
Military Tactics Quotes

There are 727 quotes

"Drone attacks on Russian oil refineries represent a strategic move to hit Russia financially, targeting the high-value products of the oil refining process."
"Force multiplier firearms and things aside, the ability for the individual soldier to notice something and take advantage of it in the moment."
"The notion of Serbian agency in the context of their military tactics not being just counter-insurgency but a full culling."
"Drones are horrible; they're tactics of terror. It's terrorism on the largest scale that we've seen on this planet."
"The combination of vehicle disabling followed by a final drone shot has been one of the hallmarks of this conflict and potentially a big shift in armored doctrine in modern combat."
"Suppression fire is a new and surprisingly usable one."
"Uncompromising prosecution, friendly Militarum Tempestas within six inches improve their AP of their attacks by one."
"The Crocodile was good at getting people to surrender, with 5425 men surrendering in the actions between June and October 1944."
"The Ukrainians have been pretty effective in using these rocket systems to service a certain family of targets, HQs, ammunition depots, etc."
"Ukraine has managed to effectively checkmate the Russian Navy in the Black Sea without even having a Navy of their own."
"The success of our patrols depended not so much on the number of Nazis we killed but on capturing some alive and bringing them back to our forward command post."
"The Zerg are masters of ground combat in a way that the Empire can only contest with massive troop deployments in central locations."
"Your job isn't just to rack up a body count. Your job is to sow uncertainty and doubt."
"The best form of defense is attack. So, where do you attack to keep the pressure off your own forces, even if you don't have any great expectation of a big breakthrough on the battlefield?"
"Ukraine's dummy equipment includes much more than air defense systems."
"During World War II, in Russia, they had trained dogs with bombs strapped onto their backs to run under tanks... these dogs couldn't differentiate between a Russian tank or an enemy tank."
"The sheer psychological impact these imposing mechanized beasts had on the enemy soldiers was profound."
"The evidence on Palestinian militants, Hamas fighters engaging in human shielding, is near zero."
"They're growing bolder and have become experts in IEDs and drones."
"A strategy to win a decisive battle is not a strategy to win a war."
"The heavy cavalry is exactly what we want to do."
"The art of field camouflage and the improvement of natural obstacles to an enemy's advance were brought to a high pitch of perfection."
"Russian artillery superiority enables so many of Russia's other tactics in Ukraine."
"Could this controversial alliance be just what devilish little Hannibal needed to kickstart a second war with Rome and restore Carthaginian dominance?"
"The Germans used their numbers very effectively."
"The Ukrainian Army is led by seasoned commanders who have devised ingenious ways to break the land bridges."
"Nothing unifies our people together like invading."
"The Ukrainian kamikaz drones are killing what is left of the Russian column"
"It's part of the Art of War—when you're strong seem weak."
"Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."
"You don't need a world-beating military in order to do immense damage to civilian infrastructure and run up casualty figures."
"Russian advances stretch Ukrainian lines, accelerating losses and operational crisis."
"Invisible to the eye, impossible to resist, imperative in combat."
"A military tactician like Napoleon has to keep his plans and his secrets secure."
"The Ukrainians are very good at small arrow tactics."
"Hold out baits to entice the enemy... feign disorder and crush him."
"Our strategic bombers here, we might want to tell them to only operate at night; they're very, very, very unlikely to get intercepted at all."
"The use of mortars and artillery signals about the preparation for the offensive actions."
"In doing so, Ukrainians managed to reduce the gray zones between Ukrainian and Russian positions."
"Khalid ibn Al Walid exploited this prodigious mobility to frustrate and exhaust a Sassanid imperial army in what is perhaps the greatest example of its use."
"This is the first time the Russians understand that their Israeli presence can actually stand in their way."
"It's just another thing in the whole calculus of world war."
"It's a way of War where the only way to stop you is to kill you completely."
"The truth is if China has carefully watched the American Military conduct combat operations the world over and has developed weapons and tactics aimed specifically at mitigating standard practices."
"Cavalry is basically the same but with one obvious difference: their role on horseback."
"A Japanese trap became an American Ambush and totally transformed Naval Warfare."
"The morale of the British is to be broken by mass bombing under cover of darkness."
"For the first time in the Second World War, Luftwaffe fighter pilots cannot escape from danger with their famous tactic of the half roll and dive."
"Attack first and then we'll use diplomacy after we attack, this is absurd."
