
Decision Quotes

There are 12686 quotes

"We had never discussed me quitting or nothing... it's just a light bulb went off and I go, 'I'm putting in my two weeks.'"
"You know what? I'm done with this burn book."
"Love itself is an action but it's like a container of actions that you decide what to fill it with."
"You're going to have to throw your stake down at some time and say, 'This is what I believe in.'"
"We're gonna go do this and so we were like, 'Oh okay.'"
"You need to move forward. You need to take a chance on this."
"You're going to have to follow your heart here, Virgo."
"I'm not going to listen to Floyd or nobody if I gave my word to the people. I'm just going to do it."
"You're here today because your mother chose life as well."
"Contentment is not a disposition you are born with but a decision that you make."
"I don't see a reason to pull those out at the moment."
"If you're in danger, do it. Yeah, if you're endangered, yes."
"The moment she hears her baby's heartbeat, the odds of her choosing life double."
"After a lovely chat, Leo agreed to make the move to Stardew Valley."
"An elderly woman has chosen to die instead of face another lockdown, and it is one of the most horrifying stories I've ever read."
"It's not a 12-hour stream; it's a good idea."
"I'm literally never going to McDonald's ever again in my life."
"It's not until they meet you that they're going to decide to be in a relationship because you're something different, you're something special."
"I'm done running the streets, doing fast money. I'm done."
"Democrats in 2013 decided that they were tired of Republicans filibustering judicial nominees."
"Supprelin is symbolic of the male values that Jules has internalized... and she's thinking about taking that out."
"This is the clear and urgent choice that we face here at the dawning of what must be a decisive decade for our world, a decade that will quite literally determine our futures."
"I just decided I wanted to do something creative with my time."
"What lay on the other side of this jump could be the difference between life and death, not just for the Autumn's crew, but for humanity as a species."
"At Snow's execution, Katniss shot Coin instead of Snow, payback for her sister's death."
"I have decided to adopt, and she will be here today."
"People may have robo-tripped once and then never do it again."
"I've concluded that it's time to end America's longest war; it's time for American troops to come home."
"To be or not to be, that was the question on Monday."
"A call went to the CEO of Jive, and I think his words were 'Bye, bye, bye'."
"We stand before our nation facing yet another crossroad, a path to be chosen by every American."
"Whatever your decision is today, just thank you for bringing this nightmare to an end."
"Well, I tell you what, let's close it up and take this kitty out."
"The advice is free this time. Take it or don't, as you will."
"To Rest or To Transform? That's the question we're all riding in the shift in consciousness."
"The conscience of these beloved people must be violently shaken so that they may put their house in order. A great moment is approaching, a great day of light; it is the hour of decision for mankind." - Servant of God Maria Esperanza
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time given to us."
"We're starting to reach a point where I might need to consider doing YouTube full-time."
"We would be justified to seek vengeance. But instead, we will choose peace. We must choose peace."
"Would you rather be a Democrat right now or a Republican?"
"With all three nether stones in our grasp, there was only one thing to do: confront the Elder brain and either end it or control it."
"They had made their decision and it was what they wanted with all their hearts."
"Right up to the last minute, they said to their friends, 'Go and buy us two single beds because from now on we will be sleeping in separate beds.'"
"She blasts him out of the way telling him that her answer is still no."
"You got to stand for something or you might fall for anything."
"Looking forward to announcing... my final decision."
"I could have said no, but I said I'll take it."
"I love her choice to leave the 26-year marriage."
"Things would have been worse if she woke up, so that's why I had to do something about it."
"Sephi confidently responded that she would flee with her family as they were her utmost priority."
"Tonight, I make a choice. I don't want to be a follower, I want to be a leader."
"The most important decision that you could ever make is a decision to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior."
"I decided to turn down six hundred thousand dollars every year in YouTube AdSense."
"If someone said to you we need an internet troll we were thinking TJ Miller yes no one else that's it I know we're done."
"Do you guys think I should go in? Let's do it. Three, two, oh, stop Chad!"
"Aaron could not let that possibility, that potential, be out there."
"I think that's enough, I don't need that s***."
"What followed was a Monumental decision that imposed a sweeping 20-year ban on all uranium mining activities in the vast expanse of land surrounding the Grand Canyon."
"Literally within like 72 hours of meeting her, I was like 100% I'm going to marry her."
"Have you definitely, by an act of faith, received Christ? If you haven't, do it tonight."
"The only time that it's over is when you make the decision to quit. It's not when somebody else declares it being over."
"I completely, I am completely on board that both Iron Man and Captain America are retired at the end of Avengers 4 rather than killing them off."
"I don't want to make that intelligent saving throw against the intellect Devourer... I should use intellectual errors."
"Something is going to come to an end... but it's up to you when you're gonna take the spiritual scissors and just cut it out of your life."
