
Personal Peace Quotes

There are 569 quotes

"You care about what everybody thinks, man, that's draining."
"Protecting your peace... you'll be so much happier and just like lighter in general."
"It took me a while to realize this, but once I've done it, life has been very peaceful."
"If you concern yourself with what people hear and then how they come back at you, you're not gonna sleep at night."
"I think after a long day of just working, going to the gym, I just want to come home to peace."
"You're not all caught up in desires or needs or fears or anger or frustration, you're clear."
"Forgiveness doesn't have to do with the other person; it has to do with me choosing to live my life more in the present and in peace."
"Sometimes you just gotta let things go and settle down for a little while."
"I want to be happy. My intention is to find true happiness and peace with myself."
"Forgiveness is not something that you have to try to do to be spiritual; it's the side effect of saying I don't want to give up this feeling for you or anybody."
"I don't have anything over my shoulder; I look ahead and I just see a really nice future."
"Forgiveness is not for their sake; forgiveness is for yours."
"I'm always going to choose my peace and happiness over extra money."
"Forgiveness isn't for the person you're forgiving; it's for yourself."
"When you accept these truths, it's going to make your life easier."
"Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different."
"The more efficient way to bring the world to peace is to learn peace within the self."
"Only God can judge, so that's why I want you to know you shouldn't let these people get you all upset and angry."
"Speaking the truth was something I owed to my children and to all those who have supported me. I feel at peace knowing I've firmly accomplished that."
"When I filter out negative thinking, I attain inner peace."
"Spending time in your life holding grudges with people is...that's a waste of energy."
"Why is that it is weak to be feminine, and that is not true. In fact, when you step into your femininity as a woman, that is when you regain a sense of peace and vibrancy in your life because then you can turn out and nurture and love on the ones around you."
"I live in my own world, and I took a little step back for my own peace."
"My heart's in the right place so I can sleep at night."
"No pain, no gain in the kingdom of darkness, but in the kingdom of God, there is freedom, peace, and joy."
"Avoiding regret by lowering expectations about the results of decisions."
"Seeking external validation is a fruitless endeavor."
"Finding your true north, what makes you happy, what gives you bliss and peace."
"Someone can never rest as long as they're holding hate or grudge against someone else."
"The power of relationships is a source of stillness."
"Finding peace with your past is probably very important."
"Seek contentment and stillness, avoid chaos and abuse."
"I wanted some sort of closure or blessing from Grandma Jesse and today..."
"When you forgive, you set two people free and one of them is yourself."
"Stop comparing yourself to people, stop people pleasing, and set boundaries."
"If something costs you your peace, it's too expensive."
"You can do without drama, conflict, backbiting, complaining. You can do without a lot of [expletive]."
"Don't engage every battle, duck at the cost."
"Hope the rest of your day is awesome, and from me personally, I'm at peace."
"True stability comes from finding home within the self, union within the self."
"Relax, surrender to the path laid out for you."
"If you can't change the situation, then why are you upset about it?"
"I don't want you to be upset I want you to be able to come to work and be calm and have a wonderful day for yourself."
"Pray in tongues, you're going to notice changes... inner strength, inner peace, inner Joy."
"Those stars are more than I'll ever see, and I feel peaceful with that."
"Make peace with your past so it doesn't ruin your present."
"Practical skills that will let you step away from the drama, the struggle, the fight with your feelings, and move toward a life of peace and meaning and freaking joy right?"
"I forgive people not for their benefit but for mine, because I don't need to carry that baggage around."
"When your inner child wants love, your teenage self wants revenge, and your current self only wants peace."
"I am really tired, you know? I want to live out my last days in peace. I don't need this." - Eloise McDaniel
"Going no contact is hard but my gosh it is so worth it."
"You are not meant to struggle and fight your way through. Drop the concerns of your ego and watch imaginary walls crumble away. You've already won."
"I've changed my mind on everything. I won't put my attention on things that upset me anymore."
"Work has become intolerable; rest is resistance."
"Harnessing the power of silence: They value silence and solitude."
"It's not God's will for you to be waking up miserable every day, traumatized, terrorized."
"The birth of Christ in you: when you experience this Unity, nothing, no plots, no games, no lies—it's not going to bother you because you'll feel it through your heart, what is true and what is not true."
"Don't allow someone to steal your thunder, steal your joy, steal your happiness, steal your thunder."
"I hope you remember to laugh at the insanity of joining anybody in a fight."
"The flowers and wood have always had a way of making me relax like nothing else could."
"If you love yourself, you don't have time to envy somebody else."
"The mountains are my church, that's where I go to pray."
"I need to go find my peace and happiness, all this money not worth it."
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction."
"Surrender is not a giving up; surrender is a giving over."
"I would tell him that I forgive him because I'm not going to live with unforgiveness and bitterness and thoughts of revenge for the rest of my life."
"Allow yourself to just be here as you are. There's nothing wrong with you here."
"Forgiveness is for yourself... it's forgiving people, situations."
"Allow them to be where they need to be in peace, and you can just be where you are in peace."