"The attack managed to disrupt the enemy's offensive potential and caused serious damage to Russia's military ammunition."
"That's the whole 'fight them here so you don't have to fight them there' game plan."
"Russia really is, in trying to make up numbers here, tending to deploy these DPR/LPR troops in many cases as cannon fodder."
"Ukrainian soldiers became Heroes when they flew low to avoid Russian air defenses."
"The Russians chose very correct tactic... if they continue keeping their forces on the ground pinned down... they will have losses."
"Russia is not that idiot in every film who screams while firing their gun on full automatic until it clicks on an empty chamber and then everyone guns them down."
"The goal is to stop the Russian military machine and it's probably working all without firing a shot."
"If you don't understand the steps and the phases of the battle, you lose. You always lose."
"So you got to be very careful the cavalry is probably about evenly balanced between the two time periods as well as far as usefulness it really just depends on how the player uses it."
"The banzai charge became a weapon of last resort."
"It's going to be a massive show of force that it's going to be grinding but that it also seems to have more military chance of success than the earlier tactics." - Reporter
"Attacking where it hurts: Ukraine's best shot."
"And identifying drones that can laser designate for Krasnopol rounds... is absolutely critical for how the war is going to go on."
"The basic concepts of reconnaissance don't change."
"It's not cowardly to pick low-hanging fruit. Don't attack heavily guarded areas to fulfill your Super Soldier Call of Duty fantasy."
"Ukraine's tactical acumen has been on full display, adapting a wide array of tactics to achieve specific operational ends."
"Russia has not sought a 'shock and awe' approach but has chosen to capture cities in a methodical way."
"Ukraine Defenders continue to contradict the Russian Invaders not only from the front but also from the deep rear."
"another way we should consider like how to stop terrorism is just destroy Isis"
"Relentless pressure must be maintained on the Russian occupation throughout the winter." - Richard Barons
"This offensive is absolutely succeeding in creating Panic, creating hysteria, despair, anger."
"Their overall fleet speed was very high because it meant that they could engage and disengage at pretty much at will."
"The greatest victory lies in defeating the enemy even before a war has begun."
"In other words: take the initiative; attack first; attack fast; attack where the enemy is weak and prevent him from concentrating his forces."
"Until he feels that his own regime is at risk, it's hard to see him looking for an exit ramp."
"Quick reverse speed: effective for shooting scoot tactics."
"The Russian army was dealt an unanticipated setback by the shocking ambush of Ukrainian soldiers."
"The whole idea is to spread the damage out and destroy as many soft targets as possible. The intervalometer allows for that."
"Looking back over 100 years ago with the birth of combined arms Warfare it seems puzzling that the Germans initially dismissed the tank."
"The superb operation of the Crimea Fire Group caught the Russian troops off guard."
"People are terrified that the Russians, if they cannot move as quickly as they want to, will do things like possibly encircle Kiev and just bomb it."
"Ukraine is capitalizing on Russia's incompetence."
"According to the story, Publius Decius Mus mounted his horse and suicidally charged headlong into the enemy ranks."
"We need to allow people the room to breathe and change and better themselves."
"Urban warfare involves one of the most challenging infantry combat techniques."
"It's those pesky tank destroyers that sit at the back hidden, you don't see them and they just pound you over and over and over again."
"Avoid just pushing the front lines and also try and make encirclements as you go."
"If you consider what Russia has done, is killed Ukrainian civilians and bombed cities with no military objective, necessarily, except to devastate the cities and then walk in and take them over."
"He's still really great as a primary commander if what you want to do is run around smashing farmers."
"Skirmish style: hit and run, flanking... all that great stuff."
"Speed would be essential to strike before the orcs could properly respond."
"The reality of air combat was the swooping ambush, the bounce, hitting sudden, hard, and fast."
"Iran's biggest threat at the moment is swarm tactics."
"Ukraine cannot fight this war like NATO fights their wars."
"If your enemy is trying to retreat, build them a golden bridge."
"Underestimating your enemy is basically the worst mistake you can ever do in war."
"The Russians had a scientific approach to Warfare."
"Russia's warfare doctrine is only one part military, and actually, the areas that supposedly are invested in more heavily are the informational space."
"Let's defend the city, let's move all units to the south, get some turrets online."
"Just circle around them and keep them pinned into this one area."
"It's not about the tank, it's about spreading out and searching and securing."
