
Medicare Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"When it comes to Medicare, you're not going to save any money by doing it yourself. The price is always the same whether you do it yourself or you use a broker or captive agent."
"If anyone tries to cut Social Security, Medicare, or raise retirement age again, I will stop them."
"33 million Medicare beneficiaries will soon receive a card in the mail containing $200 that they can use to help pay for prescription drugs."
"We're going to protect people's social security and Medicare; people paid into that their whole life."
"To say that dental care and hearing aids and eyeglasses should be a part of Medicare makes all the sense in the world."
"They've been trying to get rid of Social Security and Medicare for decades." - Discussion participant
"Let's give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. Health care should be a right, not a privilege in America."
"We're going to protect social security and medicare, you have my word."
"We vastly expanded Medicare telehealth services."
"Average basic Part D premiums have dropped thirteen point five percent and average Medicare Advantage premiums have dropped twenty seven percent."
"They want you to forget that they want to cut Social Security and Medicare."
"It's unfair, it's wrong, we should have Medicare for all in this country."
"I believe most Americans want Medicare for all."
"I want a Medicare Advantage plan. I've been on it for 13 months. I've been on it for 23 months and I've never had a problem whatsoever."
"People that are new to Medicare often have no idea where they really should go."
"Moving the Medicare age down to 60 becomes off the table because no one moves left after the primaries over."
"There's Medicare for all or there's nothing."
"This is something Medicare has never been able to do before by law not because they weren't willing to." - Dr. Kabita Patel
"Tulsi Gabbard does not support Medicare for all and she needs to stop saying she supports it."
"I support Medicare for all that would guarantee that health care for every single American in this country."
"Medicare for the most part is actually really good. It works very well as your health insurance pretty much for the rest of your life."
"I would absolutely recommend staying with original Medicare. It just makes your life so much easier, gives you so much choice."
"Our healthcare system is a sick joke, and no one should ever vote for a candidate who doesn't say Medicare for all."
"Permanent payroll tax cut would be disastrous for Social Security and Medicare."
"Stand up for seniors. We will not cut Social Security. We will not cut Medicare."
"We specialize in one thing and that is Medicare."
"We need Medicare for all. It's the future of America."
"Former President Truman got to see his idea come to life, and he got to play a major role in it when he and his wife, Bess, were the first two Medicare beneficiaries."
"My only bias is to make sure that you don't get screwed over as a senior on Medicare."
"Democrats are protecting Social Security, Medicare coverage, and fighting for infrastructure."
"They released this study trying to show Medicare for all cost 30 trillion dollars or whatever, but they actually showed it spent less."
"The bill would expand Medicare to cover dental, hearing aids, and eyeglasses."
"Try being the center of the country which wants lower Medicare drug prices through negotiations."
"Your Medicare Advantage is safe. Your benefits are protected."
"I also announced that more than 35 million Medicare beneficiaries will soon receive a card in the mail with $200."
"In general any prescription that you pick up at a pharmacy or by mail order after your doctor writes a script would be covered under your Medicare part D plan."
"It's important to know that all the Medicare part D prescription drug plans end on December 31st of each and every year. These are one year calendar year plans."
"In 2026, Medicare will be able to negotiate prices on some drugs."
"You can apply for Medicare part D as long as you are eligible for Medicare part A."
"We desperately need Medicare for all in this country."
"Medicare for all saves thousands more lives because people have health care guaranteed to them."
"We need Medicare for all so people can have access to the help that they need."
"We have to expand Medicare to cover dental care, hearing aids, and eyeglasses."
"Always protect Medicare and Social Security."
"The clear winner here is the Supplement Plan."
"The peace of mind and freedom knowing that you have access to 99% of providers across the country is awesome."
"Thank you for taking the time to invest in your Medicare knowledge as always I appreciate you."
"Medicare Part A we know has a $0 monthly premium for most people."
"If I'm only paying my Part B premium then I'm only paying about $2,096 per year."
"Medicare Advantage plans replace your Medicare Parts A and B."