"Relationships are very important. In fact, they affect every single area of our life. They really determine whether you're happy or unhappy, they determine whether you have real peace or not."
"Turning off your phone can sometimes be the best option."
"God replaced my hurt with healing, and then he replaced my pressure with peace."
"I have nothing to prove and only one to please."
"That's the beautiful. Let's come down to the point where I really don't listen anymore. Let him do what he wants. Fresh and fragrant."
"Refusing to forgive somebody for what they have done to you is like you drinking poison and waiting on them to die."
"England does feel like home now... I feel at peace."
"Putting God first is simple but difficult, yet it's the solution for a happier life."
"I silenced out the noise, I silenced out the judgment, I silenced out the self-doubt."
"Don't worry about the outside world. It will begin to reflect your inner thoughts when you do this properly... stay present, don't think about the past, don't think about the future, stay in the now."
"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will be."
"Sometimes there is nothing different that you could have done. Holding on to the anger is like this other sword here. Are you gonna let it go or are you gonna push that in and suffer?"
"There's something about just being with him there's something about going in your closet and just being with him."
"You don't have to spend time with anybody it's just because you forgive them all that means that you no longer have an emotional reaction to them and you can let it go on that."
"All I can hope now is that one day every one of the Gosselin children can regain the trust and tranquility they were once so deprived of."
"Stabilizing of life, less shocks, catastrophes, disasters, and upheavals."
"Balance means taking care of your mind, body, and spirit and living life to the fullest. When you find your balance, you find your peace."
"You don't have to understand everything, and that's okay."
"The purpose... is to scare you, to silence you, to steal your peace, and to steal your voice."
"Let go of the past, make peace with the past."
"Let them get on with it, you know? Waste their time, not mine."
"Anything that comes in the way of my mental peace needs to be removed from my life."
"Honestly, this is someone that just wants peace right now. They feel like entertaining this is just gonna cause drama..."
"Anything that is not clear to you, anything that brings you chaos and dissatisfaction, protect your peace from it."
"Being able to say no, offer alternative options, and stick by your financial boundaries are incredibly useful to protecting your peace and to protecting your wallet."
"Let go, stop holding on to something that is plaguing you."
"I would rather let him go and get rid of the strife, instead of chasing money or something, just moving the f*** on."
"Remember every individual who has found personal peace and happiness has been through everything you may now be experiencing."
"You might never get the apology, you might never get the money back, but that's okay."
"A relationship should not be a prison of paranoia, it should be your own personal sanctuary."
"Forgiving them doesn't mean they were right, forgiving them is for you."
"I think about no problems in life when I'm playing golf... I have no problems in life."
"Peace is found when my actions are in alignment with my values and my heart."
"Take a moment to drop down into your body and feel peaceful."
"You are a valuable person and deserve to be happy and at peace in your life."
"The goal should be for your children to be at peace with who they are."
"Let it go if you don't want to hold on to it."
"These mountains, the Cloud Retainer... brings me peace of mind."
"I forgive her now because I'm not gonna hold that and let it hold me back."
"It's trading expectations for appreciation. That's when suffering stops."
"You've started to accept yourself for who you are, and that actually gives you a sense of peace."
"No matter where she decides to live, we hope Duvall has all the love and peace she deserves."
"Don't sweat the small stuff is if you hear Through the Grapevine such and such said blah blah blah let it go because it's like the universe is going to bring somebody else in to put that person in their place."
"We don't have to let anger and unforgiveness destroy our happiness and relationships."
"If you don't fit within that [vocal majority], then you know, let it go."
"In authentic forgiveness, you may never actually forgive, but you're simply going to allow yourself to let the process unwind and see how you feel as time goes on."
"Your past must have taught you the wrong messages... release anything that keeps you from peace in your life."
"Nothing is more valuable than your peace of mind."
"You have to actually make peace with whatever really hurts you."
"Lower the noise on all of that extra garbage that society has decided to sprinkle upon us."
"The gang is the only place she feels truly free and at peace."
"Tap into the divine loving energy in your heart."
"You don't need anyone else to be awesome. Loving yourself is the key to peace and generosity."
"If you go with this one principle, no one can take away my enthusiasm, no one can disturb my peace."
"If you're having to fight for it, the answer is no. Throw the sword down."
"I don't have to think about that anymore. I'm at peace about this."
"The 12th house is dreaming and bringing it to reality, that's why it's your dreams, it's how you rest, how you sleep at night."
"Break free from toxic situations and just understand peace."
"There is no right or wrong choice. However, for your own inner peace and joy, sense of happiness, regardless of what you choose, it is really important for you to always choose your own healing, your own self-love, self-validation, self-worth."
"Releasing what's not bringing peace leads to blessings and recouping what's lost."
"You don't need to force yourself to detach yourself from something that brought you a lot of happiness."
"Philly versus Shock: an unstoppable force versus an immovable object."
"When you start minding your own business, it's a different kind of bliss."
"Love yourself enough to not entertain the nonsense."
"Maintain your peace, uninterrupted peace for real."