"Ukrainians have found a way... to keep pressure on Russia."
"The effective destruction of enemy tanks and artillery guns underlined Ukrainian tactical superiority."
"Cyber operations like this illustrate the evolving nature of modern warfare."
"Grand strategy is the art of looking beyond the battle and calculating ahead."
"Only in July did Saladin reconquer Jaffa, but lost it again to the Lionheart in August."
"Overall seems pretty scary a big beat down gun line with a whole lot of general purpose Firepower big re-rolls from Gilman and some very scary desolation happening with the enemies units getting hoovered up by the Desolation Squad..."
"Thank god we cleared that position out, it's the heaviest opposition so far."
"Zapata tried to fight back using Carranza's own tactics."
"Mark the beginning of the American war of independence the rebels were outnumbered and had to fall back to Concord as the British split up to search for Rebel supplies however more and more Patriot Rebels kept showing up."
"The true role of infantry is not to wither away under merciless machine gunfire but on the contrary, to advance under the maximum possible protection of the maximum possible array of mechanical resources."
"If the Russians want to deploy enough air power to a particular location on the front line they can essentially achieve near-air superiority in the local area."
"We won the land battle, let's merge up and head down here."
"Using brilliant technological feats, Alexander eventually captured the island."
"The floodgates are open but another Pike unit moves up into position."
"Sometimes attacking the supply line is more effective than attacking the main host."
"Whenever you see a small gap, put your troops in a very narrow column and push them forward."
"They planned for all troops to Ambush and Magic units to attack at the same time."
"Fortunately for Ukraine, costly repeated attacks into prepared defensive positions are a Russian speciality."
"Modern warfare comes down much more to who can detect the enemy first and can you shoot the archer so you don't have to shoot down all of their arrows."
"Eren made the decision to infiltrate Liberio and carry out the attack on his own without prior approval from his superiors in the Survey Corps."
"History repeats itself—the siege of Nice ends the same way like it did historically with a Franco-Ottoman victory over the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, Genoa."
"You're going to have a period of seconds where the targets are probably the most exposed they are going to be."
"Both Russia and Ukraine have forces that thrive on artillery availability, even if they use their systems somewhat differently."
"The idea was basically if a zeppelin shows up you might launch two or three and try and Chase it off or shoot it down that way."
"Operating independently in little self-escorting groups."
"Essentially building their Fleet around the idea of hitting an incoming hostile Fleet with destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft."
"The Polish offensive got off to a fast start and they smashed the Red lines immediately."
"We might see interesting development in naval tactics and operations."
"The way they combat that is they open up a much wider front."
"He who sees the enemy first, will probably shoot first, and will probably win."
"There will be dirty, nasty War crimey tricks."
"You're gonna use airstrikes, armored vehicles, helicopter strikes."
"To win a war, it's not just about defeating armies in the battlefield."
"Reconnaissance is at its best when movement needs to be quiet, calculated, and precise."
"By employing this strategy again and again against Russians who refused to try other approaches, you can see how Ukrainian defenders destroyed over 100 tanks and armored vehicles in a matter of weeks around Vuhledar."
"A single Russian tank can sometimes sneak very close to a Ukrainian bunker to destroy it."
"Quality ideas for your first idea group...because we will be utilizing our Navy quite heavily."
"The actions of the defending Ukrainian soldiers during the drone operation were truly remarkable, demonstrating their courage, tactical skills, and commitment to defending their homeland."
"Eradicators...perhaps the most efficient anti-tank Squad in the entire Space Marine codex."
"The bayonet's most famous use in the Civil War was in defense of Little Round Top at Gettysburg."
"Yi makes it about cannons about sinking ships and this is why you get sway time and time again with almost no casualties."
"Whenever you can leverage like a window and arranged weapon during a raid it's actually really, really nice."
"Excellent ambush by Sweden, I love it, great patience and great execution there, did a good job."
"Taliban must have been using BB guns out there. We must Airsoft them. One pump baby. Good Lord, what losers!"
"They're giving us a master class in how to execute high-intensity Warfare in the modern environment."
"I really like this way of fighting because it goes ahead and encourages better, I guess it goes ahead and promotes a dense formation."
"A blockade of the Indian and Pacific oceans would be easily achieved."
"Push hard for Quad Drive yards and just hope they don't have a massive Fleet there."
