot of clever navigation to try to get it done in time."
"You need a plan and you need to be able to modify that plan as you go."
"We need to be able to develop the kind of security that we need."
"Do our leaders in the West even understand what they're doing right now? Do they even have a plan?"
"But yeah the idea behind the strat is basically the least amount of effort possible."
"Really this is about coordination within our societies but also globally internationally thinking about how we work together with like-minded Partners to safeguard our Democratic processes."
"It's about bringing the right animals back at the right time in the right way. It's about doing things properly and strategically."
"I think in a few turns we will find ourselves in a much better position."
"We will conduct a major initiative over the next several months to identify and implement the changes needed to meet our pacing challenge."
"We were just leading up to this, we knew. Yeah, we knew. We played the long game."
"It's not about who gets into turn one first, it's about who gets out."
"It says that the scope of the solution must be on the scale of the problem."
"I'm always trying to hedge my bets and make sure I spread out my options."
"Quantity, trade, offensive or quality... that should set you up for pretty much any scenario."
"You've got to think long term in building your business and your funnels."
"10% was luck. And 90% was me strategizing, researching, looking at all of the pros and cons."
"For flop play, our fold equity should be the first determinant of our action with our pot equity coming to close second."
"What you invest is what you get back in terms of things that help you play the game."
"You want to make sure that you're committed to the continent."
"It's actually very important to how we're going to do this."
"Maybe in ten years time, we'll look back and see the MCU as the single most ambitious, unprecedented, and most carefully planned and executed movie franchise of all time."
"Can we change history and maintain the glory of Rome through many years to come?"
"You want to win the war before you start it."
"We began to identify where the critical needs were."
"Stick with your plan... try not to make emotional decisions."
"How do you protect and expand progressive gains in state Supreme Courts?"
"The decisions people and governments take in the next few weeks could shape the world for years to come."
"You're taking strategic steps to actualize your vision."
"Tesla is playing a game of 4D chess, outmaneuvering and out innovating entrenched automakers at such a pace that the likes of Ford and GM are going to wake up in a few years and ask one question: 'What the **** just happened?'"
"You've got to have a thesis, you've got to have a plan, and you've got to have discipline."
"You got to have discipline and a plan to execute with discipline."