"There are legitimate policy arguments in favor of a Medicare access approach as opposed to a Medicare-for-all approach."
"...and the key to understanding this is that this metag Gap oep is tied to the B dat of Medicare..."
"For the first time in American history, Medicare is negotiating with the pharmaceutical industry to lower some of the most expensive prescription drugs in America."
"Medicare's system for prescription drug costs is changing."
"This birthday rule does not apply when we first go on Medicare."
"With original Medicare, the for-profit insurance companies are taken entirely out of the decision-making process."
"We're gonna get Medicare for all."
"And in 2015, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services added lung cancer screening with low dose chest CT as a benefit for their patients."
"When you go to a doctor or a hospital and they say what's your coverage, you say it's my Medicare card here my red white and blue card Part A Part B that's primary."
"They've made it so that Medicare can negotiate prices to get lower prices for people."
"The two main parts to Medicare, what we call traditional Medicare or original Medicare, is made up of Parts A and B."
"Part A is your hospital insurance, Part B is your medical insurance."
"The greatest feature of original Medicare is that you're no longer limited to a network."
"With original Medicare, you can see any doctor, go to any medical facility in the U.S. or its territories."
"Your experience with a Medicare supplement plan is your experience with Medicare."
"With Original Medicare, you and your doctor control your healthcare, not an insurance company."
"You can see any doctor or go to any hospital in the United States or its territories as long as they accept Medicare."
"Once you have a Medicare supplement plan, no one can cancel your coverage, no one can change your coverage or your benefits."
"Medicare does a great job at rescuing seniors from bankruptcy."
"If you have a Medicare supplement plan and if you have a Plan F, you pay zero, you're 100 covered."
"Medicare has taken all the cost sharing away from the member for these COVID-related situations."
"Medicare is individual coverage; everything is specific to the individual."
"I am very grateful that I have what's called in this country Medicare."
"Medicare for All is comprehensive. It covers all health care needs for senior citizens."
"A program like Medicare for All would likely solve this and every other health problem produced by the coronavirus pandemic."
"At 65, something changes, and that is Medicare, and often that really just changes everything."
"Having Medicare Part B and your FDHP can create a really comprehensive plan so that when you go into the most expensive medical time of your life, you have a super comprehensive plan that has very limited out-of-pocket costs."
"She's fighting for Medicare for all; seventy percent of Americans want Medicare for all."
"Public more likely to favor than to oppose a national Medicare for all health plan."
"If there's a Medicare doctor or clinic that will save your life but they are 1000 miles away, your insurance will cover you."
"As president, I will always protect Social Security and Medicare for our great seniors."
"I've helped over a hundred thousand people understand what Medicare is, how much it costs, what does it cover."
"We have promises to keep; we made promises about Medicare, we made promises about Social Security."
"Medicare covered skilled care services involve safe and effective care given by skilled nursing or rehabilitative staff."
"That's why we're hearing a lot about Medicare for all, including some plans going as far as banning private health insurance companies altogether."
"The universal coverage of medical and hospital needs under Medicare and the existing framework of income maintenance benefits provide support in this country for all eligible people."
"Medicare, the coalition is the best friend that Medicare has ever had."
"Every dollar we're making is going to be subject to the Medicare tax."
"The majority of people are eligible for Medicare at 65."
"Each part of Medicare covers a different type of health care services that we need."
"Medicare was introduced to help address the equity of access to health facilities and services."
"Medicare for all delivers the highest quality care at the lowest price point with the most patient choice."
"I've been proud to champion Medicare for all."
"Now Medicare can negotiate drug prices."
"Most people get Medicare A at zero premium; it's called premium-free Medicare."
"Medicare provided medical assistance and insurance for elderly Americans."
"At the end of every year, Social Security and Medicare announce the financial changes that are going to go into effect the coming year."
"If you come to a place where you know you're going to have to make some Medicare decision pretty soon, the best way to do that is to book a call with one of our Medicare guides."
"We will have Medicare for all when tens of millions of people are prepared to stand up."
"Cap the cost of insulin at 35 bucks for seniors, allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for the first time ever."