"Rest in Me, don't rest in your own ability, don't rest in your vices, but Rest in Me."
"And I've seen the evidence enough times to know I don't need to take control all the time. I can chill, I can relax."
"I like the Solitude. It helps quiet my mind, keeps the memories at bay."
"Forgiving others releases us from one source of pain and prevents a brand new one."
"Restore harmony, leave the drama behind, and prioritize celebration and balance."
"I release unforgiveness, I release offense, I release hurt feelings."
"Forgiveness doesn't make them right, it just makes me free."
"Don't worry about what other people say about you."
"I'll be okay. I can sleep at night knowing that the criticism towards me is that I'm too welcoming, I'm too kind, I'm too encouraging."
"They feel like when they're not freaked out by the intensity of the connection, when they just allow it to just be, they feel like this really, really beautiful peace with you."
"I've been losing friends and finding peace. Honestly, that sounds like a fair trade to me."
"If I'm gonna leave this religion and be at peace with it, I have to debunk it to the core."
"Things will come together relatively quickly once you really detach and you are just okay with yourself."
"Making peace with social world and believing in self."
"Making peace with yourself is the spiritual change, the spiritual narrative change which happens next week during the square."
"Forgiveness does not mean that what the other person did to us is right. It simply frees us from constantly being damaged by that person."
"It felt like an oasis of sanity in a crazy world."
"Remember, forgiveness isn't about them, it's about releasing yourself from the energy."
"Remove the urgency... any sense of urgency within yourself is going to create dissonance in your reality."
"You're finding peace, you're finding enlightenment, you're really finding yourself."
"I don't want to be stressed out with all the drama."
"Happy is the man that condemns not himself in the thing in which he allows." - Romans 14:22
"Moving toward what makes us happy, what brings abundance, stability, and peace."
"Anything that destroys your peace is the enemy."
"Surrendering... is not giving up; it's letting go of battles you don't need to fight."
"People are moving into calm and peace of mind very soon."
"Forgiveness releases anger. I have not been angry since then."
"Stop worrying about what other people are thinking or saying."
"When you're spiritual, you don't hate people or waste time hating people, you nothing them."
"You don't always have to say anything; you just stay in your vibration and the wrong things drop off."
"You have to reconcile yourself to the fact that not everyone in life is going to like you."
"It's the word that kept me, it's a word that healed me, it's the word that delivered me, it's the word that bought me peace in the midst of turmoil."
"Peace is coming... It's extremely relevant for you to be able to pay attention to yourself and to take care of your needs."
"After everything that we've been through, my goal is just to enjoy life and me, Nicholas."
"Sustain yourself. It's not just about you holding up others or expecting others to do it all. Find the zen and peace within."
"No amount of excuses will make me feel at peace with this."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not to reply. Some battles have no spoil, some battles have no reward."
"Your peace and happiness starts with you being comfortable with life."
"Let go and let them be, it's not worth your energy."
"Forgive them... forgiving allows you to forgive yourself."
"I just ignore it, I don't let negative people affect my life anymore."
"I've made peace with death a long time ago." - Sam Harris
"That's because your spirituality was in the right mindset. Remember how they say, let go and let God. What you did was you said, you know what, that's going to work out. I'm not even going to worry about it, and you let it go and forgot about it."
"Stop stressing if your girl left you stop stressing if you can't find a girl stop stressing that you don't think you'll ever find true romantic love."
"What's the point of arguing? There literally is no point."
"Your life is too short and far too special to be spending our lives worrying about other people's opinions."
"Increase your spirituality. Meditate and relax within yourself."
"The enemy came to steal kill and destroy the enemy came to steal kill and destroy steal your peace kill your joy and destroy you do not let that enemy Prevail."
"I want to make peace with myself, my maker, but I'm not going to make peace with the world just yet."
"Life is kinda simple or at least I can let it be for a moment."
"You have to be able to make tough calls and tough decisions and still be able to lay down at night and sleep and wake up the next morning knowing that you did the right thing."
"Protect your foundation, protect your peace, protect your mind."
"Turn off the phone and stop caring about what others think."
"What if the Rapture happens today? Do you have peace in your heart with the Rapture happening today right now?"
"Judgment is hell and forgiveness is a happy dream."
"Get them the hell about your life and find some peace. You just do you."
"You are entering a time of great love and peace. Be patient, and allow the current storm to clear."
"Help me to trust more and worry less, Holy Spirit. Help me to have more faith and not fear."
"The powerful healing of eternal love is with me now and always. Divine Consciousness fills every cell. I am whole, healthy, vital, and at peace."
"Sensei Ishikawa's quest for vengeance is over."
"Embrace clarity and positive communication. Serenity and honesty pave the way for long-lasting happiness."
"Comparison is the theft of joy... stay in your lane."
"Things are slowing down for you... there is more love, there is more peace and harmony coming in for you."
"Surrender your need to always be right. Surrender to silence. Be quiet in meditation or contemplation."
"There's more to life, turn your back to the things that don't matter."
"Peace for yourself is peace for everyone, right?"