"I may get it lasered off and re-engraved, and it's gonna cost me [ __ ] you know 100 or whatever, but yeah."
"Please, please, and an overwhelming 62 percent of you said turn off the fire spread."
"Trump did the right thing by refusing to back down."
"Yeah, but then I just decided not to. I mean, I supported that move if you want to do it but it would have been a little ridiculous."
"Ichigo's admission that he is ready and willing to kill Tsukushima."
"Finally, everybody gets to decide: have you repented while you can repent?"
"You allow somebody to tell y'all, 'You know what? This is over.'"
"I wasn't really sure if I should get any of that stuff or not so but now yeah hell yeah I think I'm totally gonna get it."
"His instinct originally was... none of my business."
"We are now committed, all of us, to leaving the European Union."
"He was overruled, and 'Hybrid Theory' was released to immediate acclaim."
"Enough is enough... I chose to rip it all down."
"He announced his retirement at 29. He said I'm going to do one more and then I'm never going to fight again."
"I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm asking you to hear me out and then you decide if you agree or if you don't."
"Ground control to Major Tom, you really now it's time to leave."
"Democracy is different because we were given the decision and told it wasn't advisory."
"Peril gets up and says he has decided what he's going to do he got blown away by his father and here he had to fight talisker as well so he's going to go after the one giving all the orders and beat up the king of camelot so no one else is hurt."
"The exhibition match is called off immediately."
"If this relationship was the butterfly effect moment that led Shawn Mendes to decide that he wanted to voice a singing cartoon alligator, I would say it was well worth it."
"Petting Baxter one last time, Claudio knew what he had to do: join XCOM and find his children."
"Deciding to embark on your own path and go your own way."
"He's mentally done at Tottenham, but if Vertonghen wants to stay, we need to give it to him."
"I feel nothing. I understand, son. This is not based on feelings. It’s a decision."
"You are correct for desiring to open up a new door and close out an old chapter."
"You're reaching a fork in the road in terms of your life, reaching for something greater, something better. It's about letting go of old habits and hindrances."
"Okay, well I got the money let's see what's going to happen and if they don't respond I'll just outright make the public offer, boom there it is."
"Faith is just believing cause you decided you're gonna, right?"
"You have a choice as to what game you're gonna play."
"We should really call it quits. Yeah, I think we really should."
"The most consequential 'no' in all of recorded history."
"I'm gonna have to back them on this one. they got the right answer."
"I made the decision based on the data I collected to report this information to my superiors and multiple inspectors general and in effect becoming a whistleblower."
"He knew exactly precisely what he was doing when he chose Judas."
"She really turned around and looked at him and she said, 'This, this is what you chose.'"
"But if I gotta go with a better song, it's going to be Crew Love."
"What happens to them now? Good question. I guess you just keep them, put them on your shelf. No, oh no, no."
"He realized it at a time when he could have aborted."
"This vote is going to be the most important vote you've ever cast."
"Let's just rip the Band-Aid off and get it over with."
"Revenge is all I have now. Go, then. I'll stay with you. You're bluffing. I'm not. It's either me or Mushirige, our friendship or your revenge. You have to pick, Chiaki. Friendship."
"You've been looking for a reason to come back."
"It's all to play for in these final laps of Q3."
"I checked into my flight, never looked back."
"Lucy Fisher says that the promise of getting to punch her pretty much sealed the deal."
"If we're going to survive as a species, this is our moment. What do you say? Are we going to be bees or just museum of natural history key chains?"
"I said yes immediately because I could feel in my stomach I got all these butterflies and I'm so excited."
"I'm asking you to marry me, a little fool. I already made my decision. I choose the row standing in front of me."
"The starkest choice for this election... president Trump says we are not locking down again."
"With that I hereby surrender the battle since we would lose everything anyway so goodbye."
"That's even more of a reason to put bomb, do it Joe, don't do it!"
"The people have spoken, so it shall be done."
"We didn't need to wait for a committee to do this for criminal charges to come forth."
"Red's choice at the end is essentially the ultimate manifestation of the Camerata's motto."
"Yeah, Shrek and Donkey. I completely agree, but guess what? No, no." - Rhett
"In a landslide, hamburger and fries." - Rhett
"He's gonna be a star one day, like absolutely Superstar."
"There will be surprisingly many that choose to walk away from God... I'm one of those Jesus people and I believe."
"Forget the necklace, just look for a way out. I can't stay here anymore. Jump over the balcony and get out of here."
"There'll be no more waiting, the indecision kind of comes to an end."
"I don't care about the narrative until that thing is called."
"That's just the way things are now... I no longer want this connection."
"But I do want that moment to just, you know, but it's the walking away, you know."
"Deciding to free yourself, even mid-path, feels right and natural."
"They've already decided that you're the one for them."
"Absolutely crucial that you do the right thing."