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would also comment on the victory saying, 'The Russian army these days is demonstrating its best ability to show its back within Russia.'"
"The nature of the warfare will be that of grinding attrition."
"The next accusation of foolishness comes from the fact that Varus failed to uncover the ambush."
"The tactic of gaining a mission kill by depleting defensive missile magazines is termed winning the salvo exchange."
"It was a coup worthy of Hannibal himself and a mortal blow to the Carthaginians."
"History is built by those who integrate technology with Doctrine, training, and application."
"It's how effective are you at killing, destroying, pillaging, and plundering."
"We heard from a senior defense official that some Russian forces have actually moved away from that city and may be moving northwest as part of the ongoing offensive."
"The Ukrainian Army made a move that will change all the balances of the war."
"The constant pressure gives the Iraqis no time to redeploy, to face the menace in their rear."
"The enemy did not achieve its objectives in any of its directions."
"The tactic was simple but devastatingly effective... if the ambush was well timed it was almost unbeatable."
"Imperial Fists have a strategy literally called 'Pain is a lesson.' You know they like their stuff."
"Before the arrival of the Great Army in 865, Scandinavian warbands in Britain mostly operated autonomously from one another and generally lacked unity."
"We want to be that mysterious, terrifying force that comes, destroys, and vanishes as quick as it came."
"It is the best possible outcome if a hostile enemy can be neutralised simply by disrupting their supplies without losing manpower in a full-on engagement."
"In the forest and urban combat, its high firepower shines."
"The combat value was naturally very high because the weasel is highly mobile, very fast, and agile. It follows the infantry wherever the infantry can go."
"Competence...the fundamental key...everyone counts...without competence we're setting ourselves up for real problems." - Chris Hadfield
"Germanicus launched a brutal two-pronged attack against the Chatti."
"Germanicus planned a massive three-pronged attack to surround the Cherusci."
"The Romans drove the enemy from the battlefield."
"The Abrams armor was so good that not a single crewman was lost in the battle."
"As the war in Ukraine has shown, tanks are not as important as they once were. They have largely become long-range infantry support vehicles that allow ground troops to move forward under the cover of their fire."
"A mission kill is often just as valuable as a hard kill."
"Rommel was famously a tactician. He had exactly two tactics... He was still able to beat back the British in spite of being so ridiculously outnumbered."
"Nobody laughed when a commando unit suddenly hijacked a unit of three Deathstrike missile launchers."
"At almost every turn, Hannibal outwitted the Romans, infiltrating their armies with informants."
"They decided to concentrate the fleet on the newly captured planet of Sullust and attack with their full force."
"Let your plans be stealthy and then Blitzkrieg okay the exact quote is something to the effect of let your plans be dark as night and strike down like a thunderbolt that illuminates the darkness in a split second."
"Being able to chip away at some of those Russian capabilities, reducing the pressure on their forces on the ground."
"Moves like this could be a sign they don't care what our response is because they know there will be a worse response if they actually try to invade and seize Taiwan."
"If you're not moving forward in battle, you're moving backwards."
"Submarines really don't like getting attacked by aircraft."
"If you have air superiority then blocking ground advances doesn't matter because you can reach over them with aircraft."
"Explosions put an exclamation point at the end of whatever you're trying to communicate to the enemy."
"Suddenly we have a ton of engagements going on everywhere."
"Perimeter defense could have a chance of working only with great strength."
"Talon was lying in the middle of a minefield..."
"The Ukrainians are going to be looking to go on the offensive... isolate Crimea."
"Known for her proficiency in small unit tactics and close combat engagements." - Roslyn "Rose" Helms
"Disabling a road mobile launcher is simple: the vehicle only needs to be overturned."
"Sleep is the key to life. It's before anything."
"The reality of this difficult fight has led to some unusually blunted missions."
"That last trench line here was a pathetic showing from the snow troopers, really abysmal."
"The Ukrainian Army's sequence of ground and aerial attacks continues to terrify the invading Russian forces."
"A similar design makes it easier to deploy vegetation and camouflage netting to block enemy aerial surveillance."
"The first star fighter to spot the enemy almost always wins."
"He grasped instinctively how a local population could use its position and its landscape to defeat a foreign military occupation."
"Timing is critical; a well-timed arrival of reinforcements can turn your fortune around."
"Use superior strategy and tactics to enable a far smaller force to win."
"That would be you, you'd sneak up on another General."