"We are at an absolutely crucial juncture in terms of deciding how humanity does or doesn't progress from this point."
"You want to stay with what you have created or move into this new earth."
"A detail which Adidas decided to re-add to the shoe."
"After two months of no grocery shopping, we decided today is the day."
"Peter quill asks Kitty Pryde, 'Will she marry him?'"
"Once I saw it again, I'm like, hell yeah, definitely buying that."
"He may decide to do something big and dramatic like purchase a large meat cleaver and go on a murder spree."
"Don't hesitate this month; there's a chance to go in a new direction."
"If you're excited to see a film then see the film."
"I can't let you leave with him, then I guess you're gonna need to kill another trencher."
"Trust is a choice, a decision, and it's one decision you cannot afford not to make."
"Enough. I will vote Republican if it means the Democrats are gone."
"Fisher Tiger agrees to take koala back to her home."
"Tonight, I'm letting you decide. Spare or destroy?"
"If I had to choose between Salah and Neymar, I would choose Salah."
"Accept or reject Jesus; it's about your eternity."
"Spending years and so much money to get to Canada, and then leaving why would they do that?"
"Believe me, if you have to cut someone out or cut a situation out, it's for your best good."
"Your tear was so far out and can't go back in. You either gotta wipe it or let it fall."
"Uma Thurman turned down the role of Mia Wallace."
"I still think personally he should have done it publicly, but at least the way he handled it, potentially cost himself his job, I have respect for that."
"Love is not a practical reason to be with somebody. Love is a decision." - Mike Rasheed King
"She decides it’s worth it. I mean… it wouldn’t be the first family she’s murdered."
"You're ready to kind of put that down, you're ready to no longer harbor these feelings."
"I'm not a robot and I do feel bad to see her so desperate and distraught, but when I look at my sons playing and laughing with their new friends, I know I've done the right thing."
"The question was clear: Do you want to leave or remain? People voted to leave, that's what we're going to do."
"The time has come. Take up the shattered helm, and we will open the rift."
"Now, I have no choice. I have to go back to Dongguan."
"Finally, a decision has been made, and they've chosen their soulmate."
"I'm never playing Among Us again, this was my last experience."
"I would trade James Conner for Nick Chubb in a heartbeat."
"You would have to accept the offer, Ace of Swords. I'm gonna take that."
"You don't get voted off the island, you're written off it."
"I'm really considering just not playing... maybe we should go make a Final Fantasy guild."
"I locked the church doors and left right then and there not questioning my decision."
"If all you have is two hundred dollars I would absolutely say go out and buy it."
"It's time to leave. It's how you stay alive."
"My internal sense of self didn't change until I made the choice to change my internal sense of self."
"Are we calling you the moose or the bard? It's still to be decided."
"I'm in it... okay I'm done but also I'm still in it."
"I have decided not to endorse this park unfortunately, and there's no shame in that."
"We're making this choice and we're never going back."
"Better late than never, right? I mean, how many thumbs does it take? She's out of here."
"We decided to hold up on our lawsuit because we thought it was a very pivotal time."
"Listing my first products for sale on Etsy was one of the best decisions I've ever made."
"You went to the top of the building but you didn't jump."
"This will be an act of historical significance."
"This song is just about being a human being. I've realized every single big problem you create for yourself before every huge mess you have to clean up, there's this crucial moment where you could have just said no."
"The worst decision of her life would prove to end this 20-plus year saga."
"Let it burn, it's a final decision, no going back."
"As much as I'm bummed by it selfishly, I think this is a home run."
"I think Dolka is the better option most of the time."
"Steel is real, yeah, but have you seen the price of this aluminum one? Absolute bargain."
"Are you gonna do something about it or are you just gonna sit there and hope?"
"This is a decisive moment in our country and in our future."
"Christ has provided the way to the narrow road that leads to eternal life. What are you going to do about it?"
"He immediately retired from his job as a mechanic."
"A clear decision by the International Court of Justice."
"A scenario where the risk of migration despite its dangers is seen as a better alternative."
"This full moon is the line... enough is enough."
"Andrew Luck decided to attend the 'Harvard of the West' as he attended Stanford University."
"There is only one choice and that would be to purchase a higher mileage 430 Scuderia and then send it to Texas to have the boys at European Auto Group do one of their six-speed swaps."
"If I were shopping for a half-ton truck today in America, the Silverado would certainly be towards the top of my shopping list."
"They definitely do, they're making a decision here, they're ready for change."
"Do it for six weeks and then decide if you want to keep doing it."
"It all comes down to this, one more map to decide."
"Meyer was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump after the January 6 attack."
"If I had to pick one right now out of Paladins and Overwatch, which one was the better game then I think it is definitely..."
"With the second pick in the 2007 NFL Draft, the Detroit Lions take wide receiver Calvin Johnson."
"This is gonna determine who's gonna win this game."